C H A P T E R  9

Communications Tab

The Communications Tab displays information about each of the following communications servers:


The TCP/IP ISC Server window displays information about the Sun MTP intersystem communications (ISC) over TCP/IP system daemon (unikixtcp). Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide and the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Configuration Guide for information about configuring and using TCP/IP communications in a region.

The datapoints on this window are listed in the following table:

TABLE 9-1 TCP/IP Server Datapoints



3270 Messages Received

Indicates the total number of 3270 messages received.

Client Requests

Indicates the total number of client requests.

Closed Sockets

Indicates the total number of closed sockets.

Complete Sends

Indicates the total number of complete sends to clients.


Indicates if the TCP/IP server is configured. Values are true or false.

Connects From MTP

Indicates the total number of connects from Sun MTP regions.

Connects From MTP Client

Indicates the total number of connects from the Sun MTP Client.

CPU (Kernel)

Indicates the total kernel processor (CPU) time used by this server. This is the amount of time spent executing code within the operating system kernel.

CPU (User)

Indicates the total number of seconds of user time used by this server. This is the amount of time spent executing code within the server as opposed to the operating system kernel.

Event Requests

Indicates the total number of event requests from Sun MTP.

Event Requests (CONVERSE)

Indicates the total number of CONVERSE event requests from Sun MTP.

Event Requests (ENDTRAN)

Indicates the total number of ENDTRAN event requests from Sun MTP.

Event Requests (SEND)

Indicates the total number of SEND event requests from Sun MTP.

Inbound Sessions

Indicates the maximum number of concurrent ISC requests that can be accepted by the region using the TCP/IP protocol.

Incomplete Receives

Indicates the total number of incomplete receives from clients.

Incomplete Sends

Indicates the total number of incomplete sends to clients.

Maximum Concurrent Sockets

Indicates the maximum number of sockets opened at any one time.

Maximum Queued Requests

Indicates the maximum number of queued requests at any one time.

Orphaned Sessions

Indicates the total number of orphaned sessions.

Outbound Sessions

Indicates the total number of outbound sessions. See Outbound Sessions.


Identifies the port number that the region uses to process ISC requests over the TCP/IP protocol.

Process ID

Identifies the process ID assigned to this process by the operating system.

Queued Requests

Indicates the total number of queued requests.

Queued Requests Executed

Indicates the total number of queued requests that have been executed.

Queued Requests Transferred

Indicates the total number of queued requests that have been transferred.


Indicates the total number of requests from Sun MTP.


Indicates the total number of signals handled.

Transactions Replied

Indicates the total number of transaction reply messages sent to Sun MTP.

Transactions Submitted

Indicates the total number of transactions submitted to Sun MTP.


Indicates the number of times an application waited for an outbound session. See Waits

Outbound Sessions


The maximum number of concurrent ISC requests that can be initiated by Sun MTP applications.


If this value is too small, application programs might be delayed. See Waits.



The number of times an application program was forced to wait for an available outbound session.


A nonzero value indicates that the number of outbound sessions is too small. Increase the value of the outbound sessions, using the TCPSTERM environment variable, to support the number of concurrent ISC applications that can execute in the region.

SNA ISC Server

The SNA ISC Server pane displays information about the Sun MTP intersystem communications (ISC) over SNA system daemon (unikixdcl). Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide and the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Configuration Guide for information about configuring and using SNA communications in a region.

The datapoints on this window are listed in the following table:

TABLE 9-2 SNA Server Datapoints




Indicates if the SNA server is configured. Values are true or false.


Indicates if debugging is enabled. Values are true or false.

CPU (Kernel)

Identifies the total kernel processor (CPU) time used by this server. This is the amount of time spent executing code within the operating system kernel.

LU Name

Identifies the local LU name of this server

Process ID

Identifies the process ID assigned to this process by the operating system.

Inbound Sessions

Indicates the maximum number of concurrent ISC requests that can be accepted by the region using the SNA protocol.

Outbound Sessions

Indicates the total number of outbound sessions. See Outbound Sessions.


Indicates the number of times an application waited for an outbound session. See Waits.

