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Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1 Error Message Reference
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1.  Oracle GlassFish Server Error Messages






































WEB0100 Loading web module [{0}] in virtual server [{1}] at [{2}]

Description: TBD

WEB0103 This web container has not yet been started

Description: TBD

WEB0108 extra-class-path component [{0}] is not a valid pathname

Description: TBD

WEB0109 Property [{0}] is not yet supported

Description: TBD

WEB0110 Ignoring invalid property [{0}] = [{1}]

Description: TBD

WEB0111 Enabling file-based persistence for web module [{0}]''s sessions

Description: TBD

WEB0113 Virtual server [{0}] already has a web module [{1}] loaded at [{2}]; therefore web module [{3}] cannot be loaded at this context path on this virtual server.

Description: TBD

WEB0116 Using alternate deployment descriptor [{0}] for web module [{1}]

Description: TBD

WEB0121 Enabled session ID reuse for web module [{0}] deployed on virtual server [{1}]

Cause: Use caution before enabling this feature, because it puts the burden of creating unpredictable session ids on the client, which may not be trusted

Solution: Check your sun-web.xml for a property with name reuseSessionID, and set it to false if you do not want to enable this feature

WEB0122 Unable to start web container

Description: TBD

WEB0123 Unable to stop web container

Description: TBD

WEB0124 Property element in sun-web.xml has null 'name' or 'value'

Description: TBD

WEB0125 class-loader attribute dynamic-reload-interval in sun-web.xml not supported

Description: TBD

WEB0126 Failed to parse sun-web.xml singleThreadedServletPoolSize property value ({0}) of web module deployed at {1}, using default ({2})

Cause: The value of the singleThreadedServletPoolSize property in the sun-web.xml deployment descriptor cannot be parsed as an Integer

Solution: Make sure to specify an Integer as the value of the singleThreadedServletPoolSize property

WEB0127 Web module [{0}] is not loaded in virtual server [{1}]

Cause: The virtual server specified does not exist.

Solution: Make sure the virtual server name is correct and create one if necessary.

WEB0128 Invalid Session Management Configuration for app [{0}] - defaulting to memory: persistence-type = [{1}] / persistenceFrequency = [{2}] / persistenceScope = [{3}]

Description: TBD

WEB0129 Invalid Session Management Configuration for non-distributable app [{0}] - defaulting to memory: persistence-type = [{1}] / persistenceFrequency = [{2}] / persistenceScope = [{3}]

Description: TBD

WEB0131 Enabling no persistence for web module [{0}]''s sessions: persistence-type = [{1}]

Description: TBD

WEB0136 Virtual server [{0}] has a property with missing name or value

Description: TBD

WEB0137 Invalid redirect property value [{0}] for virtual server [{1}]: More than one [{2}] component

Cause: The value of the redirect property of the virtual server specifies more than one component of the same name

Solution: Check the redirect property of the virtual server and make sure it does not specify more than one component of the same name

WEB0138 Invalid redirect property value [{0}] for virtual server [{1}]: Missing from component

Cause: The redirect property value of the virtual server is missing a from component

Solution: Make sure to specify a from component for the redirect property of the virtual server

WEB0139 Invalid redirect property value [{0}] for virtual server [{1}]: Missing url or url-prefix component

Cause: The redirect property value of the virtual server is missing an url or url-prefix component

Solution: Make sure that the value of the redirect property of the virtual server specifies an url or url-prefix component, but not both

WEB0140 Invalid redirect property value [{0}] for virtual server [{1}]: Both url and url-prefix specified

Cause: The value of the redirect property of the virtual server specifies both an url and an url-prefix component

Solution: Make sure that the value of the redirect property of the virtual server specifies an url or url-prefix component, but not both

WEB0141 Invalid redirect property value [{0}] for virtual server [{1}]: escape must be equal to yes or no

Cause: The value of the escape component is invalid

Solution: Make sure to specify either yes or no (case-insensitive) as the value of the escape component for the redirect property of the virtual server

WEB0142 Invalid send-error property value [{0}] for virtual server [{1}]: More than one [{2}] component

Cause: The value of the send-error property of the virtual server specifies more than component of the same name

Solution: Check the send-error property of the virtual server and make sure it does not specify more than one component of the same name

WEB0143 Invalid send-error property value [{0}] for virtual server [{1}]: Missing path component

