C H A P T E R  6

Error Messages

This chapter contains new and changed error messages for Sun MTP.

New Messages

KIX0396E [%r] Can't authenticate %.14s; no password from getpwnam/getspnam

Description: Sun MTP is attempting to authenticate a UNIX user ID with the password supplied, but is unable to obtain that user ID's password with the getpwnam or getspnam functions.

Solution: This is an internal Sun MTP error. Contact your authorized service provider.

KIX0434E [%r] UNIX wait() command was interrupted by signal %s

Description: The transaction processor was interrupted by signal %s while waiting for a child process to end. The transaction processor was then aborted.

Solution: Rerun the aborted transaction.

KIX0438T Map set %s is currently disabled.

Description: The mapset specified in the CICS command has been disabled.

Solution: Enable the mapset using the system transaction CEMT SET PROGRAM mapset ENABLED.

KIX0439T Map set %s user not authorized to load this map

Description: External security is active and the current user does not have the required permissions to load the specified mapset.

Solution: If you want this user to be able to access the mapset, grant the user the required permissions.

KIX0440E COBOL Animator is not supported on a TR terminal

Description: You cannot debug a COBOL program with Animator on a remote system. The CEDF transaction is running on a transaction routed terminal.

Solution: You must animate your COBOL program on the local region.

KIX0441E PL/I CodeWatch is not supported on a TR terminal

Description: You cannot debug a Liant PL/I program with CodeWatch on a remote system. The CEDF transaction is running on a transaction routed terminal.

Solution: You must debug your PL/I program on the local region.

KIX0442E C debugger is not supported on a TR terminal

Description: You cannot debug a C program with a C debugger on a remote system. The CEDF transaction is running on a transaction routed terminal.

Solution: You must debug your C program on the local region.

KIX0444E Enter a DISPLAY value to Animate on this 3270 type terminal

Description: To invoke Animator from a TN3270 terminal client, you must specify a value in the DISPLAY field on the Set Breakpoint screen of the Debug Facility. This is the value of the X windows DISPLAY environment variable where you want the Animator window to display.

Solution: Enter the value of the DISPLAY environment variable on the Set Breakpoint screen of the Debug Facility; for example, host1:32.0.

KIX0445E Please enter a DISPLAY value

Description: To invoke either the Liant PL/I CodeWatch debugger, or the default C debugger, you must specify a value in the DISPLAY field on the Set Breakpoint screen of the Debug Facility. This is the value of the X windows DISPLAY environment variable where you want the debugger window to display.

Solution: Enter the value of the DISPLAY environment variable on the Set Breakpoint screen of the Debug Facility; for example, host1:32.0.

KIX0557W Both "-A" and "-B" specified in MTP startup parameters. Possible conflict.

Description: Warning message indicating that you used both the -A and -B options to unikixmain (or kixstart) when starting the region.

Cause: When a DBCS conversion table file is specified at region startup (using the -B option), the first 256 entries in the file represent the single-byte character set (SBCS) conversion characters. Therefore, if you also specify the -A option, the SBCS conversion table built from the DBCS file will be overwritten. This can cause a mismatch between the double-byte and single-byte character sets.

Solution: Do not use both the -A and -B options when starting a region.

KIX0730F Invalid -O option keyword: %s

Description: An invalid keyword was specified on the command line.

Solution: Resubmit the command using a valid keyword. Currently TDINTRA is the only valid keyword.

KIX0731F Invalid -O option usage: -O TDINTRA=[NOEMPTY|EMPTY]

Description: There is a syntax error in the -O TDINTRA=value option.

Solution: Resubmit the command using the correct syntax, which is displayed in the error message.

KIX0732F Invalid value: %s for -O option keyword: %s

Description: An invalid value was supplied to the -O option keyword.

Solution: Resubmit the command using a valid value to the specified keyword. The supported values for the TDINTRA keyword are NOEMPTY and EMPTY.

KIX0774F Recovery server failed; commit/rollback no longer functional

Description: The unikixrcv process has terminated unexpectedly. The region will be terminated immediately, and will need to be restarted to roll back all in-flight transaction updates.

Solution: Investigate what caused the unikixrcv process to terminate, and contact your authorized service provider if a software error seems to be involved. Restart the region to roll back all updates for in-flight transactions.

KIX0860I Dataset %s Path %s Opened

Description: This message prints the dataset name along with the full path name of each dataset opened at region startup.

