Server Configuration
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Server Configuration

The Calendar Server contains five UNIX daemons / multi-threaded Windows NT services. Administrators can control and define the Calendar Server environment and behavior using an extensive number of configurable parameters.

This chapter first examines the function of each daemon/service, and the overall structure of the Calendar Server architecture. Following this discussion, is a section outlining the information needed to optimally tune and configure Calendar Server for your environment.

Calendar daemons / services

The five (5) Calendar Server daemons / services are:

Calendar Lock Manager

The Calendar Lock Manager (unilckd) manages the concurrent access to local nodes (sometimes referred to as local databases). In other words, the function of this daemon/service is to queue and process the many requests for node access coming from Calendar Engine threads. Both the Calendar Lock Manager and the Calendar Engine must be running to operate the Calendar Server.

Calendar Engine

The Calendar Engine (uniengd) is the database engine for Calendar Server. It provides functionality to accept and service client requests. Since many of these requests can be received at the same time, the servicing Calendar Engines must rely on the Calendar Lock Manager to ensure orderly access to the local nodes. Thus, as mentioned above, both the Calendar Lock Manager and the Calendar Engine must be running for access to local nodes.

Calendar Synchronous Network Connection

The Calendar Synchronous Network Connection daemon/service (unisncd) fulfills two roles in the Calendar Server architecture. It acts as a broker in granting connections to the Directory Access Server (unidasd), and is used to maintain open TCP/IP connections to other nodes on the network and to grant those connections to clients that request access to another node. The connections granted are unidirectional: from a current node to another node, but not vice versa. It is therefore important to ensure that node connections are set in both directions. A unique node identification number called a node-ID distinguishes each node. A group of nodes connected together form a node network.

The Calendar Synchronous Network Connection service grants connections on a "first in, first out" (FIFO) basis. Requests that cannot be processed immediately are put in a queue. The number of connections between two nodes may be increased or decreased. Thus, it is possible to minimize the traffic and connection time between two nodes or to minimize the number of connections used. If a Calendar Synchronous Network Connection service loses a connection due to network problems, it will try to reconnect later.


The Synchronous Network Connection daemon/service is an iterative server whose purpose is to broker connections between Calendar Engines (uniengd) and Calendar Directory Access Servers (unidasd), and to maintain open connections to many Calendar Engines simultaneously. For technical information about the configuration of the Calendar Synchronous Network Connections daemon/service, including a list of the parameters and their default values, see "Server configuration." Unless otherwise indicated, the Calendar Synchronous Network Connections daemon/service must be re-started in order for a configuration change to take effect.

Calendar Corporate-Wide Services

The Calendar Corporate-Wide Services (unicwsd) allow the exchange of information between users who reside on different nodes. People on one node may need to either view calendar information or schedule events with users from another node. This service also provides mail notification via an SMTP mail server.

The Calendar Corporate-Wide Services communicate with another node using TCP/IP sockets and named pipe connections. These links provide fast communication and instant free-time lookups when scheduling an event. The TCP/IP sockets and named pipe connections are provided and managed by the Calendar Synchronous Node Connection daemon/service.


The Calendar Corporate-Wide Services process local requests for remote information as well as requests from other nodes for local information. Local requests are requests for information concerning users on another node, or simply requests to send mail messages to remote users. These requests are made by the users on the local node and are put in a local queue. Calendar Corporate-Wide Services process the requests by reading them one after another from the queue. If a TCP/IP connection is available, the information requested by the local user can be accessed by connecting directly to the other node.

The only mail handling is the sending of notifications when a user creates an event and the attendees need to be notified. These mail notifications are dependent on the options set in the user's settings.


For technical information concerning the configuration of the Calendar Corporate-Wide Services daemon/service, including a list of the parameters and their default values, see "Server configuration". Unless otherwise indicated, the Calendar Corporate-Wide Services must be re-started in order for a configuration change to take effect.

