ChorusOS 5.0 Application Developer's Guide
  definition of ( Index Term Link )
  deleting an ( Index Term Link )
  identification ( Index Term Link )
  spawning an ( Index Term Link )
 akill ( Index Term Link )
  See application programming interfaces
  basic environment ( Index Term Link )
  extended environment ( Index Term Link )
  Mathematical ( Index Term Link )
  context of ( Index Term Link )
  terminating ( Index Term Link )
 application programming interfaces, overview of ( Index Term Link )
 arun, using to launch a process or actor ( Index Term Link )
 arun(1M) ( Index Term Link )
 basic environment, APIs in ( Index Term Link )
 boot actor, adding using Ews ( Index Term Link )
 ChorusOSMkMf ( Index Term Link )
  building Makefiles using ( Index Term Link )
 compilation options, make environment ( Index Term Link )
  dynamic library example using ( Index Term Link )
  shared library example using ( Index Term Link )
 dynamic applications, support for ( Index Term Link )
 dynamic libraries, building ( Index Term Link )
 dynamic linking example
  using a custom dynamic library ( Index Term Link )
  using a custom shared library ( Index Term Link )
 dynamic programming ( Index Term Link )
  imake ( Index Term Link )
  make ( Index Term Link )
 environment variables, runtime linker ( Index Term Link )
 ews ( Index Term Link )
 example programs
  compiling and running ( Index Term Link )
  helloRestart ( Index Term Link )
  restartSpawn ( Index Term Link )
 executing image ( Index Term Link )
 extended environment, APIs in ( Index Term Link )
  dlopen() ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Hello Application, creating ( Index Term Link )
 Hot Restart Controller ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 HR_EXIT_HDL() macro ( Index Term Link )
 HR_GROUP_KEY macro ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 HR_GROUP_KEYSIZE macro ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 hrfexec(2RESTART) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 hrGetprocessGroup(2RESTART) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 hrKillGroup(2RESTART) ( Index Term Link )
  build rules ( Index Term Link )
  building dynamic libraries with ( Index Term Link )
  environment ( Index Term Link )
  packaging rules ( Index Term Link )
  using multiple source files with ( Index Term Link )
  variable definitions ( Index Term Link )
 Imakefile ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 K_SUPACTOR ( Index Term Link )
 K_SYSTEMACTOR ( Index Term Link )
 KnCap ( Index Term Link )
 LDAP ( Index Term Link )
  dynamic ( Index Term Link )
  naming conventions of ( Index Term Link )
  shared ( Index Term Link )
  static ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  types of ( Index Term Link )
 linking, static and dynamic ( Index Term Link )
 make environment ( Index Term Link )
 makefile ( Index Term Link )
 operating system
  how constants are defined ( Index Term Link )
  how data types are defined ( Index Term Link )
  how error codes are defined ( Index Term Link )
 performance profiling
  analyzing reports ( Index Term Link )
  clock ( Index Term Link )
  compiler options ( Index Term Link )
  description of ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  feature options needed for ( Index Term Link )
  full form ( Index Term Link )
  generating reports ( Index Term Link )
  library ( Index Term Link )
  server ( Index Term Link )
  simple form ( Index Term Link )
  starting a session ( Index Term Link )
  stopping a session ( Index Term Link )
  tool set ( Index Term Link )
 persistent memory, freeing ( Index Term Link )
 Persistent Memory Manager ( Index Term Link )
  definition of ( Index Term Link )
  deleting a ( Index Term Link )
  identification ( Index Term Link )
  killing using akill ( Index Term Link )
  spawning a ( Index Term Link )
 process image ( Index Term Link )
 restart(1M) ( Index Term Link )
 restartable process
  abnormal termination ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  and persistent memory ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  clean termination ( Index Term Link )
  direct restartable process ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  in sysadm.ini file ( Index Term Link )
  indirect restartable process ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  killing ( Index Term Link )
 restartable process group
  blocked processes ( Index Term Link )
  clean termination ( Index Term Link )
 RPC ( Index Term Link )
 rsh ( Index Term Link )
 runtime linker
  environment variables ( Index Term Link )
  functions performed by ( Index Term Link )
  supported features ( Index Term Link )
 site restart ( Index Term Link )
 system image ( Index Term Link )
 tunable parameters, hrCtrl.maxprocesses ( Index Term Link )