Cause: The value of the send-error property of the virtual server is missing a path component

Solution: Make sure to specify a path component for the send-error property of the virtual server

WEB0144 Invalid redirect URL [{0}]: Impossible to URL encode

Description: TBD

WEB0145 Unable to deploy web module [{0}] at root context of virtual server [{1}], because this virtual server declares a default-web-module

Cause: There can be at most one web module occupying a virtual server's root context at any time

Solution: You must first undeclare a virtual server's default-web-module in order to be able to deploy to the virtual server's root context

WEB0146 Web module [{0}] has a property with missing name or value

Description: TBD

WEB0147 Unable to add listener of type [{0}] to virtual server [{1}]

Cause: Declared listener is neither of type org.apache.catalina.ContainerListener nor org.apache.catalina.LifecycleListener

Solution: Make sure the declared listener implements org.apache.catalina.ContainerListener or org.apache.catalina.LifecycleListener

WEB0148 Unable to load extension class [{0}] from web module [{1}]

Description: TBD

WEB0149 Unable to set default-web-module [{0}] for virtual server [{1}]

Description: TBD

WEB0151 Webservice based application, requires Metro to be installed. Run updatecenter client located in bin folder to install Metro

Description: TBD

WEB0152 Unable to load web module [{0}] at context root [{1}], because it is not correctly encoded

Cause: The specified context root contains one or more '%' characters and therefore is assumed to have been encoded using some multibyte encoding scheme, but it fails to be decoded using UTF-8 which is assumed as the default multibyte encoding

Solution: When deploying to a multibyte context root, make sure it is encoded according to UTF-8

WEB0153 Unable to load configuration of web module [{0}]

Description: TBD

WEB0154 Failed to precompile JSP pages of web module [{0}]

Description: TBD

WEB0155 Unable to destroy web module deployed at context root [{0}] on virtual server [{1}] during undeployment

Description: TBD

WEB0156 Exception during invocation of PreDestroy-annotated method on JSP tag handler [{0}]

Description: TBD

WEB0157 Unable to load session uuid generator [{0}]

Description: TBD

WEB0158 Object of type classname [{0}] not an instance of Valve or GlassFishValve

Description: TBD

WEB0159 Exception setting the schemas/dtds location

Description: TBD

WEB0160 Unable to determine location of server.log file

Description: TBD

WEB0161 Error loading web module [{0}]

Description: TBD

WEB0162 [WebContainer] Undeployment failed for context [{0}]

Description: TBD

WEB0163 Exception processing HttpService configuration change

Description: TBD

WEB0164 Unable to set context root [{0}]

Description: TBD

WEB0165 [WebContainer] Unable to disable web module at context root [{0}]

Description: TBD

WEB0166 Error during destruction of virtual server [{0}]

Description: TBD

WEB0167 Virtual server [{0}] cannot be updated, because it does not exist

Description: TBD

WEB0168 Ignoring [{0}] during Tag Library Descriptor (TLD) processing

Description: TBD

WEB0169 Created HTTP listener [{0}] on host/port [{1}:{2}]

Description: TBD

WEB0170 Apache mod_jk/jk2 attached to virtual-server [{0}] listening on port [{1}]

Description: TBD

WEB0171 Created virtual server [{0}]

Description: TBD

WEB0172 Virtual server [{0}] loaded default web module [{1}]

Description: TBD

WEB0190 Error starting virtual server [{0}]

Description: TBD

WEB0191 Unable to instantiate ContainerListener of type [{0}]

Description: TBD

WEB0201 The web module [{0}] has been designated as the default-web-module for virtual server [{1}]

Description: TBD

WEB0203 Error looking up the configuration information of the default-web-module [{0}] for virtual server [{1}]

Cause: The web module that has been designated as the default-web-module may not exist

Solution: Make sure that the web module that has been designated as the default-web-module for the virtual server has been deployed

WEB0204 The default-web-module [{0}] is either disabled or does not specify virtual server [{1}]

Description: TBD

WEB0206 Virtual server [{0}] has invalid authentication realm [{1}]

Description: TBD

WEB0207 Invalid sso-cookie-secure configuration [{0}] for virtual server [{1}]

Cause: The sso-cookie-secure attribute of the virtual server has an unsupported value

Solution: Make sure the value of the sso-cookie-secure attribute of the virtual server is set to 'true', 'false', or 'dynamic'

