Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Hardware Guide

Using the Terminal Concentrator

This section describes the procedures for using the terminal concentrator in a cluster.

Table 2-4 Task Map: Using the Terminal Concentrator


For Instructions, Go To 

Connect to a node's console through the terminal concentrator 

"How to Connect to a Node's Console Through the Terminal Concentrator"

Reset a terminal concentrator port 

"How to Reset a Terminal Concentrator Port"

How to Connect to a Node's Console Through the Terminal Concentrator

The following procedure enables remote connections from the administrative console to a cluster node's console by first connecting to the terminal concentrator.

  1. Connect to a node by starting a session with the terminal concentrator port that the node is cabled to.

    # telnet tc_name tc_port_number

    Specifies the name of the terminal concentrator.


    Specifies the port number on the terminal concentrator. Port numbers are configuration dependent. Typically, ports 2 and 3 (5002 and 5003) are used for the first cluster that is installed at a site.

    Note -

    If you set up node security, you are prompted for the port password.

  2. Log in to the node's console.

    After establishing the telnet connection, the system prompts you for the login name and password.

  3. Set the terminal type, based on the type of window that was used in Step 1.

    # TERM=xterm
    # export TERM

Example--Connecting to a Node's Console Through the Terminal Concentrator

The following example shows how to connect to a cluster node in a configuration that uses a terminal concentrator. A Shell tool has already been started by using an xterm window.

admin-ws# telnet tc1 5002
Trying ...
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
pys-palindrome-1 console login: root
password: root_password
(for sh or ksh)
phys-palindrome-1# TERM=xterm; export TERM
(for csh)
phys-palindrome-1# set term=xterm

How to Reset a Terminal Concentrator Port

When a port on the terminal concentrator is busy, you can reset the port to disconnect its user. This procedure is useful if you need to perform an administrative task on the busy port.

A busy port returns the following message when you try to connect to the terminal concentrator.

telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

If you use the port selector, you might see a port busy message. See "How to Correct a Port Configuration Access Error" for details on the port busy message.

  1. Connect to the terminal concentrator port.

    # telnet tc_name

    Specifies the name of the terminal concentrator

  2. Press Return again after you make the connection and select the command-line interface to connect to the terminal concentrator.

    Enter Annex port name or number: cli
  3. Type the su command and password.

    The default password is the terminal concentrator's IP address.

    annex: su
  4. Determine which port to reset.

    The who command shows ports that are in use.

    annex# who
  5. Reset the port that is in use.

    annex# admin reset port_number
  6. Disconnect from the terminal concentrator.

    annex# hangup

    You can now connect to the port.

Example--Resetting a Terminal Concentrator Connection

The following example shows how to reset the terminal concentrator connection on port 2.

admin-ws# telnet tc1
Trying ...
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Enter Annex port name or number: cli
annex: su
Password: root_password
annex: who
Port			What			User			Location					When			Idle			Address
2			PSVR			---			---					---			1:27
v1			CLI			---			---					---
annex# admin reset 2
annex# hangup