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Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1 Error Message Reference
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1.  Oracle GlassFish Server Error Messages






































WS00001 Failed to load deployment descriptor, aborting

Description: TBD

WS00002 WebService {0} wsdl file {1} not found in archive {2}

Description: TBD

WS00003 Exception while processing catalog {0} Reason

Description: TBD

WS00004 Unable to create new File {0}

Description: TBD

WS00005 WebService {0} implementation {1} not found in archive {2}

Description: TBD

WS00006 WebService {0} has a JAXWS and a JAXRPC endpoint; this is not supported now

Description: TBD

WS00007 wsgen failed- proceeding under the assumption that the user packaged all required objects properly

Description: TBD

WS00008 wsgen Failed

Description: TBD

WS00009 wsgen successful

Description: TBD

WS00010 Error loading the module {0}

Description: TBD

WS00011 Runtime settings error. Cannot find servlet-impl-class for endpoint {0}

Description: TBD

WS00012 Cannot proceed with JaxrpcCodegen

Description: TBD

WS00013 Parsing error line {0}, uri {1}

Description: TBD

WS00014 Error parsing WSDL {0}

Description: TBD

WS00015 Exception : {0} when trying to process MANIFEST file under {1}

Description: TBD

WS00016 IOException : {0} when trying to get list of files under {1}

Description: TBD

WS00017 Exception occurred in the wsgen process {0}

Description: TBD

WS00018 Webservice Endpoint deployed\n {0} listening at address at {1}

Description: TBD

WS00019 EJB Endpoint deployed\n {0} listening at address at {1}

Description: TBD

WS00020 File {0} not found

Description: TBD

WS00021 MTOM is valid only for SOAP Bindings; Ignoring Enable-MTOM for port {0}

Description: TBD

WS00022 symbol annotation can only be specified on TYPE

Description: TBD

WS00023 Exception in processing @Webservice

Description: TBD

WS00024 class {0} referenced from annotation symbol cannot be loaded

Description: TBD

WS00025 SEI {0} referenced from the @WebService annotation on {1} does not contain a @WebService annotation

Description: TBD

WS00026 SEI {0} cannot have @BindingType

Description: TBD

WS00027 Target Namespace in wsdl-service element does not match @WebService.targetNamespace

Description: TBD

WS00028 Target Namespace for wsdl-service and wsdl-port should be the same

Description: TBD

WS00029 The javax.jws.WebService annotation targetNamespace MUST be used for classes or interfaces in no package

Description: TBD

WS00030 MessageContext is not a SOAPMEssageContext

Description: TBD

WS00031 There is a mismatch in the portName specified with @WebService annotation in the endpoint implementation and the portName found in the WSDL; PortName in WSDL={0}; PortName in endpoint={1}

Description: TBD

WS00032 There is a mismatch in the serviceName specified with @WebService annotation in the endpoint implementation and the serviceName found in the WSDL; ServiceName in WSDL={0}; ServiceName in endpoint={1}

Description: TBD

WS00033 Implicit mapping not supported; ignoring for now; Remove *. specified in the url-pattern

Description: TBD

WS00034 Two web services are being deployed with the same endpoint URL {0}; The service that gets loaded last will always be the one that is active for this URL

Description: TBD

WS00035 Original Method {0} does not match post-handler method {1}

Description: TBD

WS00036 Exception while getting method for {0}

Description: TBD

WS00037 Client not authorized for invocation of {0}

Description: TBD

WS00038 Error unmarshalling method for ejb {0}

Description: TBD

WS00039 Cannot validate request

Description: TBD

WS00040 Service {0} has an endpoint with non-HTTP binding but there is no WSDL; Deployment cannot proceed

Description: TBD

WS00041 Service invocation threw an exception with message : {0}; Refer to the server log for more details

Description: TBD

WS00042 Invocation of Service {0} returned null response packet

Description: TBD

WS00043 Exception while tracing request

Description: TBD

WS00044 Exception while tracing response

Description: TBD

WS00045 Invalid URL {0} specified for WSDL location

Description: TBD

WS00046 Invalid Deployment Descriptors element {0} value {1}

Description: TBD

WS00047 JAXWS WebServiceDispatcher {0} entering for {1} and query string {2}

Description: TBD

WS00048 ejb endpoint exception

Description: TBD

WS00049 Unable to find adapter for endpoint {0}

Description: TBD

WS00050 Following exception was thrown

Description: TBD

WS00051 Client not authorized for invocation of {0}

Description: TBD

WS00052 The following error was thrown by ServletPreHandler which is the first handler in the handler chain\

Description: TBD

WS00053 The following error was thrown by ServletPostHandler which is the last handler in the handler chain\

Description: TBD

WS00054 Error registering endpoint {0}

Description: TBD

WS00055 Error unregistering endpoint {0}

Description: TBD

WS00056 Deployment cannot proceed as the ejb has a null endpoint address uri.\

Description: TBD

WS00057 WebService {0} type is declared as {1} but should be either has a JAX-WS or JAX-RPC

Description: TBD

WS10001 Loading WS-TX Services. Please wait.

Description: TBD

WS10002 WS-TX Services successfully started.

Description: TBD

WS10003 WS-TX Services application was deployed explicitly.

Description: TBD

WS10004 Cannot deploy or load WS-TX Services: {0}

Description: TBD

WS10010 Web service endpoint deployment events listener registered successfully.

Description: TBD

WS10011 Endpoint deployment even received.

Description: TBD

WS10012 Endpoint undeployment even received.

Description: TBD

WS10020 High availability environment configuration injected into Metro high availability provider.

Description: TBD

WS19999 Caught unexpected exception.

Description: TBD