CPU (User)

Indicates the total number of seconds of user time used by this server. This is the amount of time spent executing code within the server as opposed to the operating system kernel.

Outbound Sessions


The maximum number of concurrent ISC requests that can be initiated by Sun MTP applications.


If this value is too small, application programs might be delayed. See Waits.



The number of times an application program was forced to wait for an available outbound session.


A nonzero value indicates that the number of outbound sessions is too small. Increase the value of the outbound sessions, using the DCLSTERM environment variable, to support the number of concurrent ISC applications that can execute in the region.

PU4/5 Server

The PU4/5 server enables users of 3270 SNA devices to connect to a Sun MTP region. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Configuration Guide for information about configuring the PU4/5 server.

The datapoints on this window are:

TABLE 9-3 PU4/5 Server Datapoints




Indicates if the PU4/5 server is configured for the region. Values are true or false.

CPU (Kernel)

Indicates the total number of seconds of system time used by this server. This is the amount of time spent executing code within the operating system kernel.

CPU (User)

Indicates the total number of seconds of user time used by this server. This is the amount of time spent executing code within the server as opposed to the operating system kernel.

Process ID

Identifies the process identifier assigned by the operating system.

TN3270 Server

The TN3270 server (unikixtnemux) process supports 3270 emulators using the TCP/IP TN3270 and TN3270E protocols. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Configuration Guide for information about configuring the TN3270 server.

The following datapoints are displayed on the TN3270 Server window:

TABLE 9-4 TN3270 Server Datapoints




Indicates if the server is configured for the region. Values are true and false.

CPU (Kernel)

Indicates the total number of seconds of system time used by this server. This is the amount of time spent executing code within the operating system kernel.

CPU (User)

Indicates the total number of seconds of user time used by this server. This is the amount of time spent executing code within the server as opposed to the operating system kernel.


True when the server is in debug mode.

Keyboard Reset

Indicates whether the TN3270 server will ensure that a keyboard reset command is issued.


True when a user login is required.

Maximum Endpoints

Indicates the maximum number of endpoints each TN3270 server can manage.


Identifies the starting port number that the region uses to process TN3270 requests.

Process ID

The process identifier assigned by the operating system.


Indicates the number of TN3270 processes configured at the region.

MQ Server

The MQ server process (unikixqm) acts as a queue manager server for WebSphere MQ allowing applications to ship messages via MQ queues. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Configuration Guide for information about configuring the MQ server process and the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide for information about using MQ with Sun MTP.

The following datapoints are displayed on the MQ server window:

TABLE 9-5 MQ Server Datapoints




Indicates if the MQ server process is configured for the region. Values are true and false.

CPU (Kernel)

Indicates the total number of seconds of system time used by this server. This is the amount of time spent executing code within the operating system kernel.

CPU (User)

Indicates the total number of seconds of user time used by this server. This is the amount of time spent executing code within the server as opposed to the operating system kernel.

Process ID

Identifies the process identifier assigned by the operating system.

Queue Manager Location

Identifies the location of the MQ queue manager. See Queue Manager Location.

Queue Manager Name

Identifies the MQ queue manager. See Queue Manager Name.

Queue Name

Identifies the MQ trigger queue used to initiate a Sun MTP transaction. See Queue Name.


Indicates the number of MQ trigger messages processed since the region was started. See Requests.


Indicates whether the MQ communications server is active and available to process requests. See Status.

Queue Manager Location


The location of the WebSphere MQ queue manager.


The value is obtained from the WebSphere MQ environment variable MQSERVER. If this variable is not defined, the value N/A is displayed.

Queue Manager Name


This datapoint is the name of the MQ queue manager used by the unikixqm daemon to initiate a Sun MTP transaction when MQ messaging and queuing services are available.


Queue Manager Name consists of 1-40 characters. If the name is blank, the queue manager being serviced is the default queue manager as defined to MQ.

Note - This datapoint is set to N/A when the MQ services are not available and the Configured datapoint displays a value of false.


This datapoint, along with the Queue Name value are sufficient to identify the MQ queue that is being monitored by the region when MQ services are available.



