Setting Up Oracle Procurement Contracts

This chapter covers the following topics:

Setting Up Organizations For Contract Terms

To use Oracle Procurement Contracts, you must define organizations in the Oracle Human Resources application. For more information, see Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide. Defining your organizations is the first step in the Procurement Contracts implementation since the contract terms library as well as procurement and sourcing documents are managed in these organizations.

Note: If your procurement contracts implementation is global (you intend to use the solution world-wide across your different organizations or divisions) you must identify one global organization for the purpose of creating clauses and templates in the contract terms library.

In addition, you must make the following business-related decisions to determine how your organizations need to be setup to implement Procurement Contracts:

Once these decisions are made, you are ready to setup contracts. To do this, you will find the operating unit classification in the organizations definition pages. For the operating unit listed in the Organization Classifications region, set up the following Contract Terms options:


To set up operating units:

  1. Log in to the Human Resources responsibility.

  2. Open the Find Organization window.

    Navigation: Work Structures -> Organization -> Description.

  3. Select the desired operating unit from the list of values.

  4. Click the Find button.

  5. In the Organization Classifications region, place the cursor in the Operating Unit classification.

  6. Click the Others button.

  7. Select the Contract Terms Setup option from the list of values.

  8. In the Contract Terms Setup window, enter values for the following options:

    • Auto Adopt Global Clauses: This enables automatic adoption of global clauses in a local operating unit. The clauses do not have to be approved separately in the local operating unit if the Auto Adopt option is set to Yes.

    • Library Administrator for Buy Intent: Set a library administrator Buy intent to receive notifications when a global clause is created and needs adoption in the local operating unit.

    • Library Approver for Buy Intent: Set a library approver for Buy intent to route workflow approval notifications for clauses and templates.

    • Clause Sequence Category: Provide a value here if you want to activate the AutoNumbering function for clauses in the operating unit. Leave it blank if you want to number clauses manually. See: Setting Up AutoNumbering.

    Note: Users who are defined as FND_USERS, using the System Administrator responsibility, can only be assigned the role of Library Administrators or Library Approvers. If the users are no longer valid, you must manually update the information in the contract terms setup. For example, if an employee is no longer with your organization, ensure that the relevant updates are made to the setup that was explained earlier.

Implementing Multiple Organizations Access Control

The Multiple Organizations (Multi-Org) access control feature enables you to define the operating units within a specific responsibility that users can have access to. You can set up Multi-Org access control in the Contract Terms Library which enables users to access multiple operating units from one responsibility. In prior releases of Oracle Contracts, access to an operating unit through a responsibility was controlled using the MO: Operating Unit profile option. Users could define this profile option and access the library for the specific operating unit.

To define security profiles

  1. Log in to the Human Resources responsibility.

  2. Open the Profile page.

    Navigation: Security > Profile page

  3. Provide a name for the profile.

  4. Select a business group to which all the operating units belong. If you have not defined your own business groups, select the default business group.

  5. In the Security type field, select the “Secure Organizations by organization hierarchy and/or organization list” option from the list of values.

  6. Navigate to the Organization Security tab. At this stage, you can select one of the following options:

    • Navigate to the Classification region and provide a list of operating units and their names. This will be the list of operating units under the security profile.

    • Select an organization in the Organization Hierarchy field. To use this option, you must first set up an organization hierarchy. See: Setting Up Organization Hierarchy.

  7. Save your work.

  8. Run the Security List Maintenance program.

    • You should select the One Named Security Profile option as the value for the Generate Lists for parameter and then provide the value of the security profile that you just created.

    • If you have multiple security profiles, you can run this program as many times as necessary. Also, you must run this program after you update the security profile definitions.

To set up the organization hierarchy

  1. Log in to the Human Resources responsibility.

  2. Open the Organization Hierarchy page.

    Navigation: Workstructures > Organization >Hierarchy

  3. Provide a hierarchy name.

  4. Save your work.

  5. Provide the version number and start date.

  6. Save your work and close the window.

  7. Query the hierarchy that you just created.

  8. Navigate to the Subordinates region.

  9. If you receive a warning message that indicates “The organization is not current as at the start date,” ignore it and provide the list of operating units that you want to include in the hierarchy.

