SunScreen SKIP User's Guide, Release 1.5.1

Dialog Box Parameters

The following section provides some background on the choices available to you from the skiptool dialog boxes. This material will be useful to use the procedures that follow. The two encryption dialog boxes (SKIP and SKIP Version 1) use common set-up parameters, as you can see in Figure 3-3 through Figure 3-5. Explanations of the parameters follow the figures.

Figure 3-3 Host--Add SKIP Host Properties and SKIP Version 1 Properties


Figure 3-4 Network--Add SKIP Network Properties and SKIP Version 1 Properties


Figure 3-5 Nomadic--Add SKIP Properties and Add SKIP Version 1


Parameter Explanations

The following name spaces are listed in this menu:

Adding Authorized Systems with Encryption

Note -

While using any of the Add functions of skiptool, if you generate an error msg, clicking the apply button will not close the window. You must close the Add window manually. The normal behavior is for the window to close automatically after you click the apply button.

  1. Click and hold on the Add button at the bottom of the authorized systems list on skiptool's Main Window.

  2. Select the type of connection being authorized: Host, Network, or Nomadic.

  3. Pull right on the type of connection and select the type of encryption that you want to use.

    • If the remote host system also uses SKIP and the traffic between your systems is to be encrypted, select SKIP.

    • For systems using Sun Microsystems' SunScreen SPF-100, select SKIP Version 1.

  4. On the Add properties window, enter the name or IP address of the host system to be added to your ACL.

  5. Determine whether Whole packet (tunnel mode) or Data only (transport mode) is secure by clicking on the appropriate selection for the Secure button.

  6. Each type of encryption requires that certain options be set.

    The parameters selected are determined by the type of system being authorized and your security policies. The options to be considered are based on the method of encryption selected. They are

    • For systems using SKIP: Tunnel address, Remote Key ID, Local Key ID. If you leave the tunnel address blank, it will default to the peer's address.

    • For SKIP Version 1: Key ID, Tunnel address.

  7. Select the appropriate algorithms buttons for Key encryption, Traffic encryption, and Authentication.

    The options available for each system are based upon the method of encryption selected from the Security pop-up menu:

    • Key Encryption button: Selecting this button lists the available key encryption algorithms. The algorithm available is determined by the type of system and selected method of encryption. Please Table 3-2.

    • Traffic Encryption button: Selecting this button lists the algorithms available for encryption between your system and the remote system. The algorithms that are available for key and traffic encryption depend on the packages that were installed on the system, such as core product and key upgrades. The algorithms available determine the type of system and the method of encryption selected. Please see Table 3-2.

    • Authentication button: Use this button to select the type of authentication for the packets.

  8. Click Apply to add the host to the authorized systems list.

    Refer to the previous section for descriptions of the fields and buttons.

Repeat Steps 1 though 8 for all encrypted hosts. Remember that your policy options for each system entered on your ACL must be the same as those entered on the system entity with which you wish to communicate through encrypted channels. If the configuration on your system does not match that of the party with which you wish to communicate, the packets are silently dropped. It will simply appear as though that host no longer exists.