This datapoint indicates the number of MQ trigger messages that have been processed by unikixqm since the region was started.


The datapoint displays a positive integer value greater than or equal to zero.

This datapoint is a counter that is incremented every time a Sun MTP transaction is scheduled as a result of an MQ trigger message.



Indicates whether the MQ communications server is active and available to process requests.





Indicates that the MQ server is not ready to process requests.


Indicates that the MQ server is ready to process requests.


A value of 0 might indicate that the MQ server is having difficulty connecting to the associated MQ queue manager. Check the Sun MTP error log for messages related to the MQ server.

Queue Name


This datapoint is the name of the MQ trigger queue used by the unikixqm daemon to initiate a Sun MTP transaction when MQ messaging and queuing services are available.


The Queue Name datapoint consists of 1-40 characters.

Note - This datapoint is set to N/A when the MQ services are not available and the Configured datapoint displays a value of false.


This datapoint, along with the Queue Manager Name value are sufficient to identify the MQ queue that is being monitored by the region when MQ services are available.

Socket Server

The Socket window displays statistics about requests made to the Sun MTP socket server (unikixsock). The Sun MTP socket facility allows application programs to make requests over a socket connection. The request must adhere to the IBM format. The socket server accepts three different types of requests:

The Socket window displays the following statistics:

TABLE 9-6 Socket Server Datapoints




Indicates if the socket server is configured for the region. Values are true and false.

CPU (Kernel)

Indicates the total number of seconds of system time used by this server. This is the amount of time spent executing code within the operating system kernel.

CPU (User)

Indicates the total number of seconds of user time used by this server. This is the amount of time spent executing code within the server as opposed to the operating system kernel.


Indicates the number of socket requests that have failed the user exit function. See Denials.

IC Total Bytes

Indicates the total number of characters sent in the DATA field by all Interval Control (IC) requests to the socket server. See IC Total Bytes.

IC Total Failures

Indicates the number of unsuccessful Interval Control (IC) socket requests to a region's socket server. See IC Total Failures.

IC Total Requests

Indicates the number of successful Interval Control (IC) socket requests to a region's socket server. See IC Total Requests.

IM Total Bytes

Indicates the total number of characters sent in the DATA field by all Immediate (IM) requests to the socket server. See IM Total Bytes.

IM Total Failures

Indicates the number of unsuccessful Immediate (IM) socket requests to a region's socket server. See IM Total Failures.

IM Total Requests

Indicates the number of successful Immediate (IM) socket requests to a region's socket server. See IM Total Requests.


Identifies the port number that the region uses to process socket requests.

Process ID

Contains the process identifier assigned by the operating system.

TD Total Bytes

Indicates the total number of characters processed by the socket server for Transient Data (TD) requests. See TD Total Bytes.

TD Total Failures

Indicates the number of unsuccessful Transient Data (TD) socket requests to a region's socket server. See TD Total Failures.

TD Total Requests

Indicates the number of successful Transient Data (TD) socket requests to a region's Socket server. See TD Total Requests.

The socket facility also enables you to customize an exit routine for a site. This routine can perform a security check to ensure that the socket facility only honors validated requests. The security exit routine either allows or refuses a request.

Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide for information about using sockets.

IC Total Bytes


The IC Total Bytes datapoint shows the total number of characters sent in the DATA field by all Interval Control (IC) requests to the socket server. Refer to IC Total Requests for a complete description of the IC request and its format.


The IC Total Bytes datapoint is a cardinal integer count.


The IC Total Bytes datapoint is a cumulative total of the number of characters passed to the socket server in the DATA field of all IC socket requests. Only successful requests influence the IC Total Bytes count.

This datapoint provides a good idea of the amount of IC socket traffic being processed by a region. As long as data accompanies IC requests, the IC Total Bytes value should increase with the number of IC Total Requests.

IC Total Failures


The IC Total Failures datapoint shows the number of unsuccessful Interval Control (IC) socket requests to a region's socket server.


The IC Total Failures datapoint is a cardinal integer count.


