C H A P T E R  5

Other Components

This chapter briefly describes changes to some of the components that you can run with the Sun MTP software:

Because these components are separate from Sun MTP, check the SunSolve web site at http://sunsolve.sun.com on a regular basis for any patches that are available, and apply the recommended patches.

Sun Mainframe Administration Tool (Sun MAT)

A new environment variable is available for configuring the properties of the Java virtual machine (JVM) used by the unikixadmin daemon. The tuning options described in this section apply to very large Sun MTP configurations.

Tuning the unikixadmin Daemon for Large Sun MTP Configurations

In certain cases, it might be necessary to define properties to the JVM used by the unikixadmin daemon. Typically, this occurs when the administration framework is enabled for a large Sun MTP configuration. A large configuration is defined as one consisting of several thousand resources, such as 5,000 programs or maps and 10,000 endpoints.

Defining Properties to the unikixadmin JVM

If you must configure the JVM to support a large overhead, use the ADMIN_JVM_OPTIONS environment variable to propagate options to the JVM instance created by unikixadmin. JVM command-line options normally supplied as part of the java command can be specified by means of the ADMIN_JVM_OPTIONS environment variable. Include this environment setting in your region's setup file. If you are using multiple options, separate them with a space. Each option must be enclosed in single quotes.

For example, to increase the size of the memory space used to hold Java objects, you must define the size of the Java heap using the '-Xmsn' and '-Xmxn' options. For example, if the size of the Java object pool must be increased to a maximum of 512 Mbytes, set the ADMIN_JVM_OPTIONS environment variable as follows:


Configuring the Cache Life Span

The unikixadmin daemon maintains a cache representing the Sun MTP resources under management. By default, the cache has a life span of one second. After the cache life span has expired, the cache is considered to be stale and a subsequent request for data results in a cache refresh. In large configurations, the cost of performing the cache refresh might be expensive. In this case, it is a good idea to increase the life span of the cache. Determine the cache life span in the following way:

1. Calculate the total number of resources in the region (maps, programs, terminals, transactions, and so on).

2. Round up the figure to the next multiple of 5,000.

3. Use one second for each 5,000 resources.

For example, if the region has 2,000 programs and maps and 5,000 terminals, set the cache life span to a value of two seconds. To set the cache life span, use the cache_lifespan property of the JVM in the ADMIN_JVM_OPTIONS environment variable as follows:

ADMIN_JVM_OPTIONS='-Dcache_lifespan=2';export ADMIN_JVM_OPTIONS

Sun Mainframe Security Facility (Sun MSF)

Important changes have been made to Sun MSF since it was first released. Read the information in this section carefully to make sure you properly configure the software.

SecurityServer Command

The SecurityServer command no longer requires that you type the user name and password on the command line. It prompts for the required user name and password.

An example of the computer-user dialog is as follows:

$ SecurityServer -s
MSF Login username: admin1
MSF Login password: *******

Security Log Server Monitoring Window

At startup, the security log server will display a window that tails the active log, if the dtterm executable is in your path. To determine if $PATH contains the executable, type the following command:

$ echo $PATH

The path name /usr/dt/bin should be listed in the output. If it is not, and you want this functionality, add it to your PATH variable.

New Version File

A VERSION file has been added to the Sun MSF package. It is installed in the $EMPSECURITY directory.

New Property

A new property, com.sun.emp.security.hostPrincipal, has been added to the MSFconfig.properties file. This property specifies the Java class that provides the platform-specific Principal implementation representing a UNIX user ID. With this release, Sun MSF is supported on Solaris and AIX platforms. The default setting on Solaris platforms for this property is as follows:


caution icon

Caution - Do not change the value of this property.

Deprecated Property

As a result of some internal changes to Sun MSF, the following property in the MSFConfig.properties file is no longer used:


If the property is configured, it is treated as a comment.

java.security and java.policy Files

A file named java.security is installed in the lib directory of the Sun MSF installation ($EMPSECURITY/lib/java.security). It contains values required for Sun MSF and can reduce the chance of introducing errors when editing the java.policy and java.security files.

procedure icon  To Update the java.security File

1. Append the contents of the $EMPSECURITY/lib java.security file, which contains values required for Sun MSF, to the java.security file located in the
Java-home/lib/security directory.