Solution: Informational message, no user action is needed.

KIX0861W %s environment variable mismatch between batch and MTP

Description: The process (such as Sun MBM or C-ISAM) is trying to access a VSAM file that is located in the directory contained in the specified environment variable (%s). The value of this environment variable does not match the value of the same environment variable that was defined when the region was started. The value of the environment variable defined at region startup will be used for processing.

Solution: Do not set the environment variable in your client application environment, or make sure it matches the environment variable defined for the region.

KIX2528E [%r] TN server negotiation error, host %s, fd %d

Description: The TN3270 server has detected a buffer overflow while communicating with a potential 3270 client. This client is connected on the specified fd number and is executing from the specified host. This message is always followed by KIX2529.

Solution: Determine whether the connecting client is a real TN3270 client. See message KIX2529.

KIX2529E Host %s did not send valid TN3270 protocol data to the TN server. The connection has been rejected.

Description: This message always follows the KIX2528 message. It indicates that the TN3270 server did not receive any of the expected 3270 commands while buffering 3270 data for a connecting client. Therefore, the TN3270 server assumes that the connecting client is not a 3270 client, and rejects the connection.

Solution: Determine whether the client running on the specified host is a real TN3270 client.

KIX2608E :esipc: [%r] Socket Connection table FULL

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Send this error message and the corresponding kixsnap output to your authorized service provider.

KIX2609E :esipc: [%r] Malloc failure for Socket Connection table entry

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Send this error message and the corresponding kixsnap output to your authorized service provider.

KIX3819W [%r] KIXBTCH directory time interval is invalid

Description: The time interval set in the KIXBTCH environment variable uses an invalid format.

Solution: Set the time interval correctly. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide for information about configuring the batch environment.

KIX3821I Caught signal: signal=%d, code=%d, address=%s, sender pid=%d, sender userid=%s

Description: The signal handler process has caught a signal and this message reports information about the sender of the signal.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

KIX3822I Sender process: pid=%d, ppid=%d, userid=%s, euserid=%s, name=%s

Description: This message is only issued after message 3821I, if the Sun MTP process has permission to get information about the sender process. This message reports process information based on the process ID (pid value) reported in message 3821I.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

KIX3830E Received signal [%s] when system was in [%s] mode

Description: The specified signal was received when the system was in the specified mode. The modes are as follows:

Solution: No user action is needed.

KIX4700E Dump file write error: fd = %d, errno = %d

Description: Unable to write out dump file information for the file descriptor referenced in message KIX4701I.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider if this continues to be a problem.

KIX4701I ABORT dump written to file: %s, fd = %d

Description: Informational message indicating that an internal dump was written to file %s.

Solution: You might need to provide this file to your authorized service provider for troubleshooting if you continue to experience problems.

KIX4702E Unable to dump structure %s to file %s

Description: The kixdump utility was unable to dump the specified structure to file %s.

Solution: Look for previous messages that might indicate the cause.

KIX4703I Structure dump written to file: %s

Description: The specified file contains the dump of the structure or structures requested in the kixdump command.

Solution: Informational message. No user action is needed.

KIX4704E -E and -r options are mutually exclusive 

Description: When using the kixdump utility, you cannot use the -E option with the -r option.

Solution: Resubmit the command using the correct syntax.

KIX4705E File is incompatible. kixsformat is version %d, file %s is version %d

Description: The kixsformat utility cannot format the specified file.

Cause: The version of Sun MTP used to dump the file and the version of the kixsformat utility are incompatible.

Solution: Use a version of the kixsformat utility that matches the version of Sun MTP that was used to produce the file.

KIX4706E File %s is not a structure dump

Description: The file you are trying to format is not a dump file created by a Sun MTP utility.

Solution: You can only use the kixsformat utility with dump files created by Sun MTP utilities. The kixsformat utility should only be used under the direction of your authorized service provider who can guide you in producing a dump file.

KIX4707E Error reading file %s, errno = %d

Description: The system read command failed when reading the file %s.

Solution: Check the UNIX errno table for the specified error number to determine the cause of the read failure.

KIX4708E Invalid parameter, Usage: kixsformat <filename>

Description: You used an incorrect parameter in the kixsformat command. The correct command format is shown in the message.

Solution: Resubmit the kixsformat command with the name of the dump file as the only parameter.

