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Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1 Error Message Reference
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1.  Oracle GlassFish Server Error Messages






































UTIL6001 isJmsDestinationReference has been deprecated; Please use isResourceEnvReference instead.

Description: TBD

UTIL6002 Exception in main().

Description: TBD

UTIL6003 MalformedURLException in addResourceAdapter().

Description: TBD

UTIL6004 IOException in load().

Description: TBD

UTIL6005 IOException in copyFile.

Description: TBD

UTIL6006 Exception in JarAccess create().

Description: TBD

UTIL6007 Exception in LegacyConfigConverter convert().

Description: TBD

UTIL6008 ConfigException in ORBManager.

Description: TBD

UTIL6009 Unexpected Exception in createORB.

Description: TBD

UTIL6010 Error Cannot load library. [{0}]

Description: TBD

UTIL6011 'jms-client-id' is an obsolete property. Set client id on a JMS Connection Factory and use the 'mdb-connection-factory' property instead.

Description: TBD

UTIL6012 message-driven beans with container-managed transactions can't have a jms acknowledge mode.

Description: TBD

UTIL6013 You have chosen to make this bean manage its own transactions. This is illegal for entity beans, and the (session) bean cannot specify any method level container transactions.

Description: TBD

UTIL6014 error converting properties file.

Description: TBD

UTIL6015 Unexpected Exception in ResourceCache getResource().

Description: TBD

UTIL6016 Exception in ServerViewer refresh().

Description: TBD

UTIL6017 Exception in SimpleUniqueValueGenerator getGeneratorBackendId().

Description: TBD

UTIL6018 Exception in SimpleUniqueValueGenerator nextNumberInternal().

Description: TBD

UTIL6019 WARNING : runAsRole and runAsPrincipal cannot exist independent of each other. Ignore...

Description: TBD

UTIL6020 Error in removing resource adapters

Description: TBD

UTIL6021 Error [{0}] occurred

Description: TBD

UTIL6022 Error connecting server viewer: [{0}]

Description: TBD

UTIL6024 Exception in FileUtil CountWords().

Description: TBD

UTIL6025 The main method is either not public or not static.

Description: TBD

UTIL6026 The main method's return type is not void.

Description: TBD

UTIL6027 Exception in invokeApplicationMain [{0}].

Description: TBD

UTIL6028 Exception in FileUtil

Description: TBD

UTIL6029 Exception in checkORBInitialHost

Description: TBD

UTIL6030 Exception in checkORBInitialPort

Description: TBD

UTIL6031 Number Format Exception, Using default value(s).

Description: TBD

UTIL6032 Could not initialize connection monitoring

Description: TBD

UTIL6033 Could not initialize Thread Pool monitoring

Description: TBD

UTIL6034 Could not initialize ORB monitoring

Description: TBD

UTIL6035 Exception converting to integer

Description: TBD

UTIL6036 System property reference missing trailing "'}'" at {0} in domain.xml.

Description: TBD

UTIL6037 System property reference missing starting "$'{'" at {0} in domain.xml.

Description: TBD

UTIL6038 Unknown property {0} found unresolving {1}.

Description: TBD

UTIL6039 Exception {0} resolving password alias {1} in property {2}.

Description: TBD

UTIL6040 Error attempting to delete {0}

Description: TBD

UTIL6041 Performing gc to try to force file closures

Description: TBD

UTIL6042 Attempt to delete {0} succeeded after {1} retries

Description: TBD

UTIL6043 Attempt to delete {0} failed after {1} retries

Description: TBD

UTIL6045 Internal Error in Reporter -- couldn't find/make default reporter!

