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Oracle GlassFish Server Message Queue 4.5 Administration Guide
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Document Information


Part I Introduction to Message Queue Administration

1.  Administrative Tasks and Tools

2.  Quick-Start Tutorial

Starting the Administration Console

Administration Console Online Help

Working With Brokers

Starting a Broker

Adding a Broker to the Administration Console

To Add a Broker to the Administration Console

Connecting to a Broker

To Connect to a Broker

Viewing Connection Services

To View Available Connection Services

Working With Physical Destinations

Creating a Physical Destination

To Add a Physical Destination to a Broker

Viewing Physical Destination Properties

To View or Modify the Properties of a Physical Destination

Purging Messages From a Physical Destination

To Purge Messages From a Physical Destination

Deleting a Physical Destination

To Delete a Physical Destination

Working With Object Stores

Adding an Object Store

To Add an Object Store to the Administration Console

Connecting to an Object Store

To Connect to an Object Store

Working With Administered Objects

Adding a Connection Factory

To Add a Connection Factory to an Object Store

Adding a Destination

To Add a Destination to an Object Store

Viewing Administered Object Properties

To View or Modify the Properties of an Administered Object

Deleting an Administered Object

To Delete an Administered Object

Running the Sample Application

To Run the Sample Application

Part II Administrative Tasks

3.  Starting Brokers and Clients

4.  Configuring a Broker

5.  Managing a Broker

6.  Configuring and Managing Connection Services

7.  Managing Message Delivery

8.  Configuring Persistence Services

9.  Configuring and Managing Security Services

10.  Configuring and Managing Broker Clusters

11.  Managing Administered Objects

12.  Configuring and Managing Bridge Services

13.  Monitoring Broker Operations

14.  Analyzing and Tuning a Message Service

15.  Troubleshooting

Part III Reference

16.  Command Line Reference

17.  Broker Properties Reference

18.  Physical Destination Property Reference

19.  Administered Object Attribute Reference

20.  JMS Resource Adapter Property Reference

21.  Metrics Information Reference

22.  JES Monitoring Framework Reference

Part IV Appendixes

A.  Distribution-Specific Locations of Message Queue Data

B.  Stability of Message Queue Interfaces

C.  HTTP/HTTPS Support

D.  JMX Support

E.  Frequently Used Command Utility Commands


Running the Sample Application

The sample application HelloWorldMessageJNDI is provided for use with this tutorial. It uses the physical destination and administered objects that you created:

The code creates a simple queue sender and receiver, and sends and receives a Hello World message.

Before running the application, open the source file and read through the code. The program is short and amply documented; you should have little trouble understanding how it works.

To Run the Sample Application

  1. Make the directory containing the HelloWorldmessageJNDI application your current directory:cd IMQ_HOME/examples/helloworld/helloworldmessagejndi

    You should find the file HelloWorldMessageJNDI.class present. (If you make changes to the application, you must recompile it using the procedure for compiling a client application given in the Message Queue Developer’s Guide for Java Clients.)

  2. Set the CLASSPATH variable to include the current directory containing the file HelloWorldMessageJNDI.class, as well as the following .jar files that are included in the Message Queue product:
    • jms.jar

    • imq.jar

    • jndi.jar

    • fscontext.jar

    See the Message Queue Developer’s Guide for Java Clients for information on setting the CLASSPATH variable.

    Note - The file jndi.jar is bundled with JDK 1.4. You need not add this file to your CLASSPATH unless you are using an earlier version of the JDK.

  3. Run the HelloWorldMessageJNDI application by executing one of the following commands (depending on the platform you’re using):
    • On Solaris or Linux:

      % java HelloWorldMessageJNDI file:///tmp
    • On Windows:

      java HelloWorldMessageJNDI

    If the application runs successfully, you should see the output shown in Example 2-1.

Example 2-1 Output from Sample Application

java HelloWorldMessageJNDI
Using file:///C:/Temp for Context.PROVIDER_URL

Looking up Queue Connection Factory object with lookup name:
Queue Connection Factory object found.
Looking up Queue object with lookup name: MyQueue
Queue object found.

Creating connection to broker.
Connection to broker created.

Publishing a message to Queue: MyQueueDest
Received the following message: Hello World