C H A P T E R  5

Installing OpenSolaris

This chapter provides information about installing the OpenSolaris Operating System (OpenSolaris OS) on a Sun Blade X6440 server module.

This chapter includes the following sections:

About the OpenSolaris Installation

This chapter contains information about installing the OpenSolaris OS from the network or from local or remote media. If you want to configure the preinstalled OpenSolaris OS that is shipped on the compact flash card in the Sun Blade X6440 server module, refer to the Sun Blade X6440 Server Module Installation Guide (820-3961).

The sections in this chapter describe what you need to know to install the OpenSolaris OS on a Sun Blade X6440 server module. However, to complete the installation you will need to reference procedures in other OpenSolaris OS documentation. Refer to OpenSolaris Documentation.

Note - In this chapter the term ā€œx86ā€ refers to the Intel 32-bit family of microprocessors and compatible 64-bit and 32-bit microprocessors made by AMD.

System Requirements

TABLE 5-1 summarizes the system requirements for installing OpenSolaris on a Sun Blade X6440 server module.

TABLE 5-1 System Requirements



Hardware requirements

The server hardware and the initial service processor configuration must be installed before you install the OpenSolaris OS.

Minimum OpenSolaris OS

OpenSolaris 2009.06

Memory to install

Memory size is between 64 GB to 128 GB.

Disk space

12 GB or greater.

Swap area

512 MB is the default size.

x86/x64 processor requirements

x86/x64 120-MHz or faster processor is recommended. Hardware floating point support is required.


Industry standard x86/x64 BIOS (resident in FLASH). The BIOS must be able to boot from CD or DVD media.

Download OpenSolaris

You can download the OpenSolaris OS at the following sites.



OpenSolaris Documentation

Instructions for using the OpenSolaris Installation program are available at the following web site:


Installation Methods

TABLE 5-2 summarizes the installation methods and provides pointers to the installation instructions.

TABLE 5-2 Installation Methods

Installation Method



Boot from the preinstalled image.

The OpenSolaris image is preinstalled on the Sun Blade X6440 server module compact flash card.

Sun Blade X6440 Server Module Installation Guide (820-3961)

Install from DVD or CD-ROM media.

Use the OpenSolaris Installation Program on the CD or DVD media to install one server interactively.

Installing OpenSolaris OS Using Local or Remote Media

Task Map for OpenSolaris Installation

Use TABLE 5-1 to preview the installation process defined as a series of tasks. The table identifies and describes the tasks required, and provides pointers to the instructions for performing that task.

TABLE 5-1 T ask Map for the OpenSolaris Installation




Relevant Topic(s)


Review installation prerequisites.

Verify that all applicable requirements are met for installing an operating system to a Sun Blade X6440 server module.


Choose an installation method.

Evaluate and select an installation method that meets the needs of your infrastructure.


Ensure that the BIOS factory defaults are set.

Verify that the factory default settings in the BIOS are set prior to performing the operating system installation.

  • Sun Blade X6440 Server Module Installation Guide


Gather OpenSolaris 2009.06 installation media.

The OpenSolaris OS is shipped with the CD and DVD media and documentation that you will need to install the OpenSolaris OS for both SPARC and x86 platforms.

For the Sun Blade X6440 server module, use the media for x86 platforms.


Perform the OpenSolaris OS installation.

The installation instructions in this chapter describe the initial steps for booting the installation media and launching the OpenSolaris Installation Program.

For further information about installing OpenSolaris, refer to the Getting Started with OpenSolaris 2009.06 web site at: http://dlc.sun.com/osol/docs/content/2009.06/getstart/


Install driver(s), post installation, if necessary.

If the OpenSolaris OS does not include the necessary device drivers to support your system, you might need to install additional device drivers.


Install SRUs, post installation, if necessary.

If necessary, download and install OpenSolaris Support Repository Updates (SRUs). SRUs provide critical fixes to the OpenSolaris OS.

Installing OpenSolaris OS Using Local or Remote Media

The following procedure describes how to boot the OpenSolaris Operating System installation from local or remote media. It assumes that you are booting the installation media from one of the following sources:

Installation Prerequisites

You must complete the following tasks before you install the OpenSolaris OS.

