Organization Structures

Organization Structures Overview

Oracle HRMS provides you with organization management functionality to represent the operating structures of your enterprise.

Representing Organization Structures Using Oracle HRMS

Using the Configuration Workbench for your implementation, you can configure the Oracle eBusiness Suite of applications to represent the management and operating structures of your enterprise.

The Configuration Workbench delivers an integrated configuration management toolset for HR systems and assists in the evaluation, configuration, deployment, and maintenance of HR applications. The workbench uses a configuration interview, to review the decisions and operational questions you make about setting up your enterprise using Oracle HRMS.

The Configuration Workbench configuration process suggests a combination of business groups and organizations to satisfy your integrated legal, financial, organization and employee management needs using Oracle HRMS. The suggested combination of business groups and organizations uses one of the following configuration models:

These configuration models define the basic information model to represent any enterprise. You can add other location and internal work structures that represent your internal organization or reporting structures for specific legal, personnel, and financial management requirements.

Managing your Work Structures Using Graphical Charting Capabilities

You can plan and implement new working structures ahead of time using graphical charts. The hierarchy diagrammer enables you to create organization and position hierarchies to reflect reporting lines and control access to information in your enterprise. See:

The hierarchy diagrammers use the same security model as the other windows in Oracle HRMS and access to them is restricted by your responsibility.

Reporting on Organization Structures

Oracle HRMS and Oracle HRMSi enable you to produce several reports to satisfy the statutory requirements for your legislation and meet your business analysis needs. For example:

Reporting Costs for Your Organization Structures

With the Oracle eBusiness suite of applications, you can automatically create HR organizations to corresponding company cost center combinations that exist in your GL account combinations. You can use the management reporting functionality in Daily Business Intelligence (DBI) to report on financials information, such as the costs, revenues, and expenses for your organization structures.

Key Concepts

To effectively use Oracle HRMS for organization management, see:

Key Concepts for Representing Enterprises

Organization Classifications

Extending the Enterprise Framework, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

Configuration Models for Your Enterprise Framework


Organization Hierarchies, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

Defaults for the Business Group, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

Internal Organizations and Cost Centers, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

Organization Structures

Oracle HRMS can represent all the components of your enterprise. You can record the physical locations where your employees work and all the different departments and sections that make up your enterprise. You can even record information about other organizations you work with, such as recruitment agencies or tax authorities.

See: Extending the Enterprise Framework, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

You can view and edit hierarchy diagrams for organizations and positions using:

How do you represent your enterprise as an employer?

You can use the GRE/Legal Entity and Employer organization classifications to represent the employer in each country you do business. If you use the Configuration Workbench to set up your organization structures, then an employer organization is set up in each country your enterprise operates.

In US and Canada, how do you manage government reporting?

Oracle HRMS enables you to set up one or more Government Reporting Entities (GREs) within each of your Business Groups. GREs represent an employer the government recognizes as being responsible for paying employees and for filing a variety of reports that government agencies require. If your enterprise has a single Employer Identification Number from the Internal Revenue Service, your Business Group and GRE are the same organization.

For Canada, you also need to set up Provincial Reporting Establishments (PREs). GREs and PREs represent an employer the governments recognise as being responsible for paying employees and for filing a variety of reports. There must be a GRE for each Business Number that the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) assigns to an employer. There must be a PRE for each Quebec Identification Number that the Ministere du Revenu assigns to an employer. If your enterprise has a single Business Number from the CRA and a single Quebec Identification Number, your Business Group, GRE and PRE are the same organization.

How do you represent the structure of an enterprise?

Oracle HRMS enables you to build a model of your enterprise showing all the reporting lines and other hierarchical relationships. You can set up reporting hierarchies reflecting all the reporting lines in your enterprise, as established in organization charts.

The Configuration Workbench creates an enterprise structure that suits your operational (management and reporting), and geographical requirements. You can use the enterprise structure the workbench sets up as the basic infrastructure of your company. Once the basic structure is set up, you can define further locations and organizations and add them to your organization hierarchy.