Calendar Directory Access Server

The Calendar Directory Access Server (unidasd) is used to maintain open connections to an LDAP Directory Server such as the Netscape Directory Server. Connections to the Directory Access Server are granted by the Calendar Synchronous Network Connection (unisncd) daemon/service.

Calendar architecture

Client connection requests are initially processed via the uniengd daemon/service through the Berkeley Sockets Interface. During the connection process, a forked uniengd server is created for the client for all subsequent requests. Database access requests are synchronized via the unilckd daemon/service through Interprocess Communication Requests (System V IPC).

User validation. All user attributes are stored in the Directory Server. The local uniengd server process borrows a persistent connection from the unisncd (synchronous network daemon) to the unidasd proxy. This process, then acting as a client, connects directly to the Directory Server which may be on a remote server.

Scheduling meetings with remote users (users on other nodes) is transparent to calendar users. When a user creates a meeting with a user on a remote server, this places a request in the database which is handled by the unicwsd (corporate-wide services) daemon/service, whose job it is to place remote copies on other nodes.

Server configuration

To define a default profile:

  1. From the Calendar Server Manager, select Server Preferences| Manage Calendar Server to open the "Manage Calendar Server" form

  2. All configuration parameters are displayed under a variety of headings related to the different daemons and services.

  3. To edit the default profile for a section, click the relevant <section name> to open the "Section Editor".

  4. All configurable parameters are displayed with the default value in an edit box. This value can be changed according to the information and limits defined in the following section "Configuration parameters."

  5. To make changes to a value, delete the old value and type in the new value in the edit box.

  6. To return to the default profile or values, click Reset.

  7. To add a new parameter, click Add Key(s) and, in the pop-up window, enter the number of parameters you wish to add. The specified number of boxes will be added to the bottom of the form for the insertion of  the new parameters.

  8. To remove a parameter, click Delete Key and enter the key to be deleted in the pop-up window.

  9. Once you have made all required editing changes, click Save Changes.

Configuration parameters

The administrator can control and define both server and client behavior using configurable parameters. These Calendar Server parameters should be reviewed and tuned on a per installation basis.

When a parameter is not supplied, the default value is automatically assumed

The types of behavior that can be modified fall under the following headings:

Table 7.1  Server Configuration Parameters 
Section  Parameter  Description 



Product license



User under which processes run


Enable daemon synchronization during start/stop



Case sensitivity of passwords


Number of concurrent sessions by a given user


Number of concurrent sessions from a specific client


Statistics logging: user connections


Statistics logging: user sessions

dac_searchlimitexceedlog Directory Server search logging
dac_dirdownfailover Failover
dac_dirdownfailoverlog Failover logging
dir_internal_nodes Coexistence of LDAP and non-LDAP nodes
utf8_autoconvert Enable conversion of data to UTF-8 format
pwdreturnonitemget Off-line Calendar clients



Automatic start of DAS service


Statistics logging: unidasd 


Set directory service


State of connections to directory server (persistent)


Ability to update personal attributes



Maximum number of logged-on users



Number of retries on the database locking mechanism


Maximum number of database files open per user



Automatic start of CWS service


Configuration parameters for UNIX mail


Time CWS service will sleep before checking for new requests


Time CWS service will sleep at start-up


Time CWS service will wait before assuming unanswered request is lost

[CWS] optional


Statistics logging: verbose switch



Automatic start of SNC service



Preset value, should not be altered


Local time zone


Pointer to file containing time zone rules



Enable or disable attachments


Attachment size limit


Password aging


Minimum refresh rate for client updates


Open window maximum


Minimum length of search string


Enable or disable mail notification


Allow user to define personal time zone


Resource double-booking option


Recurring meeting maximum repetition rate


Limit mail distribution


Maximum reminder lead time


Maximum size of returned set for a search


Retry interval for connections to server


Retry limit for connections to server

[CGI] unistartcheck Speeding up Calendar Server start-up



Node name (2 letter code)


Software version number


Node alias(es)


Allow resources in remote node to appear as local



Set base DN (distinguished name)


LDAP server


LDAP server port number


Allow Internet addresses in directory field "Organization"

binddn Distinguished name used to bind to the LDAP directory server
bindpwd Password used to bind to the LDAP directory server
admin SYSOP Group RDN
admingroup SYSOP Base RDN
defaultpwd Default user password to use for Calendar items without a password

Controlling client behavior

Case sensitivity of passwords



Defines whether the user password verification is case sensitive or case insensitive.

