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Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1 Security Guide
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Document Information


1.  Administering System Security

2.  Administering User Security

3.  Administering Message Security

4.  Administering Security in Cluster Mode

5.  Managing Administrative Security

6.  Running in a Secure Environment

7.  Integrating Oracle Access Manager

About OAM Security Provider for Glassfish

Obtaining Oracle Access Manager Group Information

About Oracle Access Manager

Understanding OAM Security Provider Use Cases

Use Case: Authentication for Web Resources Via Access Gate

Use Case: Identity Assertion for Web Resources via WebGate

Use Case: Authorization Checks Based on Policy Manager

Configuring the OAM Security Provider

Determining Which Authentication Method is Used

Integrating OAM Security Provider with Oracle Access Manager 10g

Integrating OAM Security Provider with Oracle Access Manager 10g

Integrating OAM Security Provider with Oracle Access Manager 11g

Integrating OAM Security Provider with Oracle Access Manager 11g

Addtional Considerations for Certificate Authentication

Integrating OAM Security Provider with Oracle Access Manager 11g and WebGate

Integrating OAM Security Provider with Oracle Access Manager 11g and WebGate

Additional Considerations for Certificate Authentication With a WebGate

Session Synchronization


Configuring the OAM Security Provider

The OAM Security Provider is implemented via the OAMAuthenticatorSAM class.

You configure the OAM Security Provider as a message-security-provider (HttpServlet layer interception point), either through the Administration Console or the create-message-security-provider command.

The following message-security-provider syntax configures an OAM Security provider:

<message-security-config auth-layer="HttpServlet">
<provider-config provider-type="server" provider-id="MySAM" 
<property name="oam.resource.hostid.variation" 
value="" />
<!--property name="" value="" /-->

You must set the provider id to a unique value. The class name must be com.sun.glassfish.oamsam.OAMAuthenticatorSAM.

You can optionally set the properties shown in Table 7-2 for the OAM Security Provider.

Table 7-2 OAM Security Provider Properties

Option to the SAM indicating the SSL Mutual Authentication port for the Application Server.
Option to the SAM indicating the SSL port for the Application Server.
Option to the SAM indicating if the httponly flag of the ORA_GF_ObSSOCookie should be set.
Option to the SAM indicating the value of the path parameter of the ORA_GF_ObSSOCookie. By default the path parameter is not set.
Option to the SAM indicating if the isSecure() bit of the Cookie should be set to true/false when the ORA_GF_ObSSOCookie is created after successful authentication.
Option to the SAM indicating the custom Error Page to use for Authentication/Authorization failures. Should be a path relative to current context root, and must begin with a "/".
Option to the SAM indicating the custom FORM Login Page to use for FORM based login. Must be a path relative to the domain's docroot. A default login FORM is used when this option is absent, or when its value is set to "" (empty string) or to the value "default".
Option to the SAM indicating the parameter name for certificate credential passed to create ObUserSession.
Option to the SAM whose value indicates the name of Request Header that contains the UserId/Cookie corresponding to the ObUserSession.
Option to the SAM indicating the parameter name for password credential passed to create ObUserSession
Option to the SAM indicating the parameter name for username credential passed to create ObUserSession.
Option to the SAM indicating if OAM should also perform the authorization check for the resource. The value is a flag that indicates if OAM should check (authenticate and authorize) the resource access. By default OAM would only be consulted for authentication of any credentials and establishing the SSO token.

Note - The GlassFish Serverauthorization has the final say as to whether the access to the resource is finally allowed, primarily based on the group and principal of the user being in the correct JavaEE-defined Role to access the resource.

Option to the SAM indicating if the External Header in the Request is to be interpreted as a Cookie or as the User Principal of an Authenticated user when the module is acting as an Identity Asserter.
Option to the SAM indicating whether the port number of a request should be used while constructing the request URI for the protected resource whose access is protected by OAM.
Option to the SAM indicating whether the query-parameters of a request should be used while constructing the request URI for the protected resource whose access is protected by OAM.
Option to the SAM indicating the name of the ORA_GF_ObSSOCookie to use.
Option to the SAM indicating the protocol to be used when creating the resource representation for the protected resource whose access is protected by OAM.
Option to the SAM indicating the host-id variation to use when constructing the request URI for the protected resource whose access is protected by OAM.
Option to the SAM indicating the name of the header to use for identity assertion. This is used by the SAM to find the configured header and to extract the principals. The allowed value is OAM_REMOTE_USER.
Option to the SAM that determines whether the SAM acts as an Identity Asserter. IdentityAsserterMode is used when set to true.