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Oracle GlassFish Server Message Queue 4.5 Developer's Guide for C Clients
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Document Information


1.  Introduction

Message Queue for the C Developer

Building and Running C Clients

Building C Clients

Header Files and Shared Libraries

Pre-Processor Definitions

C++ Runtime Library Support

Providing Runtime Support

Working With the Sample C-Client Programs

Basic C-Client Programs

Building the Basic C-Client Sample Programs

To Compile and Link on Solaris OS

To Compile and Link on Linux

To Compile and Link on AIX

To Compile and Link on Windows

Running the Basic C-Client Sample Programs

Distributed Transaction Sample Programs

To Set Up Tuxedo as a Distributed Transaction Manager

To Build the Distributed Transaction Sample Programs

To Run the Distributed Transaction Sample Programs

Client Application Deployment Considerations

2.  Using the C API

3.  Client Design Issues

4.  Reference

A.  Message Queue C API Error Codes


Working With the Sample C-Client Programs

This section describes the sample C-Client programs that are installed with Message Queue and explains how you should build them and run them.

Message Queue provides two sets of sample C-client programs: basic C-client programs and distributed transaction programs.

Basic C-Client Programs

The sample C-client program files include the following:

Table 1-2 Basic C-Client Sample Program Files

Sample Program
Illustrates how you send a message
Illustrates how you receive a message synchronously
Illustrates how you send a message and receive it asynchronously
Illustrates how you send and respond to a message that specifies a reply-to destination

These sample programs are located in IMQ_HOME/examples/C.

Building the Basic C-Client Sample Programs

The following commands illustrate the process of building and linking the sample application Producer.c on the Solaris, Linux, AIX, and Windows platforms. The commands include the pre-processor definitions needed to support Message Queue C-API fixed-size integer types. For options used to support multithreading, please consult documentation for your compiler.

To Compile and Link on Solaris OS
CC -compat=5 -mt -DSOLARIS -Iheader_path -o Producer \\
    -Lruntime_path -lmqcrt Producer.c

where header_path and runtime_path are the paths to the Message Queue header file and runtime shared library appropriate to your processor architecture, as listed in Header Files and Shared Libraries.

For 64-bit support on either the SPARC or x86 processor architecture, you must also specify the -xarch compiler option:

For example, to compile and link the example application Solaris SPARC 64–bit, you would use the following command:

CC -compat=5 -mt -xarch=v9 -DSOLARIS -I$IMQ_HOME/include -o Producer \\
-L$IMQ_HOME/lib/sparcv9 -lmqcrt Producer.c
To Compile and Link on Linux
g++ -DLINUX -D_REENTRANT -I$IMQ_HOME/include -o Producer \\
-L$IMQ_HOME/lib -lmqcrt Producer.c
To Compile and Link on AIX
xlC_r -qthreaded -DAIX -I$IMQ_HOME/include -o Producer \\
-blibsuff:so -l$IMQ_HOME/lib -imqcrt Producer.c
To Compile and Link on Windows
cl /c /MD -DWIN32 -I%IMQ_HOME%\include Producer.c

link Producer.obj /NODEFAULTLIB msvcrt.lib \\
/LIBPATH:%IMQ_HOME%\lib mqcrt.lib

Running the Basic C-Client Sample Programs

Before you run any sample programs, you should start the broker. You can display output describing the command-line options for each program by starting the program with the -help option.

For example, the following command, runs the program Producer. It specifies that the program should connect to the broker running on the host MyHost and port 8585, and that it should send a message to the destination My Topic :

Producer -h MyHost -p 8585 -d MyTopic

The directories that contain the sample programs also include a README file that explains how you should run their respective samples.

Distributed Transaction Sample Programs

The distributed transaction sample programs show how to use the X/Open distributed transaction (XA) support of the Message Queue C-API with an X/Open distributed transaction processing system (in this case BEA Tuxedo:

The distributed transaction sample programs include the following files:

Table 1-3 Distributed Transaction Sample Program Files

Sample Program
Implements Tuxedo services that send and receive messages using the Message Queue C-API
Tuxedo client that uses the message producing service in jmsserver.c
Tuxedo client that uses the message receiving service in jmsserver.c
Implements a Tuxedo service that asynchronously consumes messages using the Message Queue C-API
Tuxedo client that uses the asynchronous message consuming service in async_jmsserver.c

These sample programs are located in IMQ_HOME/examples/C/tuxedo.

The following procedures document how to set up Tuxedo as a distributed transaction manager, how to build the sample distributed transaction programs, and how to run the sample programs. The procedures are based on the synchronous message consumption samples and assume a Solaris operating system platform.

To Set Up Tuxedo as a Distributed Transaction Manager

  1. Install Tuxedo.

    See Tuxedo documentation for instructions.

  2. Set up the following environment variables:
    Environment Variable
    Modify to include Message Queue C-API runtime library path and TUXDIR/lib path
    Tuxedo install root
    modify to include $TUXDIR/bin and compiler path
    TUXCONFIG filename path
    Tuxedo transaction log filename path
    Message Queue install root
    Message Queue C-API runtime log file name
    Set so that Message Queue C-API runtime log file name will be auto-appended with the Tuxedo server process id
  3. Build the Tuxedo transaction monitor server (TMS).
    1. Add the following entry to the $TUXDIR/udataobj/RM file:

      # SUN_MQ:sun_mq_xa_switch:-lmqcrt

    2. Build the TMS executable using buildtms:

      # buildtms -o $TUXDIR/bin/<exe-name> -r SUN_MQ

  4. Configure the Tuxedo servers.

    # tmloadcf config-file

    where config-file is the Tuxedo UBBCONFIG file.

To Build the Distributed Transaction Sample Programs

  1. Build the server side of the sample application (jmsserver.c).

    # cc -I$IMQ_HOME/include -I$TUXDIR/include -g -c jmsserver.c

    # buildserver -v -t -r SUN_MQ -s SENDMESSAGES,RECVMESSAGES -o jmsserver -f jmsserver.o -f -lmqcrt

  2. Build the client side of the sample application (jmsclient_sender.c and jmsclient_receiver.c).

    # cc -I$TUXDIR/include -c jmsclient_sender.c # buildclient -o jmsclient_sender -f jmsclient_sender.o

    # cc -I$TUXDIR/include -c jmsclient_receiver.c # buildclient -o jmsclient_receiver -f jmsclient_receiver.o

To Run the Distributed Transaction Sample Programs

  1. Start a Message Queue broker.

    # imqbrokerd -tty

  2. Start the Tuxedo servers.

    # tmboot

  3. Run the client-side applications.

    # jmsclient_sender

    # jmsclient_receiver

  4. Confirm the messages are produced to and consumed from the applicable destination.

    # imqcmd list dst -u admin

    # imqcmd querry dst -t q -n xatestqueue -u admin