Do I need to run a separate program to create hierarchy diagrams?

No. The hierarchy diagrammers are standard Oracle HRMS windows, with the addition of a graphical area. They work together with the Organization Hierarchy window and Position Hierarchy window so you can create basic hierarchies using these windows and then make intuitive drag-and-drop changes using the diagrammers.

Any changes made using the hierarchy diagrammers are reflected in the hierarchy windows, and are saved in your database.

Can I create multiple versions of a hierarchy, and model different business scenarios?

Yes. You can use the diagrammers together with the organization and position hierarchy windows to:

Can I print the graphical versions of the hierarchies?

Yes. You can print pictorial representations of organization and position hierarchies.

Can I create hierarchies that contain organizations from multiple business groups?

Yes. If you have the appropriate security access to more than one business group, you can include organizations from more than one business group in your hierarchy.


Key Concepts for Representing Enterprises

You represent your enterprise using key organization structures in Oracle HRMS. These structures provide the framework so you can perform legal reporting, financial control, and management reporting. You can set up these organization structures yourself, or use the Configuration Workbench.

The Configuration Workbench delivers an integrated configuration management toolset for HR systems and assists in the evaluation, configuration, deployment, and maintenance of HR applications. The workbench suggests a basic structure of organizations for your enterprise based on configuration models.

See: Configuration Models for Your Enterprise Framework

Once the basic enterprise structure is set up, you add the additional organizations and locations t`hat exist in your enterprise. You define the internal organizations that represent your internal divisions and departments, and you define the external organizations that represent the organizations outside of your enterprise. For example, you can set up an external organization to represent the tax office for which your enterprise uses for reporting purposes.

You can use organizations to represent many levels of your enterprise, from the highest level of organization that represents the whole enterprise, to the lowest level of organization that represents a section or department.

See: Extending the Enterprise Framework, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

See: Organization Classifications

See: Setting Up Organizations, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

Business Group

The business group represents a country in which your enterprise operates. You create it as an organization in Oracle HRMS, but it does not represent a specific organization within your enterprise structure, and you do not include it in your organization hierarchies. A business group enables you to group and manage data in accordance with the rules and reporting requirements of each country, and to control access to data.

The critical factors for deciding when to use a separate business group, or an international business group, are based on the following factors:

Generally the laws are so different in each country that to be compliant, there must be a different business group for each country in which an enterprise has employees.

Operating Company

An operating company represents a division or line of business within your enterprise that is legally registered for reporting in at least one country. An operating company is a holding company, a company within a company.

Ultimate Legal Entity

The ultimate legal entity represents the enterprise, and typically, the enterprise is the highest (global) level of a business organization. The ultimate legal entity is the parent company or organization for all its subsidiaries and divisions. Oracle HRMS represents the ultimate legal entity with the GRE/Legal Entity organization classification.

Legal Entity/Employer

A legal entity represents the designated legal employer for all employment-related activities. The legal authorities in a country recognize this organization as a separate employer. In an organization hierarchy, a legal entity may report to an operating company or to the ultimate legal entity.

A legal employer is a legal entity that is responsible for employing people in a particular country. Therefore, if you employ people in a country, then you must have at least one organization classified as a legal entity and a legal employer.

The Configuration Workbench classifies an organization as a GRE/Legal Entity where your enterprise operates in a country, and classifies it as an Employer if you employ people in that country also. For example, you can have a legal entity in a country where you do business, but do not employ people in that country.

Consolidated Legal Entity

A consolidated legal entity acts on behalf of multiple operating companies that are not legally registered, or simply on behalf of the enterprise in a country. You typically use the consolidated legal entity for when you have multiple operating companies in your enterprise, but for the purposes of consolidation, you group the information into one organization. For management reporting purposes, the organizations below the consolidated legal entity in an organization hierarchy, such as, your departments and sections, can report to any organization in the enterprise. However, for legal reporting purposes, they report up to the consolidated legal entity.

