Sun Cluster 3.1 10/03 Data Services Developer's Guide
Numbers and Symbols
 #$upgrade_from directive ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  Anytime ( Index Term Link )
  At_creation ( Index Term Link )
  tunability values ( Index Term Link )
  When_disabled ( Index Term Link )
  When_offline ( Index Term Link )
  When_unmanaged ( Index Term Link )
  When_unmonitored ( Index Term Link )
 $hostnames variable, Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
 accessing network address, with DSDL ( Index Term Link )
 Agent Builder
  $hostnames variable ( Index Term Link )
  analyzing the application ( Index Term Link )
  binary files ( Index Term Link )
  cloning existing resource type ( Index Term Link )
  Cluster Agent module ( Index Term Link )
   differences ( Index Term Link )
  command-line version ( Index Term Link )
  Configure screen ( Index Term Link )
  configuring ( Index Term Link )
  Create screen ( Index Term Link )
  creating a service using GDS ( Index Term Link )
  creating a service using GDS with the command-line version of ( Index Term Link )
  creating resource types ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  directory structure ( Index Term Link )
  editing generated source code ( Index Term Link )
  GDS output ( Index Term Link )
  installing ( Index Term Link )
  launching ( Index Term Link )
  man pages ( Index Term Link )
  navigating in ( Index Term Link )
   Browse button ( Index Term Link )
   Edit menu ( Index Term Link )
   File menu ( Index Term Link )
   menus ( Index Term Link )
  package directory ( Index Term Link )
  reusing completed work ( Index Term Link )
  rtconfig file ( Index Term Link )
  scripts ( Index Term Link )
  source files ( Index Term Link )
  starting ( Index Term Link )
  support files ( Index Term Link )
  using ( Index Term Link )
  using to create GDS ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Anytime, #$upgrade_from directive ( Index Term Link )
 API, Resource Management
 arguments, RMAPI method ( Index Term Link )
 arraymax, resource type migration ( Index Term Link )
 arraymin, resource type migration ( Index Term Link )
 At_creation, #$upgrade_from directive ( Index Term Link )
 attributes, resource property ( Index Term Link )
 binary files, Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
 Boot method, using ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Browse button, Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
 C program functions, RMAPI ( Index Term Link )
 callback method, overview ( Index Term Link )
 callback methods
  control ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
  initialization ( Index Term Link )
  Monitor_check ( Index Term Link )
  Monitor_start ( Index Term Link )
  Monitor_stop ( Index Term Link )
  Postnet_start ( Index Term Link )
  Prenet_start ( Index Term Link )
  RMAPI ( Index Term Link )
  Update ( Index Term Link )
  using ( Index Term Link )
  Validate ( Index Term Link )
 CCR (cluster configuration repository) ( Index Term Link )
 checks, validating for scalable services ( Index Term Link )
 client, CRNP ( Index Term Link )
 cloning existing resource type, Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
 Cluster Agent module
  Agent Builder differences ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
  installing ( Index Term Link )
  setting up ( Index Term Link )
  starting ( Index Term Link )
  using ( Index Term Link )
 cluster commands, RMAPI ( Index Term Link )
 cluster configuration repository ( Index Term Link )
 cluster functions, RMAPI ( Index Term Link )
 Cluster Reconfiguration Notification Protocol
  See CRNP
  changing method ( Index Term Link )
  changing monitor ( Index Term Link )
 codes, RMAPI exit ( Index Term Link )
 command line
  Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
  commands on ( Index Term Link )
  halockrun ( Index Term Link )
  hatimerun ( Index Term Link )
  RMAPI resource type ( Index Term Link )
  Sun Cluster ( Index Term Link )
  using to create GDS ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 components, RMAPI ( Index Term Link )
 Configure screen, Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
 configuring, Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
 Create screen, Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
 creating resource types, Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
  authentication ( Index Term Link )
  client ( Index Term Link )
  client identification process ( Index Term Link )
  communciation ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
  error conditions ( Index Term Link )
  example Java application ( Index Term Link )
  function of ( Index Term Link )
  message types ( Index Term Link )
  protocol ( Index Term Link )
  registration of client and server ( Index Term Link )
  SC_CALLBACK_REG messages ( Index Term Link )
  semantics of protocol ( Index Term Link )
  server ( Index Term Link )