1. Verify that your system meets the minimum system requirements (see System Requirements).

2. If you are using the OpenSolaris Installation Program GUI, you need a local CD/DVD drive or a network connection, a keyboard, and a monitor. You will also need the multi-port dongle cable to connect to the front of the server module. For more information, see the Sun Blade X6440 Server Module Installation Guide (820-3961).

3. Gather the information you need to install the OpenSolaris OS.

Note that the following procedure explains the initial steps for booting the install media and launching the OpenSolaris Installation Program.

After completing this procedure, you should review and perform the required post installation tasks described later in this chapter. For more details, see Post OpenSolaris Installation Tasks.

procedure icon  To Install OpenSolaris OS Using Local or Remote Media

1. Power down the server module.

2. Connect the multi-port dongle cable to the connector on the front of the server.

3. Connect a USB CD/DVD drive to the USB connector on the multi-port dongle cable.

4. Ensure that the install media is available to boot.

5. Reset the power on the server.

For example:

Where n is the slot number of the server module in the chassis.

The BIOS screen appears.

Graphic showing BIOS Boot Screen.

Note - The next events occur very quickly; therefore, focused attention is needed for the following steps. Watch carefully for these messages as they appear on the screen for a brief time. You might want to enlarge the size of your screen to eliminate scroll bars.

6. In the BIOS power-on self-test screen, press F8 to specify a temporary boot device for the OpenSolaris installation.

The Please Select Boot Device menu appears.

Graphic showing the Please Select Boot Device Menu screen.

7. In the Boot Device menu, select either the external or virtual CD/DVD device as the first (temporary) boot device, then press Enter.

In the sample Boot Device menu shown in Step 6, the virtual CDROM device is specified as the first boot device.

The device strings listed on the Boot Device menu are in the format of: device type: slot indicator: product ID string.

Note - If you are performing the OpenSolaris installation from the Sun ILOM Remote Console application, select the AMI Virtual CDROM, or CDROM image as the first boot device.

The GRUB menu appears.

Graphic showing the GRUB menu screen.

8. In the GRUB menu, select OpenSolaris 2009.06, then press Enter.

Note - In the GRUB menu, if you want to redirect the install output to a serial console, press ā€œeā€ to edit the GRUB menu to support a serial console (-B console = ttya).

The system loads the OpenSolaris disk image into memory. This process can take several minutes.

The system discovers and configures the devices and interfaces. If the system discovers a keyboard, the Configure Keyboard Layout menu appears.

Graphic showing the Configure Keyboard Layout menu.

9. In the Configure Keyboard Layout menu, select the appropriate keyboard layout, then press Enter to continue.

The system configures the keyboard layout selection and searches for configuration files. The Select Desktop Language menu appears.

Graphic sowing the Select Desktop Language menu

10. In the Select Desktop Language menu, select the appropriate desktop language, then press Enter to continue.

After a few moments the OpenSolaris 2009.06 desktop screen appears.

OpenSolaris Desktop window

11. In the OpenSolaris desktop, double-click the Install OpenSolaris icon to begin the OS installation.

The OpenSolaris Installer Welcome screen appears.

Graphic showing the Welcome screen.

12. In the Welcome screen, click Next to begin the installation.

The OpenSolaris installation program will display several configuration screens.

13. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the OpenSolaris installation.

For additional information, refer to the Getting Started with OpenSolaris 2009.06 web site at:


Note - If you did not configure the system to automatically reboot when the installation completes, you must manually reboot the system.

14. Proceed to the section Post OpenSolaris Installation Tasks to perform the post OpenSolaris configuration tasks.

Post OpenSolaris Installation Tasks

After completing the OpenSolaris installation and rebooting the operating system, review the following post installation tasks and, if necessary, perform the tasks that are applicable to your system.

Install System Device Drivers to Support Additional Hardware

The Device Driver Utility enables you to connect to the Image Packaging System (IPS) and use it to search for device drivers for the devices on your system that do not have a driver attached with them.

To start the Device Driver Utility, click the Device Driver Utility icon on the OpenSolaris desktop.

Install Support Repository Updates

A Support Repository Update (SRU) contains the latest released bug fixes for your OpenSolaris release.

Directions for accessing and installing SRUs can be found at:


Enable the Option for Wake On LAN

After installing the operating system, you might want to consider enabling the Wake On LAN (WOL) option in the BIOS Setup utility. This features enables you to power on the server from another location over the network.