C H A P T E R  2

Sun ONE Studio 8, Compiler Collection New Features

This chapter describes the new features of the Sun ONE Studio 8, Compiler Collection compilers and command-line tools. The primary focus of this release is significant performance and portability updates to our C, C++ and Fortran language systems; and support for a subset of C99 syntax and for OpenMPtrademark programs in the dbx command-line debugger.

The compilers, libraries, and tools described in this chapter are included with the Sun Studio 8 release

This chapter has the following sections:

In most sections, there is a table that lists the new features of that component. The table has either two columns or three columns:

Note - To find the Sun ONE Studio 8, Compiler Collection documentation described in this chapter, see the documentation index installed with the product software at /opt/SUNWspro/docs/index.html. If your software is not installed in the /opt directory, contact your system administrator for the equivalent path on your system or network.

C Compiler

This section lists the new features of the C compiler for this release. The new features are organized into the following tables:

For more information about the specific compiler options referenced in this section, see the C User's Guide or the cc(1) man page.

TABLE 2-1 lists the general enhancements of the C compiler.

TABLE 2-1 General Enhancements of the C Compiler



Linker mapfiles are no longer needed for variable scoping: -xldscope

There are now two different ways you can control the exporting of symbols in dynamic libraries. This facility is called linker scoping and is supported by linker mapfiles. First, you can now embed new declaration specifiers in code.

By embedding __global, __symbolic, and __hidden directly in code, you no longer need to use mapfiles. Second, you can override the default setting for variable scoping by specifying -xldscope at the command line.

Implementation of additional C99 features

This release adds support for the following ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (referred to as C99 in this document) features. The following list only details the C99 features implemented in this release, which is a subset of all the implemented C99 features. See the C User's Guide for a complete listing of all C99 features implemented over the past and current release of the C compiler. The sub-section number of the C99 standard is listed for each item.

  • 6.2.5 _Bool
  • 6.2.5 _Complex type

This release supports a partial implementation of _Complex. You must link with -lcplxsupp on Solaris 7, 8, and 9 Operating Systems (OS).

  • Conversion of arrays to pointers not limited to lvalues
  • Hexadecimal floating-point literals
  • Compound literals
  • 6.7.2 Type specifiers
  • 6.10.6 STDC pragmas
  • 6.10.8 __STDC_IEC_559 and __STDC_IEC_559_COMPLEX macros

Support for the VIStrademark Developers Kit: -xvis (SPARC®)

Use the -xvis=[yes|no] option when you are using the assembly-language templates defined in the VIS instruction set Software Developers Kit (VSDK).

The VIS instruction set is an extension to the SPARC v9 instruction set. Even though the UltraSPARC processors are 64-bit, there are many cases, especially in multimedia applications, when the data are limited to 8 or 16 bits in size. The VIS instructions can process four 16-bit data with one instruction so they greatly improve the performance of applications that handle new media such as imaging, linear algebra, signal processing, audio, video and networking.

For more information on the VSDK, see VIS Instruction Set User's Manual at

Larger default stack size for slave threads

The default stack size for slave threads is now larger. All slave threads have the same stack size, which is four megabytes for 32-bit applications and eight megabytes for 64-bit applications by default. The size is set with the STACKSIZE environment variable.

Improved -xprofile (SPARC)

The -xprofile option offers the following improvements:

  • Support for profiling shared libraries
  • Thread-safe profile collection using -xprofile=collect -mt
  • Improved support for profiling multiple programs or shared libraries in a single profile directory

With -xprofile=use, the compiler can now find profile data in profile directories that contain data for multiple object files with nonunique basenames. For cases where the compiler is unable to find an object file's profile data, the compiler provides a new option -xprofile_pathmap=collect-prefix: use-prefix.

Support for UTF-16 string literals: -xustr

Specify -xustr=ascii_utf16_ushort if you need to support an internationalized application that uses ISO10646 UTF-16 string literals. In other words, use this option if your code contains a string literal composed of 16-bit characters. Without this option, the compiler neither produces nor recognizes 16-bit character string literals. This option enables recognition of the U"ASCII_string" string literals as an array of type unsigned short. Since such strings are not yet part of any standard, this option enables recognition of non-standard C.