For information on how to model your enterprise using the key organization structures, see: Configuration Models for Your Enterprise Framework

Configuration Models for Your Enterprise Framework

The first step in any configuration is to decide what organization structures your enterprise requires. To help you decide, you can use the following best practice configuration models:

These models deal with integration points between the different applications and the requirements of different industries and geographies. They can help you choose the right organization structures to meet your management and reporting requirements.

The Configuration Workbench uses the models as templates to generate the organization framework of business groups, operating companies, legal entities, and employers for any enterprise. Through an interview process, the Configuration Workbench gathers the detailed information it requires to generate an actual configuration of your enterprise using the appropriate configuration model.

Mexico only: You cannot use the Configuration Workbench to create the hierarchy. You must use the Generic Hierarchy functionality.

Single Operating Company in One Country

the picture is described in the document text

The preceding diagram shows the basic configuration for a small or medium sized enterprise with little or no complexity in operating structures. Vision Corporation is the ultimate legal entity, and for reporting purposes, this organization holds any data associated with the enterprise. Every enterprise has one ultimate legal entity.

This simple enterprise structure is based on the best practice configuration model. Creating the key enterprise structures as separate organizations enables your enterprise to expand and acquire new companies whilst reducing the cost of re-implementation.

Single Operating Company in Multiple Countries

the picture is described in the document text

The preceding diagram shows a configuration for a medium or large enterprise with some international operations introducing a degree of complexity. It also shows that operations and people in some countries are held within an international business group (XZ). You can see that the business groups represent countries, and do not appear in the organization hierarchy. This is based on the best practice configuration model.

For more information on the key organization structures, see: Key Concepts for Representing Enterprises

Multiple Operating Companies in One Country

the picture is described in the document text

The preceding diagram shows a configuration for a multi-company enterprise operating in a single country. This type of complexity can exist in any size of enterprise. Vision Lighting and Vision Security in the diagram are represented as operating companies. Every enterprise has at least one operating company. This may be a division, or a subsidiary within the enterprise which is legally registered in at least one country.

The Configuration Workbench creates at least one operating company organization as best practice. This reduces the cost of any re-implementation as a result of expansion due to acquisition or diversification within the enterprise.

Multiple Operating Companies in Multiple Countries

the picture is described in the document text

The preceding diagram demonstrates a multi-company enterprise operating in multiple countries. Every enterprise has at least one legal entity that is the designated legal employer for all employment related activities. In the diagram, the Vision Security operating company operates and employs people in the U.S. and Ireland. The Vision Security U.S. and the Vision Security Ireland organizations represent the designated legal entities/employers in those countries.

The Configuration Workbench classifies an organization as a GRE/Legal Entity where your enterprise operates in a country, and classifies it as an Employer if you employ people in that country also. For example, you can have a legal entity in a country where you do business, but do not employ people in that country.

Multiple Operating Companies in Multiple Countries with a Consolidated Legal Entity

the picture is described in the document text

The preceding diagram shows an alternative configuration for a multi-national and multi-company enterprise with the addition of a consolidated legal entity. A consolidated legal entity acts on behalf of several operating companies or the enterprise, and is the legal employer in the country. Using the preceding diagram as an example, Vision Corp UK is the consolidated legal entity for Vision Corporation in the UK. For management reporting, VL UK and VS UK report to Vision Lighting, and for legal reporting, they report to Vision Corp UK.

For more information on the key organization structures, see: Key Concepts for Representing Enterprises

Organization Classifications

Organization classifications define the purpose of an organization and its functionality within Oracle HRMS. The classifications you assign to an organization control the additional information you can set up at the organization level. The Configuration Workbench automatically assigns the appropriate classifications to the organizations it creates.

For more information on the key organization structures you use to represent your enterprise, see: Key Concepts for Representing Enterprises

You can define one organization with multiple classifications or you can define separate organizations to represent different types of entity. For example, you can classify an organization as a legal entity as well as an HR organization if it's the same organization. If they are different, then you create two organizations.

Note: Oracle HRMS enables you to install your own additional information types for classifications.