  10. Save your work.

Profile Options and Profile Options Categories

Consider the following profile options when implementing Oracle Procurement Contracts. Generally, the system administrator sets and updates profile values. See: Setting User Profile Options, Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide - Maintenance.

Profile options are grouped into one or more profile option categories enabling you to view only the profile options that pertain to your application or function.

List Of Procurement Contracts Profile Categories

List Of Procurement Contracts Profile Options

Contracts Security Category

The table below lists the profile options that impact Contracts Security. This profile category is used to group all the profiles used to enforce security in Oracle Procurement Contracts.

Contracts Security Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
Contracts Intent Access Control   Update Update Update Update Update
OKC: Terms Library Intent   Update Update Update Update Update

Contracts Intent Access Control

When you define a contract and indicate the contract type, the system derives the contract's intent, which is an indication of whether the contract is buy-side, sell-side, or neither. Each contract type can be associated only with one intent. The possible values for Intent are Buy, Sell, Other, or any combination of these. This profile option restricts the users when that are creating or viewing Repository contracts, and when they are using the Contracts Workbench.

Note: If this profile option is not set, the user will have access to all three intents.

OKC: Terms Library Intent

Use this profile option to restrict the Intent while creating a clause, template, or rules in the terms library. You can set the profile option value to Buy, Sell, or All. However, for Oracle Procurement Contracts the value should be set to Buy

Note: If you leave this profile option blank, it will have the same effect as setting it to All.

Contracts Setup Category

The table below lists the profile options that impact Contracts Setup. This profile category is used to group all the profiles used in the setup of Oracle Procurement Contracts, including the contract terms library, contract expert, repository as well as contract authoring

Contracts Setup Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
EDR: E-records and E-signatures   Update Update     Update
MO: Default Operating Unit         Update  
MO: Security Profile   Update Update   Update Update
OKC: Clause Import XML File Location     Update      
OKC: Contract Expert Enabled     Update      
Contract Repository Auto-Numbering Enabled     Update      
OKC: Generate deviations report for approval       Update    
OKC: Global Operating Unit     Update      
OKC: Layout Template for Contract Deviations Report       Update    
OKC:Use Clause Number in Contracts     Update Update    
PO: Auto Apply Default Contract Templates   Update Update Update Update Update
PO: Contracts Enabled   Update Update      
PO: Generate Amendment Documents   Update Update Update Update Update
Self Service Accessibility Feature   Update Update Update Update Update

EDR: E-records and E-signatures

Use this profile option to enable electronic signature functionality. For more information about electronic and manual signatures, see Approve and Sign Contracts.

MO: Default Operating Unit

Optionally use this profile, in conjunction with the MO: Security Profile, to set a default operating unit for creating contracts. The value of this profile must be one of the operating units in the MO: Security Profile.

MO: Security Profile

Use this profile option to determine which operating unit or group of operating units have access to the Procurement Contracts responsibility. To set up this profile option, you need to first implement the Multi-Org Access feature.

OKC: Clause Import XML File Location

Use this profile option to specify the location of the XML file containing the clauses and other data that are to be imported into the Contract Terms Library.

OKC: Contract Expert Enabled

Indicates whether Contract Expert is used by an organization. Contract Expert is not enabled if the profile option value is set to No.

Contract Repository Auto-Numbering Enabled

If this profile option is set to Yes, the system will assign numbers automatically to the new contracts created in Contract Repository. If you set the profile option to No, the application users must enter contract numbers manually. Contract numbers must be unique across all manually and automatically generated numbers.

OKC: Generate deviations report for approval

Use this profile option to control whether the deviations report is attached to the approval workflow notification. If the profile option is set to No, the system will not attach the deviations report to the notification.

For Oracle Sourcing, set the profile option to Not Applicable to remove this option from the Review Contract Deviations page.

OKC: Global Operating Unit

Use this profile option to define your global organization.

Caution: Changing the value of this profile option, once it has been set, is not recommended. This could cause data issues with clauses and templates in the Contract Terms Library.

