C H A P T E R  3

Installing or Upgrading SMS 1.6 Software

This chapter provides all the instructions for installing SMS 1.6 or upgrading to SMS 1.6 on Sun Fire high-end systems. The chapter includes the following topics:

Freshly Installing SMS 1.6 Software on the SCs

Note - Your Sun Fire system comes with the Solaris OS and SMS 1.6 preinstalled. You need to use the procedures in this section only if you want to do a fresh install on your system or are installing a new SC on your system. If the software is already installed, proceed to To Configure the Management Network.

TABLE 3-1 shows the sequence of procedures to freshly install SMS 1.6 software using the smsinstall script for both the main SC (SC0) and the spare SC (SC1). Perform the procedures in the sequence shown in the table. The sections following the figure are in the order that the procedures should be performed. Each procedure contains the page number where that specific procedure can be found in this document.

Note - You need to record the chassis serial number (CSN) only on the main SC. You do not need to record the CSN on the spare SC.

TABLE 3-1 Freshly Installing SMS 1.6 Software

Main SC

Spare SC

1. To Prepare for Installation


2. To Install the Solaris OS on the SC


3. To Download SMS 1.6 Software From the Web


4. To Install SMS Software


5. To Install Patches on the SC


6. To Configure the Management Network


7. To Set Up Users and Groups


8. To Record the Chassis Serial Number on the Main SC


9. To Enable the Alternate Break Sequence


10. To Reboot the System Controller


11. To Upgrade the SC Flash PROMs


12. To Finish the Setup Process



13. To Prepare for Installation


14. To Install the Solaris OS on the SC


15. To Download SMS 1.6 Software From the Web


16. To Install SMS Software


17. To Install Patches on the SC


18. To Configure the Management Network


19. To Set Up Users and Groups


20. To Enable the Alternate Break Sequence


21. To Reboot the System Controller


22. To Upgrade the SC Flash PROMs


23. To Finish the Setup Process

24. To Upgrade the System Board Flash PROMs


25. To Enable Failover


Note - The smsinstall script hardens the system controller after the first reboot. As pointed out in Security After Installation, hardening disables most remote access services. Do not reboot the system without providing serial or console access to the SC, or having ssh configured to survive a reboot on the SC.

Note - If you are using ssh, you must change the ssh escape character to avoid conflict with the SMS console. See Changing the ssh Escape Character for more information.

procedure icon  To Prepare for Installation

Before you begin the installation, do the following tasks.

1. Gather the superuser passwords for both SCs.

2. Be sure you have platadmn privileges to both SCs.

3. On both SCs, determine the directory into which you will download the SMS software from the web.

4. Before installing the SMS 1.6 packages, make sure that you have serial or console access to the SC or have Secure Shell (ssh) available on the SC.

After you install SMS 1.6 and reboot the SC, the hardening performed by the smsinstall script disables remote access.

Note - If you are using ssh on the SC, you must change the ssh escape character to avoid conflict with the SMS console. See Changing the ssh Escape Character for more information.

5. If you are freshly installing on new hardware:

a. Become familiar with the smsconfig command and its options.

Refer to the smsconfig(1M) man page.

b. Fill out the information in the site planning guide for your Sun Fire system (Sun Fire 15K/12K System Site Planning Guide or Sun Fire E25K/E20K System Site Planning Guide).

You need this information to configure the Management Network (MAN) after installing the SMS 1.6 packages on new hardware. (See To Configure the Management Network for more information about the MAN.)

6. Gather the following publications before you start the installation or upgrade:

7. Check the Solaris (SPARC Platform Edition) Release Notes and the Solaris Release Notes Supplement for Sun Hardware for your version of the Solaris OS, the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Release Notes, and SunSolvetrademark at http://sunsolve.sun.com for the latest information on issues, late-breaking news, and patch availability.

8. Refer to the Site Planning Guide for your Sun Fire system when reconfiguring your MAN.

You need the following information from your worksheets:

9. Install the release-appropriate Solaris patch cluster available at http://sunsolve.sun.com to ensure that SMS runs properly. Apply any patches to the Solaris OS before reinstalling or upgrading the SMS software.

Note - During installation, or whenever the other SC is at the OpenBoottrademark PROM prompt or not running SMS, you might see "SC clocks NOT phase locked" messages in the platform log. You can ignore them.

procedure icon  To Install the Solaris OS on the SC

1. Install the Solaris OS, if it has not already been installed on the SC for you.

Refer to the appropriate Solaris installation guide for instructions. Make sure that you:

a. Install the proper release of the Solaris OS, including patches (see SC Software Requirements).

