Using Sun WorkShop

Building Window

The Building window displays information on program compilation. You can open the window by choosing Build > Show Build Window in the Sun WorkShop main window or by starting a build operation.

From the Building window, you can:

Figure 4-1 shows the Building window.

Figure 4-1 Building Window


Build menu 

Provides commands for common build operations 

Edit menu 

Provides commands to accumulate data and to clear the Build Output Display pane 

View menu 

Provides commands for navigating build errors in the Build Output Display pane and for viewing information on multiple build processes when running a distributed make 

Build button 

Begins a build of the current WorkShop target 

Stop Build button 

Stops the current build in progress 

Previous Error button 

Moves the cursor to the previous build error in the Build Output Display pane and shows that error location in the text editor 

Next Error button 

Moves the cursor to the next build error in the Build Output Display pane and shows that error location in the text editor 

Dmake Jobs Graph button 

Opens the Dmake Jobs Graph window 

Directory status field 

Displays the path name of the current build directory 

Target status field 

Displays the name of the current make target 

Build Output Display pane 

Displays output for the current build operation 

Build Information field 

Displays information about the current build