OKC: Layout Template for Contract Deviations Report

Identifies the layout template to control the format of the deviations report that is attached to the approval workflow notification.

OKC:Use Clause Number in Contracts

Use this profile option to control whether the clause number is also displayed with the clause title when viewing contract terms in the structured view during contract authoring. For more information about structured terms, see the online help topics in Oracle Procurement Contracts.

PO: Auto Apply Default Contract Templates

Indicates if the default contracts template should be auto-applied to the purchasing document or not during the creation of the document.

PO: Contracts Enabled

To enable Oracle Procurement Contracts, you need to set the value of this profile to Yes. After completing any subsequent purchasing transaction, changing the value of this profile option to No may lead to data corruption and is not recommended.

PO: Generate Amendment Documents

To print the Amendment section in the contract document, set the value to Yes.

Self Service Accessibility Feature

Set to No to use the Rich Text feature in authoring clauses.

Setting Up Approvers and Approval Workflow

The system supports defining a single approver for each of the Buy and Sell intents as standard out-of-the-box functionality. Use the Operating Units setup to identify approvers of clauses and templates in the global and local operating units. For more information, see the Setting Up Operating Units section.

You can customize the approval flows for clauses and templates to route it to multiple approvers or change approvers based on additional context using Oracle Workflow. For more information, see the Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.

The workflow names are

Approval Workflows in Integrated Modules

The following table lists the workflows that govern the approval of a sourcing or purchasing document that includes Oracle Procurement Contracts clauses and templates:

Technical Name Workflow Name
PONAPPRV Sourcing Approval
PONAWAPR Sourcing Award Approval

You can customize approval flows. For more information, see the Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.

These workflows are delivered with Oracle Purchasing and Oracle Sourcing, and can be used to route purchasing documents and their associated contracts for special contractual approval.

Setting Up Lookup Codes

Refer to the Look Up Codes appendix for the list of system, user, and extensible lookup codes. Use these tables to identify the lookup codes that you must define for your implementation. Use the Application Object Library Lookups window to define the lookup codes.

Note: Modifying seeded lookup values can corrupt data that was created using the lookup values. You cannot end date or disable seeded values.

Enabling Keyword Search

The Procurement Contract Terms Library supports searching by keyword for both clauses and templates. To effectively use this search feature, you must run the following concurrent processes on a periodic basis:

Setting Up Layout Templates

To format and publish PDF versions of contract documents, Oracle Procurement Contracts uses specific layout templates in Oracle XML Publisher, an application in the Oracle E-Business Suite.

Layout templates represent the format and layout of business documents. In Oracle XML Publisher, layout templates are created using XSL-FO, and are registered in the Template Manager. For more information, see the Oracle XML Publisher User's Guide.

Oracle Procurement Contracts has seeded layout templates for each of the supported document types. For details on the seeded layout templates, see the Seeded Data appendix.

The seeded layout templates cannot be modified. However, you can download a copy of the layout to your desktop, modify it, and register it as a new layout template in Oracle XML Publisher. This section describes basic steps required to customize layout templates for contract templates using Oracle XML Publisher. The layout template that you select for a contract template defines how its format and layout appears when you generate the contract PDF.

Creating a Layout Template

To change the layout, you need to create a new layout template in Oracle XML Publisher.

To create a new template, you should start with a copy of one the seeded templates, for example Oracle Contract Terms Template.

The following table displays the parameters that a layout template for contract templates should use.

Field Content
Application Oracle Contracts Core
Data Source Name Contract Terms Data Definition
Subtemplate Unchecked
Template Type XSL-FO

In addition, define the effective date range (start date and end date) of the layout template such that it allows you to preview the contracts and contract templates. If you leave the End Date field blank, you can use the layout template indefinitely.


You must be familiar with Oracle XML Publisher and have access to Oracle XML Publisher Administrator Responsibility.

  1. Log in to the XML Publisher Administrator responsibility.

  2. Click the Templates link.

    The Templates Search page opens.