Without the proper version and patches, the availability daemons on the SC will not start, causing SMS daemon startup failures and an unusable SC.

b. Select the Entire Distribution group of the OS.

c. Select the English, C, locale. On the SC, SMS 1.6 does not support any Solaris OS locale other than English.

2. Verify that Javatrademark 1.2.2 software has been installed in the default directory.

The default directory is /usr/java1.2/bin/java. If you are using the Sun Fire Interconnect software and Java 1.2.2 software is not installed in the default directory, SMS does not start.

Note - After installing Java 1.2.2 software, be sure to stop and restart SMS.

procedure icon  To Download SMS 1.6 Software From the Web

Note - You can choose between SMS 1.6 software for Solaris 9 OS and SMS 1.6 software for Solaris 10 OS. You can install only the SMS 1.6 software for Solaris 9 OS on a system controller running the Solaris 9 OS; you can install only the SMS 1.6 software for Solaris 10 OS on a system controller running the Solaris 10 OS. Otherwise, the installation fails.

1. Using your web browser, go to http://www.sun.com/servers/sw/

2. Select the System Management Services (SMS) link.

3. Select the correct SMS 1.6 software to download depending on the Solaris OS you are running:

4. Log in to the SC as superuser.

5. Change directory to the location where you downloaded the software.

sc:# cd /download_directory

6. Extract the downloaded file, depending on which operating system you are using.

sc:# unzip SMS-1_6-S9-sparc.zip


sc:# unzip SMS-1_6-S10-sparc.zip

After the file is extracted, the SMS 1.6 packages are located in /download_directory/sms_1_6_sparc/System_Management_Services_1.6/Product.

Note - The smsinstall script and smsupgrade script are located in the directory /download_directory/sms_1_6_sparc/System_Management_Services_1.6/Tools. You should use the scripts located in this directory, not the scripts that might already be installed in /opt/SUNWSMS/bin, to run the upgrade and installation processes.

procedure icon  To Install SMS Software

1. Log in to the SC as superuser.

2. Change directory to the location of the smsinstall script.

sc:# cd /download_directory/sms_1_6_sparc/System_Management_Services_1.6/Tools

The smsinstall script automates many of the steps in the installation process.

3. Begin the installation process by running the smsinstall(1M) script.

sc:# ./smsinstall directory_name

where directory_name represents the directory (/download_directory/sms_1_6_sparc/System_Management_Services_1.6/Product) into which the SMS packages were downloaded (see To Download SMS 1.6 Software From the Web).

The Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 package is installed. A message similar to this is displayed.

The following package is currently installed:
  SUNWjass        Solaris Security Toolkit
                  (Solaris) 4.2

The script installs the SMS packages. Messages similar to this are displayed.

Installing SMS packages. Please wait...
pkgadd -n -d "../Product" -a /tmp/smsinstall.admin.24308 SUNWscdvr.u
Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Installation of <SUNWscdvr> was successful.
Verifying that all SMS packages are installed.OK
Setting up /etc/init.d/sms run control script for SMS 1.6
Setting up /etc/init.d/zoedsms run control script for SMS 1.6
Attempting to restart daemon picld
/etc/init.d/picld stop
/etc/init.d/picld start

Note - The smsinstall(1M) script automatically installs the SMS man pages in the directory /opt/SUNWSMS/man/sman1m. To avoid conflicts, do not change this location.

4. Conclude the installation process.

After installing the SMS packages, the script begins the hardening process.

Running Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 hardening on System Controller.
[NOTE] The following prompt can be disabled by setting JASS_NOVICE_USER to 0.
[WARN] Depending on how the Solaris Security Toolkit is configured, it is both possible and likely that by default all remote shell and file transfer access to this system will be disabled upon reboot effectively locking out any user without console access to the system.
Are you sure that you want to continue? (YES/NO) [YES]
[NOTE] Executing driver, server-secure.driver
Solaris Security Toolkit hardening step executed successfully on the System Controller but it will not take effect until the next reboot.
Before rebooting, please make sure SSH or the serial line is setup for use after the reboot.
smsinstall complete. Log file is /var/sadm/system/logs/smsinstall.