WEB0208 Virtual server {0} has been disabled

Description: TBD

WEB0209 Virtual server {0} has been turned off

Description: TBD

WEB0210 Realm [{0}] is not an instance of [{1}], and will be ignored

Description: TBD

WEB0301 Creating Listener @port {0} {1}

Description: TBD

WEB0304 Unsupported http-service property ({0}) is being ignored

Description: TBD

WEB0305 Unable to parse proxy port component ({0}) of server-name attribute of network-listener {1}

Cause: HTTP listener's proxy port is not a numeric string

Solution: Check to see if the value of the HTTP listener's server-name attribute contains a colon, and if so, make sure the name component following the colon is a numeric string

WEB0306 Unable to parse redirect-port ({0}) attribute of network-listener {1}, using default: {2}

Description: TBD

WEB0307 All SSL protocol variants disabled for network-listener {0}, using SSL implementation specific defaults

Description: TBD

WEB0308 All SSL cipher suites disabled for network-listener(s) {0}. Using SSL implementation specific defaults

Description: TBD

WEB0309 Unrecognized cipher: {0}

Description: TBD

WEB0310 Unable to parse acceptor-threads attribute ({0}) of network-listener {1}, using default: {2}

Description: TBD

WEB0313 Unable to parse port number {0} of network-listener {1}

Description: TBD

WEB0314 virtual server {0} has an invalid docroot {1}

Description: TBD

WEB0315 The host name {0} is shared by virtual servers {1} and {2}, which are both associated with the same HTTP listener ({3})

Cause: Two or more virtual servers associated with the same HTTP listener share the same host name

Solution: Make sure that the sets of host names of all virtual servers associated with the same HTTP listener are disjunct

WEB0322 Unable to load ProxyHandler implementation class {0}

Description: TBD

WEB0323 {0} not an instance of com.sun.appserv.ProxyHandler

Description: TBD

WEB0324 Missing end delimiter in access log pattern: {0}

Cause: The given access log pattern is missing a trailing '%'

Solution: Make sure that any access log pattern element is bounded by a leading and trailing '%'

WEB0325 Invalid component: {0} in access log pattern: {1}

Description: TBD

WEB0333 Unable to rename access log file {0} to {1}

Description: TBD

WEB0340 Unable to write access log file {0}

Description: TBD

WEB0342 Invalid accessLogWriterInterval value [{0}]

Description: TBD

WEB0343 JK properties file {0} does not exist

Description: TBD

WEB0344 Unable to configure JK properties for connector listening to {0}

Description: TBD

WEB0345 Access log valve cannot be stopped because it has not been started

Description: TBD

WEB0346 Unable to reconfigure access log valve

Description: TBD

WEB0347 Must not disable network-listener [{0}], because it is associated with admin virtual server [{1}]

Description: TBD

WEB0348 Illegal access log pattern [{0}], is not a valid nickname and does not contain any ''%''

Description: TBD

WEB0350 Access logger has already been started

Description: TBD

WEB0351 Access logger has not yet been started

Description: TBD

WEB0352 Invalid max-pending-count attribute value [{0}], using default [{1}]

Description: TBD

WEB0353 Invalid accessLogBufferSize value [{0}]

Description: TBD

WEB0354 Unable to parse max-history-files access log configuration [{0}]

Cause: max-history-files not specified as an integer

Solution: Make sure the value of the com.sun.enterprise.server.logging.max_history_files system property or max-history-files attribute of access-log is given as an integer

WEB0355 network-listener [{0}] referenced by virtual server [{1}] does not exist

Description: TBD

WEB0356 Web module [{0}] not loaded to any virtual servers

Cause: No virtual servers specified on which to load the web module

WEB0357 Unable to remove access log file {0}

Description: TBD

WEB0358 Invalid attribute [{0}] in thread-pool configuration

Cause: The specified attribute value cannot be parsed as an Integer

Solution: Make sure to specify an Integer as the attribute value

WEB0359 The class [{0}] is annotated with an invalid scope

Cause: The offending class is annotated with javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped, javax.enterprise.context.ConversationScoped, javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped, or javax.enterprise.context.SessionScoped, which is a violation of the Servlet specification

