Monitoring Procedures
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Monitoring Procedures

The log files, found in the /users/unison/log directory, are a useful starting point for troubleshooting problems related to Calendar Server operations or performance.

Viewing log files

To view Calendar Server log files:

  1. Select Server Status | View Log Files to open the "View Log Files" form.

  2. Select the log file you wish to view from the drop down menu next to the title "View log file". Note that this menu contains a dynamic listing of the files contained in the /users/unison/log directory. If you want to view a log file not in this list, you must first enable logging through the use of the appropriate parameter set under Server Preferences | Manage Calendar Server.

  3. Enter the number of messages that you wish to be displayed from the end of the file. The default value for this field is 25.

  4. If you wish to see only those entries containing a specified string, enter this string in the "Show entries with:" box.

  5. Click OK to see the specified information.

The Calendar Server log files are found in the/users/unison/log/ directory.
Table 9.1  Calendar Server log files 
Filename  Description 


Log file for Calendar Lock Manager


Log file for Calendar Engine


Log file for Calendar Synchronous Network Connections


Log file for Calendar Corporate-Wide Services A more verbose style of logging can be enabled whereby each transaction performed by the CWS service is logged. This will cause the cws.log file to grow rapidly and should only be used for a short time for testing or debugging purposes. To enable this feature, set the trace parameter in the /users/unison/misc/unison.ini to TRUE.


Log file for Calendar Directory Access Service


Log file for tracking Calendar Server user sessions with respect to CPU consumption, user wait times, and network traffic. Session statistics are output once a client

session is terminated normally. To enable Calendar Server statistics logging, set the stats parameter in the /users/unison/misc/unison.ini file to TRUE. When used, the size of the stats.log file should be closely monitored since it grows quickly. The default value is FALSE.


Log file for Calendar Directory Access Service statistics.


Log file for the Directory Server (LDAP) calls.


Log file for all scripts.


Log file for node (database) initialization.


Log file for the uninode script.


Log file for uniadmrights script.


Log file for tracking Calendar Server usage and monitoring possible security violations To enable logging of Calendar Server sign-ons and sign-offs, the activity parameter in the /users/unison/misc/unison.ini file must be set to TRUE. When used, the size of the act.log file should be closely monitored since it can easily become large. 


Database operation file. Created only if there is a problem. 

Interpreting log files

Much of the content of the Calendar Server log files is self-explanatory, namely the sections referring to the status of the various daemons / servers. If you are uncertain about the content of a log file, contact Netscape's technical support for further assistance.

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