Note - Although the smsinstall script displays a YES/NO prompt asking whether you want to continue, you do not need to respond to the prompt. The script automatically continues the hardening process.

5. Before you reboot, if you want someone to be able to log in to an SC remotely, you must make a change in your /etc/hosts.allow file in the Solaris Security Toolkit.

Note - Once you reboot and the hardening takes effect, you cannot log in to an SC remotely.

sshd: LOCAL

sshd: ALL

sshd: spare-sc1

The line in the file for the spare SC should read:

sshd: main-sc0

For more information about the /etc/hosts.allow file, refer to the Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 Reference Manual.

procedure icon  To Install Patches on the SC

SMS patches are available at http://sunsolve.sun.com.

Before you install patches for your SMS software, follow these guidelines and notify the affected administrators if necessary.

Complete any domain, board, or configuration changes before you begin patch installation.

Read all patch instructions (included with the patch) carefully before attempting to install a patch. Instructions in the patch procedure could preempt these instructions.

1. Log in to the SC with platform administrator privileges.

2. Install any patches on both SCs.

procedure icon  To Configure the Management Network

1. In the procedure, you use the smsconfig script to create the network configuration for your SCs.

2. Read and fill out the information in the site planning guide for your Sun Fire high-end system.

Note - You can exclude a domain from the I1 network configuration by using the word NONE as the net_id. This applies only to the I1 network.

3. Log in to the SC as superuser.

4. Type the following to display, review, or change the MAN settings.

sc:# /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/smsconfig -m

5. Answer the questions based on the information gathered for your site in the site planning guide for your system.

The following example shows IPv4 and accepts the default settings included with your version of the Solaris OS.

caution icon

Caution - The IP addresses shown in the following example are examples only. Refer to your site planning guide for valid IP addresses for your network. Using invalid network IP addresses could render your system unbootable under certain conditions.

Note - The IP addresses on the external network for failover, eri0 and eri3, must be unique on each SC. The floating IP address is the same on both SCs.

For more information on the smsconfig -m command, refer to the "MAN Configuration" section of the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide and the smsconfig man page.

sc:# ./smsconfig -m
The platform name identifies the entire host machine to the SMS
 software. The platform name occupies a different name space than
 domain names (hostnames of bootable systems). 
What is the name of the platform this SMS will service [sun15]? sun15
Configuring the External Network for Community C1
Do you want to define this Community? [y,n] y
Two network interfaces controllers (NICs) are required for IPMP network failover.
Enter NICs associated with community C1 [eri0 eri3]: [Return]
Enter hostname for eri0 [sun15-sc1-eri0]:[Return]
Enter IP address for eri0:
Enter hostname for eri3 [sun15-sc1-eri3]:[Return]
Enter IP address for sun15-sc1-eri3:
The Logical/Floating IP hostname and address will "float" over to
whichever system controller (SC0 or SC1) is acting as the main SC.
Enter Logical/Floating IP hostname for community C1 [sun15-sc-C1]:[Return]
Enter IP address for sun15-sc-C1:
Enter Netmask for community C1:
Enter hostname for community C1 failover address [sun15-sc1-C1-failover]:[Return]
Enter IP address for sun15-sc1-C1-failover:
Hostname                IP Address (platform=sun15)
--------                ----------
Do you want to accept these network settings? [y,n] y
Configuring the External Network for Community C2
Do you want to define this Community? [y,n] n
Configuring I1 Management Network - `I1' is the Domain to SC MAN.
MAN I1 Network Identification
Enter the IP network number (base address) for the I1 network:
Enter the netmask for the I1 MAN network []:[Return]
Hostname        IP Address (platform=sun15)
--------        ----------
Do you want to accept these network settings? [y,n] y
Configuring I2 Management Network - 'I2' is for SC to SC MAN.
MAN I2 Network Identification
Enter the IP network number (base address) for the I2 network:
Enter the netmask for the I2 MAN network []:[Return] 
Hostname           IP Address   (platform=sun15)
--------           ----------   
Do you want to accept these settings? [y,n] y
Creating /.rhosts to facilitate file propagation...done 
MAN Network configuration modified!
Changes will take effect on next reboot.
The following changes are about to be applied to the "/etc/hosts" hosts file.
ADD:   sun15-a #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:   sun15-b #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:   sun15-c #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:   sun15-d #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:   sun15-e #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:   sun15-f #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:   sun15-g #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:   sun15-h #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:  sun15-i #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:  sun15-j #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:  sun15-k #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:  sun15-l #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:  sun15-m #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:  sun15-n #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:  sun15-o #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:  sun15-p #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:  sun15-q #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:  sun15-r #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:   sun15-sc-i1 #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:  sun15-sc-C1 #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:  sun15-sc1-C1-failover #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:  sun15-sc1-eri0 #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:  sun15-sc1-eri3 #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:   sun15-sc0-i2 #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:   sun15-sc1-i2 #smsconfig-entry#
Update the hosts file, "/etc/hosts", with these changes? [y,n] y
Hosts file "/etc/hosts" has been updated.
The following information is about to be applied to the "/etc/netmasks" file.
ADD network:, mask:
ADD network:, mask:
ADD network:, mask:
Update the netmasks file, "/etc/netmasks", with these changes? [y,n] y
Netmasks files "etc/netmasks" has been updated.
smsconfig complete. Log file is /var/sadm/system/logs/smsconfig