KIX4709E Unrecognized structure %s

Description: You tried to dump an unknown structure as specified in the %s variable.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

KIX4710E Error writing structure dump header, errno = %d

Description: The system write command failed when writing the header record to the disk.

Solution: Check the UNIX errno table for the specified error number to determine the cause of the write failure.

KIX4711E %r Error writing structure dump, errno = %d

Description: The system write command failed when writing a memory structure to the disk.

Solution: Check the UNIX errno table for the specified error number to determine the cause of the read failure.

KIX4712W File %s is an incorrect length %d, file length should be %d

Description: The file size does not match its header information. The formatted output might contain unreliable data.

Solution: Review the output to determine its accuracy. You might need to dump the file again.

KIX4718I ABORT dump complete

Description: The message indicates that dump processing is finished.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

KIX4760W You cannot specify -D%s option from kixcontrol, option ignored

Description: This message is displayed if you used either the -Dg or -Dh options with kixcontrol to turn on tracing for unikixtcp or unikixCommMgr. These were undocumented options that you might have used under the guidance of technical support personnel.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider if you need to perform this type of tracing.

KIX4901E %s - Terminal allocation failed for luname=%.8s, luname already allocated

Description: A user tried to log in to the region using an LU name that has been assigned.

Solution: Make sure to use a unique LU name.

KIX4902E %s - Terminal allocation failed for luname=%.8s, termid=%.4s, luname already allocated

Description: A user tried to log in to the region using an LU name that has been assigned.

Solution: Make sure to use a unique LU name.

KIX4903E %s - Terminal allocation failed for luname=%.8s, all terminals are already allocated

Description: A user tried to log in to the region but could not, because all TCT entries are currently allocated.

Cause: The maximum number of users, as specified in the VCT, has been reached.

Solution: If your license permits, increase the number of users in the VCT and restart the region. Otherwise, you might need a license that allows a larger number of users.

KIX4904E %s - Terminal allocation failed for luname=%.8s, termid=%.4s, all terminals are already allocated

Description: A user tried to log in to the region but could not, because all TCT entries are currently allocated.

Cause: The maximum number of users, as specified in the VCT, has been reached.

Solution: If your license permits, increase the number of users in the VCT and restart the region. Otherwise, you might need a license that allows a larger number of users.

KIX5000E Resources held by unikixmain

Description: Internal error.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

KIX5001E Transaction did not complete shutdown in %d seconds, killing all processes

Description: During force shutdown or panic shutdown of the region, no transaction processors completed their tasks for up to the specified number of seconds. Therefore, the system killed all the processes.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider.

KIX5002I MTP process %s has not yet initialized

Description: Process %s has not yet indicated that it has completed its initialization.

Cause: Sun MTP expects the process %s to complete initialization very quickly. If this does not happen, multiple messages are printed at certain time intervals and finally, the system is brought down. If the process is unikixrcv, these messages might appear with the KIX0773I messages until the crash recovery is completed.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

KIX5003E System shutdown flag is set, will not continue region startup

Description: During startup, the system panic stop was set. Region startup is being stopped.

Cause: This might occur because kixclean was executed.

Solution: Make sure that multiple people are not trying to bring up or shut down the region at the same time.

KIX5005E MTP process type %s did not initialize, killing process id %d and aborting the region

Description: Process %s did not notify unikixmain that it had completed its initialization in the allotted time.

Cause: This might be caused if the process is in a loop or has aborted.

Solution: Contact your authorized service provider and provide the dump files.

KIX5100E Failure to suspend PMF monitoring errno=%d

Description: This message might be issued when attempting to run the COBOL Animator in the Sun Cluster environment. It indicates that the monitoring of the transaction process by the Sun Cluster Process Monitoring Facility (PMF) could not be suspended in preparation for animating the application program.

Solution: Use the UNIX error number to determine the kind of error that occurred, and the appropriate corrective action. After performing the corrective action, try animating the program again.

KIX5102E SETUID failure errno %d

Description: This message is issued when an attempt to run the COBOL Animator in a Sun Cluster environment fails.

Cause: The process that sets the COBOL animation environment for the Sun Cluster environment must run as privileged user.

Solution: Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software High Availability Data Service for Sun Cluster document for information about configuring your system to use COBOL Animator in the Sun Cluster environment.

KIX5103E System call failure errno %d

Description: The UNIX system call used to suspend the PMF monitoring failed.