TABLE 2-2 lists the new features of the C compiler that support faster compilation.

TABLE 2-2 New C Features That Support Faster Compilation



Faster profiling (SPARC)

Use -xprofile_ircache[=path] with -xprofile=collect|use to improve compilation time during the use phase by reusing compilation data saved from the collect phase.

With large programs, compilation time in the use phase can improve significantly because the intermediate data is saved. The saved data could increase disk space requirements considerably.

Precompiled headers: -xpch

This release of the compiler introduces the new precompiled-header feature. The precompiled-header file is designed to reduce compile time for applications in which source files share a common set of include files containing a large amount of source code. A precompiled header works by collecting information about a sequence of header files from one source file, and then using that information when recompiling that source file, and when compiling other source files that have the same sequence of headers. You can take advantage of this feature through the -xpch and -xpchstop options in combination with the #pragma hdrstop directive.

Using multiple processors: -xjobs=n (SPARC)

Specify the -xjobs=n option to set how many processes the compiler creates to complete its work. This option can reduce the build time on a multi-CPU machine. Currently, -xjobs works only with the -xipo option. When you specify -xjobs=n, the interprocedural optimizer uses n as the maximum number of code generator instances it can invoke to compile different files.

TABLE 2-3 lists the new features of the C compiler that support improved performance.

TABLE 2-3 New C Features That Support Improved Performance



Improving runtime with linker supported thread-local storage: -xthreadvar

Use the new linker supported thread-local storage facility of the compiler to do the following:

  • Utilize a fast implementation for the POSIX interfaces for allocating thread-specific data.
  • Convert multi-process programs to multi-thread programs.
  • Port Windows applications using thread-local storage to Solaris.
  • Utilize a fast implementation for the threadprivate variables in OpenMP programs.

Thread-local storage is now available in the compiler through the declaration of thread-local variables. The declaration consists of a normal variable declaration with the addition of the variable specifier __thread and the command line option -xthreadvar.

Improving runtime by reducing page faults: -xF

Use the new functionality of -xF to enable the optimal reordering of variables and functions by the linker. This can help solve the following problems which negatively impact run-time performance:

  • Cache and page contention caused by unrelated variables that are near each other in memory.
  • Unnecessarily large work-set size as a result of related variables which are not near each other in memory.
  • Unnecessarily large work-set size as a result of unused copies of weak variables that decrease the effective data density.

Improving runtime: -xlinkopt (SPARC)

The C++ compiler can now perform link time optimization on relocatable object files when you specify the -xlinkopt command.

Specify -xlinkopt and the compiler performs some additional optimizations at link time without modifying the .o files that are linked. The optimizations appear only in the executable program. The -xlinkopt option is most effective when you use it to compile the whole program and with profile feedback.

Improving runtime: -xpagesize=n (SPARC)

Set the page size in memory for the stack. n can be 8K, 64K, 512K, 4M, 32M, 256M, 2G, 16G, or default. You must specify a valid page size for the Solaris OS on the target platform, as returned by getpagesize(3C). If you do not specify a valid page size, the request is silently ignored at run-time. You can use pmap(1) or meminfo(2) to determine page size at the target platform.

Note that this feature is only available on Solaris 9 OS. A program compiled with this option does not link in earlier Solaris OS environments.

This option is a macro for -xpagesize_stack and -xpagesize_heap.

Hardware counter-based profiling: -xhwcprof (SPARC)

Use the -xhwcprof=[enable|disable] option to enable compiler support for hardware counter-based profiling.

When -xhwcprof is enabled, the compiler generates information that helps tools match hardware counter data reference and miss events with associated instructions. Corresponding data-types and structure-members can also be identified in conjunction with symbolic information (produced with -g). This information can be useful in performance analysis because it is not easily identified from profiles based on code addresses, source statements, or routines.

