C H A P T E R  1

Sun Studio 8 New Features

Suntrademark Studio 8 replaces the Suntrademark ONE Studio 8, Compiler Collection. The Sun ONE Studio 8, Compiler Collection was a command-line only release of the C, C++, and Fortran compilers, libraries, and tools. Sun Studio 8 includes the same compilers and libraries released with the Sun ONE Studio 8, Compiler Collection release and adds an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and an updated Performance Analyzer.

This chapter describes the following new Sun Studio 8 features.

The Sun Studio 8 release includes the following compilers, libraries, and tools that are unchanged from the Sun ONE Studio 8, Compiler Collection release. New features for the compilers, libraries, and tools released with the Sun ONE Studio 8, Compiler Collection are described in Chapter 2.

In most sections, there is a table that lists the new features of that component. The table has either two columns or three columns:

Note - To find the Sun Studio 8 documentation described in this chapter, see the documentation index installed with the product software at /opt/SUNWspro/docs/index.html. If your software is not installed in the /opt directory, contact your system administrator for the equivalent path on your system or network.

Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

The Sun Studio 8 IDE provides modules for creating, editing, building, debugging, and analyzing the performance of a C, C++, or Fortran application. It includes a set of basic Javatrademark language support modules that can be enabled if needed for JNI (Javatrademark Native Interface) development.

This release of the IDE is available on the Solaristrademark Operating System (Solaris OS) (SPARCtrademark Platform Edition) versions 7, 8, and 9; and the Solaris OS (x86 Platform Edition) versions 7, 8, and 9.

The Sun Studio 8 software consists of two major components:

The Sun Studio 8 component is installed by default in the /opt directory, but an alternate location can be specified during installation. The J2SE technology is installed by default in the /usr/jdk/j2sdk1.4.2_02 directory, but an alternate directory in /usr can be specified during installation.

The correct operation of the IDE depends IDE being able to find the core platform, and the core platform being able to find the J2SE technology.

Starting the IDE

The command to start the IDE is sunstudio. For details on this command, see the sunstudio(1) man page. (To display the sunstudio(1) man page, you must have /installation-directory/SUNWspro/man in your $MANPATH.)

Performance Analysis Tools

The following sections list the new data collection and presentation features in the Sun Studio 8, release of the performance analysis tools. For more information, see the following man pages:

Data collection features

The following list describes new or changed data collection capabilities.

For more information, refer to the collect(1), collector(1) and libcollector(3) man pages.

Data presentation features

The following list describes new or changed data presentation capabilities.

For more information, refer to the analyzer(1) and er_print(1) man pages and the Performance Analyzer online help.


This section describes Sun Studio 8 documentation new features.