Solution: Make sure that the offending class does not have any scope annotation or is annotated with the javax.enterprise.context.Dependent scope, which is the only valid scope for Servlets, Filters, and Listeners

WEB0400 Unable to set request encoding [{0}] determined from sun-web.xml deployment descriptor of web application [{1}]

Cause: The sun-web.xml deployment descriptor specifies an invalid request encoding

Solution: Check the form-hint-field, default-charset, and locale-charset-map configuration in the sun-web.xml deployment descriptor and make sure it specifies a valid request encoding

WEB0402 POST data too large

Description: TBD

WEB0500 default-locale attribute of locale-charset-info element is being ignored

Cause: This attribute has been deprecated

Solution: Use default-charset attribute of parameter-encoding element instead

WEB0502 Null property name or value for alternate docbase

Description: TBD

WEB0503 Alternate docbase property value {0} is missing a URL pattern or docbase

Description: TBD

WEB0504 URL pattern {0} for alternate docbase is invalid

Description: TBD

WEB0505 URL pattern {0} for alternate docbase contains CR or LF or both

Description: TBD

WEB0506 No ServerContext in WebModule [{0}]

Description: TBD

WEB0507 No method [{0}(java.lang.String)] defined on valve [{1}] of web module [{2}]

Description: TBD

WEB0508 Exception during execution of method [{0}] on valve [{1}] of web module [{2}]

Description: TBD

WEB0509 Unable to add valve to web module [{0}]

Cause: Valve declaration is missing a name attribute

Solution: You must specify a name attribute with your valve declaration

WEB0510 Unable to add valve with name [{0}] to web module [{1}]

Cause: Valve declaration is missing a class-name attribute

Solution: You must specify a class-name attribute with your valve declaration

WEB0511 Valve [{0}] of web module [{1}] has a property without any name

Description: TBD

WEB0512 Object of type {0} is not a valve

Cause: Declared custom valve does not implement any of the required valve interfaces

Solution: Make sure the declared custom valve implements org.apache.catalina.Valve or org.glassfish.web.valve.GlassFishValve

WEB0513 Unable to add listener of type [{0}] to web module [{1}]

Cause: Declared listener does not implement any of the required interfaces

Solution: Make sure the declared listener implements org.apache.catalina.ContainerListener, org.apache.catalina.LifecycleListener, or org.apache.catalina.InstanceListener

WEB0514 Unable to create custom ObjectInputStream

Description: TBD

WEB0515 Unable to create custom ObjectOutputStream

Description: TBD

WEB0516 Unable to save sessions for web module [{0}] during redeployment

Cause: An HTTP session that was supposed to survive the redeployment of the web module failed to be serialized. This kind of error can occur only if the keepSessions property of the redeploy command has been set to true

Solution: Make sure that all HTTP sessions of the web module are serializable, or disable the feature that preserves HTTP sessions across redeployments

WEB0517 Unable to restore sessions for web module [{0}] from previous deployment

Cause: An HTTP session that was supposed to survive the redeployment of the web module failed to be restored (deserialized). This can happen if an application class that was used as a session attribute has changed incompatibly

Solution: Make sure that any application classes that are being used as session attributes change only in a compatible way during redeployments

WEB0605 No Realm with name [{0}] configured to authenticate against

Description: TBD

WEB0607 Cannot configure an authenticator for method {0}

Description: TBD

WEB0608 Cannot instantiate an authenticator of class {0}

Description: TBD

WEB0609 Configured an authenticator for method {0}

Description: TBD

WEB0610 [{0}] failed to unbind namespace

Description: TBD

WEB0670 Unknown error, loadWebModule returned null, file a bug

Description: TBD

WEB0671 Loading application [{0}] at [{1}]

Description: TBD

WEB0700 Error initializing socket factory

Description: TBD

WEB0701 Error initializing endpoint

Description: TBD

WEB0702 Error starting endpoint

Description: TBD

WEB0703 Starting Sun-Java-System/Application-Server HTTP/1.1 on {0}

Description: TBD

WEB0704 Stopping Sun-Java-System/Application-Server HTTP/1.1 on {0}

Description: TBD

WEB0705 Error registering MBean for {0}

Description: TBD

WEB0706 Exception when initializing monitoring for network-listener [{0}]

Description: TBD

WEB0707 Exception while invoking mebean server operation [{0}]

Description: TBD

WEB0800 Save succeeded for web module [{0}] in virtual server [{1}] at [{2}]