TABLE 2-4 lists the new features of the C compiler that support easier debugging

TABLE 2-4 New C Features That Support Easier Debugging



DWARF-format debugger information: -xdebugformat

The C compiler is migrating the format of debugging information from the stabs format to the DWARF format as specified in DWARF Debugging Information Format. If you maintain software that reads debugging information, you now have the option to transition your tools from the stabs format to the DWARF format. The default setting for this release is -xdebugformat=stabs.

Use the -xdebugformat=dwarf option as a way of accessing the new format for the purpose of porting tools. There is no need to use this option unless you maintain software that reads debugging information, or unless a specific tool tells you that it requires debugging information in one of these formats.

Support for debugging OpenMP programs: -xopenmp=noopt

If you are debugging an OpenMP program with dbx, compile with -g and -xopenmp=noopt so you can breakpoint within parallel regions and display the contents of variables.

C++ Compiler

This section lists the new features of the C++ compiler for this release. The new features are organized into the following tables:

For more information about the specific compiler options referenced in this section, see the C++ User's Guide or the CC(1) man page.

TABLE 2-5 lists the general enhancements of the C++ compiler (version 5.5).

TABLE 2-5 General Enhancements of the C++ Compiler



Template cache no longer needed: -instances

This release of the C++ compiler improves template instantiation significantly. Programs that use the default template instantiation model are no longer restricted from building more than one program in a directory.

Most programs that rely on an alternate instantiation model, with
-instances=static, can now use the new default instantiation model.

The improvements and changes to template instantiation can either improve compile time by avoiding a template cache or reduce executable size by avoiding duplicate static functions.

Linker mapfiles no longer needed for variable scoping: -xldscope

There are now two different ways you can control the exporting of symbols in dynamic libraries. This facility is called linker scoping and has been supported by linker mapfiles for some time. First, you can now embed new declaration specifiers in code.

By embedding __global, __symbolic, and __hidden directly in code, you no longer need to use mapfiles. Second, you can override the default setting for variable scoping by specifying
-xldscope at the command line.

Powerful new diagnostics for macros: -xdumpmacros

This release introduces two new pragmas and a new compiler option designed to help you track the behavior of macros in your application. This includes macros defined in system headers.

You can use the -xdumpmacros option at the command line to see the macro definitions and also to see where macros are defined, undefined, and used in your program. To narrow your focus, use the new dumpmacros and end_dumpmacros pragmas directly in the source.

Support for VIS Developers Kit: -xvis

Use the -xvis=[yes|no] option when you are using the assembly-language templates defined in the VIS instruction set Software Developers Kit (VSDK). The default is -xvis=no.

For more information on the VSDK, see


Support for C99 runtime libraries and environment: -xlang

On operating systems that support the C99 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:1999, Programming Language - C),
-xlang=c99 specifies C99 runtime behavior for C and C++ code that invokes C library functions. Some C99 behavior, like the C complex type, depends on the use of the
-xc99=%all option with the C compiler, and some behavior, like printf, does not.

C99 support is not available in compat mode (-compat=4).

Support for UTF-16 string literals: -xustr

Specify -xustr=ascii_utf16_ushort if you need to support an internationalized application that uses ISO10646 UTF-16 string literals. In other words, use this option if your code contains a string literal composed of 16-bit characters. Without this option, the compiler neither produces nor recognizes 16-bit character string literals. This option enables recognition of the U"..." string literals as an array of type unsigned short. Since such strings are not yet part of any standard, this option enables recognition of non-standard C++.

Expanded support for OpenMPtrademark: -xopenmp

The C++ compiler continues its implementation of the OpenMP interface for explicit parallelization. See the CC(1) man page for specific details of the -xopenmp option.

The compiler has expanded OpenMP functionality to allow the following:

  • Class objects are permitted in OpenMP data clauses.
  • OpenMP pragmas are permitted in class member functions.

Improved -xprofile

The -xprofile option offers the following improvements:

  • Support for profiling shared libraries
  • Thread-safe profile collection using
    -xprofile=collect -mt
  • Improved support for profiling multiple programs or shared libraries in a single profile directory.

TABLE 2-6 lists the new features of the C++ compiler that support faster compilation.

TABLE 2-6 New C++ Features That Support Faster Compilation



Speeding up syntax checking: -xe

When you specify -xe, the compiler checks only for syntax and semantic errors and does not produce any object code.