Solution: Use the UNIX error number to determine the kind of error that occurred, and the appropriate corrective action. After performing the corrective action, try animating the program again.

KIX5104E Unable to suspend PMF monitoring for process %d. Reason: waitpid() failed errno=%d

Description: The transaction processor was not able to suspend PMF monitoring in order to activate the Micro Focus COBOL Animator.

Cause: The specified system call failed with the specified error number.

Solution: Look up the UNIX error number (errno) in the system table to determine the kind of error that occurred, and the appropriate corrective action.

KIX5105E Unable to suspend PMF monitoring for process %d. Reason: exited with status %d

Description: The transaction processor was unable to suspend PMF monitoring in order to activate the Micro Focus COBOL Animator. The exit status is displayed.

Solution: An additional message should be displayed indicating the reason for the failure.

KIX5106E Unable to suspend PMF monitoring for process %d. Reason: exited with signal %d

Description: The transaction processor was unable to suspend PMF monitoring in order to activate the Micro Focus COBOL Animator.

Cause: The Animator utility exited with the specified signal.

Solution: Try again. If the problem persists, contact your authorized service provider.

KIX5107E Unable to suspend PMF monitoring for process %d. Reason: exec(%s) failed errno=%d

Description: The transaction processor was unable to suspend PMF monitoring in order to activate the Micro Focus COBOL Animator.

Cause: The Animator utility specified in the %s variable could not be executed.

Solution: Look up the UNIX error number (errno) in the system table to determine the kind of error that occurred, and the appropriate corrective action. For example, if errno=2, you must ensure that the specified utility exists.

KIX5108E Unable to suspend PMF monitoring for process %d. Reason: fork() failed errno=%d

Description: The transaction processor was unable to suspend PMF monitoring in order to activate the Micro Focus COBOL Animator.

Cause: The fork() system call failed with the specified error number.

Solution: Look up the UNIX error number (errno) in the system table to determine the kind of error that occurred, and take the appropriate corrective action.

KIX7504E kixdump did not have permission to send signal to unikixmain process, pid number [%d]

Description: The user who executed the kixdump utility did not have permission to find out if the unikixmain process exists.

Solution: The kixdump utility must be executed by a user who has the privileges to send a signal to the unikixmain process of the region.

KIX7561I Killing process %d

Description: The kixhashut utility is killing the specified process.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

KIX7562I Removing IPC %d %d 

Description: The kixhashut utility is removing IPC [m|s|q] <IPC id number>.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed

KIX7563I System shutdown was %s within normal shut down period

Description: If %s is COMPLETED, then the region completed the transactions and the region is coming down. If %s is NOT COMPLETED, some transactions are still being executed; they will be aborted.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

KIX7564I System shutdown completed, check and release system resources 

Description: The time allocated for the region to come down has expired. Now force kill the process and remove any remaining processes and IPC resources.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

KIX7600F [%r] Invalid transaction server identifier: previous id=%d, current id=%d

Description: This message is issued if a process attempts to access a VSAM file, but the Sun MTP transaction server that is processing the request is different from the transaction server that was assigned to serve the request. The message indicates that the transaction server has died and a new transaction server was started in its place. The message also contains the process IDs of the previous and current transaction servers.

Cause: This situation can happen if the region restarts while a Sun MBM job that accesses VSAM files is running. The running job might have additional steps that attempt to reuse the address space owned by the previous transaction server.

Solution: If the process is not a Sun MBM job, restart the process. If the process is a Sun MBM job, cancel the job and restart it.

KIX7601F [%r] VSAM access denied for this process as associated transaction server has been restarted

Description: This message is issued if a process attempts to access VSAM files after the transaction server that was associated with its execution has died. The request for VSAM file access is rejected to prevent data corruption, and the process is aborted.

Solution: Restart the process to ensure that a new transaction server is assigned to the process requesting VSAM access. The new transaction server will grant the access request.

KIX7707F Unable to acquire <%d> bytes of local memory for INQUIRE TSQUEUE command

Description: The transaction processor was unable to acquire enough local memory to perform the INQUIRE TSQUEUE command. The message displays the amount of memory the transaction processor was trying to acquire.

Solution: Execute the CINI system transaction to recycle the transaction processors. If that doesn't solve the problem, you might have to restart the region and allocate more heap space for the transaction processors by providing different values for the -M t or -M c parameters to the unikixmain command.