Accepted values
case (for case sensitive)
ignorecase (for case insensitive)

Default value
The default value is case.

Password aging



This parameter enables password aging. The value represents the number of days before users must change their client password. The parameter and a value must be supplied in order to enable password aging for your calendaring application.

Accepted values
Any number from 0 to (232-1).

Default value
The default value is no password aging.

Minimum refresh rate for client updates



This parameter determines the minimum number of minutes that will elapse before the client will check for new entries on the server. A minimum of 15 minutes is recommended.

Accepted values
This value cannot be lower than lck_users/60. For example, if lck_users is 1200, then 1200/60 is 20 minutes. Therefore, even if the autocontrol parameter is set to 15 minutes, a refresh will not occur before 20 minutes has elapsed.

Default value
The default value is 15 minutes.

Minimum length of search string



This parameter determines the minimum number of search characters which must be entered by the user when performing a directory search from the client. The default value is 0, thereby allowing a user to execute a search without limits and retrieve the complete database of users. If a value greater than or equal to 1 is specified, the required number of characters must be entered in the Surname field.

Accepted values
Any non-negative integer.

Default value
The default value is 0.

Maximum size of returned set for a search



This parameter defines the maximum number of records returned by a directory search. Although this parameter should be tuned relative to the size of your installed base, it cannot exceed the value set for searches by the sizelimit parameter (default value = 500) in the slapd.conf file of the Directory Server. A second parameter in the same file in the Directory Server, the lookthroughlimit parameter (default value = 5000), controls the maximum number of entries that will be checked before returning the search results. If tuning search capabilities for a  large installation, you must assess the dependencies between the three parameters. See the Directory Server Administrator's Guide and Chapter 1 "Configuration of search parameters" for more information on these parameters.

Accepted values
Any positive integer up to the value of (232-1)

Default value
The default value is 100.

Enable or disable mail notification



Regardless of how the client is set up, this parameter determines whether or not mail notification is enabled on the system.

Accepted values
TRUE (enabled)
FALSE (disabled)

Default value
The default value is TRUE.

Limit mail distribution



This parameter defines the maximum number of users that can be added to a mail notification distribution.

Accepted values
Any positive integer up to the value of (232-1)

Default value
The default value is 30.

Recurring meeting maximum repetition rate



This value defines the maximum number of repetitions for a recurring meeting.

Accepted values
Any positive integer up to the value of (232-1)

Default value
The default value is 60.

Maximum reminder lead time



This value defines the maximum lead time for a display-upcoming reminder.

Accepted values
Any positive integer up to the value of (232-1)

Default value
The default value is 21 days.

Enable or disable attachments



This parameter permits or disallows the addition of attachments to events or tasks in the client.

Accepted values
TRUE (attachments allowed)
FALSE (attachments disallowed)

Default value
The default value is FALSE.

Attachment size limit



If attachments have been enabled with the invocation of the allowattachments parameter, this parameter defines the maximum size in bytes of any attachment. Suggested value is 102400 or 100K.

Accepted values
Any positive integer up to the value of (232-1)

Default value

Open window maximum



This parameter defines the maximum number of windows or views a user can open at one time.

Accepted values
Any positive integer up to the value of (232-1)

Default value
The default value is 6 windows.

Group view maximum



This parameter allows you to change the number of columns in a group view.

Accepted values
Any positive integer up to the value of (232-1)

Default value
The default value is 100.

Resource double-booking option



Resources can either be set up on a first-come, first-served basis where double- bookings are not permitted, or they may be set to allow conflicts to occur.

