Sun Management Center - Tivoli TEC Adapter Installation Guide

Starting the TEC Adapter and SyMONInt Application Together

Use the SunMC_Tivoli command to start the TEC Adapter and the SyMONInt application together. The command syntax is:

/opt/SUNWsymon/addons/Tivoli/sbin/SunMC_Tivoli [ start | stop ] [ -c filename [ -u username ]] | [ -h ]

If no parameters are specified, the SyMONInt GUI will start. The following parameters are optional:

To Start the TEC Adapter and the SyMONInt Application Together
  1. Change directories to the sbin directory.

    # cd /opt/SUNWsymon/addons/Tivoli/sbin
  2. As superuser, set the $JAVA_HOME environment variable.

    For more information about setting the $JAVA_HOME variable, see the Preinstallation Checklist.

  3. Run the SunMC_Tivoli command.

    # SunMC_Tivoli start