Sun Management Center 3.6 Installation and Configuration Guide

ProcedureTo Install Patches for pkgadd

If the local machine is running Solaris 2.6, Solaris 7, or Solaris 8 software, a patch for pkgadd specific to the operating system version must be installed on the local machine. You must install this patch before you can use the local machine to install Sun Management Center 3.6 on the remote machine.

If the local machine is running the Solaris 9 release, you do not need to install any patches. Go to To Prepare the Remote Machine.

  1. Log in as root on the local machine.

  2. Ensure that the OS patch level is current.

    To determine whether the patch is already installed, use the command showrev -p | grep patchnum, where patchnum is the required OS patch as follows:

    • Solaris 2.6 release: 106292

    • Solaris 7 release: 107443

    • Solaris 8 release: 110934

    For example, if the local machine is running Solaris 8 release, you would type:

    admin-host# showrev -p | grep 110934

    In the above example, the patch is not installed. The patch must be downloaded and installed as directed by Step 3.

    If the patch is installed, a listing similar to the following is displayed.

    admin-host# showrev -p | grep 110934
    admin-host# Patch: 110934-13 Obsoletes: Requires: Incompatibles: 
    Packages: pkgtrans, pkgadd, pkgchk

    If the patch that is required by the local machine Solaris version is installed, go to To Prepare the Remote Machine.

  3. Install the OS patch if needed.

    1. Download the required patch from

    2. Untar and then unzip the downloaded patch archive file.

    3. Install the patch using the patchadd command.