  3. In the Application field, enter Oracle Contracts Core.

  4. Click Go to view the search results.

  5. Click the Duplicate icon for the Oracle Contract Terms Template.

  6. In the Code field, enter a new code for the template.

  7. In the Name field, enter a new name.

  8. Click Apply to save the new template.

  9. In the Template Files region, click the Download icon for the OKCTERM_en.XSL file.

  10. Save the template to your desktop.

  11. Open the template with a text or XSL editor.

  12. Modify the layout or boilerplate to suit your needs.

  13. Save the template with a new name, for example, MyTemplate_en.xsl.

  14. In the Template Files region, click the Update icon for the OKCTERMS_en.xsl file.

  15. Click the Browse button to locate and select your customized XSL-FO stylesheet (Example: MyTemplate_en.xsl).

  16. Click Apply.

    The system uploads the file and associates it with your layout template.

  17. Click the Preview button to preview a sample document using your new layout template.

Customizing the Contract Terms XSL-FO Stylesheet

To create a stylesheet for a contract template, you need to know the structure of the contract XML document that is transformed by the XSL stylesheet. The XSL-FO stylesheet, in the layout template, is applied to the contract XML document representing a contract template to create a PDF document.

For a description of the contract XML format, see the XML Reference appendix.

Associating Layout Template to Document Types

For every operating unit that is implementing Oracle Procurement Contracts, you must associate a layout template with the following purchasing and sourcing document types:

For each document type, you need to specify a layout template for the following sections:

You can create custom layout templates for every section and load them to the system using XML Publisher. The layout templates determine the format of the Procurement and Contract sections in the PDF document.


  1. Log in to the Purchasing Super User responsibility.

  2. Navigate to the Document Types form.

    Navigation: Set Up > Purchasing > Document Types

  3. Select the Document Type from the list of values.

  4. Use the Document Type Layout field to associate a layout template for the Sourcing or Purchasing section of the PDF.

  5. In the Contract Terms Layout field, set the name of the layout template that is created for the Contract Terms and Conditions section of the PDF.

Setting Up Purchasing Document Format

To generate the contract document in the PDF format, you need to set the PO Output Format value to PDF.


  1. Log in to the Purchasing Super User responsibility.

  2. Navigate to the Purchasing Options window.

    Navigation: Set Up > Organization > Purchasing Options

  3. Navigate to the Control tab.

  4. In the PO Output Format field, select the PDF option from the list.

  5. Save your work.

Using Descriptive Flexfields

Oracle Procurement Contracts supports the use of descriptive flexfields for users to enter additional information for the following:

The following table displays the information for descriptive flexfields:

Component Name Title Description Table
Standard Clause OKC_CLAUSES_DESCFLEX Clause Versions DFF Descriptive flexfield for clause versions OKC_CLAUSE_VERSIONS
Contract Templates OKC_TERMS_TMPL_DFF Contracts Template DFF Contracts Template DFF OKC_TERMS_TEMPLATES_ALL
Variables OKC_VARIABLES_DESCFLEX OKC User Defined Variables Flexfield Oracle Contracts user-defined variables flexfield OKC_BUS_VARIABLES_B
Contract Template Deliverables DELIVERABLES_FLEX Additional Attributes Additional attributes on deliverables OKC_DELIVERABLES
Folder OKC_ART_DF OKC Clause Folders DF Descriptive flexfield for folders OKC_FOLDERS_ALL_B

Setting Up AutoNumbering

Use this setup to number clauses automatically during creation.


In all responsibilities that create clauses, set the Sequence Numbering profile option to yes.

For more information on setting this profile option, see the Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide.

Note: You can only delete a numbering scheme that is not assigned to a contract template.

If you define a numbering scheme with the "a,b,c," numbering type and a specific level with more that 26 entries, the system does not create further alphabets. Instead, the system uses symbols for all entries beyond 26. Preview the template or contract, as applicable, and make sure the numbering scheme used is changed to use some other type.


  1. Log in to the System Administrator responsibility.

  2. Define a document sequence.

    Navigation: Application > Document > Define

    Enter a sequence name, the Contracts Core application, an effective date, Automatic type, and an initial value.

  3. Define a sequence category.

    Navigation: Document > Categories.

    Define the category using OKC_ARTICLES_ALL as the table to be associated.

  4. Assign the category to a set of books.

    Navigation: Document > Assign.

