Sun Management Center 3.6 Release Notes

Sun Management Center Bugs

Users Added Using es-config -u and es-config -l Are Removed When Agent Is Restarted (6336998)

Users added using es-config -u <username> and es-config -l <username> -M <modulename> -z snmpusercategory are removed automatically when the agent is restarted. This problem occurs for modules such as Kernel Reader Simple and Agent Statistics.

Workaround: Add the users manually by adding the slice:object=obj_value entry in the modulename.dat file present in /var/opt/SUNWsymon/cfg directory.

Sun Management Center Services Cause cryptosvc Service to Log Errors During Boot/Reboot of the System (6334872)

When Sun Management Center services attempt to come up after rebooting the system, they step onto cryptosvc service and kcfd daemon causing them to log errors in /var/adm/messages.

The following error messages might be displayed:

Oct  3 18:16:09 atqa32 lomv: 10/3/2005 23:16:9 GMT LOM time reference

Oct  3 18:16:13 atqa32 kcfd[106]: kcfd: elfsign_hash_mem_resident failed
to hash for /usr/lib/security/ sign or verify of ELF
object failed

Oct  3 18:16:13 atqa32 kcfd[106]: kcfd: elfsign_hash_mem_resident failed
to hash for /usr/lib/security/ sign or verify of ELF
object failed

Oct  3 18:16:13 atqa32 esd[1949]: libpkcs11:
/usr/lib/security/ signature verification failed. See
cryptoadm(1M). Skipping this plug-in.

Oct  3 18:16:13 atqa32 esd[1949]: libpkcs11:
/usr/lib/security/ signature verification failed. See
cryptoadm(1M). Skipping this plug-in.

Oct  3 18:16:13 atqa32 cfgserver[1949]: syslog   Oct 03 18:16:13
cfgserver     Unable to get pkcs session. Can not initialize snmp engine

Oct  3 18:16:13 atqa32 cfgserver[1949]: syslog   Oct 03 18:16:13
cfgserver     *** terminating execution ***

Workaround: Before rebooting the system, stop all Sun Management Center services using es-stop -A. When the system reboots, all services will come up without errors.

(Solaris 10) Sun Management Center Services Are Stopped During Boot (6336538)

On Solaris 10 systems, Sun Management Center agent services are stopped during boot.

The following error messages might be displayed:

Oct 12 09:19:59 atqa33 metadata[6245]: [ID 985908 daemon.alert] syslog

Oct 12 09:19:59 metadata      {received software termination signal}

Oct 12 09:19:59 atqa33 metadata[6245]: [ID 122441 daemon.alert] syslog

Oct 12 09:19:59 metadata      *** terminating execution ***

Oct 12 09:19:59 atqa33 event[27957]: [ID 652029 daemon.alert] syslog

Oct 12 09:19:59 event         {received software termination signal}

Oct 12 09:19:59 atqa33 event[27957]: [ID 721961 daemon.alert] syslog

Oct 12 09:19:59 event         *** terminating execution ***

Oct 12 09:19:59 atqa33 agent[28990]: [ID 651061 daemon.alert] syslog

Oct 12 09:19:59 agent         {received software termination signal}

Oct 12 09:19:59 atqa33 agent[28990]: [ID 891934 daemon.alert] syslog

Oct 12 09:19:59 agent         *** terminating execution ***

Workaround: Before rebooting the system, stop the services using es-stop -A. In this case, error messages are not logged into the syslog file.

Duplicate Entries in Sun Management Center Database (5051992)

Sun Management Center database can contain duplicate entries of hosts when one of the following scenarios occurs:


Follow these recommendations to avoid duplicate entries:

Individual Users Are Not Added to the ACL of the Server Support Module (4843429)

If you delete the esadm group from the ACLs of the agent and then add individual users to the ACL of the agent, the user is not automatically added to the ACL of the server support module. Because the server support module is not updated with the user, the server support module does not allow enabling or disabling of the Performance Reporting Manager. This message is displayed:

Unable to enable/disable PRM data collection on an agent with new user

Workaround: Add the esadm group to the ACL of the agent and then add the individual users to the esadm group.

Sun Management Center Incorrectly Reports That a Successful Agent Update Has Failed (4994784)

The Job Manager user interface shows Failed for a successful agent update operation. When the agent update operation is performed by using the Manage Jobs GUI (graphical user interface), the status of the operation is shown as successful or failed at two different levels.

