Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

ProcedureTo View Job Status

The Jobs section of the Manage Jobs window shows a brief status for current jobs.

  1. To view more detailed job status, select the job from the Jobs section of the Manage Jobs window.

  2. Click the View Log button.

    A window appears that displays detailed information about the selected job.

    Tip –

    If the View Log window is mostly empty, the job probably has not finished. Exit from the View Log window. Wait until the status in the Manage Jobs window no longer says “Running” before you reopen the View Log window.

    The View Log window provides the following information about the selected job:

    • The name, type, and description for the task

    • The domain in which the job was run

    • The date and time that the job was run

    • The overall job status

    • The length of time it took for the job to run

    • The user name of the user that requested the job

    • A list of managed objects to which the job applies

    • For each managed object in the job, information about job activities and status

  3. To view more information about the job status for a specific managed object, select the object in the Domain Object Status section of the View Log window.

    Specific information about the job status as it relates to the selected object appears in the Domain Object Status Details section of the window.