Sun Management Center 3.0 Performance Reporting Manager User's Guide

Custom Reports Overview

Performance Reporting Manager enables you to create your own custom reports. You use one of the report templates provided to create custom reports. The correct template is displayed automatically for you, depending upon the report request type selected from the menu. The report templates contain similar options, but there are differences between them. For more information about the fields contained in the report templates, see Custom Report Templates.

Unlike a standard report in which the report output format is predefined, you can specify the output format when creating a custom report. The possible output options are a table, a line graph, a bar chart, or a pie chart. At the time you complete the report template, you are offered only the valid output options for the type of report request you are creating. For more information about report format options, see Report Output Format Options.

Before creating a custom report, you should be familiar with how Performance Reporting Manager collects the data that is polled for reports. For more information, see Data Collection.