C H A P T E R  6

3270 Terminal

The 3270 Terminal is a Windows application that uses the Sun MTP Client EPI interface to provide a 3270 gateway into Sun MTP. The terminal allows remote access to standard 3270 Sun MTP transactions from a PC running Windows. You can configure the terminal using command line parameters and an initialization file.

This chapter describes how to configure, start and stop the 3270 Terminal.

Note - The 3270 Terminal is not available for the Solaris operating environment.

Configuring the 3270 Terminal

The terminal is configured using either of the following methods:

To Configure Using Command Line Parameters

1. Highlight the 3270 Terminal icon from the Sun MTP Client program group.

2. Select Properties from the Program Manager File menu.

3. When the dialog box for kixterm.exe appears, add the command line parameters you need using the following syntax:

kixterm /t "CEBR" -w "Accounts Payable" /s Accounts

The following command line parameters are accepted:

/d device_type
Sun MTP device type for this terminal; truncated if it exceeds 16 characters. CICS_EpiAddTerminal(), lists the Sun MTP valid models.
/i file_name
Name of which initialization file to use. If not specified, the terminal uses the supplied initialization file, KIXTERM.INI.
/n netname
Sun MTP netname (up to 8 characters) to assign to this terminal. This name is assigned in the TCT and is normally obtained from the System Administrator.
/s system_name
Name (up to 8 characters) of the Sun MTP region to which to connect, for example, Accounts, as illustrated in CODE EXAMPLE 3-1. You must define this name in KIXCLI.INI before the terminal is started. If not specified by the start-up command line, a selection dialog appears to allow the user to choose the system.
/t tranid
Initial transaction and data. Specifies which transaction to run immediately after a successful connection to Sun MTP.
/w title
Window title (up to 50 characters) to be displayed on the terminal title bar.

procedure icon  To Configure Using the Initialization File

The terminal is supplied with a default initialization file, KIXTERM.INI, that contains the settings for the colors and keyboard used by the terminal.

1. Open the default initialization file or create your own.

2. Specify the settings you want.

3. Save the initialization file in the Windows default system directory.

During installation, the KIXTERM.INI file is placed in the default system directory if a copy does not already exist. Appendix A describes the format and contents of the KIXTERM.INI file.

Starting the 3270 Terminal

This section describes how to start the terminal and connect to a system from the 3270 Terminal icon and from a command line.

procedure icon  To Start the 3270 Terminal From the 3270 Terminal Icon

1. Configure the 3270 Terminal as described in Configuring the 3270 Terminal.

2. From the Sun MTP Client group, double click the 3270 Terminal icon.

3. If the System Selection dialog appears, as illustrated in FIGURE 6-1, connect to a system:

Note - If the terminal was configured in the Program Manager with a system name, the System Selection dialog does not appear.

 FIGURE 6-1 3270 Terminal System Selection Dialog

Screen shot showing the System Selection dialog box. It contains a list of systems. [ D ]

procedure icon  To Start the 3270 Terminal From a Command Line

1. Select Run from the Program Manager File menu.

2. Type the kixterm command in the Command box with the parameters desired.

See To Configure Using Command Line Parameters for a description of the parameters and syntax.

Note - To bypass the System Selection dialog, specify the /s parameter and a system name; the 3270 Terminal automatically attempts to connect to the specified system.

3270 Terminal Screen

The 3270 Terminal screen that is created on startup displays either:

 FIGURE 6-2 3270 Terminal Screen

Screen showing the 3270 terminal screen. This example shows the screen displayed after you execute the CEBR transaction.


Title Bar

Displays the title assigned to the terminal, by default, Sun MTP Client 3270 Terminal. You can change it with the command line parameter -W or /W.

Display Area

Area where you type Sun MTP transactions and where data is displayed by transactions.

Status Bar

Displays information about the current status of the terminal session as described in TABLE 6-1.

TABLE 6-1 3270 Terminal Status Bar Information

Information Displayed



Connection status


Symbols shown in the bottom left corner when a connection is established

Terminal netname


Name of the terminal on the remote region

Keyboard lock


Symbol displayed when the keyboard is locked.

Error messages

EMU0014E: System unavailable

Keyboard status flags

Keyboard status flags


Caps lock indicator


Num lock indicator


Insert Mode flag

Stopping the 3270 Terminal

procedure icon  To Shut Down the 3270 Terminal

1. Close the connection with the CSSF LOGOFF command.

2. Double-click the Control-menu box in the upper left hand corner of the 3270 Terminal screen (FIGURE 6-2).