Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

ProcedureTo Define a Job

Note –

This procedure describes the main steps that you follow to create a job request. Individual steps are explained in further detail in the referenced procedures.

  1. Choose Manage Jobs from the Tools menu in the main console window.

  2. Type a unique name for the job in the Job Name field.

    The name should describe the job. For example, if the job is to load the Directory Monitoring module, the name could be Load Directory Monitoring.

  3. Specify the initial set of managed objects to which this job applies.

    • To apply this job to all objects within the current domain, select All Objects in Domain.

    • To select objects manually, select Selected Objects in Main Window.

      Note –

      You can select objects before you define the job. Alternately, you can go to the topology area of the main console window to select the objects now. In either case, you must select topology objects before you submit this job.

    • To use objects that were selected previously for this job, select Objects Previously Selected in Main Window.

      Note –

      This feature applies only to jobs that are being modified. For new jobs, this feature is unavailable and is dimmed.

  4. To limit the managed objects even further, specify a filter.

    • Click the New Filter button to limit this task to objects that use a specific operating system version, platform, or other specified criteria.

      The New Filter window appears from which you define the filter. See Using Filters for more information.

    • Choose a defined filter from the Filter menu.

  5. To see what objects would be selected by the defined filter, click Preview Objects.

  6. Specify the action for the job to execute.

    • Click New Task to define a task.

      The New Task window appears from which you define the task. See To Define a Task for more information.

    • Choose a defined task from the Task menu.

  7. Determine whether to run the job immediately or to schedule the job.

    • To run this job when you have finished defining it, click the radio button next to Run Job Immediately.

    • To schedule this job to run, click the radio button next to Schedule Job, then click Set Schedule to access the scheduling function.

      For more information about scheduling a job, see To Schedule a Job.

  8. To complete the definition of this job, click Add Job.

    Tip –

    To clear all fields in the job, click Reset Form.