C H A P T E R  1

Introduction to the Sun Mainframe Administration Tool

The Sun MAT software is designed to provide remote administrative access to one or more Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing (Sun MTP) regions running on one or more systems distributed throughout a network. The tool consists of three components:

Each system hosting one or more Sun MTP regions must also host a running instance of Sun MAA to provide access to those regions. Sun MAT can run anywhere in the network.

In a simple environment where one system has one region to be administered, the three components (Sun MAT, Sun MAA, and Sun MTP) are all co-located, as shown in the following figure:

 FIGURE 1-1 Single Region/Single System Environment

The following figure illustrates a more complex environment that has multiple regions running on multiple systems, all monitored from a single point.

 FIGURE 1-2 Multiple Region/Multiple System Environment

It is also possible for more than one administrator to run Sun MAT concurrently and access the same regions, as shown in FIGURE 1-3.

 FIGURE 1-3 Multiple Regions Accessed by Multiple Sun MATs