You can select the following classifications in the Organization window, depending on your legislation:

All Legislations

All legislations can use the following classifications:

US Legislation

The US legislation can use the following classifications:

UK Legislation

The UK legislation can use the Education Authority classification to define a Local Education Authority (LEA) that is responsible for education within that council's jurisdiction.

Canadian Legislation

The Canadian legislation can use the following classifications:

French Legislation

The French legislation can use the following classifications:

Dutch Legislation

The Dutch legislation can use the following classifications:

German Legislation

The German legislation can use the following classifications:

Hong Kong Legislation

The Hong Kong legislation can use the MPF Trustee Organization classification to set up and enrol employees in an MPF Trustee. This classification allows you to record details of the trustee and details of the scheme provided by the trustee.

Mexico Legislation

The Mexico legislation must use the legal employer classification to define the legal entity. You can add additional organization information for your legal employer, if needed.

Use the GRE/Legal Entity classification to define an organization that is recognized as a separate employer by Social Security or other legal authorities. When you assign a location to a GRE, and you have not already associated them with each other in the generic hierarchy, HRMS will make the association for you.

Saudi Legislation

The Saudi legislation can use the following classifications:

Hungary Legislation

The Hungary legislation can use the following classifications:

Spanish Legislation

The Spanish legislation can use the following classifications:

Korea Legislation

The Korean legislation can use the following classification:

Indian Legislation

Your organization hierarchy should contain at least one GRE/Legal Entity (Tax Organization) and Registered Company.

The Indian legislation can use the following classifications:

Polish Legislation

The Polish legislation can use the following classifications:

Norwegian Legislation

The Norwegian legislation can use the following classifications:

Finnish Legislation

The Finnish legislation can use the following classifications:

Danish Legislation

The Danish legislation can use the following classifications:

Swedish Legislation

The Swedish legislation can use the following classifications:

South African Legislation

The South African legislation can use the following classification:

UAE Legislation

The UAE legislation can use the Legal Employer classification to define and enter additional organization information for your legal employer.

Irish Legislation

The Irish legislation can use the following classifications:

Creating and Maintaining Organizations

Creating an Organization

Use the Organization window to create:

If you use the Configuration Workbench to configure your enterprise structure, then you only need to create the additional internal and external organizations you require. For example, you can set up additional organizations to represent the internal divisions or departments, and external organizations for reporting or third party payments.

See: Extending the Enterprise Framework, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

To create an organization

  1. Navigate to the Organization window and click New to create a new organization.

    Note: For information about querying existing organizations, see: Finding an Organization, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

  2. Enter a name for your organization in the Name field. A check is performed to see if organizations with the same name already exist.

    All Oracle applications you install share the information entered in the Organization window. Therefore organization names must be unique within a business group, and business group names must be unique across your applications network.

    You can create two organizations with the same name in different business groups but this can cause confusion later, if the HR: Cross business group profile option is set to Yes and you decide to share certain information across all business groups. If you decide to create two organizations with the same name, be sure that this will not cause you problems in the future.

  3. Optionally, select an organization type in the Type field.

    Organization types do not classify your organization, you use them for reporting purposes only. The type may identify the function an organization performs, such as Administration or Service, or the level of each organization in your enterprise, such as Division, Department or Cost Center. You create the organization types you require by entering values for the Lookup Type ORG_TYPE.

  4. Enter a start date in the From field. This should be early enough to include any historical information you need to enter.

    Note: You cannot assign an employee to an organization before the start date of the organization.

  5. Enter a location, if one exists. You can also enter an internal address to add more details such as floor or office number.

    Dutch only: If you are setting up external organizations for a tax office, a social insurance provider or a private health insurance provider, you must enter the postal address and contact details using the NL_POSTAL_ADDRESS Location EIT.

    Mexico only: When defining a GRE/Legal Entity, if you select a location here, HRMS automatically associates it with this GRE in the Generic Hierarchy.

    US only: If you are using Oracle Payroll in the US, every organization to which employees can have assignments, including business groups, must have on record a location with a complete address. This is because the system uses the location of the organization of the employee's primary assignment to determine employee work locations for tax purposes. This does not apply to GREs, because the assignment to a GRE exists in addition to the assignment to an organization.