    Associate the category defined with the set of books and sequence.

  5. Set the OKC: Clause Sequence Category profile option with the sequence created above.

Setting Up Value Sets

Value sets are used in Oracle Procurement Contracts while creating user-defined variables and in Contract Expert. For more information, see the Defining Value Sets section of the Oracle Applications Developer's Guide.

For all user-defined variables, value sets are supported subject to the following conditions:

Based on the value set definition, the system displays the list of values in the following formats:

Oracle Procurement Contracts Function Security

Oracle Procurement Contracts enables organizations to control users' access to contact authoring features. In this way, users with different roles, such as contract negotiators, contract administrators, and contract approvers, can have access to only those features they need to use. For example:

In Oracle Purchasing, the seeded Super User menu has full access to the features provided by Oracle Procurement Contracts. To restrict a specific function, choose one of the following options:

The type of access to a business document is governed by the security features in Oracle Purchasing, Oracle Sourcing, and Oracle iSupplier Portal. In addition to these existing security features, Oracle Procurement Contracts provides the following levels of access for authoring contractual terms and managing deliverables associated with a purchasing or sourcing document:

For more information on function security, see the Seeded Data appendix.

For information on implementation considerations for function security, see Establish Authoring Roles and Controls .

Setting Up Function Security for Contract Repository

Functional security provides control over the user’s access to certain functions in the repository. A user can have View-Only, Authoring, or Administrator responsibility. The following table displays the functions that each responsibility has access to:

Function View-Only Responsibility Authoring Responsibility Administrator Responsibility
View contract Yes Yes Yes
Create and update contract No Yes Yes
Change status from Approved to Signed No Yes Yes
Manage deliverables No Yes Yes
Manage risk No Yes Yes
Terminate contract No Yes Yes
Update contract administrator of a contract No No Yes
Change status from Draft directly to Signed No No Yes
Import contracts No No Yes
Use Repository Setup tab No No Yes

Importing Clauses from External Sources

You can use the clause import feature to import existing clauses from external sources that your organization uses. You also can use this feature on an ongoing basis, where clause updates are continuously imported into the clause library, in order to stay current with changes in business process or government regulations. See: Importing Clauses .

Setting Up Contract Folders

You can organize clauses under different folders for easier retrieval.

For more information, see Managing Folders .

Setting Up Variables

Oracle Procurement Contracts supports the use of business variables (tokens) in clause text.

For more information, see Managing Variables .

Setting Up Numbering Schemes

When creating contract templates, you can apply a numbering scheme to the sections and clauses structure. This numbering scheme is applied to business documents in which the contract template is used.

Use the Contract Terms Library to set up and manage numbering schemes.


  1. Log in to the Contract Terms Library Administrator responsibility.

  2. Navigate to the Numbering Schemes page.

    Navigation: Library > Numbering Schemes tab> Create Numbering Scheme button

  3. Enter the Scheme Name.

  4. Optionally, enter a Description for the scheme.

  5. Optionally, select the Number Clauses check box to automatically number the clauses in the contract.

  6. Click the Add Another Level button to define the first numbering level.

  7. Enter the following information for the numbering level:

    • In the Sequence field, choose a sequence from the list of values.

      • Optionally, enter an End Character. For example, a close parentheses ()).

      • Optionally, select the Concatenate with Child check box to ensure that the child level includes the numbering of its parent during previewing and printing of the contract.

        For instance, you would set up the numbering scheme as:

        First level:

        • a,b,c

        • end character is "."

        • Concatenate with Child check box selected

          Second level:

        • I,II,III

        • end character is ")"

          The document will be numbered as:

        • First Level = a.

        • Second Level = a.I)

  8. Click the Refresh button to preview the layout.

  9. Optionally, add additional numbering levels.

  10. Click Apply to save and close the Numbering Scheme page.

Managing Numbering Schemes

You can make changes to your existing numbering schemes. You can also delete any numbering scheme that is not assigned to a contract template. If the numbering scheme has been updated in the Contract Terms Library, the next time a contract template using that numbering scheme is used to create a new contract, the latest numbering scheme updates are applied. For contracts that already use the numbering scheme you must manually apply the numbering scheme to reflect the updates onto the contract.