An IC socket request from an application can fail for different reasons, for example:

The region prints a message to $KIXSYS/unikixmain.err for each failure. The message is similar to the following:

KIX2346E Socket request of type IC failed with EIBRESP=28 TRANSIDERR

This datapoint provides a general idea of the volume of unsuccessful IC requests made to socket server. It does not, however, indicate why requests have failed. Examine the error log file to identify the cause of any failures. Note that Sun MTP cannot possibly record the number of failures that occur without a successful socket connection to the socket server. The application must first connect to the server for Sun MTP to recognize the existence of the request.

IC Total Requests


The IC Total Requests datapoint shows the number of successful Interval Control (IC) socket requests to a region's socket server. An application makes an IC request when a delay is required before processing a given transaction.


The IC Total Requests datapoint is a cardinal integer count.


The IC Total Requests datapoint is a cumulative total of the number of successful IC socket requests made to the region's socket server. It does not include the number of IC Total Failures.

This datapoint shows how many successful IC socket requests have been made to the socket server. As long as data accompanies IC requests, the IC Total Bytes datapoint should increase with the IC Total Requests.

IM Total Bytes


The IM Total Bytes datapoint shows the total number of characters sent in the DATA field by all Immediate (IM) requests to the socket server. Refer to IM Total Requests for a complete description of the IM request and its format.


The IM Total Bytes datapoint is a cardinal integer count.


The IM Total Bytes datapoint is a cumulative total of the number of characters passed to the socket server in the DATA field of all IM socket requests. Only successful requests influence the IM Total Bytes count. Therefore, the IM Total Failures do not influence this datapoint.

This datapoint provides a good idea of the amount of IM socket traffic being processed by a region. As long as data accompanies IM requests, the number of IM Total Bytes should increase with the number of IM Total Requests.

IM Total Failures


The IM Total Failures datapoint shows the number of unsuccessful Immediate (IM) Socket requests to a region's socket server.


The IM Total Failures datapoint is a cardinal integer count.


An IM socket request from an application can fail for several reasons, for example:

The region prints a message to $KIXSYS/unikixmain.err for each failure. The message is similar to the following:

KIX2346E Socket request of type IM failed with EIBRESP=28 TRANSIDERR

This datapoint provides a general idea of the volume of unsuccessful IM requests made to socket server. It does not, however, indicate why requests have failed. Examine the error log file to identify the cause of any failures. Note that Sun MTP cannot possibly record the number of failures that occur without a successful socket connection to the socket server. The application must first connect to the server for Sun MTP to recognize the existence of the request.

IM Total Requests


The IM Total Requests datapoint shows the number of successful Immediate (IM) socket requests to a region's socket server. An application makes an IM request to execute a transaction with no delay. The transaction server and the application use the socket to communicate directly. The application, however, must make the request directly to the socket server.


The IM Total Requests datapoint is a cardinal integer count.


The IM Total Requests datapoint is a cumulative total of the number of successful IM socket requests made to the socket server. It does not include the number of IM Total Failures.

This datapoint tells exactly how many successful IM socket requests have been made to the socket server. As long as data accompanies IM requests, the number of IM Total Bytes should increase with the number of IM Total Requests.

TD Total Bytes


The Total TD Bytes datapoint shows the total number of characters processed by the socket server for Transient Data (TD) requests. Refer to TD Total Requests for a complete description of the TD request and its format.


The Total TD Bytes datapoint is a cardinal integer count.


The Total TD Bytes datapoint is a cumulative total of the number of characters passed to the socket server in the DATA field of all TD socket requests. Only successful requests influence the Total TD Bytes count. Therefore, failures do not influence this datapoint.

This datapoint provides a good idea of the amount of TD socket traffic is being processed by a region. As long as data accompanies TD requests, Total TD Bytes should increase with the number of Total TD Requests.

TD Total Failures


The TD Total Failures datapoint shows the number of unsuccessful Transient Data (TD) socket requests to a region's socket server.


The TD Total Failures datapoint is a cardinal integer count.


