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Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1 Performance Tuning Guide
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Document Information


1.  Overview of GlassFish Server Performance Tuning

2.  Tuning Your Application

3.  Tuning the GlassFish Server

Using the GlassFish Server Performance Tuner

Deployment Settings

Disable Auto-Deployment

Use Pre-compiled JavaServer Pages

Disable Dynamic Application Reloading

Logger Settings

General Settings

Log Levels

Web Container Settings

Session Properties: Session Timeout

Manager Properties: Reap Interval

Disable Dynamic JSP Reloading

EJB Container Settings

Monitoring the EJB Container

Tuning the EJB Container

Overview of EJB Pooling and Caching

Tuning the EJB Pool

EJB Pool Settings

Tuning the EJB Cache

EJB Cache Settings

Pool and Cache Settings for Individual EJB Components

Commit Option

Determining the Best Commit Option

Java Message Service Settings

Transaction Service Settings

Monitoring the Transaction Service

Viewing Monitoring Information

Tuning the Transaction Service

Disable Distributed Transaction Logging

Recover On Restart (Automatic Recovery)

Keypoint Interval

HTTP Service Settings

Monitoring the HTTP Service

DNS Cache Information (dns)


CacheEntries (CurrentCacheEntries / MaxCacheEntries)


Caching DNS Entries

Limit DNS Lookups to Asynchronous





File Cache Information (file-cache)

Keep Alive (keep-alive)

Connection Queue

HTTP Service Access Logging

Network Listener Settings

General Settings

HTTP Settings

Max Connections

DNS Lookup Enabled


Header Buffer Length

File Cache Settings

Max File Count

Max Age

Transport Settings

Thread Pool Settings

Max Thread Pool Size

Min Thread Pool Size

ORB Settings


How a Client Connects to the ORB

Monitoring the ORB

Connection Statistics

Thread Pools

Tuning the ORB

Tunable ORB Parameters

ORB Thread Pool Parameters

Client ORB Properties

Controlling Connections Between Client and Server ORB

Load Balancing

Thread Pool Sizing

Examining IIOP Messages

Resource Settings

JDBC Connection Pool Settings

Monitoring JDBC Connection Pools

Tuning JDBC Connection Pools

Pool Size Settings

Timeout Settings

Isolation Level Settings

Connection Validation Settings

Connector Connection Pool Settings

Transaction Support

Load Balancer Settings

4.  Tuning the Java Runtime System

5.  Tuning the Operating System and Platform


Deployment Settings

Deployment settings can have significant impact on performance. Follow these guidelines when configuring deployment settings for best performance:

Disable Auto-Deployment

Enabling auto-deployment will adversely affect deployment, though it is a convenience in a development environment. For a production system, disable auto-deploy to optimize performance. If auto-deployment is enabled, then the Reload Poll Interval setting can have a significant performance impact.

To enable or disable auto-deployment from the GlassFish Server Administration Console, navigate to the Domain node and then click the Applications Configuration tab. Refer to the Administration Console for further instructions. Alternatively, refer to To Deploy an Application or Module Automatically in Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1 Application Deployment Guide for instructions on enabling or disabling auto-deployment.

Use Pre-compiled JavaServer Pages

Compiling JSP files is resource intensive and time consuming. Pre-compiling JSP files before deploying applications on the server will improve application performance. When you do so, only the resulting servlet class files will be deployed.

You can specify to precompile JSP files when you deploy an application through the Administration Console or deploy subcommand. You can also specify to pre-compile JSP files for a deployed application with the Administration Console. Navigate to the Domain node and then click the Applications Configuration tab. Refer to the Administration Console for further instructions.

Disable Dynamic Application Reloading

If dynamic reloading is enabled, the server periodically checks for changes in deployed applications and automatically reloads the application with the changes. Dynamic reloading is intended for development environments and is also incompatible with session persistence. To improve performance, disable dynamic class reloading.

You can use the Administration Console to disable dynamic class reloading for an application that is already deployed. Navigate to the Domain node and then click the Applications Configuration tab. Refer to the Administration Console for further instructions.