Accepted values
TRUE (permits double-bookings)
FALSE (double-bookings would not be allowed)

Default value
The default value is TRUE.

Allow resources in remote node to appear as local



This list controls which remote resources will be considered local for scheduling purposes when using the Calendar Client. If you want users on separate but connected nodes to view and treat all resources as local, a common situation when two or more nodes are in close geographic proximity, you would enter the relevant node-ID(s) after this parameter. Nodes must be connected to enable this feature.

Accepted values
Valid node-IDs, separated by a comma.

Default value

Allow user to define personal time zone



This value determines whether or not the user is permitted to permanently change his/her time zone setting in the client from that set for the node. Setting the value to TRUE will allow users to change their time zone.

Accepted values
TRUE (users permitted to set a different time zone)
FALSE (users not permitted to set a different time zone)

Default value
The default value is FALSE.

Allow (user) to update personal attributes



The setting of this parameter controls the ability of users to update inetOrgPerson attributes maintained by the Directory Server. If set to TRUE, only those values contained within the Calendar schema may be updated.

Accepted values
TRUE (changes permitted)
FALSE (changes not permitted)

Default value
The default value is TRUE.

Right to create public groups



Determines if users are allowed to create public groups.

Accepted values
TRUE (users permitted to create public groups)
FALSE (users not permitted to create public groups)

Default value
The default value is TRUE.

Off-line Calendar clients



Allows the off-line use of the Calendar client for version 4.0 and earlier.

Accepted values
TRUE (off-line use permitted )
FALSE (off-line use not permitted)

Default value
The default value is TRUE.

Controlling client connections to server

Maximum number of logged-on users



Specifies the maximum number of logged-on Calendar Server users. Do not set this number larger than required since this wastes system resources. The current maximum is 5000 (UNIX) or 3800 (NT) although this value may change in the future.

Accepted values
Any number up to 3800 (NT) or 5000 (UNIX).

Default value
The default value is 35.

Number of concurrent sessions by a given user



Controls the maximum number of concurrent Calendar Server sessions that each user may invoke. Such a session is termed "named" since it is associated with a specific user. This contrasts with "unnamed" sessions, which are associated with no specific user.

Accepted values
0 (no limit is to be enforced) or any positive integer (value = the maximum number of concurrent "named" sessions)

Default value
The default value is 0.

Number of concurrent sessions from a specific client



Controls the maximum number of concurrent "unnamed" Calendar Server sessions that can be invoked by a single client, that is, from a single Internet address.

Accepted values
0 (no limit is to be enforced) or any positive integer (value = the maximum number of concurrent "named" sessions)

Default value
The default value is 0.

Retry interval for connections to server



The duration in seconds the client will wait before retrying to connect to the server.

Accepted values
Any positive integer up to the value of (232-1)

Default value
The default value is 2 seconds.

Retry limit for connections to server



The maximum number of times the client will attempt to connect to the server.

Accepted values
Any positive integer up to the value of (232-1)

Default value
The default value is 5.


This parameter controls the ability to continue using the Calendar client when the Directory Server is down. The Calendar Client must have signed in when the Directory Server was up. The operations that may be performed are: read operations on all data; update operations on all data, excepting that which resides on Directory Server (user, groups, preferences, passwords etc.)
Accepted values
TRUE (client will operate with Directory Server down)
FALSE (client will not operate with Directory Server down)
Default value

Controlling server behavior

Automatic start of CWS



Controls whether or not the unicwsd, the Corporate-Wide Services daemon/ service, is automatically started. This parameter must be set to TRUE if your Calendar Server configuration has multiple nodes or mail notification.

Accepted values
TRUE (unicwsd automatically starts)
FALSE (unicwsd does not automatically start)

Default value
The default value is TRUE.

Automatic start of SNC



If set to TRUE, the unisncd service will be started with the other services. This service must be enabled if your Calendar implementation contains multiple nodes.