Use the -xe option if you do not need the object files produced by compilation. For example, if you are trying to isolate the cause of an error message by deleting sections of code, you can speed the edit and compile cycle by using -xe.

Faster profiling:

Use -xprofile_ircache[=path] with -xprofile=collect|use to improve compilation time during the use phase by reusing compilation data saved from the collect phase.

With large programs, compilation time in the use phase can improve significantly because the intermediate data is saved. The saved data could increase disk space requirements considerably.

Stopping redundant template instantiations: -instlib=filename

Use -instlib=filename to inhibit the generation of template instances that are duplicated in a library and the current object. In general, if your program shares large numbers of instances with libraries, try
-instlib=filename and see whether or not compilation time improves.

Use the filename argument to specify the library that you know contains the existing template instances. The filename argument must contain a forward slash '/' character. For paths relative to the current directory, use dot-slash './'. The
-instlib=filename option has no default and is only used if you specify it. This option can be specified multiple times and accumulates.

Generating functions: -template=

Usually, the C++ compiler does not generate an inline template function unless the function is called and cannot be inlined. However, you can specify
-template=geninlinefuncs and the compiler instantiates inline member functions of the explicitly instantiated class template which were not generated previously. Linkage for these functions is local in all cases.

Precompiled headers:

This release of the compiler introduces the new precompiled-header feature. The precompiled-header file is designed to reduce compile time for applications in which source files share a common set of include files containing a large amount of source code. A precompiled header works by collecting information about a sequence of header files from one source file and then using that information when recompiling that source file and when compiling other source files that have the same sequence of headers. You can take advantage of this feature through the
-xpch and -xpchstop options in combination with the #pragma hdrstop directive.

Using multiple processors: -xjobs=n

Specify the -xjobs=n option to set how many processes the compiler creates to complete its work. This option can reduce the build time on a multi-CPU machine. Currently,
-xjobs works only with the -xipo option. When you specify
-xjobs=n, the interprocedural optimizer uses n as the maximum number of code generator instances it can invoke to compile different files.

TABLE 2-7 lists the new features of the C++ compiler that support easier porting:

TABLE 2-7 New C++ Features That Support Easier Porting



Simplified porting: -xmemalign

Use the -xmemalign option to control the assumptions the compiler makes about the alignment of data. By controlling the code generated for potentially misaligned memory accesses and by controlling program behavior in the event of a misaligned access, you can more easily port your code to the Solaris Operating System (OS).

The -xmemalign option is also used to improve performance for data that is aligned more than necessary and to access structures that are packed more than normal.

Setting the sign of char: -xchar

The -xchar[={signed|s|unsigned|u}] option is provided solely for the purpose of easing the migration of code from systems where the char type is defined as unsigned. Do not use this option unless you are migrating from such a system. Only code that relies on the sign of a char type needs to be rewritten to explicitly specify signed or unsigned.

Debugging ported code: -xport64

Use the new -xport64 option to help you port code to a 64-bit environment. Specifically, this option warns against problems such as truncation of values (including pointers), sign extension, and changes to bit-packing that are common when you port code from a 32-bit architecture such as V7 (ILP32) to a 64-bit architecture such as V9 (LP64).

An additional option,
-xnocastwarn, is also now available to disable truncation warnings in 64-bit compilation mode when an explicit cast is the cause of data truncation.

TABLE 2-8 lists the new features of the C++ compiler that support improved performance:

TABLE 2-8 New C++ Features That Support Improved Performance



Linker supported thread-local storage of data:
-xthreadvar (SPARC)

Use the new linker supported thread-local storage facility of the compiler to do the following:

  • Utilize a fast implementation for the POSIX interfaces for allocating thread-specific data.
  • Convert multi-process programs to multi-thread programs.
  • Port Windows applications using thread-local storage to Solaris.
  • Utilize a fast implementation for the threadprivate variables in OpenMP.

Thread-local storage is now available in the compiler through the declaration of thread-local variables. The declaration consists of a normal variable declaration with the addition of the variable specifier __thread and the command line option -xthreadvar.