2. To ensure that security is enforced by disabling a command-line override of the security policy set in the java.policy file, the following option has been set in the $EMPSECURITY/lib/java.security file. If that option is not appropriate in your environment, delete that line.


The directions in the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide for updating the java.policy file have been changed as follows:

procedure icon  To Update the java.policy File

single-step bulletAppend the contents of the $EMPSECURITY/lib/java.policy file, which contains Sun MSF-specific entries, to the java.policy file located in the
Java-home/lib/security directory.

jaas.policy File

Ignore any references to the jaas.policy file in the Sun MSF chapter of the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide.

jaasmod.jar File

Ignore any references to the jaasmod.jar file in the Sun MSF chapter of the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide.

Template for Loading Sun MTP Resources

The Sun MSF security repository must contain Sun MTP resources, as well as your application's resources. To make it easier for you to load the Sun MTP resources into the repository, a template file is provided in the $EMPSECURITY/test directory. This file, suppliedLoadFile.txt, contains the commands to create the resources, create the resource domains, add the resources to their respective domains, and add role permissions. You can use this template as is, or you can modify it to match the role and resource domain names that your environment uses. Make a backup of the original file before you modify it. Refer to the README.doc file in the $EMPSECURITY/test directory for more information.

New Snapshot Utility

Sun MSF has been enhanced with a new snapshot utility that collects the Sun MSF configuration and log files into a compressed file that can be transmitted by means of ftp or email to another location for analysis. The utility is named msfsnap and is located in the $EMPSECURITY/bin directory of the Sun MSF installation.


msfsnap [-d directory] [-u userid]



-d directory

The directory path where the snapshot is to be written. If a directory is not specified, the snapshot is written to the directory path specified in the MSFSNAPDIR environment value. If the environment variable is not set, the tool terminates without taking a snapshot.

-u userid

The user ID needed for the tool to gather security server statistics into the snapshot. When this option is used, a SecurityServer -p request is executed and the msfsnap utility prompts for the password as follows:

MSF Login password:

If an incorrect password is provided, or if the -u option is not specified, security server statistics are not included.

The snapshot is packaged as a compressed file in the specified directory in one of the following formats, depending on the compression utility it finds on your system:

This file must be uncompressed into its component files for analysis.

Example 1: Write the snapshot to the /tmp directory without security server statistics:

$ msfsnap -d /tmp

Example 2: Write the snapshot to the /tmp directory and include security server statistics. In this example, the administrator's ID is admin1.

$ msfsnap -d /tmp -u admin1
MSF Login Password: ********

Example 3: Write the snapshot to the $MSFSNAPDIR directory without security server statistics:

$ export MSFSNAPDIR=/snaps
$ msfsnap

Example 4: Write the snapshot to the $MSFSNAPDIR directory and include security server statistics:

$ export MSFSNAPDIR=/snaps
$ msfsnap -u admin1
MSF Login Password: ********

Support for DB2 UDB as the Security Repository

The IBM database DB2 UDB 8.1 has been qualified with Sun MSF. The information in this section provides an example of how to create the table space and user IDs for a DB2 UDB database that will be used as the security repository. The tools or utilities used to perform these tasks can be different based on the DB2 UDB release you are using. The major tasks are:

1. Create UNIX logins. See Creating the UNIX Logins.

2. Create the table space/database. See To Create the Table Space/Database.

3. Set up the configuration files. See Setting Up the Configuration Files.

4. Set up the execution environment. See To Set Up Your Execution Environment.

5. Initialize the repository. See To Initialize the Repository.

caution icon

Caution - The DB2 UDB JDBC driver is sensitive to the setting of the LANG environment variable, and might not work correctly with certain locale settings. The Sun MSF product qualification was done with the LANG variable set to C. Refer to the database documentation for additional information.

Creating the UNIX Logins

Contact your UNIX system administrator to create three UNIX logins on your host system for the DB2 UDB database. The logins should belong to a single group, for example, dbtwo. Consult your DB2 UDB administrator for information about the group on your host system. The three UNIX logins could be, for example:

These login names must match the corresponding values in the MSFConfig.properties file for the following items:

procedure icon  To Create the Table Space/Database

1. Log in to the host system as udbsec.

2. Make sure the db2 command is in your path.

Source the db2profile file given to you by your DB2 UDB administrator.