Note - Any changes made to the network configuration on one SC using smsconfig -m must be made to the other SC as well. Network configuration is not automatically propagated.

6. Edit the /etc/nsswitch.conf file.

The first entry for password, group, hosts, netmasks, and ethers should be files. To the right of files, list other naming services in use, such as nis or DNS, as in the following example.

sc: # vi /etc/nsswitch.conf
passwd:      files nis
group:       files nis
hosts:       files nis
netmasks:    files nis
ethers:      files nis

Note - smsconfig automatically updates the /etc/netmasks and the /etc/inet/hosts file with all the private host names and logical addresses for the SC.

7. Update your Solaris OS naming software, such as NIS, NIS+, or DNS, as needed.

procedure icon  To Set Up Users and Groups

Note - You must add users and groups to both the main and spare SCs. Perform the following procedure twice, once for each SC.

The SMS user group IDs are created during initial installation. For a complete list of the user group IDs, see TABLE 4-1.

1. Log in as superuser.

2. Type the following command for each user you want to add.

sc0:# /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/smsconfig -a -u username -G groupname domain_id|platform


For example, to add a user to the dmnaadmn group with access to domain A directories, type the following.

sc0: # /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/smsconfig -a -u fdjones -G admn a 
fdjones has been added to the dmnaadmn group
All privileges to domain a have been applied.

Note - Do not manually add users from SMS groups in the /etc/group file. This can limit or deny access to users.

3. To list SMS groups and administrative privileges, use the following command.

sc0: # /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/smsconfig -l domain_id|platform

For example, to display all users with platform privileges, type the following.

sc0: # /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/smsconfig -l platform

procedure icon  To Record the Chassis Serial Number on the Main SC

You can skip this procedure if you are installing on the spare SC. You need to record the chassis serial number (CSN) only on the main SC. The chassis serial number is a unique alphanumeric text string, up to 20 characters in length, that identifies a Sun Fire high-end system. This serial number is displayed on a label located on the front of the system chassis, near the bottom center.

Note - SMS must be running before you can record the chassis serial number.

1. Log in to the main SC as a user with platadm privileges.

2. Determine whether the centerplane is powered on by typing the following command.

sc0:sms-user:> /opt/SUNWsms/bin/showboards -v | grep CS
CS0 On - - -
CS1 On - - -

3. Use the showplatform -p csn command to list the chassis serial number.

If a chassis serial number was previously recorded, it is displayed in the output as shown in the following example.

sc0:sms-user:> /opt/SUNWsms/bin/showplatform -p csn
Chassis Serial Number: 353A00053

4. Record the chassis serial number.

sc0:sms-user:> /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/setcsn -c chassis_serial_number

where the chassis_serial_number is the number that identifies your Sun Fire high-end system. You obtain the chassis serial number from a label on the front of the system chassis, near the bottom center.

procedure icon  To Enable the Alternate Break Sequence

To facilitate failover in SMS, the default sequence to stop the system [Stop-A] has been changed to the following alternate: [Return] [~] [Control-B]. Use this procedure to enable the alternate break sequence.

1. Log in to the SC as superuser.

2. In the /etc/default/kbd file, uncomment the following line:


This takes effect when you reboot the SC. For more information about the Alternate Break Sequence, see Using the Alternate Break Sequence.

procedure icon  To Reboot the System Controller

Rebooting the SC enables the automatic hardening that you set up when you installed the SMS software.