Description: TBD

UTIL6046 Attempt to rename {0} to {1} failed after {2} retries

Description: TBD

UTIL6047 Attempt to rename {0} to {1} succeeded without any retries

Description: TBD

UTIL6048 Attempt to delete {0} failed; now marked for delete-on-exit

Description: TBD

UTIL6049 Attempt to delete {0} failed; the file is reported as non-existent

Description: TBD

UTIL6050 After {0} retries these files were successfully deleted: {1}

Description: TBD

UTIL6051 After {0} retries these files could not be deleted and are now marked for delete-on-exit: {1}

Description: TBD

UTIL6052 These files could not be deleted and are now marked for delete-on-exit: {0}

Description: TBD

UTIL6100 Windows file path {0} is too long; consider shortening the module name or the installation directory path

Description: TBD

UTIL6101 Error preparing class loader

Description: TBD

UTIL6537 PropertyWrapper::PropertyWrapper() does not have security access to [{0}] > [{1}]

Description: TBD

UTIL6538 Error creating filecachestore

Description: TBD

UTIL6539 Error doing lookup

Description: TBD

UTIL6540 Storing error

Description: TBD

UTIL6541 [{0}] : lookup failed for: [{1}]

Description: TBD

UTIL6542 Lookup failed for Key: [{0}]

Description: TBD

UTIL6543 Exception converting to array

Description: TBD

UTIL6544 CallerInfo Exception

Description: TBD

UTIL6546 Bad Location Exception

Description: TBD

UTIL6547 Got exception in

Description: TBD

UTIL6548 Got some exception

Description: TBD

UTIL6549 Some IOException occurred

Description: TBD

UTIL6550 Error in local string manager - resource bundle is probably missing.

Description: TBD

UTIL6551 Error while caching the local string manager - package name may be null.

Description: TBD

UTIL6552 Error while constructing the local string manager object.

Description: TBD

UTIL6553 Error while formating the local string.

Description: TBD

UTIL8050 Illegal max-entries [{0}]; please check your cache configuration.

Description: TBD

UTIL8051 Illegal MaxSize value [{0}]

Description: TBD

UTIL8060 Maximum number of entries

Description: TBD

UTIL8061 Threshold

Description: TBD

UTIL8062 Table size

Description: TBD

UTIL8063 Number of entries

Description: TBD

UTIL8064 Hit count

Description: TBD

UTIL8065 Miss count

Description: TBD

UTIL8066 Removal count

Description: TBD

UTIL8067 Refresh count

Description: TBD

UTIL8070 Add count

Description: TBD

UTIL8071 Retrieve count

Description: TBD

UTIL8072 Overflow count

Description: TBD

UTIL8075 LRU list length

Description: TBD

UTIL8076 LRU list trim count

Description: TBD

UTIL8080 Multi-LRU segment size

Description: TBD

UTIL8081 Multi-LRU list size by segment

Description: TBD

UTIL8082 Current size (bytes)

Description: TBD

UTIL8083 Maximum size (bytes)

Description: TBD

UTIL9000 UNIX command completed successfully.

Description: TBD

UTIL9001 EPERM: The effective user ID does not match the owner of the file or the process is not the super-user and such privilege is required.

Description: TBD

UTIL9002 ENOENT: Either a component of the path prefix or the file referred to by path does not exist or is a null pathname.

Description: TBD

UTIL9004 EINTR: A signal was caught during the execution.

Description: TBD

UTIL9005 EIO: An I/O error occurred while reading from or writing to the file system.

Description: TBD

UTIL9013 EACCES: Search permission is denied on a component of the path prefix.

Description: TBD

UTIL9014 EFAULT: The path argument points to an illegal address.

Description: TBD

UTIL9020 ENOTDIR: A component of the path prefix is not a directory.

Description: TBD

UTIL9022 EINVAL: The group or owner argument is out of range.

Description: TBD

UTIL9030 EROFS: The named file resides on a read-only file system.

Description: TBD

UTIL9067 ENOLINK: The path argument points to a remote machine and the link to that machine is no longer active.

Description: TBD

UTIL9078 ENAMETOOLONG: path name is too long.

Description: TBD

UTIL9090 ELOOP: Too many symbolic links were encountered in translating the path.

Description: TBD

UTIL9099 UNKNOWN UNIX Error returned. Errno =

Description: TBD