    India only: You can define an income tax organization and enter its location details. You can then select this organization at the GRE/Legal Entity Income Tax Office.

    Note: If you are an Oracle Inventory user, then you must not assign a location to more than one organization classified as an Inventory Organization.

  6. Enter internal or external in the Internal or External field. You cannot assign people to an external organization.

    Examples of external organizations that may require entry are disability organizations, benefits carriers, insurance carriers, organizations that employees name as beneficiaries of certain employee benefits, and organizations that are recipients of third party payments from employees' pay.

  7. Save the basic organization details.

Entering Additional Information

For each classification you set up you can enter additional information. This information can be different for each classification.

For business group see: Business Group

For HR organization see: HR Organization

For GRE/Legal entity, see: GRE/Legal Entity

For representative body see: Representative Body

For constituency see: Constituency

For bargaining association see: Bargaining Association

For company cost center see: Company Cost Center

For professional body information see: Professional Body Information

For training provider information see Training Provider Information

See Classification and Additional Information Types if you need to check which classification to select.

To enter Business Group additional information

  1. Click on the organization classification for which you want to enter additional information.

  2. Choose the Others button to open the Additional Organization Information window.

  3. Select one of the following:

    • Business Group Information, see: Entering Business Group Information, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

    • Budget Value Defaults, see: Business Groups: Entering Budget Value Defaults, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

    • Work Day Information, see: Business Groups and HR Organizations: Work Day Defaults, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

    • Benefits Defaults, see: Business Groups: Defining a Default Monthly Payroll, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

    • PTO Balance Type, see Business Groups: Selecting a PTO Balance Type, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

    • Recruitment Information, see Business Groups: Entering Recruitment Information, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

    • ZA Tax File Creator Inf, see Business Groups: Entering Tax File Creator Information

    • ZA ACB Installation Inf, see Business Groups: Entering ACB Installation Information

    • ZA UIF File Creator Inf, see Business Groups: Entering UIF File Creator Information

    • Payslip Balances, see Business Groups: Entering Payslip Balances Information, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

    • Payslip Elements, see Business Groups: Entering Payslip Elements Information, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

    • Statement of Earnings (SOE) Information, see: Business Groups: Entering SOE Information, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

    • Statement of Earnings (SOE) Detail Information, see: Business Groups: Entering SOE Detail Information, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

  4. Repeat these steps to enter further information.

To enter HR organization additional information

  1. Click on the organization classification for which you want to enter additional information.

  2. Choose the Others button to open the Additional Organization Information window.

  3. Select one of the following:

    • Reporting Information, see: Entering Reporting Information for an HR Organization or a Company Cost Center., Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

    • Costing Information, see: HR Organizations: Entering Costing Information, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

    • Parent Organization, see: HR Organizations: Entering Parent Organizations, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

    • Work Day Information, see: Business Groups and HR Organizations: Entering Work Day Defaults, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

    • ZA NQF SETA Information: see HR Organizations: Entering NQF SETA Information

    • Related Organizations Information, see: Entering Related Organizations Information for an HR Organization, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

  4. Repeat these steps to enter further information.

To enter GRE/Legal entity additional information

  1. Click on the organization classification for which you want to enter additional information.

  2. Choose the Others button to open the Additional Organization Information window.

  3. Select ZA Tax Information, see: Entering ZA Tax Information

    Additional Information: See My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2641835.1, ZA: TAX LAWS AMENDMENT BILL 2019 AND TAX ADMINISTRATION LAWS AMENDMENT BILL, and My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2549020.1 ZA: PHASE 1: AMENDMENTS REQUIRED AS A RESULT OF THE SARS PAYE BRS V18.0.2.

