Installing and Administering N1 Grid Console - Container Manager 1.0

Container Manager GUI Tabs

The following table provides information about the tabs that appear in the right pane of Container Manager GUI. This table is presented alphabetically but the choice and order of tabs varies according to location in the GUI.

Table 3–1 Container Manager GUI Tabs

Tab Name 


Available From 

Alarm Thresholds 

Provides information about alarm threshold settings. 

Hosts view, Containers view 


Provides information about the containers that are associated with a host. 

Hosts view, Containers view 


Provides information about the hosts associated with the selected container. 

Containers view 


Provides information about the processes that are currently running in the container. 

Hosts view, Containers view 


Provides information about the properties of the selected host, container definition, container, or resource pool. 

Hosts view, Containers view 

Resource Change Job 

Provides information about scheduled resource change jobs. You can also create new a new resource change job from this tab. 

Containers view 

Resource Pools 

Provides information about the resource pools on the selected host. 

Hosts view 


Provides information about a container's daily, weekly, or monthly resource utilization. Real-time utilization data is available for active containers. This tab is visible only if Performance Reporting Manager software is installed. 

Hosts view, Containers view