3. Type the db2 command.

The db2 => prompt is displayed.

4. To create a database named MSFSECUDB, type the CREATE and connect commands as shown.

The following shows the computer-user dialog:

DB20000I  The CREATE DATABASE command completed successfully.
db2 => connect to MSFSECUDB
Database Connection Information
	Database server        = DB2/SUN 8.1.0
	SQL authorization ID   = UDBSEC
	Local database alias   = MSFSECUDB

Setting Up the Configuration Files

You can now set up the configuration files.

MSFConfig.properties File

Set the necessary properties in the MSFconfig.properties file. Remember the three UNIX logins and the name of your database (in this case, MSFSECUDB). For example:


java.policy File

Set up your java.policy file so that the DB2 UDB Java runtime file (for example, db2jcc.jar) has permission to connect and resolve connections. For example:

/* grant the DB2 classes permissions needed to connect to the database */
grant codebase "file:/usr/local/pkgs/db2/sqllib/java/db2jcc.jar" {
          permission java.net.SocketPermission "*", "connect,resolve";

Your directory, host names, and ports might be different. Consult with your DB2 UDB administrator for the correct URL, environment setups, and client configurations for JDBC.

procedure icon  To Set Up Your Execution Environment

single-step bulletEnsure that your environment includes the necessary Sun MSF and DB2 UDB file paths.

The proper DB2 UDB Java runtime file (for example, db2jcc.jar) must be in your CLASSPATH.

procedure icon  To Initialize the Repository

single-step bulletRun the MakeAnAdministrator utility.

Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide for detailed information.

Access Permissions for WebSphere MQ

If your Sun MTP region is configured to use WebSphere MQ and Sun MSF, be aware that MQ requires that the region user ID have permission to access the queues, and therefore, permission to start the MQ trigger transaction.

For example, using the Sun MSF SecAdmin tool, run the following commands to create the resources and add them to the resource domain:

crs,KIX_ATTACH_TRANS,KMQ1,MQ triggered Cobol transaction
crs,KIX_ATTACH_TRANS,MQJV,MQ triggered JMS transaction

Migrating From Sun MSF 1.0.0

Note - The information in this section applies only if you are upgrading from Sun MSF 1.0.0 or Sun MSF 1.0.0 patch 1.

Because of some architectural changes made to Sun MSF after the patch 1 release, you must run the ConvertDBP1toP2 utility in order to use the existing repository database with the current release.


ConvertDBP1toP2 {oracle|sybase} schema-pw admin-pw user-pw

schema-pw is the Sun MSF repository schema user's password

admin-pw is the Sun MSF repository administrator's password

user-pw is the Sun MSF repository normal user's password

procedure icon  To Run the Conversion Utility

1. Make sure your environment is set correctly and the EMPSECURITY environment variable is set to the new version of the software.

2. Gather the following information:

3. Determine whether to start the security log servers.

4. Run the conversion utility.

For example, if your repository is an Oracle database, and the schema password is spw, the administrator password is apw, and the user password is upw, type the following command at a UNIX prompt:

$ ConvertDBP1toP2 oracle spw apw upw

The following output is displayed to indicate a successful migration:

(SecSvc_WARN) Updating the repository from P1 to P2
(SecSvc_WARN) Completed Updating the repository from P1 to P2

If any errors are displayed, contact your authorized service provider.

New Sun MSF Error Messages

SecSvc_300=(SecSvc_300) Security Repository Error occurred: {0}

Description: This message is displayed if there is a problem in the security repository, for example, the database is not functioning, a table is missing, or there is a network disconnection to the repository. This message is also written to the audit logs.

Solution: Notify the super administrator for the security system about this problem and provide the appropriate log information.

SecSvc_301=(SecSvc_301) Unknown Security Error occurred: {0}

Description: This message is displayed by the SecAdmin tool if any non-repository error occurs while operating SecAdmin. This message is also logged to the audit files.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider for assistance.

Sun MTP HA Data Service

Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software High Availability Data Service for Sun Cluster document for information about using this component.