C H A P T E R  3

Monitoring the Server System Using the Web GUI

This chapter provides information about how to use the web GUI and the Sun Blade X6250 server module software to monitor your server.

It includes the following sections:

Using the Web GUI

The web GUI allows you monitor and manage local and remote systems, using a standard browser.

You can also monitor the server remotely by redirecting the server’s console to a remote workstation or laptop. This requires configuring the remote system's keyboard and mouse to act as the server's keyboard and mouse. You can configure the diskette drive or CD-ROM drive on the remote system as if it were connected to the Sun server. You can also redirect diskette images (.img) and CD-ROM images (.is) for remote access. Remote configuration issues are covered in Chapter 5.

Browser and Software Requirements

The web GUI has been tested successfully with recently released Mozillatrademark Firefox, and Internet Explorer browsers, and may be compatible with other browsers.

The ELOM product is preinstalled on the Sun server. However, you need Javatrademark software on the client to perform redirection as described in Chapter 10.

Users and Permissions

After you log in to the web GUI, you can perform management, basic software tasks, Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) tasks, and system monitoring.

ELOM permissions for user accounts define user limitations. For example:

administrator - Enables full (unlimited) read and write access to all ELOM software features, functions, and commands.

operator - Enables read-only access to a limited number of ELOM software features, functions, and commands, plus management access to Indicator and Fault LEDs.

user and callback- Enables read-only access to a limited number of ELOM software features, functions, and commands.

For more information about user accounts, including setting permissions and changing passwords using the web GUI, see Managing User Accounts.

Web GUI Tasks

Some of the common tasks you can perform using the web GUI include:

Configure connection methods:

Monitor and manage system status

Manage and modify system variables

Accessing the System Using a Browser

The ELOM boots automatically when the server module is inserted into a powered chassis. This usually occurs within one minute. However, if the management Ethernet is not connected, or if the ELOM's Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) process fails due to the absence of a DHCP server on the management network, the ELOM might take a few minutes longer to boot.

Note - Disabling the use of the browser proxy server (if one is used) for access to the management network might speed up the response time.

procedure icon  To Access the System Using a Browser

1. To access the web GUI, enter the IP address of the ELOM in your browser.

The login screen appears.

2. Type a user name and password.

To configure and manage the server use a user account with administrator privileges.

3. Click Log In.

The main menu screen appears.

To log out of the web GUI:

single-step bullet  Click the Log Out button.

The Log Out button is located at the top right of the interface screen.

Viewing the System From the Web GUI

Your server is equipped with a number of sensors that measure component voltages, temperatures, and fan speed. The System Information tab reflects the current system status.

FIGURE 3-1 ELOM System Information Screen

A Screenshot of the System Information screen.Screen snap of the Status Summary Screen of the System Management Utility[ D ]

The menu items on the tabs are listed in TABLE 3-1:

TABLE 3-1 ELOM Tab Detail Choices

Main Tab

Sub-level Tab

Where to Find Details

System Information


Viewing System Information



Viewing System Information


Session Time-Out

Setting Session Timeout



Viewing Component Information







System Monitoring




Sensor Reading

Monitoring the System


Event Logs

Viewing and Managing the Event Log


System Indicator

To view location of interior LEDs, refer to your service manual

To change, refer to: Managing the System Indicator and Fault LED


Fault LED

Refer to your service manual






To View NIC Information


Email Notification

Configuring Email Notification


Platform Event Filter

Configuring Platform Event Filters


Set Time

Setting the Time


SSL Certificate

Configuring the SSL Certificate


ADS Configuration

Configuring ADS



Recovering from a Corrupt Service Processor




User Management




Add User

To Add a User

Remote Control


Starting the Remote Console Application



Redirecting Keyboard, Video, Mouse, or Storage Devices


Remote Power Control

Controlling Server Power


Hotkey Setup

Chapter 5





Firmware Upgrade

Updating the Firmware


Reset BMC

Resetting the BMC/SP

The following section describes how to monitor the server using the browser and the ELOM software.

Viewing System Information

The System Information tab provides information about server board and system components, such as the service processor (SP), the CPU, the memory, and the network interface cards (NIC). Details are found in the Versions and Components submenu tabs.

Note - The service processor (SP) is also referred to as the BMC. Wherever BMC is mentioned, consider it different terminology for the SP.

procedure icon  To View System Information

single-step bullet  On the main menu, click the System Information tab.

The System Information submenu appears, allowing you to view the Versions, Session Time-Out, and Components submenu tabs.

Viewing Version Information

procedure icon  To View Server Board Version Information

single-step bullet  From the Versions submenu, select the Server Board Version tab.

The Server Board Version screen appears. It displays information about the server board installed in the system, and presents the information in a tabular format. For example:

TABLE 3-2 Sample Server Board Information


Server Board Information


BIOS Version:



Manufacture Date:

2007/05/11 09:12



Quanta Computer, Inc.



Sun Blade X6250 Server Module


Serial Number:



Part Number:



Slot ID:


procedure icon  To View BMC Version Information

single-step bullet  From the Versions submenu, select the BMC Version tab.

The BMC Version screen appears. It displays information about the BMC installed in the system, and presents the information in a tabular format. For example:

TABLE 3-3 Sample BMC Version Screen


BMC Board Information


Device ID



Device Revision



Firmware Revision



IPMI Revision



CPLD version


Viewing Component Information

procedure icon  To View CPU Information

single-step bullet  From the System Information menu, click the Components submenu tab, and then select CPU.