Reducing page faults: -xF

Use the new functionality of -xF to enable the optimal reordering of variables and functions by the linker. This can help solve the following problems that negatively impact runtime performance:

  • Cache and page contention caused by unrelated variables that are near each other in memory.
  • Unnecessarily large work-set size as a result of related variables which are not near each other in memory.
  • Unnecessarily large work-set size as a result of unused copies of weak variables that decrease the effective data density.

New pragmas

The C++ compiler now supports four new pragmas that you can use to help improve the optimization of your code. See the C++ User's Guide for complete descriptions of these pragmas:

  • #pragma does_not_read_global_data
  • #pragma does_not_return
  • #pragma does_not_write_global_data
  • #pragma rarely_called

Improving runtime: -xlinkopt

The C++ compiler can now perform link-time optimization on relocatable object files when you specify the -xlinkopt option. See the CC(1) man page.

Specify -xlinkopt and the compiler performs some additional optimizations at link time without modifying the .o files that are linked. The optimizations appear only in the executable program. The -xlinkopt option is most effective when you use it to compile the whole program and with profile feedback.

Improving runtime: -xpagesize=n

Use the -xpagesize=n option to set the preferred page size for the stack and the heap. n can be 8K, 64K, 512K, 4M, 32M, 256M, 2G, 16G, or default. You must specify a valid page size for the Solaris Operating Environment on the target platform, as returned by getpagesize(3C). If you do not specify a valid page size, the request is silently ignored at runtime. You can use pmap(1) or meminfo(2) to determine page size of the target platform.

This feature is only available on the Solaris 9 OS. A program compiled with this option do not link in earlier Solaris OS environments.

TABLE 2-9 lists the newly added error and warning controls of the C++ compiler:

TABLE 2-9 Newly Added Error and Warning Controls of the C++ Compiler



Filtering warning messages: -erroff

You can now use the new -erroff option to suppress warning messages from the compiler front-end. Neither error messages nor messages from the driver are affected. You can also use
-erroff to single out a particular warning message so that either it alone is suppressed or it alone is issued.

Aborting compilation: -errtags, -errwarn

You can now use the -errtags compiler option and the
-errwarn compiler option to stop compilation if the compiler issues a particular warning. Set -errtags=yes to find the tag for a particular warning, and then specify -errwarn=tag where tag is the unique identifier returned by -errtags for a particular warning message.

You can also abort compilation if any warning is issued by specifying -errwarn=%all. See also -xwe in the CC(1) man page.

Improved filtering for standard-library names: -filt=[no%]stdlib

The -filt=[no%]stdlib option is set by default and simplifies names from the standard library in both the linker and compiler error messages. This makes it easier for you to recognize the name of standard-library functions. Specify -filt=no%stdlib to disable this filtering.

Fortran Compiler

The Sun ONE Studio 8, Compiler Collection release provides a Fortran 95 compiler, f95, with compatibility support for legacy Fortran 77 programs. See the chapter "FORTRAN 77 Compatibility: Migrating to Fortran 95" in the Fortran User's Guide for details on porting legacy Fortran 77 programs to the Fortran 95 compiler.

TABLE 2-10 lists the new features of the Fortran 95 compiler. See the Fortran User's Guide, Fortran Programming Guide, and the Fortran Library Reference for details.

TABLE 2-10 Fortran 95 Compiler New Features




Fortran 2000 features


The following features appearing in the Fortran 2000 draft standard, which can be found in PDF format at http://www.dkuug.dk/jtc1
, have been implemented in this release of Fortran 95 compiler:

  • Exceptions and IEEE Arithmetic
  • Interoperability with C
  • PROTECTED Attribute
  • ASYNCHRONOUS I/O Specifier

Enhanced compatibility with legacy f77


A number of new features enhance the Fortran 95 compiler's compatibility with legacy Fortran 77 compiler, f77. These include:

  • Variable format expressions (VFE's)
  • Long identifiers
  • -arg=loc
  • -vax compiler option

I/O error handlers


Two new functions enable you to specify your own error handling routine for formatted input on a logical unit. When a formatting error is detected, the runtime I/O library calls the specified user-supplied handler routine with data pointing at the character in the input line causing the error. The handler routine can supply a new character and allow the I/O operation to continue at the point where the error was detected using the new character; or take the default Fortran error handling.

