Sun Management Center - Tivoli TEC Adapter Installation Guide

Starting the TEC Adapter and SyMONInt Applications Separately

Under certain conditions, you might need to start the TEC Adapter and the SyMONInt applications separately. For example:

Note –

If you are starting the applications separately, you must start the TEC Adapter before the SyMONInt spplication.

The tecad_symon command opens a socket to the SyMONInt application and accepts Tivoli-ready event strings.

To Start the TEC Adapter
  1. Set the Tivoli environment.

    If you are running the Bourne shell, type the following command:

    # . /etc/Tivoli/

    If you are running the C shell, type the following command:

    # source /etc/Tivoli/setup_env.csh
  2. Start the TEC Adapter.

    # $BINDIR/TME/TEC/adapters/bin/tecad_symon -l \
      $BINDIR/TME/TEC/adapters/etc/tecad_symon.conf \
      -p TEC-adapter-port-number &
To Start the SyMONInt Application
  1. Change directories to the /opt/SUNWsymon/addons/Tivoli/sbin directory.

  2. Set the $JAVA_HOME environment variable.

    For more information about setting the $JAVA_HOME variable, see the Preinstallation Checklist.

  3. Run to start the SyMONInt GUI.

    This script sets the appropriate environment and invokes the SyMONInt.class program. The parameter-entry window is displayed.

  4. In the parameter-entry window, enter appropriate the information for all mandatory fields. Enter the appropriate information for any optional fields you choose.

  5. Select the File ⇒ Save menu.

    The File Dialog menu is displayed.

  6. Specify the directory and file name in which to save the current configuration information.

  7. Select the File ⇒ Start menu choice to connect to the Sun Management Center server.