A TD socket request from an application can fail for different reasons, for example:

The region prints a message to $KIXSYS/unikixmain.err for each failure. The message is similar to the following:

KIX2346E Socket request of type TD failed with EIBRESP=28 TRANSIDERR

This datapoint provides a general idea of the volume of unsuccessful TD requests made to the socket server. It does not, however, indicate why requests have failed. Examine the error log file to identify the cause of any failures. Note that Sun MTP cannot possibly record the number of failures that occur without a successful socket connection to the socket server. The application must first connect to the server for Sun MTP to recognize the existence of the request.

TD Total Requests


The TD Total Requests datapoint shows the number of successful Transient Data (TD) socket requests to a region's socket server. An application makes a TD request to write data to a particular TD queue, usually to work toward the firing of a trigger condition.


The TD Total Requests datapoint is a cardinal integer count.


The TD Total Requests datapoint is a cumulative total of the number of successful TD socket requests made to the socket server. It does not include the number of failures.

This datapoint tells exactly how many successful TD socket requests have been made to the socket server. As long as data accompanies TD requests, the number of TD Total Bytes should increase with the number of TD Total Requests.



The Denials datapoint displays the number of socket requests that have failed the user exit function. By default, the user exit routine allows all socket requests to continue. A site can customize this routine to put security restrictions on the types of requests available to the user community. Sun MTP provides the source code to the kxsktxit() routine. Site changes to it must be bound to the transaction server executable. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide for details.


When shown, the Denials datapoint is a cardinal integer count.


The Denials datapoint is the total number of denied requests for all types of socket requests. Sun MTP counts the number of denials by keeping track of the return value from the kxsktxit() routine.

This datapoint shows the number of socket requests made by the user community that are not allowed by the administrator. Do not confuse the various failures datapoints with the Denials datapoint. The former counts the number of requests that fail because of incorrect request parameters. Denials are controlled by the administrative security exit routine, kxsktxit().

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Server

The SSL socket server (unikixssl) enables clients to communicate with a remote Sun MTP region using SSL. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Configuration Guide for information about configuring the SSL server and the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide for information about using the SSL server.

The following datapoints are displayed on the SSL Socket Server pane:

TABLE 9-7 SSL Socket Server Datapoints




Identifies the nickname of the SSL certificate.


Indicates if the SSL server is configured for the region. Values are true and false.


Indicates if debug tracing is enabled. Values are true and false.

CPU (Kernel)

Indicates the total number of seconds of system time used by this server. This is the amount of time spent executing code within the operating system kernel.


Identifies the port number that the region uses to process SSL requests.

Process ID

The process identifier assigned by the operating system.

CPU (User)

Indicates the total number of seconds of user time used by this server. This is the amount of time spent executing code within the server as opposed to the operating system kernel.

Administration Server

The Administration server (unikixadmin) is a daemon process that enables a region to be monitored by the administration tool.

The following datapoints are displayed on the Administration Server pane:

TABLE 9-8 Administration Server Datapoints




Indicates if the Administration server is configured for the region. Values are true and false.

CPU (Kernel)

Indicates the total number of seconds of system time used by this server. This is the amount of time spent executing code within the operating system kernel.


Identifies the port number that the region uses to process administration requests. The agent uses this port to communicate with the region. This port number is specified in the -X option to unikixmain when the region is started. See To Enable the unikixadmin Server.


The process identifier assigned by the operating system.

Cache Refreshes

Indicates the total number of times the unikixadmin system daemon rebuilt its local cache. See Cache Refreshes.

Configuration Retrievals

Indicates the total number of requests for datapoint information classed as config type (consistent).

Monitoring Retrievals

Indicates the total number of requests for datapoint information classed as monitor type (volatile).

CPU (User)

Indicates the total number of seconds of user time used by this server. This is the amount of time spent executing code within the server as opposed to the operating system kernel.

Cache Refreshes


The Cache Refreshes datapoint indicates the total number of times the unikixadmin system daemon rebuilt its local cache. The unikixadmin cache has a lifetime of one second. Multiple requests for datapoint information can be serviced from the cache if they arrive within the cache lifetime.


If the Cache Refreshes datapoint is less than the Configuration and Monitoring datapoints, it indicates that the cache is being used effectively.