The new routines, SET_IO_ERR_HANDLER(3f) and GET_IO_ERR_HANDLER (3f), are module subroutines and require USE SUN_IO_HANDLERS in the routine that calls them. See the man pages for these routines for details.

Unsigned integers


With this release, the Fortran 95 compiler accepts a new data type, UNSIGNED, as an extension to the language. Four KIND parameter values are accepted with UNSIGNED: 1, 2, 4, and 8, corresponding to 1-, 2, 4-, and 8-byte unsigned integers, respectively.

The form of an unsigned integer constant is a digit-string followed by the upper or lower case letter U, optionally followed by an underscore and KIND parameter.

Preferred stack/heap page size


A new compiler option,
-xpagesize, enables the running program to set the preferred stack and heap page size at program startup. For example,
-xpagesize=4M sets the preferred Solaris 9 Operating System (OS) stack and heap page sizes to 4 megabytes. Choose from a set of preset values.

Stack or heap page sizes can be set individually with
-xpagesize_stack and

This feature is only available on Solaris 9 OS. A program compiled with this flag fails to link in earlier Solaris OS environments.)

Faster profiling


This release introduces the new command-line option
-xprofile_ircache=path, to speed up the use compilation phase during profile feedback.

With this flag specified, the compiler saves intermediate data on path during the collect compilation phase, -xprofile=collect, for reuse later during the -xprofile=use phase, eliminating the need to regenerate this information. For large programs this could amount to a significant savings in compile time in the -xprofile=use phase.

Enhanced "known libraries"


The -xknown_lib option has been enhanced to include more routines from the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms library, BLAS, and introduces three sub-options.

The compiler recognizes calls to select BLAS library routines and is free to optimize appropriately for the Sun Performance Library implementation.

Link-time optimization


Compile and link with the new
-xlinkopt flag to invoke a post-optimizer to apply a number of advanced performance optimizations on the generated binary object code at link time.

This option is most effective when used to compile the whole program with profile feedback.

Initialization of local variables


A new extension to the -xcheck option flag enables special initialization of local variables. Compiling with
-xcheck=init_local initializes local variables to a value that is likely to cause an arithmetic exception if it is used before it is assigned by the program. Memory allocated by the ALLOCATE statement will also be initialized in this manner. SAVE variables, module variables, and variables in COMMON blocks are not initialized.

Enhanced -openmp option


The -openmp option flag has been enhanced to facilitate debugging OpenMP programs. To use dbx to debug your OpenMP application, compile with -openmp=noopt -g

You will then be able to use dbx to breakpoint within parallel regions and display contents of variables.

Multi-process compilation


Specify -xjobs=n with -xipo and the interprocedural optimizer will invoke at most n code generator instances to compile the files listed on the command line. This option can greatly reduce the build time of large applications on a multi-CPU machine.

Making assertions with PRAGMA ASSUME


The ASSUME pragma is a new feature in this release of the compiler. This pragma gives hints to the compiler about conditions the programmer knows are true at some point in a procedure. This might help the compiler to do a better job optimizing the code. The programmer can also use the assertions to check the validity of the program during execution. The new -xassume_control flag determines how the ASSUME pragmas are processed.

OpenMP support for explicitly threaded programs.


The implementation of the OpenMP API in this release supports programs that are explicitly threaded.

dbx Command-Line Debugger

TABLE 2-11 lists the new features in this release of the dbx command-line debugger. For more information about these features, see the Debugging a Program With dbx manual.

TABLE 2-11 dbx New Features



Debug programs with mixed-language code

dbx now supports the following C99 language types:

  • complex
  • imaginary
  • double complex
  • double imaginary
  • long double complex
  • long double imaginary

You can print the values of variables and expressions involving these types.

Support for debugging OpenMP programs

dbx now supports debugging of OpenMP programs in Fortran 95, C+++, and C. dbx can display threads, stacks, functions, parameters, and variables correctly in the presence of OpenMP code generated by the Fortran 95 compiler, the C++ compiler, and the C compiler.