  1. Log in to the Contract Terms Library Administrator responsibility.

  2. Navigate to the Numbering Schemes tab.

    Navigation: Library > Numbering Schemes.

    The system displays the list of available numbering schemes.

  3. To make changes to a numbering scheme, click the Update icon.

  4. To delete a numbering scheme click the Delete icon.

    You can only delete the numbering schemes that are not used in contract templates.

Deploy Searchable Objects

From the Application Search Administration page, search and deploy the POC (Procurement Contracts) searchable objects.

Setting Up Sections

Sections are headings under which you organize contract clauses. The headings provide structure and organization to a printed contract document. You can define sections that can be used in authoring templates and contracts.

For more information, see Managing Sections.

Setting Up Standard Clauses

A standard clause is the text that describes the legal or business language used to author a contract. Clauses are drafted based on both business and statutory requirements.

For more information, see Managing Standard Clause.

Setting Up Contract Templates

Oracle Procurement Contracts enables you to define a standard set of templates to easily default contract terms for contracts authored by your organization. You can create templates that include both clauses and deliverables.

For more information, see Managing Contract Templates .

Setting Up Contract Expert


Note: Contract Expert uses Oracle Configurator to process and evaluate the Contract Expert rules on business documents. To function properly, in Oracle Configurator the SSL port requires a special setting.

To use Contract Expert on business documents, you need to set up Contract Expert rules in the Contract Terms Library. To set up Contract Expert rules:

Setting Up Contract Repository

Since the Oracle E-Business Suite 11i10 release, Oracle Contracts has provided the ability to author and maintain contract terms in buy-side and sell-side Oracle applications. For example, contract terms can be added to purchase agreements created in Oracle Purchasing, or to quotes created in Oracle Quoting.

Oracle Contracts now enables you to create miscellaneous contracts, such as license agreements, non-disclosure agreements, and merger agreements, which are not specifically related to the functionality of other Oracle applications. You can also create purchase or sales agreements for miscellaneous items that are outside the normal purchasing or sales flows, for which full execution capabilities are not required.

These types of contracts are stored in a new Contract Repository, and are called Repository contracts. Each Repository contract will have a user-defined contract type, unlike the contracts created in other Oracle applications, which have system-defined contract types.

Repository Contracts are integrated with Contract Terms Library to enable Structured Terms Authoring. A Repository contract can include supporting documents and amendments, deliverables with notification capabilities, and risk information. Repository contracts support a flexible approval and signature process, and a bulk import process is available for loading legacy contracts into the system.

This section covers the following topics:

Setting Up Profile Options

Define the following profile options:

For more information, see the Setting Up Profile Options section.

Defining Approval Workflows

Define approval hierarchy and approval rules through the Oracle Approvals Manager. For more information, see the Setting Up Approvers and Approval Workflow section.

Setting Up Contract Types

When users create Repository contracts in Oracle Contracts, they must select and assign one of the user-defined contract types, such as Non-Disclosure Agreement and Partnership Agreement, to the contract. You must define the contract types in advance. User can enable contract terms for Structured Terms Authoring.


  1. Log in to the Contracts Workbench Administrator responsibility.

  2. Click the Contract Types link. The contract types you define should be unique across all organizations within the company. Note: For your reference, the Contract Types page displays the list of seeded and current user-defined contract types.

  3. Click the Create Contract Type button. The system displays the Create Contract Type page.

  4. In the Name field, enter a unique identifier for the contract type.

  5. Enter a Description for the contract type.

  6. Select an Intent from the list of values. Depending on the nature (Intent) of a contract, the contract could be buy-side, sell-side, or neither. Each Contract Type should be associated with one Intent. The possible values for Intent are Buy, Sell, and Other. If the Contracts Intent Access Control profile option is used, this selection will limit which users will be able to select this Contract Type.

    Important: If you select Intent as Other, Layout Template and Enable Contract Terms are disabled.

  7. Select a Start Date. This is the date that the contract type becomes available.

  8. Optionally, select an End Date for the contract type. After the End Date has passed, when creating new contracts, users will not be able to select this type.

