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Oracle Solaris ZFS Administration Guide
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Document Information


1.  Oracle Solaris ZFS File System (Introduction)

2.  Getting Started With Oracle Solaris ZFS

3.  Oracle Solaris ZFS and Traditional File System Differences

4.  Managing Oracle Solaris ZFS Storage Pools

5.  Installing and Booting an Oracle Solaris ZFS Root File System

6.  Managing Oracle Solaris ZFS File Systems

7.  Working With Oracle Solaris ZFS Snapshots and Clones

8.  Using ACLs to Protect Oracle Solaris ZFS Files

9.  Oracle Solaris ZFS Delegated Administration

10.  Oracle Solaris ZFS Advanced Topics

11.  Oracle Solaris ZFS Troubleshooting and Pool Recovery

A.  Oracle Solaris ZFS Version Descriptions



























zfs allow
description, Delegating ZFS Permissions (zfs allow)
displaying delegated permissions, Displaying ZFS Delegated Permissions (Examples)
zfs create
(example of)
How to Create ZFS File Systems
Creating a ZFS File System
description, Creating a ZFS File System
ZFS delegated administration, overview, Overview of ZFS Delegated Administration
zfs destroy, (example of), Destroying a ZFS File System
zfs destroy -r, (example of), Destroying a ZFS File System
ZFS file system
description, Managing ZFS File Systems (Overview)
description, Overview of ZFS Versions
ZFS file systems
ACL on ZFS directory
detailed description, Setting ACLs on ZFS Files
ACL on ZFS file
detailed description, Setting ACLs on ZFS Files
adding ZFS file system to a non-global zone
(example of), Adding ZFS File Systems to a Non-Global Zone
adding ZFS volume to a non-global zone
(example of), Adding ZFS Volumes to a Non-Global Zone
booting a root file system
description, Booting From a ZFS Root File System
booting a ZFS BE with boot -Land boot -Z
(SPARC example of), SPARC: Booting From a ZFS Root File System
definition, ZFS Terminology
checksummed data
description, Checksums and Self-Healing Data
replacing a file system with (example of), Replacing a ZFS File System With a ZFS Clone
definition, ZFS Terminology
description, Overview of ZFS Clones
component naming requirements, ZFS Component Naming Requirements
(example of), Creating a ZFS File System
creating a clone, Creating a ZFS Clone
creating a ZFS volume
(example of), ZFS Volumes
definition, ZFS Terminology
dataset types
description, Creating Complex ZFS Queries
default mountpoint
(example of), Creating a ZFS File System
delegating dataset to a non-global zone
(example of), Delegating Datasets to a Non-Global Zone
description, What Is ZFS?
(example of), Destroying a ZFS File System
destroying a clone, Destroying a ZFS Clone
destroying with dependents
(example of), Destroying a ZFS File System
file system
definition, ZFS Terminology
inheriting property of (zfs inherit)
(example of), Inheriting ZFS Properties
initial installation of ZFS root file system, Installing a ZFS Root File System (Initial Installation)
installation and Oracle Solaris Live Upgrade requirements, Oracle Solaris Installation and Oracle Solaris Live Upgrade Requirements for ZFS Support
installing a root file system, ZFS Installation Features
JumpStart installation of root file system, Installing a ZFS Root File System (Oracle Solaris JumpStart Installation)
(example of), Listing Basic ZFS Information
listing descendents
(example of), Listing Basic ZFS Information
listing properties by source value
(example of), Querying ZFS Properties
listing properties for scripting
(example of), Querying ZFS Properties for Scripting
listing properties of (zfs list)
(example of), Querying ZFS Properties
listing types of
(example of), Creating Complex ZFS Queries
listing without header information
(example of), Creating Complex ZFS Queries
managing automatic mount points, Managing ZFS Mount Points
managing legacy mount points
description, Managing ZFS Mount Points
managing mount points
description, Managing ZFS Mount Points
modifying trivial ACL on ZFS file (verbose format)
(example of), Setting and Displaying ACLs on ZFS Files in Verbose Format
(example of), Mounting ZFS File Systems
pooled storage
description, ZFS Pooled Storage
property management within a zone
description, Managing ZFS Properties Within a Zone
receiving data streams (zfs receive)
(example of), Receiving a ZFS Snapshot
(example of), Renaming a ZFS File System
restoring trivial ACL on ZFS file (verbose format)
(example of), Setting and Displaying ACLs on ZFS Files in Verbose Format
rights profiles, ZFS Rights Profiles
root file system migration issues, ZFS Migration Issues With Oracle Solaris Live Upgrade
root file system migration with Oracle Solaris Live Upgrade, Migrating a UFS Root File System to a ZFS Root File System (Oracle Solaris Live Upgrade)
