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Solaris WBEM Developer's Guide
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Document Information


1.  Overview of Solaris Web-Based Enterprise Management

2.  Using the CIM Object Manager

3.  Using the Sample Programs

4.  Writing a Client Program

5.  Writing WBEM Queries

6.  Writing a Provider Program

7.  Creating JavaBeans Components Using the MOF Compiler

8.  Administering Security

9.  Troubleshooting

A.  Solaris Platform Schema

Solaris Platform Schema Files

Solaris_Acl.mof File

Solaris_Application.mof File

Solaris_CIMOM.mof File

Solaris_Core.mof File

Solaris_Device.mof File

Solaris_DMGT1.0.mof File

Solaris_Event.mof File

Solaris_Network.mof File

Solaris_Performance.mof File

Solaris_Project.mof File

Solaris_Schema.mof File

Solaris_SNMP.mof File

Solaris_System.mof File

Solaris_Users.mof File

Solaris_VM2.0.mof File

WBEMServices.mof File


Appendix A

Solaris Platform Schema

The Solaris platform schema and CIM schema are available by default in the CIM Object Manager. You can view the MOF files, from which the Solaris platform schema and CIM schema are compiled, in /usr/sadm/mof/. CIM schema files, which implement the Core and Common models of the Common Information Model, are denoted by the use of “CIM” in their associated file names. The Solaris platform schema files, denoted by the use of “Solaris” in their file names, provide the unique extensions that Sun Microsystems has made to the Common Information Model. The MOF files that you find in /usr/sadm/mof/will depend on the installation cluster of the system and which packages have been installed.

Documentation of the Solaris platform providers listed in this chapter is included in the MOF file in which the provider is specified.