  4. Repeat these steps to enter further information.

To enter representative body additional information

  1. Click on the organization classification for which you want to enter additional information.

  2. Choose the Others button to open the Additional Organization Information window.

  3. Select one of the following:

    • Representative Body Information, see: Entering Representative Body Information, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

    • Constituency information, see: Entering Constituency Information for a Representative Body, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

  4. Repeat these steps to enter further information.

To enter constituency additional information

  1. Click on the organization classification for which you want to enter additional information.

  2. Choose the Others button to open the Additional Organization Information window.

  3. Select one of the following:

    • Location, see Entering Location Information for Constituencies, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

    • Organization, see Entering Organization Information for Constituencies, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

    • Organization Hierarchy, see Entering Organization Hierarchy information for Constituencies, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

    • Grade, see Entering Grade information for Constituencies, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

    • Bargaining Unit, see Entering Bargaining Unit information for Constituencies, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

    • Job, see Entering Job information for Constituencies, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

    • Collective Agreement Grade, see Entering Collective Agreement Grade information for Constituencies, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

  4. Repeat these steps to enter further information.

To enter bargaining association information

  1. Click on the organization classification for which you want to enter additional information.

  2. Choose the Others button to open the Additional Organization Information window.

  3. Select Trade Union Information, see: Entering Trade Union Information for a Bargaining Association, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

  4. Repeat these steps to enter further information.

To enter company cost center information

  1. Click on the organization classification for which you want to enter additional information.

  2. Choose the Others button to open the Additional Organization Information window.

  3. Select one of the following:

    • GL Company Cost Center, see: Entering GL Company Cost Center Information for a Company Cost Center, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

    • Reporting Information, see: Entering Reporting Information for an HR Organization or a Company Cost Center., Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

  4. Repeat these steps to enter further information.

To enter professional body information

  1. Click on the organization classification for which you want to enter additional information.

  2. Choose the Others button to open the Additional Organization Information window.

  3. Select Professional Body Info, see: Entering Additional Information for a Professional Body, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide.

  4. Repeat these steps to enter further information.

To enter training provider information

  1. Click on the organization classification for which you want to enter additional information.

  2. Choose the Others button to open the Additional Organization Information window.

  3. Select Training Provider Inf, see: Entering Information for a Training Provider

Business Groups: Entering ACB Installation Information

You must enter ACB details for an organization before you can run the ACB process and make ACB payments to your employees.

To enter ACB installation information

  1. In the Organization window, query the business group if it does not already appear there. In the Organizations Classifications region, select Business Group, choose the Others button and select ZA ACB Installation Inf.

  2. Click in the Additional Organization Information window to display the ZA ACB Installation Inf window.

  3. Enter the organization's ACB information:

    • Enter the ACB Installation ID Code.

      If the organization is registered as a Single/In-house user at ACB, this code is the same as the ACB User Code. Bureaus use a different code.

    • Select the ACB user type. Single users submit their own ACB file directly. Select Bureau to indicate that a third-party will submit the ACB file on behalf of the employer.

    Note: If you change the user type from Bureau to Single, the installation and user generation numbers are reset to 0001. If you change the user type from Single to Bureau, the installation and user generation numbers increment from the last generation number used. If you are selecting the ACB user type for the first time, these numbers start at 0001 and increment with each ACB file submission.

  4. Save your work.

Business Groups: Entering Tax File Creator Information

You must enter tax file creator information if your business group is responsible for submitting electronic tax files to SARS. You do not need to enter this information if the tax file creator for your enterprise is an external organization, such as a computer bureau.

To enter tax file creator information

  1. In the Organization window, query the business group if it does not already appear there. In the Organizations Classifications region, select Business Group, choose the Others button and select ZA Tax File Creator Inf.

  2. Click in the Additional Organization Information window to display the Tax File Creator Info window.

  3. Enter information about the the tax file creator, including their PAYE number and contact details.

  4. Save your work.

Business Groups: Entering ZA Payslip Balances Information

You can enter ZA payslip balances information to determine the balances information you want to archive, and the information you want to display on the payslip. You can define multiple balances for archive.

You enter ZA Payslip Balances information using the Organization window.

To enter ZA Payslip Balances information

  1. Query the business group if it does not already appear there. In the Organization Classifications region, select Business Group, choose the Others button and select ZA Payslip Balances.