(example of), Using Oracle Solaris Live Upgrade to Migrate to a ZFS Root File System (Without Zones)
saving data streams (zfs send)
(example of), Sending a ZFS Snapshot
sending and receiving
description, Sending and Receiving ZFS Data
setting a reservation
(example of), Setting Reservations on ZFS File Systems
setting ACL inheritance on ZFS file (verbose format)
(example of), Setting ACL Inheritance on ZFS Files in Verbose Format
setting ACLs on ZFS file (compact format)
(example of), Setting and Displaying ACLs on ZFS Files in Compact Format
description, Setting and Displaying ACLs on ZFS Files in Compact Format
setting ACLs on ZFS file (verbose format)
description, Setting and Displaying ACLs on ZFS Files in Verbose Format
setting ACLs on ZFS files
description, Setting ACLs on ZFS Files
setting atime property
(example of), Setting ZFS Properties
setting legacy mount point
(example of), Legacy Mount Points
setting mount point (zfs set mountpoint)
(example of), Automatic Mount Points
setting quota property
(example of), Setting ZFS Properties
description, Sharing and Unsharing ZFS File Systems
example of, Controlling Share Semantics
simplified administration
description, Simplified Administration
accessing, Displaying and Accessing ZFS Snapshots
creating, Creating and Destroying ZFS Snapshots
definition, ZFS Terminology
description, Overview of ZFS Snapshots
destroying, Creating and Destroying ZFS Snapshots
renaming, Renaming ZFS Snapshots
rolling back, Rolling Back a ZFS Snapshot
snapshot space accounting, Disk Space Accounting for ZFS Snapshots
swap and dump devices
adjusting sizes of, Adjusting the Sizes of Your ZFS Swap Device and Dump Device
description, ZFS Support for Swap and Dump Devices
issues, ZFS Support for Swap and Dump Devices
transactional semantics
description, Transactional Semantics
(example of), Unmounting ZFS File Systems
example of, Unsharing ZFS File Systems
using on a Solaris system with zones installed
description, Using ZFS on a Solaris System With Zones Installed
definition, ZFS Terminology
ZFS file systems (zfs set quota)
setting a quota
example of, Setting Quotas on ZFS File Systems
zfs get, (example of), Querying ZFS Properties
zfs get -H -o, (example of), Querying ZFS Properties for Scripting
zfs get -s, (example of), Querying ZFS Properties
zfs inherit, (example of), Inheriting ZFS Properties
ZFS intent log (ZIL), description, Setting Up Separate ZFS Log Devices
zfs list
(example of)
How to Create ZFS File Systems
Listing Basic ZFS Information
zfs list -H, (example of), Creating Complex ZFS Queries
zfs list -r, (example of), Listing Basic ZFS Information
zfs list -t, (example of), Creating Complex ZFS Queries
zfs mount, (example of), Mounting ZFS File Systems
ZFS pool properties
allocated, Managing ZFS Storage Pool Properties
alroot, Managing ZFS Storage Pool Properties
autoreplace, Managing ZFS Storage Pool Properties
bootfs, Managing ZFS Storage Pool Properties
cachefile, Managing ZFS Storage Pool Properties
capacity, Managing ZFS Storage Pool Properties
delegation, Managing ZFS Storage Pool Properties
failmode, Managing ZFS Storage Pool Properties
free, Managing ZFS Storage Pool Properties
guid, Managing ZFS Storage Pool Properties
health, Managing ZFS Storage Pool Properties
listsnapshots, Managing ZFS Storage Pool Properties
size, Managing ZFS Storage Pool Properties
version, Managing ZFS Storage Pool Properties
zfs promote, clone promotion (example of), Replacing a ZFS File System With a ZFS Clone
ZFS properties
aclinherit, Introducing ZFS Properties
aclmode, Introducing ZFS Properties
atime, Introducing ZFS Properties
available, Introducing ZFS Properties
canmount, Introducing ZFS Properties
detailed description, canmount Property
checksum, Introducing ZFS Properties
compression, Introducing ZFS Properties
compressratio, Introducing ZFS Properties
copies, Introducing ZFS Properties
creation, Introducing ZFS Properties
description, Introducing ZFS Properties
devices, Introducing ZFS Properties
exec, Introducing ZFS Properties
inheritable, description of, Introducing ZFS Properties
management within a zone
description, Managing ZFS Properties Within a Zone
mounted, Introducing ZFS Properties
mountpoint, Introducing ZFS Properties
origin, Introducing ZFS Properties
quota, Introducing ZFS Properties
read-only, Introducing ZFS Properties
read-only, ZFS Read-Only Native Properties
recordsize, Introducing ZFS Properties
detailed description, recordsize Property
referenced, Introducing ZFS Properties
refquota, Introducing ZFS Properties
refreservation, Introducing ZFS Properties
reservation, Introducing ZFS Properties
Introducing ZFS Properties