The individual status is based on the status information that the host reports to the server through agent-to-server SNMP communication. The status might not be accurate under these conditions:

Workaround: Use the View Logs tab of the server host details window to see the InstallServer.log on the server host. The details of the operation are available in /var/opt/SUNWsymon/install/agent-update.log of each target host on which the operation is performed.

Sun Management Center Console Login Screen Does Not Accept Keyboard Input on Linux Machine With JDK 1.5 (6294368)

Workaround 1: Follow these steps:

  1. Minimize the login screen and restore.

  2. Type the input in the field that has the active cursor.

  3. Position the cursor in the next field.

  4. Minimize the login screen and restore.

  5. Type the input in that field.

Workaround 2: Use JDK 1.4 or compatible versions.

Log File of the Local Zone Agent Might Display Error Messages (6336955)

The error messages appear only for the Headspread value of the Health Monitor module.

The following error messages might be displayed:

error    Oct 14 15:20:49 agent         setNodeValue failed: cmd=setNodeValue 0 
1 bob39266, error=setNodeValueLeafScalar: Failed to set new value

error    Oct 14 15:20:49 agent         ClassMIBNode:setNodeValue 0 1 bob39266 - .

error    Oct 14 15:20:49 agent         ClassMIBNode:setNodeValue 0 1 bob39266 - 
setNodeValueLeafScalar: Failed to set new value
warning  Oct 14 15:21:32 agent         could not get value of RAM.memory.handspread  
in rule rhltm005 for node ram-rule in module health-monitor

Workaround: Ignore these error messages.

es-makeagent Does Not Add Localization Packages to the Agent Image (6336455)

Only packages in English language are present in the agent image created by the es-makeagent command. Consequently, installation from such an image will not support localization.

Workaround: Use es-inst or agent update.

MCP Does Not Work With Zone Agents (6342054)

When a zone agent is used as the base agent, Module Configuration Propagation (MCP) does not work with zone agents. Propagating the configuration data from MCP to a zone agent also fails.

The following error messages might be displayed:

The following error messages are logged in taskreq.log when MCP propagation with zone agent as base fails.

Http error : HTTP/1.1 404 File not found: 

The following error messages are logged in taskreq.log when MCP propagation to zone agent fails.

Operation mcp has failed on target:hostname:1161 Exception was thrown: 
can't open file /var/opt/SUNWsymon/cfg/base-modules-d.dat.MCP

Workaround: Edit the /var/opt/SUNWsymon/zone-scripts-d.dat file of zone agent to include es-mcp-get and es-mcp-put script names.

es-config -F and es-config -P Fails to Restart Sun Management Center Services (2127050)

Sun Management Center services do not get restarted and the es-config script is not aborted.

Workaround: Instead of using es-config, edit the and files to configure the firewall port range between the server and the console.

Update the following lines in the /var/opt/SUNWsymon/cfg/ file with minimum and maximum port information.



Update the following lines in the /var/opt/SUNWsymon/cfg/ file with minimum and maximum port information.



SMF Module Does Not Support Grouping and MCP (6348537)

When you create a task for doing grouping/MCP, the Service Management Framework (SMF) module is not available for selection.

Workaround: If the server is a Solaris 10 system, perform the following steps:

  1. Copy the following files on the server.

    # cp /opt/SUNWsymon/modules/cfg/smf-* /opt/SUNWsymon/mdr/modules/cfg/

    Note –

    If the server is a not a Solaris 10 system, copy these files from a Solaris 10 system (agent/server).

  2. Restart the Sun Management Center services.

    /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-stop -A

    /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-start -A

  3. Type the following lines to ensure that an uninstallation would proceed smoothly.

    # installf SUNWessmn /opt/SUNWsymon/mdr/modules/cfg/smf-d.prc

    # installf SUNWessmn /opt/SUNWsymon/mdr/modules/cfg/smf-d.x

    # installf SUNWessmn /opt/SUNWsymon/mdr/modules/cfg/smf-m.x

    # installf SUNWessmn /opt/SUNWsymon/mdr/modules/cfg/smf-models-d.x

Sun Management Center Does Not Discover Hosts When Filter Criteria Is of Platform Types With Given IP Address Range (6341225)

Start the console and go to Tools -> Discover objects. Click Add request button and provide the IP address range in Start IP and End IP field. Check both the ports, say, 1161/ 1161( Agent port). Select the filters tab and select filter criteria as “Platform Types” and check “Include” button to include objects and start the request. When the request is succeeded, no host has been added. This means that hosts are not identified as given platform types in discovery cloud. When “Exclude” button is checked with the given IP address range, it includes the objects in discovery cloud.

Workaround: None.