  2. Click in the Additional Organization Information window to display the ZA Payslip Balances window.

  3. Enter the balance name, dimension and narrative. For example, enter Overtime RFI as the name, _ASG_TAX_YTD as the dimension, and YTD Overtime as the Narrative.

    Note: The order you define the balances determines the order they are archived and displayed on the payslip.

  4. Save your work.

Business Groups: Entering ZA Payslip Element Information

You can enter ZA payslip element information to determine what element information you want to archive, and what information you want to display on the self service payslip. You can define multiple element input values for archive.

You enter ZA Payslip Elements information using the Organization window.

To enter ZA Payslip Elements information

  1. Query the business group if it does not already appear there. In the Organization Classifications region, select Business Group, choose the Others button and select ZA Payslip Elements.

  2. Click in the Additional Organization Information window to display the ZA Payslip Elements window.

  3. Enter the element name, input value and narrative. For example, enter ZA Sunday Overtime as the name, Hours as the input value and Sunday Overtime Hours Paid as the Narrative.

    Note: The order you define the element input values determines the order they are archived and displayed in the Fringe Benefits and Additional Information region on the self service payslip.

  4. Save your work.

Business Groups: Entering SOE Information

You enter statement of earnings (SOE) information at the business group level to specify what information appears on each region of the statement of earnings. You can enter element set names for earnings, deductions, and any imputed earnings to ensure that the elements within these sets appear on the statement of earnings. You can also supply balance attributes for SOE display.

To enter SOE information

  1. In the Organization window, query the business group if it does not already appear. In the Organization Classifications region, select Business Group, click Others, and select SOE information

  2. Click in a field of the Additional Organization Information window to open the SOE Information window.

  3. Select the SOE user category. You use this information to restrict the type of users who can view the SOE.

  4. Select the Earnings element set in the Elements 1 field. (The set name typically begins with a legislative identifier, and then incorporates SOE EARNINGS as the next part of the name).

  5. Select the Deductions element set in the Elements 2 field. (The set name typically begins with a legislative identifier, and then incorporates SOE DEDUCTIONS as the next part of the name).

  6. If you have an element set for imputed earnings, select it in the Elements 3 field.

    Note: For South Africa only: You select the ZA SOE Fringe Benefits and Other Non Payments element set in the Elements 3 field.

  7. Select the Information element set in the Information 1 field. You create this element set when you set up your statement of earnings.

    See: Setting Up a Global Statement of Earnings

  8. Select your predefined balance attributes in the Balances fields (Balance 1, Balance 2 and so on)

  9. Save your work.

Business Groups: Entering SOE Detail Information

The statement of earnings (SOE) displays details of earnings, deductions and other payroll-related information for an employee assignment. Oracle HRMS enables you to determine the display name for elements and balances, and the sequence in which they display.

To enter SOE detail information

  1. In the Organization window, query the business group if it does not already appear. In the Organization Classifications region, select Business Group, click Others, and select SOE Detail Information.

  2. Click in a field of the Additional Organization Information window to open the SOE Detail Information window.

  3. Select the type of SOE details that you want to record, by selecting balance or element.

    • If you select balance, then select the balance, dimension, and balance display name that you want the SOE to display.

    • If you select element, then select the element name, input value, and element display name that you want the SOE to display

  4. Save your work.

Business Group: Entering UIF File Creator Information

You enter UIF (Unemployment Insurance Fund) Creator information in order to create valid Electronic UIF Files.

You enter UIF file creator information in the Organization window.

To enter ZA UIF File Creator Information

  1. Query the business group if it does not already appear there. In the Organizations Classifications region select Business Group, choose the Others button and select ZA UIF File Creator Inf.

  2. Click in the Additional Organization Information window to display the ZA UIF File Creator Inf window.

  3. Enter the creator UIF reference number.

  4. Enter the creator's contact details.

HR Organizations: Entering NQF SETA Information

You enter NQF SETA (Sector Education and Training Authority) information to determine the SETA to whom your organization pays its Skills Development Levy contribution. This information is required for the Skills Development Levy report.