The CPU information screen appears. The CPU information is presented in a tabular format (see TABLE 3-4). A separate table of information is available for each of the server’s CPU, regardless if a CPU is installed or not.

TABLE 3-4 Sample CPU Information


CPU Information















Xeon 5300




procedure icon  To View Memory Information

single-step bullet  From the System Information menu, click the Components submenu tab, and then select Memory.

The Memory submenu screen appears. It displays information about each of the DIMMs installed in your server. The CPU information is presented in a tabular format (see TABLE 3-5).

TABLE 3-5 Sample Memory Information


Memory Information


Memory Module









Module Size:








procedure icon  To View NIC Information

single-step bullet  From the System Information menu, click the Components submenu tab, and then select NIC.

The NIC submenu screen appears. It displays information about the network interface card installed in your server. The NIC information is presented in a tabular format (see TABLE 3-6).

TABLE 3-6 Sample of NIC Information


Network Interface Card 0 Information





Product Name:

ESB Dual Port Gb Ethernet NIC


Product Part Number:



Product Serial Number:



Port Number:



MAC Address 1:



MAC Address 2:


Monitoring the System

Sensors placed throughout the system provide information about the state of critical server hardware. The sensors allow the system to monitor temperature, voltage, and operational status. Using the System Monitoring submenu screens you can view the these sensors, and monitor the health of your server’s critical components. For example, you can check the temperature of each CPU and the voltage level of the system’s DC voltage lines. The System Monitoring submenu screens also allow you to view and manage the system log, the System Indicator LED, and the Fault LED. For information about the System Indicator LED and the Fault LED, see Chapter 4.

procedure icon  To Monitor the System

single-step bullet  On the main menu, click System Monitoring.

The System Monitoring submenu appears, allowing you to view the Sensor Reading, Event Logs, System Indicator, and Fault LED tabs.

Reading Sensors

The Sensor Reading Tab provides access to the Sensor Summary, the Temperature, Voltage, and Chassis Status screens.

procedure icon  To Read Sensors

single-step bullet  From the System Monitoring tab, click the Sensor Reading Tab.

The Sensor Reading tab allows you to select the Summary, Temperature, Voltage, and Chassis Status tabs.

procedure icon  To View a Sensor Summary

single-step bullet  From the Sensor Reading submenu tab, select the Summary tab.

The Summary screen appears. It provides an overview of the status of the system sensors. The screen provides the status of the Fault LED, the server’s power status, the temperature status of all critical components, and the status of each of the monitored voltage lines.

procedure icon  To Monitor Temperatures

single-step bullet  From the Sensor Reading submenu tab, select the Temperature tab.

The Temperature screen appears. It provides the status, the actual temperature, and the upper critical and non-critical temperature thresholds for each system-critical component. The Temperature submenu screen displays the information in a tabular format. It provides a separate table for each component. TABLE 3-7 shows a sample of the temperature monitoring readings for CPU 0.

TABLE 3-7 Sample Temperature Monitor Readings


CPU Temp


Upper noncritical threshold is readable:



Upper critical threshold is readable:



Sensor Reading:





A similar panel is repeated for each monitored entity.

procedure icon  To Monitor Voltages

single-step bullet  From the Sensor Reading submenu, select the Voltage tab.

The Voltage screen appears. It provides the status, the actual voltage reading, and the upper critical and non-critical voltage thresholds for each of the monitored voltage lines. The Voltage submenu screen displays this information in a tabular format. TABLE 3-8 shows a sample of this information for P_VCCP0.

TABLE 3-8 Sample of Voltage Information




Lower non-critical threshold is readable:



Lower critical threshold is readable:



Upper non-critical threshold is readable:



Upper critical threshold is readable:








procedure icon  To Monitor the Chassis Status

single-step bullet  From the Sensor Reading submenu, select the Chassis Status tab.

The Chassis Status submenu screen appears. The Chassis Status screen shows the actual senor readings for the critical components of the chassis in to which you have installed your Sun Blade X6250 server module. These critical components include the chassis fans (represented in RPM), the voltage and amperage for the chassis power supplies, and the ambient chassis temperatures. The information is presented a tabular format showing the name, the reading, and the unit of measurement.

Viewing and Managing the Event Log

The Event Log screen allows you to view and manage the System Event Log (SEL). The SEL is a record of event occurrences. To record events in the SEL, you must have previously determined which events require logging. See Configuring Platform Event Filters.

procedure icon  To View and Manage the Event Log

single-step bullet  From the System Monitoring tab on the main menu, click the Event Logs submenu tab.

The Event Logs submenu screen appears. The View Event Logs, Save Event Logs, and Clear Event Logs submenus become available.

procedure icon  To View the Event Logs

single-step bullet  From the Event Logs submenu, select View Event Logs.

The system event log appears. Each entry in the log represents an action that occurred on the system. The system lists each action, rating the action’s severity, providing time-stamp, and describing the event. The information is presented in a tabular format.

procedure icon  To Save the Event Log

You may want to save the event log for administrative or diagnostic purposes.

1. From the Event Logs submenu, click the Save Event Logs tab.

The Save Event Log screen appears.

2. Click the Save Event Log button to prompt the browser to ask you where to save a copy of the event log.

procedure icon  To Clear the Event Log

The Event Log may need to be cleared to signify a fresh procedure, or to identify system performance under load.

1. From the Event Log menu, choose Clear Event Log.

2. Click the Clear Event Log button to start a fresh event log.