Introduction to iSupplier Portal


Oracle iSupplier Portal enables a buying company to communicate key procure-to-pay information with suppliers. As a supplier using Oracle iSupplier Portal, you can view and acknowledge awards, submit change requests (available for commercial documents only) , create advance shipment notices, view receipts, view inventory levels (available for commercial documents only), view invoices and payments, create work confirmation for complex work projects, and acknowledge award change requests. As a buyer using Oracle iSupplier Portal, you can view order, shipment, receipt, invoice, and payment information.

Note: The iSupplier Portal supports both commercial and public sector documents You can make change requests only for commercial documents.

This section is an introduction to Oracle iSupplier Portal, and includes the following topics:

About Oracle iSupplier Portal

Oracle iSupplier Portal is a collaborative application that enables buying companies and their suppliers to communicate with each other. It enables suppliers to have real-time access to information (such as awards and delivery schedules) and respond to the buying company with acknowledgments, change requests, shipment notices, and planning details. It also allows buying organizations to search for awards, shipment, receipt, invoice, and payment information across all suppliers and all business units, as well as respond to supplier change requests.

Note: Oracle iSupplier Portal supports both transaction documents and view-only documents. Using transaction documents, you can submit acknowledgments or change requests on an Award, or initiate transactions such as advance shipment notices, advanced shipment billing notices, and invoices. Using view-only documents, you may view forecast schedules and payments.

How to Use This Guide

This guide is organized to help you learn, use, and understand Oracle iSupplier Portal.

Getting Started Information

Introduction to Oracle iSupplier Portal

Explains how you get started using Oracle iSupplier Portal. This chapter includes details of where you start using the system depending on your current relationship with the buying company.


Explains how to register your company with the buying company and how to get Oracle iSupplier Portal user accounts for your employees. If you already have access to Oracle iSupplier Portal, then you do not need to read this chapter.

Navigating and Searching

Explains how to navigate through the system. The chapter also includes searching tips and techniques.

Transaction and View Only Document Information

Awards Information

Explains how to view and respond to awards-related documents such as awards, work orders, modifications, and IDVs.

Shipping Information

Explains how to access shipping information and create advance shipment notices (ASNs or ASBNs). The chapter also includes information on viewing receiving and quality transactions.

Planning and Inventory Information

Explains how to access planning and inventory information, as well as how to maintain item and capacity information.

Invoice and Payment Information

Explains how to access invoice and payment information. The chapter also includes information on how to submit invoices if the buying company has Oracle Payables installed.

Profile Information

Supplier Profile Management

Explains how to maintain information about your company using the Supplier Profile Management feature. You must have the proper authorizations to access the profile management pages.

Buying Company View Information

Buying Company View

Explains the buying company view of iSupplier Portal.

Where to Start

Before you can access Oracle iSupplier Portal:

  1. Your company must be registered as a supplier to the buying company that has licensed Oracle iSupplier Portal.

  2. You must be registered as an Oracle iSupplier Portal user.

    Note: If you are already a supplier to the buying company and you can log into Oracle iSupplier Portal, then you and your company have already completed both of the registration tasks. You can skip chapter 2. If you do not have access to Oracle iSupplier Portal, see chapter 2 for registration instructions.

After you are registered, you can access Oracle iSupplier Portal. The tasks you perform on Oracle iSupplier Portal are determined by your current supply chain business relationship with the buying company. The tables below list the tasks you will likely perform; where you start depends on what you want to accomplish:

If the buying company has ordered goods or services from you, you can

Tasks Where Documented
View existing awards from your buying company, including any attachments. See: Award Information
Acknowledge and submit change requests to awards. See: Award Information
Submit your electronic signature while acknowledging an award. See: Award Information
View and print Portable Document Format (PDF) versions of award documents, including blanket IDVs, clauses and other contract terms. See: Award Information
View and print Portable Document Format (PDF) versions of modifications. See: Using Modifications
View your current IDVs (if any) with the buying company. See: Award Information
View an audit trail of any revisions for an award. See Award Information
Manage deliverables assigned to you (available only if the buying company has implemented Oracle Procurement Contracts). See: Award Information
Create work confirmations to notify the buying company of expected payment related to a completed unit of work for a complex work project. See: Award Information
View timecard information (available only if the buying company has implemented Oracle Services Procurement and Oracle Time and Labor). See: Award Information
Let your buying company know that goods are ready for shipment by uploading a routing request. See: Shipping Information
View buying company's response to your routing request. See: Shipping Information
Alert the buying company of any upcoming deliveries by sending advance shipment notices (ASN) or advance shipment billing notices (ASBN). See: Shipping Information
Upload advance shipment notices (ASN) or advance shipment billing notices (ASBN) to the system using spreadsheet functionality. See: Shipping Information
View and enter item quality results and check for correspondence from the buying company (available only if the buying company uses Oracle Quality). See: Shipping Information
View receipts, returns, and delivery performance. See: Shipping Information

If you have already made a shipment to the buying company, you can:

Tasks Where Documented
View invoices and received payments. See: Invoice and Payment Information
Submit invoices by selecting a award and direct-billing the buying company (available only if the buying company uses Oracle Payables). See: Invoice and Payment Information

If you require a third-party shipment before you can complete the buying company's award, you can:

Task Where Documented
View work orders to check the status of third-party (outside processing) orders or shipment plans. See: Award Information
See:Shipping Information

If you want to view and update your inventory information, you can:

Tasks Where Documented
View item inventory levels. See: Planning and Inventory Information
Maintain item attributes, such as delivery capacity and lead times. See: Planning and Inventory Information
Enter capacity information and view on-hand delivery items. See: Planning and Inventory Information
Define inventory lead times and order modifiers. See: Planning and Inventory Information
View vendor managed inventory items (if items are set up as a vendor managed items) and generate supply requests to manage reorder points and replenishments See: Planning and Inventory Information
View consigned inventory stock and view transactions associated with that stock. See: Planning and Inventory Information

If you want to view forecast demand so you can evaluate your supply plans, you can:

Task Where Documented
View forecast schedules. See: Planning and Inventory Information
View a summary of forecast schedules. See: Planning and Inventory Information

If you want to update your company's profile information, you can:

Task Where Documented
Enter address book information, contact directory information, business classifications, and products and services you provide. You can also enter and maintain bank account and address information, as well as payment and invoicing methods.
You can enter and maintain information on user accounts.

Note: You cannot update CCR records if you use public sector documents.

See: Supplier Profile Management

If you want to negotiate to supply goods to the buying company, you can:

Task Where Documented
View buyer requests for quotes (RFQs). See: Solicitations

If you are a buyer, you can:

Task Where Documented
View award, shipment, receipt, invoice, and payment information. See: Buyer information
Search for award, shipment, receipt, invoice, and payment information across all suppliers and all business units. See: Buyer information
Respond to supplier change requests. See: Buyer information