Sun Management Center 3.6 Release Notes

Netra Bugs

PICL Daemon Must Be Restarted After Dynamic Reconfiguration (6247392)

After a dynamic reconfiguration (DR) operation with the cfgadm command on a system board with Solaris 10, several values in the config reader tables are either not displayed, or are displayed as '--'. The following config reader table entries are affected:

The Hardware Summary and Physical View are also affected. The values for the Hardware Summary are displayed as '--' and the Physical View does not display the graphics for the system.


Restart the PICL daemon after a DR operation with the following commands:

For Solaris 8 and 9 systems:

% /etc/init.d/picld stop

% /etc/init.d/picld start

For Solaris 10 systems:

% svcadm restart svc:/system/picl:default

PICL Daemon Must Be Restarted After Dynamic Reconfiguration of DC PSU Type D142 on Netra 1280 Servers (6247392)

The PICL daemon is not updated after a DC PSU Type D142 is dynamically reconfigured on Netra 1280 servers.

Workaround: Restart the PICL daemon after a DR operation with the following commands:

For Solaris 8 and 9 systems:

% /etc/init.d/picld stop

% /etc/init.d/picld start

For Solaris 10 systems:

% svcadm restart svc:/system/picl:default

DC Power Supply Fields A and B Reversed (6277372)

Reports for the DC Power supply fields A and B are incorrectly reversed. If A is faulty and B is OK, Sun Management Center reports that B is faulty and that A is OK and vice versa.

Workaround: None.

Internal Devices Not Detected During Dynamic Reconfiguration Operations (6326558)

Internal devices such as disk and network are not detected during the removal process of DR operations on Solaris 10 systems.

Workaround: Restart the PICL daemon after a DR operation with the following command:

% svcadm restart picl

The workaround might not enable the agents that run on Solaris 10 systems to detect when the removal, insertion, or reconfigure operations of internal devices (disks, network) occurred.