New -stop option for detach command

The detach -stop command detaches dbx from the target program and leaves the process in a stopped state. The
-stop option allows temporary application of other /proc-based debugging tools that may be blocked due to exclusive access.

New -resumeone event modifier


The new -resumeone modifier for event handlers helps with conditions with function calls in multi-threaded programs.

Interval Arithmetic

There are no new interval arithmetic features in this compiler collection release.

Sun Performance Library

Sun Performance Librarytrademark is a set of optimized, high-speed mathematical subroutines for solving linear algebra problems and other numerically intensive problems. Sun Performance Library is based on a collection of public domain applications available from Netlib (at http://www.netlib.org). These routines have been enhanced and bundled as the Sun Performance Library.

TABLE 2-12 lists the new features in this release of the Sun Performance Library. See the Sun Performance Library User's Guide and the section 3p man pages for more information.

TABLE 2-12 Sun Performance Library New Features



Performance improvements

This release of Sun Performance Library includes the following performance improvements.

  • BLAS and FFT Performance Improvements: Improved GEMM performance of small problem sizes for US-III, and improved FFT performance of small problem sizes when using 32-bit FFT routines in V9 libraries
  • Sparse Solver Performance Improvements: Enhanced single-CPU performance of Sun Performance Library sparse solver, and parallelized Sun Performance Library sparse solver
  • Sparse BLAS Performance Improvements: Parallelized sparse matrix-vector operations, and improved performance of small problem sizes

Portable library performance

Internal changes that simplify getting optimal performance have been made to this release of the Sun Performance Library. At runtime, a version of Sun Performance Library optimized for the SPARC hardware platform that the executable is being run on, is dynamically loaded. This only occurs when the shared library versions of Sun Performance Library are linked, which is the default.

Sparse solver new features

The sparse solver now includes Hermitian positive definite matrix support.

Combined parallelization models

This release of the Sun Performance Library includes combined parallelization models, which reduces the number of libraries shipped with the Sun Performance Libraries and reduces the size of the Sun Performance Library.

Combining the parallelization models simplifies linking for serial or parallel behavior from Sun Performance Library.

Interval BLAS man pages moved to man3pi folder

The Interval BLAS man pages have been moved to the man3pi folder.

For information on the Fortran 95 interfaces and types of arguments used in each Interval BLAS routine, see the section 3pi man pages for the individual routines. For example, to display the man page for the constructv_i.3pi routine, type
man -s 3pi constructv_i. Routine names must be lowercase.


dmake is a command-line tool, compatible with make(1). dmake can build targets in distributed, parallel, or serial mode. If you use the standard make(1) utility, the transition to dmake requires little if any alteration to your makefiles. dmake is a superset of the make utility. With nested makes, if a top-level makefile calls make, you need to use $(MAKE). dmake parses the makefiles and determines which targets can be built concurrently and distributes the build of those targets over a number of hosts set by you. See man dmake for additional details.

TABLE 2-13 dmake New Features



dmake memory usage reduced

While results depend on many factors, memory heap usage has been reduced by 50% to 60%.

Increased consistency

dmake now consistent with Solaris make

dmake now automatically adjusts the limit of parallel jobs to prevent overloading

The environment variable DMAKE_ADJUST_MAX_JOBS can be set to automatically adjust the limit of parallel jobs to prevent overloading.

  • If set to YES, dmake adjusts the limit of parallel jobs according to the current loading of the system. If the system is not overloaded, dmake uses the limit defined by the user. If the system is overloaded, dmake sets the current limit lower than the limit defined by the user. If this variable is not set, dmake adjusts the limit of parallel jobs according to the current loading of the system. This setting is the dmake default.
  • NO Causes dmake to switch off the autoadjustment mechanism.

Performance Analysis Tools

TABLE 2-14 lists the new data collection and presentation features in the Sun ONE Studio 8, Compiler Collection release of the performance analysis tools. For more information, see the following man pages:


This section describes Sun ONE Studio 8, Compiler Collection documentation new features.