KIX7710E [%r] No Shared memory segments available for allocation

Description: The system limit on the number of shared memory segments that can be attached to a process has been reached, and there are no more segments available.

Solution: On Solaris platforms, the kernel configuration parameter SHMSEG can be modified. On AIX platforms, this limit is fixed and cannot be modified.

KIX7711E [%r] shmat() returned errno <%d>: The number of shared memory segments attached to this process has reached the system limit

Description: The system limit on the number of shared memory segments that can be attached to a process has been reached.

Solution: On Solaris platforms, the kernel configuration parameter SHMSEG can be modified. On AIX platforms, this limit is fixed and cannot be modified.

Note - In most cases, messages 7710 and 7711 are displayed together. One is coming from a lower level routine call, and the other from a higher level.

KIX7712W Region started with shared memory parameter of <%dMB>, which differs from the default of <%dMB>

Description: The region was started with the -S option to unikixmain. The message shows the startup value and the default value. Currently, the default is 1 Mbyte on Solaris platforms, and 256 Mbytes on AIX platforms.

Solution: No user action is required.

KIX7713W Region started with invalid shared memory parameter, <%dMB>. Changing to default value <%dMB>

Description: An attempt was made to start the region with an invalid value for the -S option to unikixmain. An invalid value is less than 16 Mbytes. The value is changed to 16 Mbytes (the default) and region startup continues.

Solution: Change your startup value so that it is within the valid range.

KIX7714I The sum of parameters -Mt and -Mc (%dMbytes) cannot exceed the ulimit break value (%dMbytes). Please adjust the -Mt and -Mc values or the ulimit break value.

Description: The user's heap space value, as displayed in the ulimit -d command is less than the sum of the -M t and -M c parameters.

Solution: This message only applies on AIX platforms.

KIX7720I Main memory temporary storage queue block size set to <%d>

Description: This message is written to the unikixmain.log file if the -q option to unikixmain (kixstart) was used to start the region. It indicates the data block size that the region will allocate for writes to temporary storage queues.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

KIX7721E %s option has no or an invalid size argument, <%d>. Use 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32.

Description: An invalid or null size value was supplied on the -q option of unikixmain at startup. The %d variable indicates the incorrect value.

Solution: Select one of the valid values shown in the message, and restart the region.

KIX7722E %s option has an invalid size argument <%s>

Description: The argument supplied on the -q option of unikixmain contains invalid information. The second %s variable in the message contains the value in the argument. For example, you might have typed -q16K instead of -q16 for a 16-Kbyte block size.

Solution: Correct the argument on the -q option, and restart the region.

KIX9169E Duplicate alt key VSAM dataset:%s altkey dataset:%s

Description: The specified VSAM dataset and the specified alternate dataset have duplicate alternate keys. The information that follows this error is a hex dump of the primary key and the corresponding alternate key that caused the error.

Solution: Choose the action that best meets your needs:

Changed Messages

KIX0157I Executing %s command

Description: The Sun MTP region is executing the UNIX command executable or script specified in the %s variable.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

KIX0208E [%r] memadr=%x ,memsz=%x

Description: Unable to initially attach or subsequently reattach the shared memory segment of size memsz at address memadr. The %r variable displays either kxgetsm1 for the initial attach or kxgetsm2 for a subsequent reattach failure.

Solution: There is a possible internal conflict between shared library attaching and shared memory attaching, or there is some other internal problem. Contact your authorized service provider.

KIX0210I [%r] Acquired %x (hex) bytes of shared memory (segment %d of maximum %d )

This message has been changed so that the %r variable displays either Sys or Usr, depending on whether the Sun MTP system or the user application acquired the shared memory.

KIX0329E Unable to create dump file: %s, errno = %d

This message was changed from Unable to create trace file: %s, errno = %d

KIX0332I Dump directory is: %s

This message was changed from Trace dump directory is: %s

KIX0390E [%r] UNIX error returned from %s = %d

Description: The specified function was unable to read the entries in the password file. The value of the %s variable is either the getpwnam function or the getspnam function. The value in the %d variable provides additional information.

Solution: Contact your operating system administrator.

KIX0404T Map set %s unable to load from disk.

Description: Sun MTP was unable to load the physical mapset specified by the CICS command from disk.

Solution: Ensure the KIXMAPS environment variable is correct, and check that the file is on disk and is not empty.