Introducing ZFS Properties
settable, Settable ZFS Native Properties
setuid, Introducing ZFS Properties
shareiscsi, Introducing ZFS Properties
sharenfs, Introducing ZFS Properties
snapdir, Introducing ZFS Properties
type, Introducing ZFS Properties
used, Introducing ZFS Properties
detailed description, The used Property
usedbychildren, Introducing ZFS Properties
usedbydataset, Introducing ZFS Properties
usedbyrefreservation, Introducing ZFS Properties
usedbysnapshots, Introducing ZFS Properties
user properties
detailed description, ZFS User Properties
version, Introducing ZFS Properties
volblocksize, Introducing ZFS Properties
volsize, Introducing ZFS Properties
detailed description, volsize Property
xattr, Introducing ZFS Properties
zoned, Introducing ZFS Properties
zoned property
detailed description, Understanding the zoned Property
zfs receive, (example of), Receiving a ZFS Snapshot
zfs rename, (example of), Renaming a ZFS File System
zfs send, (example of), Sending a ZFS Snapshot
zfs set atime, (example of), Setting ZFS Properties
zfs set compression, (example of), How to Create ZFS File Systems
zfs set mountpoint
(example of)
How to Create ZFS File Systems
Automatic Mount Points
zfs set mountpoint=legacy, (example of), Legacy Mount Points
zfs set quota
(example of), How to Create ZFS File Systems
zfs set quota, (example of), Setting ZFS Properties
zfs set quota
example of, Setting Quotas on ZFS File Systems
zfs set reservation, (example of), Setting Reservations on ZFS File Systems
zfs set sharenfs, (example of), How to Create ZFS File Systems
zfs set sharenfs=on, example of, Controlling Share Semantics
ZFS space accounting, differences between ZFS and traditional file systems, ZFS Disk Space Accounting
ZFS storage pool
description, Overview of ZFS Versions
ZFS storage pools
adding devices to (zpool add)
(example of), Adding Devices to a Storage Pool
alternate root pools, Using ZFS Alternate Root Pools
attaching devices to (zpool attach)
(example of), Attaching and Detaching Devices in a Storage Pool
clearing a device
(example of), Clearing Storage Pool Device Errors
clearing device errors (zpool clear)
(example of), Clearing Transient Errors
components, Using Disks in a ZFS Storage Pool
corrupted data
description, Corrupted ZFS Data
creating (zpool create)
(example of), Creating a ZFS Storage Pool
creating a RAID-Z configuration (zpool create)
(example of), Creating a RAID-Z Storage Pool
creating mirrored configuration (zpool create)
(example of), Creating a Mirrored Storage Pool
damaged devices
description, Damaged Devices in a ZFS Storage Pool
data corruption identified (zpool status -v)
(example of), Data Corruption Errors
data repair
description, File System Repair
data scrubbing
(example of), Explicit ZFS Data Scrubbing
description, Controlling ZFS Data Scrubbing
data scrubbing and resilvering
description, ZFS Data Scrubbing and Resilvering
data validation
description, File System Validation
default mount point, Default Mount Point for Storage Pools
destroying (zpool destroy)
(example of), Destroying ZFS Storage Pools
detaching devices from (zpool detach)
(example of), Attaching and Detaching Devices in a Storage Pool
determining if a device can be replaced
description, Determining If a Device Can Be Replaced
determining if problems exist (zpool status -x)
description, Determining If Problems Exist in a ZFS Storage Pool
determining type of device failure
description, Determining the Type of Device Failure
displaying detailed health status
(example of), Detailed Health Status
displaying health status, Determining the Health Status of ZFS Storage Pools
(example of), Basic Storage Pool Health Status
doing a dry run (zpool create -n)
(example of), Doing a Dry Run of Storage Pool Creation
dynamic striping, Dynamic Striping in a Storage Pool
(example of), Exporting a ZFS Storage Pool
failures, Identifying ZFS Failures
identifying for import (zpool import -a)
(example of), Determining Available Storage Pools to Import
identifying problems
description, Resolving Problems With ZFS
identifying type of data corruption (zpool status -v)
(example of), Identifying the Type of Data Corruption
(example of), Importing ZFS Storage Pools
importing from alternate directories (zpool import -d)
(example of), Importing ZFS Storage Pools From Alternate Directories
(example of), Listing Information About All Storage Pools or a Specific Pool
description, Migrating ZFS Storage Pools
definition, ZFS Terminology
mirrored configuration, description, Mirrored Storage Pool Configuration
missing (faulted) devices
description, Missing Devices in a ZFS Storage Pool
notifying ZFS of reattached device (zpool online)
(example of), Notifying ZFS of Device Availability