Accepted values
TRUE (unisncd automatically starts)
FALSE (unisncd does not automatically start)

Default value
The default value is FALSE.

Automatic start of DAS



This parameter enables or disables the communication between the Calendar server and the Directory server. If set to TRUE, the unidasd service will be started with the other services.

Accepted values
TRUE (unidasd automatically starts)
FALSE (unidasd does not automatically start)

Default value
The default value is FALSE.

Enable daemon synchronization during start/stop



This parameter enables the daemon synchronization mechanism during start up and shutdown operations. If the parameter is set to FALSE, the default behaviour is to revert back to using sleep calls for synchronization.

Accepted values
TRUE (synchronization enabled)
FALSE (synchronization disabled)

Default value
The default value is TRUE.

Speeding up Calendar Server start-up


In some cases, Calendar Server may take too long to start and therefore will cause the httpd to timeout. Setting this parameter to FALSE will start Calendar Server without performing the usual checks (unicheck and uniclean), thus shortening the time required for a full start-up.
Accepted values
TRUE (standard checks executed upon start-up)
FALSE (standard checks disabled at start-up)
Default value

Enable conversion of data to UTF-8 format


This parameter enables or disables the conversion of input data to UTF-8. For any implementation of Netscape Calendar Server 3.5 or higher, this parameter must be set to TRUE.
Accepted values
TRUE (UTF-8 conversion is enabled)
FALSE (UTF-8 conversion is disabled)
Default value
The default value is TRUE

Configuration parameters for UNIX mail



When set to TRUE, mail requests for sending out mail notification messages will be done using the SMTP mail server. To disable the mail notification option, see the parameter mail under the [LIMITS] section of this file.

Accepted values

Default value
The default value is TRUE.

Set directory service



This parameter specifies the directory service to be accessed by the unidasd. The default value for Netscape's Directory Server is LDAP,v2,NSCP,1. Configuration parameters for this service are found in the [YOURDIRECTORYSERVER] Section.

Accepted values

Default value
The default value is LDAP,v2,NSCP,1.

Statistics logging: user connections



This parameter enables and disables logging of Calendar Server sign-ons and sign-offs. The resulting log is useful to track Calendar Server usage and to monitor for possible security violations. When used, the size of the log file / users/unison/log/act.log should be closely monitored since it can easily become large.

Accepted values
TRUE (enables logging)
FALSE (disables logging)

Default value
The default value is FALSE.

Statistics logging: user sessions



This parameter enables or disables logging of Calendar Server user sessions with respect to CPU consumption, user wait times, and network traffic. When used, the size of the log file /users/unison/log/stats.log should be closely monitored since it grows quickly.

Accepted values
TRUE (enables logging)
FALSE (disables logging)

Default value
The default value is FALSE.

Statistics logging: verbose switch



If set to TRUE, a more verbose style of logging is enabled whereby each transaction performed by the CWS service is logged in the /users/unison/ log/cws.log file. This will cause the cws.log file to grow rapidly and should only be used for a short time for testing or debugging purposes.

Accepted values
TRUE (enables logging)
FALSE (disables logging)

Default value
The default value is FALSE.

Statistics logging: unidasd



This parameter enables or disables the generation of unidasd statistics to the dasstats.log and the dsstats.log files. This log should only be generated for a short time for testing or debugging purposes.

Accepted values
TRUE (enables logging)
FALSE (disables logging)

Default value
The default value is FALSE.

Directory Server search logging


This parameter enables or disables logging of errors occurring when the set values have been exceeded for the sizelimit or lookthroughlimit parameters in the slapd.conf file on the Directory Server. See "Configuration of Search Parameters" in Chapter 1 for a more complete description of these and other dependent parameters.
Accepted values
TRUE (logging enabled)
FALSE (logging disabled)
Default value

Failover logging


This parameter enables or disables the ability to log the use of the failover capability controlled by the dac_dirdownfailover parameter.
Accepted values
TRUE (logging enabled)
FALSE (logging disabled)
Default value

Coexistence of LDAP and non-LDAP nodes

This parameter is used to identify all nodes with an internal directory in an installation where the Calendar Server network requires the coexistence of nodes using an LDAP directory and those with their own internal directory.
Accepted values
Valid node-IDs, separated by a comma and enclosed within {} (eg. dir_internal_nodes={10000,10001}).
Default value

Additional parameters

The following parameters are documented here for reference purposes only. It is highly unlikely that the default values supplied for these parameters would require any tuning in the majority of Calendar Server implementations.