  9. Select the Enable Contract Terms check box.

  10. Select the appropriate Layout Template.

  11. Click the Apply button.

Setting Up Risks

When users create Repository contracts in Oracle Contracts, they may select multiple risks associated with these contracts. For example: partner bankruptcy, non-performance of a deliverable, non-compliance with non-disclosure terms, loss or infringement of intellectual property, and damage to property or humans. This risks must be defined in advance.


  1. Log in to the Contracts Workbench Administrator responsibility.

  2. Click the Risks link.

    Note: For your reference, the Risks page displays the list of all user-defined risks. Oracle Contracts does not provide seeded risks.

  3. The risks you define should be unique across all organizations within the company.

  4. Click the Create Risk button. The system displays the Create Risk page.

  5. In the Name field, enter a unique identifier for the risk.

  6. Enter a Description for the risk.

  7. Select a Start Date.

  8. Optionally, select an End Date for the risk. After the End Date has passed, the risk cannot be selected on a contract.

  9. Click Apply to save the risk.

Setting Up Contact Roles

The contact role indicates the responsibility or function of different people in a contract. For example, an employee (internal contact) can be assigned the role of “Purchasing Manager” in a contract. There are no seeded contact roles. You can define an unlimited number of contact roles. These roles will be available to users when adding internal or external contacts to a party on a Repository contract.


  1. Login to the Contracts Workbench Administrator responsibility.

  2. Click the Contact Roles. For your reference, the Contact Roles page displays the list of all user-defined roles. The roles you define should be unique across all organizations within the company.

  3. Click the Create Contact Role button. The system displays the Create Contact Role page.

  4. In the Name field, enter a unique identifier for the role.

  5. Enter a Description for the role.

  6. Select a Start Date.

  7. Optionally, select an End Date for the role. After the End Date has passed, the role cannot be selected on a contract.

  8. Click Apply to save the role.

Setting Up Contracts Workbench

A single view of all enterprise contracts is essential for effective management of contract activities, and for reporting and analysis of outstanding supplier and customer commitments. Oracle Contracts provides a centralized Contracts Workbench that gives you access and visibility to all contractual agreements in the enterprise.

Contracts Workbench allows contract administrators to see which contracts require attention, provides extensive search capabilities, and has links to common tasks such as creating or approving a contract. Legal and financial managers can use Contracts Workbench as a research tool. A flexible security model ensures that contracts can only be viewed or updated by authorized users.

Contracts Workbench provides a single view of the following types of contracts:

All of these contracts are automatically visible in the Contracts Workbench, as long as they include contract terms.

This section covers the following topics:

Setting Up Profile Options

You can use the Contracts Intent Access Control profile option to restrict the access to Contracts. For more information, see the Setting Up Profile Options section.

Personalizing Contracts Workbench

Oracle Framework includes the OA Personalization Framework, which enables you to personalize the appearance of Contracts Workbench without modifying any underlying code.

The following are the most common ways to personalize Contracts Workbench:

  1. The default bins for the Contracts Workbench are:

    • Notifications

    • Recent Contracts

    • Expiring Contracts

    • Contract Deliverables

    • Contracts at Risk

    You can use the personalization option to add the Bookmarks bin,, remove one of the above bins, or change the order the bins are displayed.

  2. The default columns for the Advanced Search Results page are:

    • Contracts Number

    • Contract Name

    • Organization

    • Party Name

    • Contract Type

    • Intent

    • Status

    • Effective Date

    You can use the personalization option to remove one of the above columns, change the order the columns are displayed, or add any of the following columns:

    • Contract Administrator

    • Overall Risk

    • Version

    • Expiration Date

    • Termination Date

    • Amount

    • Currency

    • Authoring Party

    The personalization also impacts the Export option. After performing a search, the user can export the search results to a Comma Separated (CSV) file. The exported file will include only the columns shown on the screen. After personalization, columns that are available for personalization but not selected will not be included in the CSV file.

    For more information on personalization, see:

    • Oracle Applications Framework Personalization Guide Release 11i(Metalink Note 268969.1)

    • Oracle Applications Component Reference Release 11i (Metalink Note 269136.1)