KIX0405T Map set %s not found in PPT.

Description: The mapset specified in the CICS command does not have an entry in the Processing Program Table (PPT).

Solution: Define the mapset in the PPT.

KIX0426E Releasing of dataset %8.8s failed

This message has been changed from Releasing of dataset %14.14s failed.

KIX0455E CEDF ,ANIM is not supported on a 3270 type terminal

Description: You cannot invoke the COBOL Animator with the CEDF ,ANIM on a 3720 EBCDIC-type terminal.

Solution: Run the CEDF transaction without any parameters to display the Debug Facility's Set Breakpoint screen. Type Y in the COBOL Animator On field, and make sure there is a valid value in the DISPLAY field.

KIX0470E CEDF ,ANIM is not supported on a TR terminal

Description: You cannot debug a COBOL program with Animator on a remote system. The CEDF transaction was executed on a transaction routed terminal.

Solution: You must animate your COBOL program on the local region.

KIX0539I has been changed to write the following types of messages to the unikixmain.log file:

10/16/2002 10:25:37 unikixtran0 :KIX0539I Java ClassPath has these entries:
10/16/2002 10:25:37 unikixtran0 :   /pkgs/MTP8.0.0/lib/dfjcics.jar
10/16/2002 10:25:37 unikixtran0 :   /pkgs/MTP8.0.0/lib/transMQJMS.jar
10/16/2002 10:25:37 unikixtran0 :   /pkgs/MTP8.0.0/lib/transutil.jar
10/16/2002 10:25:37 unikixtran0 :   /opt/mqm/java/lib/com.ibm.mqjms.jar
10/16/2002 10:25:37 unikixtran0 :   /opt/mqm/java/lib/com.ibm.mq.jar
10/16/2002 10:25:37 unikixtran0 :   /opt/mqm/java/lib/jms.jar

KIX0540I has been changed to write the following types of messages to the unikixmain.log file:

10/16/2002 10:25:37 unikixtran0 :KIX0540I Java LibPath has these entries:
10/16/2002 10:25:37 unikixtran0 :   /pkgs/MTP8.0.0/lib
10/16/2002 10:25:37 unikixtran0 :   /opt/mqm/java/lib

KIX0678E Activity count error on cluster %s, override status to deferred open

This message has been changed from Activity count error on cluster %8.8s, override status to deferred open.

KIX0694E Data set %8.8s could not be opened

This message has been changed from Data set %14.14s could not be opened.

KIX0695E Dataset %8.8s specified as deferred open

This message has been changed from Dataset %14.14s specified as deferred open.

KIX1143E This MTP system is not configured to connect to MBM 

Description: This message indicates that the region cannot connect to a Sun MBM subsystem.

Cause: This message can be issued for several reasons:

Solution: If the subsystem does not exist, create it in Sun MBM using BAM. If the subsystem does exist, but the $KIXSYS value has changed, you must update the subsystem configuration by using BAM to change the Sun MTP region. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Batch Manager Software Configuration Guide for the procedures to create a subsystem and to change the Sun MTP region.

KIX3817W [%r] KIXBTCH directory does not exist %s 

This message previously was an E type message: KIX3817E.

KIX3818W [%r] KIXBTCH is not set but the VCT is configured for batch

Description: The VCT contains a value for the number of batch jobs, but the KIXBTCH environment variable has not been set. The region starts, but you will not be able to run Sun MTP batch jobs that are executed out of the $KIXBTCH directory.

Solution: If you want to execute batch jobs, shut down the region, set the KIXBTCH environment variable in your setup file, source the setup file, and restart the region. If you do not plan to run batch jobs, open the VCT and change the value for the number of batch jobs to zero, save the VCT, shut down and restart the region.

KIX4702E Unable to dump %s information to file %s

This message has been changed from Unable to dump structure %s to file %s.

KIX5004I %s is set to %s

Description: This message provides information about C programs.

Solution: Informational message; no user action is needed.

KIX8602E Job terminating abnormally with shutdown=%s interrupt=%s system=%s

Description: The job was terminated with one or more of the following conditions being TRUE:

Solution: Internal error or operator-requested termination.

The following error messages were corrected to omit unnecessary capitalization.

KIX2587E TCT allocation failed due to all TCTs being previously assigned
KIX2588E TCT allocation failed ErrorCode:%d