The [SYS] Section

sys_owner = unison / root

sys_owner = unison / administrator
Specifies the user under which the Calendar Server processes will run. In all cases, Calendar Server executes services with the effective user who controls security set to unison. The default value is unison.
The [ENG] Section
notify = FALSE
When set to TRUE, this enables notification by SMTP-based UNIX mail on event creation. The default value is FALSE. This parameter applies only to pre-3.0 versions of the client.
The [DB] Section
Specifies the number of database files that may be opened for each user. The default value is 15 files.
taf_max_retry = value
Specifies the maximum number of retries on the database locking mechanism. The default value is 100.
The [CWS] Section
noreqsleep = time_in_seconds
The number of seconds the Corporate-Wide Services service will wait (sleep) when there are no requests in the local queue. After that time, the unicwsd will again check if it has any pending requests. This affects how long it will take to propagate data, such as remote user invitations, to other nodes. The default value is 60 seconds.
startupsleep = time_in_seconds
Specifies the time in seconds the Corporate-Wide Services service will wait (sleep) at the startup of Calendar Server. The default value is 15 seconds.
requestmaxage = time_in_minutes
Specifies the period of time in minutes after which the unicwsd, the Corporate-Wide Services service, will assume an unanswered request has been lost. The default value is 2880 minutes or two days.
Optional [CWS] Parameters
tmp_dir = tmpdirpath
The path for the temporary directory used by the mail server to store working files. The default value is /users/unison/tmp.
sendmailpath = sendmailpath
The full path of the local sendmail utility.
unixmailprogram = mail_utility
The mail utility, either sendmail or postmail, used to transfer messages to the SMTP mail server. The default value is sendmail.
unixmailhostparam = option
This parameter specifies options or switches for the mail utility specified above. The default value is -p SMTP.
unixmailsubjectparam = option
This parameter specifies options or switches for the mail utility specified above. The default value is -s.
unixmailfromparam = option
This parameter specifies options or switches for the mail utility specified above. The default value is -f.
maxmailsleep = time_in_seconds
The maximum number of seconds the unicwsd will wait (sleep) when it cannot connect to the mail server before trying again. This number starts at 300 seconds (5 minutes) and is incremented by 600 seconds (10 minutes) each time a connect is retried up to this maximum. The default is 1800 seconds or 30 minutes.
sncbusysleep = time_in_seconds
The number of seconds to wait before a retry when a request for a TCP/IP connection to a remote node fails.
snctries = value
The number of times the unicwsd will retry to get a TCP/IP connection to a remote node before declaring it a failure.
warninggap = time_in_seconds
The minimum number of seconds between each time a warning message is sent to the Calendar Server Administrator when the attempt to make a remote TCP/IP connection fails. The default value for this parameter is 43200 (12 hours).
The [SNC] Section
Optional [SNC] Parameters
max_socket = x
This parameter sets the maximum number of connections between all nodes.
wait_sbh = 5
Describes the number of minutes to wait if the Calendar Synchronous Network Connection service is not able to connect to the other node. The default setting is 5 minutes.
request_chunk_size = 25
Sets the number of requests that are reset at a time.
snc_tr_block = 0
Indicates the block size used to communicate between processes.
snc_tr_recv_timeout = 60
Indicates the time-out value for received transmissions. This value should be increased substantially if the Calendar administrator expects a large volume of recurring events with both local and remote attendees. A tenfold increase (i.e. 600) should suffice.
snc_tr_send_timeout = 0
Indicates the time-out value for sent transmissions.
snc_so_rcvbuf = 0
Sets the size of the receive queue buffer.
snc_so_sndbuf = 0
Sets the size of the send queue buffer.
snc_so_linger = FALSE
Determines what to do when unsent messages exist for a closed connection. When set to FALSE, the system will deliver any unsent data.
snc_so_keepalive = TRUE
Determines if the system keeps idle connections active.
snc_so_force_af_inet = FALSE
Determines whether or not to force Internet socket connections.
Multiple Configurations