  server event delivery ( Index Term Link )
  server reply ( Index Term Link )
 daemon, designing the fault monitor ( Index Term Link )
 data service
   analyzing suitability ( Index Term Link )
   determining the interface ( Index Term Link )
  sample ( Index Term Link )
   common functionality ( Index Term Link )
   controlling the data service ( Index Term Link )
   defining a fault monitor ( Index Term Link )
   extension properties in RTR file ( Index Term Link )
   generating error messages ( Index Term Link )
   handling property updates ( Index Term Link )
   Monitor_check method ( Index Term Link )
   Monitor_start method ( Index Term Link )
   Monitor_stop method ( Index Term Link )
   obtaining property information ( Index Term Link )
   probe program ( Index Term Link )
   resource properties in RTR file ( Index Term Link )
   RTR file ( Index Term Link )
   Start method ( Index Term Link )
   Stop method ( Index Term Link )
   Update method ( Index Term Link )
   Validate method ( Index Term Link )
  setting up development environment ( Index Term Link )
  transferring to cluster for testing ( Index Term Link )
 Data Service Development Library
  See DSDL
 data services
  testing ( Index Term Link )
  testing HA ( Index Term Link )
  writing ( Index Term Link )
 debugging resource types with DSDL ( Index Term Link )
 default property values
  cluster configuration repository ( Index Term Link )
  new value for upgrade ( Index Term Link )
  Sun Cluster 3.0 ( Index Term Link )
  upgrades ( Index Term Link )
  when inherited ( Index Term Link )
 dependencies, coordinating between resources ( Index Term Link )
  #$upgrade_from ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  default tunability ( Index Term Link )
  placement in RTR file ( Index Term Link )
  tunability constraints ( Index Term Link )
 directories, Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
 directory structure, Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
 distinguishing between multiple registered versions, RT_version ( Index Term Link )
 distinguishing between vendors, Vendor_id ( Index Term Link )
 documentation requirements
  for upgrade ( Index Term Link )
  tunability constraints ( Index Term Link )
  accessing network address ( Index Term Link )
  components ( Index Term Link )
  debugging resource types ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  enabling HA local file systems ( Index Term Link )
  fault monitor functions ( Index Term Link )
  fault monitoring ( Index Term Link )
  functions ( Index Term Link )
  general purpose functions ( Index Term Link )
  implementing a fault monitor ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  network resource-access functions ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
  PMF (Process Monitor Facility) functions ( Index Term Link )
  property functions ( Index Term Link )
  sample resource type implementation
   determining the fault monitor action ( Index Term Link )
   returning from svc_start() ( Index Term Link )
   scds_initialize() function ( Index Term Link )
   starting the service ( Index Term Link )
   SUNW.xfnts fault monitor ( Index Term Link )
   SUNW.xfnts RTR file ( Index Term Link )
   svc_probe() function ( Index Term Link )
   TCP port number ( Index Term Link )
   validating the service ( Index Term Link )
   X font server ( Index Term Link )
   X font server configuration file ( Index Term Link )
   xfnts_monitor_check method ( Index Term Link )
   xfnts_monitor_start method ( Index Term Link )
   xfnts_monitor_stop method ( Index Term Link )
   xfnts_probe main loop ( Index Term Link )
   xfnts_start method ( Index Term Link )
   xfnts_stop method ( Index Term Link )
   xfnts_update method ( Index Term Link )
   xfnts_validate method ( Index Term Link )
  starting a data service ( Index Term Link )
  stopping a data service ( Index Term Link )
  utility functions ( Index Term Link )
  where implemented ( Index Term Link )
 editing generated Agent Builder source code ( Index Term Link )
 enabling HA local file systems with DSDL ( Index Term Link )
 error conditions, CRNP ( Index Term Link )
  data service ( Index Term Link )
  Java application that uses CRNP ( Index Term Link )
  resource type upgrade ( Index Term Link )
 exit codes, RMAPI ( Index Term Link )
 extension properties, declaring ( Index Term Link )
 failover resource, implementing ( Index Term Link )
 fault monitor
   designing the ( Index Term Link )
  functions, DSDL ( Index Term Link )
  SUNW.xfnts ( Index Term Link )
  binary in Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
  rtconfig ( Index Term Link )
  source in Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
  support in Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
 Fini method, using ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 fully qualified name, how obtained ( Index Term Link )
  DSDL ( Index Term Link )
  DSDL fault monitor ( Index Term Link )
  DSDL network resource-access ( Index Term Link )
  DSDL PMF (Process Monitor Facility) ( Index Term Link )
  DSDL property ( Index Term Link )
  DSDL utility ( Index Term Link )
  general purpose DSDL ( Index Term Link )
  RMAPI C program ( Index Term Link )
  RMAPI cluster ( Index Term Link )
  RMAPI resource ( Index Term Link )
  RMAPI resource group ( Index Term Link )
  RMAPI resource type ( Index Term Link )
  RMAPI utility ( Index Term Link )
  scds_initialize() ( Index Term Link )
  svc_probe() ( Index Term Link )
  Agent Builder output ( Index Term Link )
  Child_mon_level property ( Index Term Link )
  creating a service with Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
  creating a service with command-line version of Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
  Failover_enabled property ( Index Term Link )
  Network_resources_used property ( Index Term Link )
  Port_list property ( Index Term Link )
  Probe_command property ( Index Term Link )
  Probe_timeout property ( Index Term Link )
  required properties ( Index Term Link )
  Start_command extension property ( Index Term Link )
  Start_timeout property ( Index Term Link )
  Stop_command property ( Index Term Link )
  Stop_signal property ( Index Term Link )
  Stop_timeout property ( Index Term Link )
  SUNW.gds resource type ( Index Term Link )
  using with Agent Builder ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  using with Sun Cluster administration commands ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  ways to use ( Index Term Link )
  when to use ( Index Term Link )
  why use ( Index Term Link )
 generic data service
  See GDS
 HA data services, testing ( Index Term Link )
 halockrun, description ( Index Term Link )
 hatimerun, description ( Index Term Link )
 idempotency, methods ( Index Term Link )
  fault monitor with DSDL ( Index Term Link )
  resource type monitor ( Index Term Link )
  resource type names ( Index Term Link )
  RMAPI ( Index Term Link )
 Init method, using ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 installation requirements, resource type packages ( Index Term Link )
 installing Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
 interfaces, command-line ( Index Term Link )
 Java, sample application that uses CRNP ( Index Term Link )
 keep-alives, using ( Index Term Link )
L, DSDL ( Index Term Link ), RMAPI ( Index Term Link )
 logging, adding to a resource ( Index Term Link )
 man pages, Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
 master, description ( Index Term Link )
 max, resource type migration ( Index Term Link )
  Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
  Agent Builder Edit ( Index Term Link )
  Agent Builder File ( Index Term Link )
 message logging, adding to a resource ( Index Term Link )
 messages, SC_CALLBACK_REG CRNP ( Index Term Link )
 method arguments, RMAPI ( Index Term Link )
 method code, changing ( Index Term Link )
  Boot ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  callback ( Index Term Link )
   control ( Index Term Link )
   initialization ( Index Term Link )
  Fini ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  idempotency ( Index Term Link )
  Init ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  Monitor_check ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  Monitor_check callback ( Index Term Link )
  Monitor_start ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  Monitor_start callback ( Index Term Link )
  Monitor_stop ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  Monitor_stop callback ( Index Term Link )
  Postnet_start ( Index Term Link )
  Postnet_start callback ( Index Term Link )
  Prenet_start ( Index Term Link )
  Prenet_start callback ( Index Term Link )
  Start ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  Stop ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  Update ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  Update callback ( Index Term Link )
  Validate ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  Validate callback ( Index Term Link )
  xfnts_monitor_check ( Index Term Link )
  xfnts_monitor_start ( Index Term Link )
  xfnts_monitor_stop ( Index Term Link )
  xfnts_start ( Index Term Link )
  xfnts_stop ( Index Term Link )
  xfnts_update ( Index Term Link )
  xfnts_validate ( Index Term Link )
 migrating resource types ( Index Term Link )
 min, resource type migration ( Index Term Link )
 Monitor_check method
  compatibility ( Index Term Link )
  using ( Index Term Link )
 monitor code, changing ( Index Term Link )
 Monitor_start method, using ( Index Term Link )
 Monitor_stop method, using ( Index Term Link )
 navigating Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
 network resource-access functions, DSDL ( Index Term Link )
 obtaining fully qualified name ( Index Term Link )
 options, tunability ( Index Term Link )
 package directory, Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
  functions, DSDL ( Index Term Link )
  purpose ( Index Term Link )
 Postnet_start method, using ( Index Term Link )
 Postnet_stop, compatibility ( Index Term Link )
 Prenet_start method, using ( Index Term Link )
 primaries ( Index Term Link )
 primary nodes ( Index Term Link )
 process management ( Index Term Link )
 process management facility, overview ( Index Term Link )
 process monitor facility
  See PMF
 process trees, creating resource types with multiple independent ( Index Term Link )
 programming architecture ( Index Term Link )
  changing resource ( Index Term Link )
  Child_mon_level ( Index Term Link )
  declaring extension ( Index Term Link )
  declaring resource ( Index Term Link )
  declaring resource type ( Index Term Link )
  Failover_enabled ( Index Term Link )
  GDS, required ( Index Term Link )
  Network_resources_used ( Index Term Link )
  Port_list ( Index Term Link )
  Probe_command ( Index Term Link )
  Probe_timeout ( Index Term Link )
  resource ( Index Term Link )
  resource group ( Index Term Link )
  resource type ( Index Term Link )
  setting resource ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  setting resource type ( Index Term Link )
  Start_command extension ( Index Term Link )
  Start_timeout ( Index Term Link )
  Stop_command ( Index Term Link )
  Stop_signal ( Index Term Link )
  Stop_timeout ( Index Term Link )
 property attributes, resource ( Index Term Link )
 property functions, DSDL ( Index Term Link )
 property values, default ( Index Term Link )
 protocol, CRNP ( Index Term Link )
 registering CRNP clients and servers ( Index Term Link )
  adding message logging to a ( Index Term Link )
  implementing a failover ( Index Term Link )
  implementing a scalable ( Index Term Link )
  migrating to a different version ( Index Term Link )
  monitoring ( Index Term Link )
  starting ( Index Term Link )
  stopping ( Index Term Link )
 resource commands, RMAPI ( Index Term Link )
 resource dependencies, coordinating ( Index Term Link )
 resource functions, RMAPI ( Index Term Link )
 resource group commands, RMAPI ( Index Term Link )
 resource group functions, RMAPI ( Index Term Link )
 Resource Group Manager
  See RGM
 resource group properties ( Index Term Link )
  accessing information about ( Index Term Link )
 resource groups
  description ( Index Term Link )
  failover ( Index Term Link )
  properties ( Index Term Link )
  scalable ( Index Term Link )
 Resource Management API
 resource properties ( Index Term Link )
  accessing information about ( Index Term Link )
  changing ( Index Term Link )
  declaring ( Index Term Link )
  setting ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 resource property attributes ( Index Term Link )
 Resource_type, migration ( Index Term Link )
 resource type
  migration requirements ( Index Term Link )
  multiple versions ( Index Term Link )
  upgrading ( Index Term Link )
 resource type commands, RMAPI ( Index Term Link )
 resource type functions, RMAPI ( Index Term Link )
 resource type monitor, implementing ( Index Term Link )
 resource type names
  implementing ( Index Term Link )
  restrictions ( Index Term Link )
  Sun Cluster 3.0 ( Index Term Link )
  version suffix ( Index Term Link )
  without version suffix ( Index Term Link )
 resource type packages, installation requirements ( Index Term Link )
 resource type properties ( Index Term Link )
  declaring ( Index Term Link )
  setting ( Index Term Link )
 resource type registration
  See RTR
 resource type upgrades, examples of ( Index Term Link )
 resource Type_version property ( Index Term Link )
  editing ( Index Term Link )
  tunability ( Index Term Link )
 resource types
  creating ( Index Term Link )
  debugging with DSDL ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
  coordinating dependencies between ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
 reusing completed work, Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
  handling of resource groups ( Index Term Link )
  handling of resource types ( Index Term Link )
  handling of resources ( Index Term Link )
  purpose ( Index Term Link )
 RMAPI ( Index Term Link )
  C program functions ( Index Term Link )
  callback methods ( Index Term Link )
  cluster commands ( Index Term Link )
  cluster functions ( Index Term Link )
  components ( Index Term Link )
  exit codes ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  method arguments ( Index Term Link )
  resource commands ( Index Term Link )
  resource functions ( Index Term Link )
  resource group commands ( Index Term Link )
  resource group functions ( Index Term Link )
  resource type commands ( Index Term Link )
  resource type functions ( Index Term Link )
  shell commands ( Index Term Link )
  utility functions ( Index Term Link )
  where implemented ( Index Term Link )
 RT_version, migration ( Index Term Link )
  purpose ( Index Term Link )
  when not to change ( Index Term Link )
  when to change ( Index Term Link )
 rtconfig file ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
   changing ( Index Term Link )
   description ( Index Term Link )
   migration ( Index Term Link )
   SUNW.xfnts ( Index Term Link )
 sample data service
  common functionality ( Index Term Link )
  controlling the data service ( Index Term Link )
  defining a fault monitor ( Index Term Link )
  extension properties in RTR file ( Index Term Link )
  generating error messages ( Index Term Link )
  handling property updates ( Index Term Link )
  Monitor_check method ( Index Term Link )
  Monitor_start method ( Index Term Link )
  Monitor_stop method ( Index Term Link )
  obtaining property information ( Index Term Link )
  probe program ( Index Term Link )
  RTR file ( Index Term Link )
  sample properties in RTR file ( Index Term Link )
  Start method ( Index Term Link )
  Stop method ( Index Term Link )
  Update method ( Index Term Link )
  Validate method ( Index Term Link )
 sample DSDL
  determining the fault monitor action ( Index Term Link )
  returning from svc_start() ( Index Term Link )
  scds_initialize() function ( Index Term Link )
  starting the service ( Index Term Link )
  SUNW.xfnts fault monitor ( Index Term Link )
  SUNW.xfnts RTR file ( Index Term Link )
  svc_probe() function ( Index Term Link )
  TCP port number ( Index Term Link )
  validating the service ( Index Term Link )
  X font server ( Index Term Link )
  X font server configuration file ( Index Term Link )
  xfnts_monitor_check method ( Index Term Link )
  xfnts_monitor_start method ( Index Term Link )
  xfnts_monitor_stop method ( Index Term Link )
  xfnts_probe main loop ( Index Term Link )
  xfnts_start method ( Index Term Link )
  xfnts_stop method ( Index Term Link )
  xfnts_update method ( Index Term Link )
  xfnts_validate method ( Index Term Link )
 scalable resource, implementing ( Index Term Link )
 scalable services, validating ( Index Term Link )
 scds_initialize() function ( Index Term Link )
  Configure ( Index Term Link )
  Create ( Index Term Link )
 scripts, Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
  CRNP ( Index Term Link )
  X font
   configuration file ( Index Term Link )
   definition ( Index Term Link )
   port number ( Index Term Link )
 shell commands, RMAPI ( Index Term Link )
 source code, editing generated Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
 source files, Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
 Start method, using ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 starting a data service with DSDL ( Index Term Link )
 Stop method
  compatibility ( Index Term Link )
  using ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 stopping a data service with DSDL ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Cluster
  commands ( Index Term Link )
  using with GDS ( Index Term Link )
 SunPlex Agent Builder
  See Agent Builder
 SunPlex Manager, description ( Index Term Link )
  fault monitor ( Index Term Link )
  RTR file ( Index Term Link )
 support files, Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
 svc_probe() function ( Index Term Link )
 TCP connections, using DSDL fault monitoring ( Index Term Link )
  data services ( Index Term Link )
  HA data services ( Index Term Link )
 tunability constraints, documentation requirements ( Index Term Link )
 tunability options ( Index Term Link )
  Anytime ( Index Term Link )
  At_creation ( Index Term Link )
  When_disabled ( Index Term Link )
  When_offline ( Index Term Link )
  When_unmanaged ( Index Term Link )
  When_unmonitored ( Index Term Link )
 Update method
  compatibility ( Index Term Link )
  using ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 upgrade aware, defined ( Index Term Link )
  default property values ( Index Term Link )
  documentation requirements ( Index Term Link )
  examples of resource type ( Index Term Link )
 utility functions
  DSDL ( Index Term Link )
  RMAPI ( Index Term Link )
 Validate method
  checking property values for upgrade ( Index Term Link )
  upgrades ( Index Term Link )
  using ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 validation checks, scalable services ( Index Term Link )
 values, default property ( Index Term Link )
  distinguishing between ( Index Term Link )
  migration ( Index Term Link )
 When_disabled, #$upgrade_from directive ( Index Term Link )
 When_offline, #$upgrade_from directive ( Index Term Link )
 When_unmanaged, #$upgrade_from directive ( Index Term Link )
 When_unmonitored, #$upgrade_from directive ( Index Term Link )
 writing data services ( Index Term Link )
 X font server
  configuration file ( Index Term Link )
  definition ( Index Term Link )
 xfnts_monitor_check ( Index Term Link )
 xfnts_monitor_start ( Index Term Link )
 xfnts_monitor_stop ( Index Term Link )
 xfnts_start ( Index Term Link )
 xfnts_stop ( Index Term Link )
 xfnts_update ( Index Term Link )
 xfnts_validate ( Index Term Link )
 xfs server, port number ( Index Term Link )