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Oracle GlassFish Server Message Queue 4.5 Developer's Guide for Java Clients
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Document Information


1.  Overview

2.  Using the Java API

3.  Message Queue Clients: Design and Features

Client Design Considerations

Developing Portable Clients

Choosing Messaging Domains

Connections and Sessions

Producers and Consumers

Assigning Client Identifiers

Message Order and Priority

Using Selectors Efficiently

Balancing Reliability and Performance

Managing Client Threads

JMS Threading Restrictions

Thread Allocation for Connections

Managing Memory and Resources

Managing Memory

Managing Message Size

Message Compression

Advantages and Limitations of Compression

Compression Examples

Managing the Dead Message Queue

Managing Physical Destination Limits

Programming Issues for Message Consumers

Using the Client Runtime Ping Feature

Preventing Message Loss for Synchronous Consumers

Synchronous Consumption in Distributed Applications

Factors Affecting Performance

Delivery Mode (Persistent/Nonpersistent)

Use of Transactions

Acknowledgment Mode

Durable vs. Nondurable Subscriptions

Use of Selectors (Message Filtering)

Message Size

Message Body Type

Connection Event Notification

Connection Events

Creating an Event Listener

Event Listener Examples

Consumer Event Notification

Consumer Events

Creating a Consumer Event Listener

Consumer Event Listener Examples

Client Connection Failover (Auto-Reconnect)

Enabling Auto-Reconnect

Single-Broker Auto-Reconnect

Parallel Broker Auto-Reconnect

Clustered-Broker Auto-Reconnect

Auto-Reconnect Behaviors

Auto-Reconnect Limitations

Handling Exceptions When Failover Occurs

Handling Exceptions in a Transacted Session

Transacted Session: Failover Producer Example

Transacted Session: Failover Consumer Example

Handling Exceptions in a Non-Transacted Session

Failover Producer Example

Failover Consumer Example

Custom Client Acknowledgment

Using Client Acknowledge Mode

Using No Acknowledge Mode

Schema Validation of XML Payload Messages

Communicating with C Clients

Client Runtime Logging

Logging Name Spaces, Levels, and Activities

Using the JRE Logging Configuration File

Using a Logging Configuration File for a Specific Application

Setting the Logging Configuration Programmatically

4.  Using the Metrics Monitoring API

5.  Working with SOAP Messages

6.  Embedding a Message Queue Broker in a Java Client

A.  Warning Messages and Client Error Codes


Client Runtime Logging

This section describes Message Queue 4.0 support for client runtime logging of connection and session-related events.

JDK 1.4 (and above) includes the java.util.logging library. This library implements a standard logger interface that can be used for application-specific logging.

The Message Queue client runtime uses the Java Logging API to implement its logging functions. You can use all the J2SE 1.4 logging facilities to configure logging activities. For example, an application can use the following Java logging facilities to configure how the Message Queue client runtime outputs its logging information:

For more information about the Java Logging API, please see the Java Logging Overview at

Logging Name Spaces, Levels, and Activities

The Message Queue provider defines a set of logging name spaces associated with logging levels and logging activities that allow Message Queue clients to log connection and session events when a logging configuration is appropriately set.

The root logging name space for the Message Queue client runtime is defined as javax.jms. All loggers in the Message Queue client runtime use this name as the parent name space.

The logging levels used for the Message Queue client runtime are the same as those defined in the java.util.logging.Level class. This class defines seven standard log levels and two additional settings that you can use to turn logging on and off.


Turns off logging.


Highest priority, highest value. Application-defined.












Lowest priority, lowest value. Application-defined.


Enables logging of all messages.

In general, exceptions and errors that occur in the Message Queue client runtime are logged by the logger with the javax.jms name space.

The following tables list the events that can be logged and the log level that must be set to log events for JMS connections and for sessions.

The following table describes log levels and events for connections.

Table 3-7 Log Levels and Events for javax.jms.connection Name Space

Log Level
Connection created
Connection started
Connection closed
Connection broken
Connection reconnected
Miscellaneous connection activities such as setClientID
Messages, acknowledgments, Message Queue action and control messages (like committing a transaction)

For sessions, the following information is recorded in the log record.

The table below describes log levels and events for sessions.

Table 3-8 Log Levels and Events for javax.jms.session Name Space

Log Level
Session created
Session closed
Producer created
Consumer created
Destination created
Miscellaneous session activities such as committing a session.
Messages produced and consumed. (Message properties and bodies are not logged in the log records.)

By default, the output log level is inherited from the JRE in which the application is running. Check the JRE_DIRECTORY/lib/ file to determine what that level is.

You can configure logging programmatically or by using configuration files, and you can control the scope within which logging takes place. The following sections describe these possibilities.

Using the JRE Logging Configuration File

The following example shows how you set logging name spaces and levels in the JRE_DIRECTORY/lib/ file, which is used to set the log level for the Java runtime environment. All applications using this JRE will have the same logging configuration. The sample configuration below sets the logging level to INFO for the javax.jms.connection name space and specifies that output be written to java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler. file.
# "handlers" specifies a comma separated list of log Handler 
# classes. These handlers will be installed during VM startup.
# Note that these classes must be on the system classpath.
# By default we only configure a ConsoleHandler, which will only
# show messages at the INFO and above levels.

    handlers= java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler

# Default global logging level.
# This specifies which kinds of events are logged across
# all loggers. For any given facility this global level
# can be overriden by a facility-specific level.
# Note that the ConsoleHandler also has a separate level
# setting to limit messages printed to the console.

    .level= INFO

# Limit the messages that are printed on the console to INFO and above.

    java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = INFO
    java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.formatter = 

# The logger with javax.jms.connection name space will write
# Level.INFO messages to its output handler(s). In this configuration 
# the ouput handler is set to java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.

    javax.jms.connection.level = INFO

Using a Logging Configuration File for a Specific Application

You can also define a logging configuration file from the java command line that you use to run an application. The application will use the configuration defined in the specified logging file. In the following example, configFile uses the same format as defined in the JRE_DIRECTORY/lib/ file.

java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=configFile MQApplication

Setting the Logging Configuration Programmatically

The following code uses the java.util.logging API to log connection events by changing the javax.jms.connection name space log level to FINE. You can include such code in your application to set logging configuration programmatically.

import java.util.logging.*;
//construct a file handler and output to the mq.log file 
//in the system's temp directory.

    Handler fh = new FileHandler("%t/mq.log");
    fh.setLevel (Level.FINE);

//Get Logger for "javax.jms.connection" domain.

    Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("javax.jms.connection");
    logger.addHandler (fh);

//javax.jms.connection logger would log activities   
//with level FINE and above.

    logger.setLevel (Level.FINE);