Each time the Calendar Synchronous Network Connection service connects to a Calendar Engine, a section could be used to describe the connection, transaction, and socket options. Defaults always apply if none is present. For example:

     [ computername | ALL , unieng , node-ID | ALL ]
     service = unieng
     tmp_dir = /users/unison/tmp
     socketfile = unieng.sck
     tr_block = 0
     tr_recv_timeout = 60
     tr_send_timeout = 0
     so_rcvbuf = 0
     so_sndbuf = 0
     so_linger = FALSE
     so_reuseaddr = FALSE
     so_keepalive = FALSE
     retry = 1
     connect_timeout = 30
     max_wait_before_retry = 64
     send_cleanup_timeout = 200
     recv_cleanup_timeout = 200
     unstable_net_period = 15
     unstable_net_lost_per_min = 1
     unstable_net_first_retry = 32

The section name consists of three parts: the computername, the service name (uniengd) and the associated node. In the example above, eight new options have been introduced:

retry = 1
Indicates the number of times the Calendar Synchronous Network Connection service should retry to establish a connection.
connect_timeout = 30
The time-out (in seconds) used to indicated that a connection has failed.
max_wait_before_retry = 64
The maximum time (in minutes) for the retry mechanism.
send_cleanup_timeout = 200
Determines the time-out (in milliseconds) associated with the connection shutdown.
recv_cleanup_timeout = 200
Determines the time-out (in milliseconds) associated with the connection shutdown.
unstable_net_period = 15
unstable_net_lost_per_min =1
unstable_net_first_retry = 32
The above three parameters are used to define an unstable network. In the above case, when the Calendar Synchronous Network Connection service finds unstable_net_lost_per_min connections for unstable_net_period minutes, the service enters the retry mechanism mode. In this case, the Calendar Synchronous Network Connection service waits for unstable_net_first_retry minutes before reconnecting to the node.
The [LIMITS] Section
page-forward = FALSE
This parameter enables or disables the ability to view more than the maximum number of records returned by a directory search as defined above. The default value of FALSE cannot be changed.
page-backward = FALSE
This parameter enables or disables the ability to view more than the maximum number of records returned by a directory search as defined above. The default value of FALSE cannot be changed.
The [DAS] section
DAS Configuration


numconnect = 5
This parameter defines the number of connections to establish to the Directory Server. The default value is 5 connections.
dir_adminmodcalonly = FALSE dir_adminupdcalonly = FALSE
mapmailtoorg = TRUE
If set to TRUE, this parameter allows for the entry of Internet addresses in the directory field "Organization".
binddn = <dn> bindpwd = <password>
admin = <SYSOP Base RDN>
The base RDN (Relative Distinguished Name) for the six Netscape Calendar Server reserved users. The SYSOP base RDN defaults to admin = ou=Netscape Servers. Refer to the section on "Relative Distinguished Names" in the Netscape Directory Server Administrator's Guide for a discussion of the correct form for this attribute.
admingroup = <SYSOP Group RDN>
The leftmost element in the distinguished name of the SYSOP group. Only the SYSOP is added to this group. The SYSOP group RDN (Relative Distinguished Name) defaults to cn=Netscape Calendar Server Administrators, ou=Netscape Servers. Refer to the section on "Relative Distinguished Names" in the Netscape Directory Server Administrator's Guide for a discussion of the correct form for this attribute.
defaultpwd = <password>

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