You must first set up your NQF User Tables to be able to enter NQF SETA Information. See Setting Up NQF User Tables.

To enter NQF SETA information

  1. In the Organization window, query the HR Organization if it does not already appear there. In the Organizations Classifications region, select HR Organization, choose the Others button and select ZA NQF SETA Information.

  2. Click in the Additional Organization Information window to display the ZA NQF SETA Information window.

  3. Select the SETA for your HR Organization.

  4. Enter the Chamber and Activity names for your HR Organization.

  5. Save your work.

Entering Information for a Training Provider

All Training Providers are required to provide information for the National Learners' Records Database to their Primary ETQA. Use the 'Training Provider' organization classification to enter the Provider Classification ID and Primary ETQA Name details.

To enter Training Provider Information:

  1. In the Organization window, query the training provider if it does not already appear there. In the Organization Classifications region, select Training Provider, choose the Others button and select Training Provider Inf.

  2. Click in the Additional Organization Information window to display the Training Provider Inf window.

  3. Choose the Training Provider and enter the Provider Classification ID and Primary ETQA Name details.

  4. Save your work.

GREs/Legal Entities: Entering Tax Information

You must enter tax information for your enterprise in order to produce statutory reports for SARS and the Department of Labour. This information is used to create tax certificates and the electronic tax file, the UIF reports, and the employment equity reports.

To enter tax information:

  1. In the Organization window, query the organization if it does not already appear there. In the Organizations Classifications region, select GRE/Legal Entity, choose the Others button and select ZA Tax Information.

  2. Click in the Additional Organization Information window to open the ZA Tax Information window.

  3. Enter the additional tax information for the enterprise, including the details of their registration with the Office for Registration of Companies and Registrar, SARS, and the Department of Labour.

  4. The following fields are mandatory:

    • SDL Ref Number if the field 'Registered for SDL' is Yes.

    • UIF Ref Number if the field 'Registered for UIF' is Yes.

    • Employer Trade Classification .

  5. Enter the employer's email address.

  6. Indicate whether the employer and employee UIF contributions must be calculated based on working hours. Select Yes to ensure that the application does not calculate employer and employee UIF contributions if an employee works for less than 24 hours per month for a single employer. Select No or leave the field blank to ensure that the application calculates employer and employee UIF contributions for all employees irrespective of the hours they have worked in a month for a single employer.

  7. Indicate if the organization is an Organ of State.

  8. Indicate if the enterprise complies with the Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998.

  9. Save your work.



In Oracle HRMS, you set up each physical site where your employees work as a separate location. If you use the Configuration Workbench to configure your basic enterprise structure, then you only need to create locations for the additional organizations you require.

See: Key Concepts for Representing Enterprises

You can set up:

Similarly, you enter the addresses of external organizations that you want to maintain in your system, such as employment agencies, tax authorities, and insurance or benefits carriers. When setting up internal or external organizations, you select from a list of these locations.

This approach has these advantages:

Mexico Only

Oracle HRMS uses the location associated with an assignment to determine its social security affiliation. It is recommended that you associate all locations with one or more appropriate GRE using the Mexico HRMS Statutory Reporting Hierarchy. Oracle HRMS determines the GRE of an assignment based on the hierarchy you have associated the location with.

See: Government Reporting Entities (GREs), Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide (Mexico)

See: Mexico HRMS Statutory Reporting Generic Hierarchy Type, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide (Mexico)

See: Entering an Assignment (Assignment Window)

Location Extra Information Types

You can define as many Extra Information Types as you require to hold information about locations. There is also one predefined location EIT.

If the employee's assignment has a location attached, then the application retrieves the SARS business address from the ZA SARS Address Format Location EIT for the assignment. If there is no information specified in this EIT, then the application check if the assignment has a position defined, and retrieves the information from the assignment position's location EIT ZA SARS Address Format. If the location is not defined at either the assignment's position or if the EIT information is not specified, then the application displays an error in the Tax Year End Data Validation report.

To be able to access the predefined EITs, you must link the EIT to your responsibility, see: Setting Up Extra Information Types Against a Responsibility, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide