The skiptool main window has several important features:
The File button
The Access Control buttons
The Authorized and Excluded Systems lists
The Add and Delete (Management) buttons
If you have other windows layered on top of the skiptool main window, you need to click on the Title Bar to bring the main window to the front.
The file menu has five submenus:
Load--Loads the current address control list (ACL) from the kernel. This feature is useful if you have modified the ACL through other tools and want to update the configuration in skiptool.
Key Management--Defines the parameters for key usage, including when to delete an unused key (in seconds) and how much data to transmit per key (in Kbytes).
SKIP Statistics--Brings up one of six statistics windows: (Network Interface Stats, SKIP Header Stats, Encryption Stats (Version 1), Encryption Stats (Version 2), Key Stats, or Authentication Stats.
Save--Makes the configuration permanent. Before saving, it prompts you to add any systems that are in use, that have access, and that are not currently on the authorized list. The next time that you reboot this configuration is used. Quitting and restarting skiptool will not affect either saved or unsaved changes in the configuration.
If you do not save the changes in the configuration, they will only remain in effect until the next time you reboot your machine.
Exit--Closes all open windows and quits skiptool. The Statistics window does not close when you quit skiptool.
Access Control button--This button toggles to enable or disable SKIP. When SKIP is enabled, the ACL rules apply.
For example, if you have only the default entry in the authorized systems list and some entries in the excluded systems list. In this case, any host except those that are in the excluded systems list can connect. When SKIP is disabled, any system can connect, if the default entry is configured in the clear.
Authorized Systems--A list of systems that are authorized to access to host. System types are host, network, or nomadic. Secure systems appear with a padlock or the Sun Microsystems' logo next to the system name (depending on the type of security being used.)
Excluded Systems--A list of systems that are specifically denied access to your system. When you move or add a system to the excluded list, it is immediately excluded.
skiptool allows you to move systems from the list of authorized systems to the list of excluded systems and vice versa with the arrows between the two lists.
These buttons enable you to add or delete a system from the access list. The buttons are available for both authorized and excluded systems.
Add--Brings up the Add pop-up menu where you select the system type to be added to the ACL:
Host--Adds an individual host, either with or without security.
Network--Adds a network, either with or without security.
Nomadic--Adds a nomadic identity, with SKIP Version 1 or SKIP Version 2 security.
Delete--Deletes the selected system from the list. When an item is deleted, the deletion occurs immediately and cannot be undone.
You may also move ACL entries from one list to another with the arrow buttons. These arrow buttons make it easy to add or delete systems when troubleshooting.
If you add, delete, or move ACL entries from one list to another, the action takes effect immediately.