offlining a device (zpool offline)
(example of), Taking a Device Offline
onlining and offlining devices
description, Onlining and Offlining Devices in a Storage Pool
overall pool status information for troubleshooting
description, Overall Pool Status Information
definition, ZFS Terminology
pool-wide I/O statistics
(example of), Listing Pool-Wide I/O Statistics
definition, ZFS Terminology
RAID-Z configuration, description, RAID-Z Storage Pool Configuration
recovering a destroyed pool
(example of), Recovering Destroyed ZFS Storage Pools
repairing a corrupted file or directory
description, Repairing a Corrupted File or Directory
repairing a damaged ZFS configuration, Repairing a Damaged ZFS Configuration
repairing an unbootable system
description, Repairing an Unbootable System
repairing pool-wide damage
description, Repairing ZFS Storage Pool-Wide Damage
replacing a device (zpool replace)
(example of)
Replacing Devices in a Storage Pool
Replacing a Device in a ZFS Storage Pool
replacing a missing device
(example of), Resolving a Missing Device
definition, ZFS Terminology
rights profiles, ZFS Rights Profiles
scripting storage pool output
(example of), Scripting ZFS Storage Pool Output
splitting a mirrored storage pool (zpool split)
(example of), Creating a New Pool By Splitting a Mirrored ZFS Storage Pool
system error messages
description, System Reporting of ZFS Error Messages
description, Upgrading ZFS Storage Pools
using files, Using Files in a ZFS Storage Pool
using whole disks, Using Disks in a ZFS Storage Pool
vdev I/O statistics
(example of), Listing Virtual Device I/O Statistics
viewing resilvering process
(example of), Viewing Resilvering Status
virtual device
definition, ZFS Terminology
virtual devices, Displaying Storage Pool Virtual Device Information
ZFS storage pools (zpool online)
onlining a device
(example of), Bringing a Device Online
zfs unallow, description, Removing ZFS Delegated Permissions (zfs unallow)
zfs unmount, (example of), Unmounting ZFS File Systems
ZFS version
ZFS feature and Solaris OS
description, Overview of ZFS Versions
ZFS volume, description, ZFS Volumes
zoned property
description, Introducing ZFS Properties
detailed description, Understanding the zoned Property
adding ZFS file system to a non-global zone
(example of), Adding ZFS File Systems to a Non-Global Zone
adding ZFS volume to a non-global zone
(example of), Adding ZFS Volumes to a Non-Global Zone
delegating dataset to a non-global zone
(example of), Delegating Datasets to a Non-Global Zone
using with ZFS file systems
description, Using ZFS on a Solaris System With Zones Installed
ZFS property management within a zone
description, Managing ZFS Properties Within a Zone
zoned property
detailed description, Understanding the zoned Property
zpool add, (example of), Adding Devices to a Storage Pool
zpool attach, (example of), Attaching and Detaching Devices in a Storage Pool
zpool clear
(example of), Clearing Storage Pool Device Errors
description, Clearing Storage Pool Device Errors
zpool create
(example of)
Creating a Basic ZFS File System
How to Create a ZFS Storage Pool
basic pool
(example of), Creating a ZFS Storage Pool
mirrored storage pool
(example of), Creating a Mirrored Storage Pool
RAID-Z storage pool
(example of), Creating a RAID-Z Storage Pool
zpool create -n, dry run (example of), Doing a Dry Run of Storage Pool Creation
zpool destroy, (example of), Destroying ZFS Storage Pools
zpool detach, (example of), Attaching and Detaching Devices in a Storage Pool
zpool export, (example of), Exporting a ZFS Storage Pool
zpool history, (example of), ZFS Command History (zpool history)
zpool import -a, (example of), Determining Available Storage Pools to Import
zpool import -D, (example of), Recovering Destroyed ZFS Storage Pools
zpool import -d, (example of), Importing ZFS Storage Pools From Alternate Directories
zpool import name, (example of), Importing ZFS Storage Pools
zpool iostat, pool-wide (example of), Listing Pool-Wide I/O Statistics
zpool iostat -v, vdev (example of), Listing Virtual Device I/O Statistics
zpool list
(example of)
How to Create a ZFS Storage Pool
Listing Information About All Storage Pools or a Specific Pool
description, Querying ZFS Storage Pool Status
zpool list -Ho name, (example of), Scripting ZFS Storage Pool Output
zpool offline, (example of), Taking a Device Offline
zpool online, (example of), Bringing a Device Online
zpool replace, (example of), Replacing Devices in a Storage Pool
zpool split, (example of), Creating a New Pool By Splitting a Mirrored ZFS Storage Pool
zpool status -v, (example of), Detailed Health Status
zpool status -x, (example of), Basic Storage Pool Health Status
zpool upgrade, Upgrading ZFS Storage Pools