Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Release Notes Supplement

Known Documentation Problems

This section discusses documentation errors you might encounter and steps to correct these problems. This information is in addition to known documentation problems documented in the Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Release Notes.

Hardware Guide

Step 3 of the procedure, "How to Upgrade Controller Module Firmware in a Running Cluster," in the Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Hardware Guide (page 164) describes erroneous syntax for the scshutdown command. The scshutdown command should not use the -i option. The correct syntax for the command should be as shown below.

# scshutdown -y -g0

Release Notes

The "Required SAP Patches for Sun Cluster HA for SAP" section of the Release Notes includes uncommon instance numbers (D03) for production. These uncommon instance numbers might cause confusion. The documentation should use common instance numbers (SC3) for production.