Description: TBD

WEB5000 Exception during invocation of InjectionManager.destroyManagedObject on {0} of web module {1}

Description: TBD

WEB5001 Exception during processing of event of type {0} for web module {1}

Description: TBD

WEB6000 Lifecycle event data object [{0}] is not a WebModule

Description: TBD

WEB6001 Error creating cache manager and configuring the servlet caching subsystem

Description: TBD

WEB7000 Security role name {0} used in an <auth-constraint> without being defined in a <security-role>

Description: TBD

WEB7001 Security role name {0} used in a <role-link> without being defined in a <security-role>

Description: TBD

WEB7002 Security role name {0} used in a <run-as> without being defined in a <security-role>

Description: TBD

WEB8001 Exception in creating cache

Description: TBD

WEB8002 Exception initializing cache-helper [{0}]; please check your helper class implementation.

Description: TBD

WEB8020 Incorrect scope value [{0}] for web application cache field name [{1}]

Description: TBD

WEB8021 ''greater'' expression requires a numeric value; please check your value {0}

Description: TBD

WEB8022 ''lesser'' expression requires a numeric value; please check your value [{0}]

Description: TBD

WEB8023 illegal value [{0}] expr [{1}]

Description: TBD

WEB8024 illegal in-range constraint; specify a valid range (xxx-yyy) value [{0}]

Description: TBD

WEB8025 missing separator in the ''in-range'' constraint; [{0}]

Description: TBD

WEB8026 ''in-range'' constraint requires numeric values for the lower bound [{0}]

Description: TBD

WEB8027 ''in-range'' constraint requires a value for the upper bound of the range; check your value [{0}]

Description: TBD

WEB8028 ''in-range'' constraint requires numeric values for the upper bound [{0}]

Description: TBD

WEB8050 Illegal CacheKeyGenerator

Description: TBD

WEB8080 Null run-as principal or servlet, ignoring run-as element.

Description: TBD

WEB9001 cache not found in the specified scope

Description: TBD

WEB9002 Illegal value ([{0}]) for scope attribute of cache tag

Cause: Only 'request', 'session', and 'application' scopes are supported for caching purposes

Solution: If the scope attribute of the cache tag is specified, make sure its value is set to 'request', 'session', or 'application'

WEB9003 Unable to determine TLD resources for [{0}] tag library, because class loader [{1}] for [{2}] is not an instance of

Description: TBD

WEB9031 WebappClassLoader unable to load resource [{0}], because it has not yet been started, or was already stopped

Cause: This problem usually indicates that the classloader of a web application was cached, and an attempt is being made to have it load resources even though the web application with which the classloader used to be associated has already been undeployed

Solution: Make sure that the classloader associated with your web application is not cached and used beyond the lifetime of your web application

WEB9032 Class {0} has unsupported major or minor version numbers, which are greater than those found in the Java Runtime Environment version {1}

Cause: This error indicates that a web application contains class files that were compiled with a version of the Java programming language compiler that is greater than the version of the Java Runtime Environment with which the GlassFish application server process was launched

Solution: Make sure that the classes of your web application have been compiled with a version of the Java programming language compiler that is less than or equal to the version of the Java Runtime Environment with which the GlassFish application server process was launched

WEB9033 Unable to load class with name [{0}], reason: {1}

Description: TBD

WEB9034 SQL driver deregistration failed

Description: TBD

WEB9035 Unable to read data for class with name [{0}]

Description: TBD

WEB9036 Unable to purge bean classes from BeanELResolver

Description: TBD

WEB9037 Illegal JAR entry detected with name {0}

Description: TBD

WEB9038 Unable to validate JAR entry with name {0}

Description: TBD

WEB9051 Error trying to scan the classes at {0} for annotations in which a ServletContainerInitializer has expressed interest

Description: TBD

WEB9052 Unable to load class {0}, reason: {1}

Description: TBD

WEB9053 Invalid URLClassLoader path component: [{0}] is neither a JAR file nor a directory

Description: TBD

WEB9054 Unexpected type of ClassLoader. Expected:, got: {0}

Description: TBD

WEB9100 No WebSecurityManager found for context {0}

Description: TBD

WEB9101 There are some problems with the request

Description: TBD

WEB9102 Web Login Failed: {0}

Description: TBD