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Oracle GlassFish Server Message Queue 4.5 Technical Overview
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Document Information


1.  Messaging Systems: An Introduction

2.  Client Programming Model

Messaging Domains

Point-To-Point Messaging

Publish/Subscribe Messaging

Domain-Specific and Unified APIs

Programming Objects

Connection Factories and Connections



Message Header

Message Properties

Message Body

Producing a Message

Consuming a Message

Synchronous and Asynchronous Consumers

Using Selectors to Filter Messages

Using Durable Subscribers

The Request-Reply Pattern

Reliable Message Delivery



Local Transactions

Distributed Transactions

Persistent Storage

A Message's Journey Through the System

Message Production

Message Handling and Routing

Message Consumption

Message End-of-Life

Design and Performance

Working with SOAP Messages

Java and C Clients

3.  The Message Queue Broker

4.  Broker Clusters

5.  Message Queue and Java EE

A.  Message Queue Implementation of Optional JMS Functionality

B.  Message Queue Features



Producing a Message

Messages are sent or published by a message producer, within the context of a connection and session. Producing a message is fairly straightforward: a client uses a message producer object (MessageProducer) to send messages to a physical destination, represented in the API by a destination object.

When you create the producer, you can specify a default destination that all the producer’s messages are sent to. You can also specify default values for the message header fields that govern persistence, priority, and time-to-live. These defaults are then used by all messages issuing from that producer unless you override them by specifying an alternate destination when sending the message or by setting alternate values for the header fields for a given message.

The message producer can also implement a request-reply pattern by setting the JMSReplyTo message header field. For more information, see The Request-Reply Pattern.

In addition,Message Queue producers can specify symbolic topic destination names that use wildcard characters. Messages issueing from such wildcard producers are sent to all destinations that match the symbolic destination name. See Supported Topic Destination Names in Oracle GlassFish Server Message Queue 4.5 Administration Guide.