1. Log in to the SC as superuser and change to the OpenBoot PROM prompt.

sc:# su -
password: superuser_passwd
sc:# shutdown -y -g0 -i0
...[system message]

2. Reboot the SC.

ok boot -rv 

procedure icon  To Upgrade the SC Flash PROMs

You must have platform (platadm) privileges to run the flashupdate(1M) command.

1. Log in to the SC as a user with platadmn privileges.

2. Use flashupdate to upgrade the fp0 flash PROM.

sc:sms-user:> flashupdate -f /opt/SUNWSMS/firmware/SCOBPimg.di sc0/fp0

3. Use flashupdate again to upgrade the fp1 flash PROM, using the appropriate image for the type of board.

For more information on the flashupdate(1M) command, refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual or the flashupdate man page.

4. Log in to the SC as superuser and change to the OpenBoot PROM prompt.

sc:# su -
password: superuser_passwd
sc:# shutdown -y -g0 -i0
...[system message]

5. Reboot the SC.

ok boot -rv 

procedure icon  To Finish the Setup Process

procedure icon  To Upgrade the System Board Flash PROMs

You must have platform privileges to run the flashupdate(1M) command.

1. Log in to the main SC as a user with platadmn privileges.

2. Use flashupdate to upgrade the CPU flash PROMs in a domain.

The location argument can be either of the following:



Specify the FPROM_id only when you want to update a particular FPROM (FP0 or FP1) on a system board. These are the possible values for board_loc, provided an I/O slot is occupied by an MCPU board:

Sun Fire 15K/E25K

Sun Fire 12K/E20K





The following FPROM_id forms are accepted for all platforms:

FP0, FP1

For example, the location SB4/FP0 indicates the FPROM 0 on the CPU board in slot 4.

3. Perform a system power-on self-test (POST) control application, hpost, per board with a dynamic reconfiguration operation to make the new firmware active on system boards.

caution icon

Caution - Doing a reboot will not activate the new firmware. Use the setkeyswitch(1M) command to activate the firmware.

procedure icon  To Enable Failover

1. Log in to the SC as a user with platadmn privileges.

2. Turn on failover.

sc:sms-user:> /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/setfailover on

3. Verify that failover is working.

sc:sms-user:> /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/showfailover -v
SC Failover Status: ACTIVATING
sc:sms-user:> /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/showfailover -v
SC Failover status: ACTIVE

After you issue the setfailover command, the SCs begin to synchronize. While the main SC synchronizes with the spare SC, the failover status reads ACTIVATING. Once the synchronization is complete, the status reads ACTIVE.

Restoring Previously Installed Versions of the Solaris OS and SMS Software

TABLE 3-2 shows the sequence of procedures to restore previously installed versions of Solaris OS and SMS, such as after a hardware failure and the spare SC is down. Perform the procedures in the sequence shown in the table on the spare SC. The sections following TABLE 3-2 are in the order that the procedures should be performed. Each procedure contains the page number where that specific procedure can be found in this document.

TABLE 3-2 Restoring the Same Versions of the Solaris OS and SMS Software

Spare SC

1. To Install the Previously Installed Solaris OS on the Spare SC

2. To Install the Previously Installed Version of SMS on the Spare SC

3. To Restore the SMS Configuration on the Spare SC

4. To Install Any SMS Patches on the Spare SC

5. To Configure the Management Network

6. To Set Up Users and Groups

7. To Enable the Alternate Break Sequence

8. To Reboot the Spare SC

procedure icon  To Install the Previously Installed Solaris OS on the Spare SC

1. Install the previously installed Solaris OS you had on the spare SC.

Refer to the appropriate Solaris installation guide for instructions. Make sure that you:

a. Install the proper release of the Solaris OS, including patches (see SC Software Requirements).

Without the proper version and patches, the availability daemons on the SC do not start, causing SMS daemon startup failures and an unusable SC.

b. Select the Entire Distribution group of the OS.

c. Select the English, C, locale.

On the SC, SMS 1.6 does not support any Solaris locale other than English.

2. Verify that Java 1.2.2 software has been installed in the default directory. Type the following command.

sc:# java -version

The default directory is /usr/java1.2/bin/java. If you are using the Sun Fire Interconnect and Java 1.2.2 software is not installed in the default directory, SMS does not start.

Note - After installing Java 1.2.2 software, be sure to stop and restart SMS.

procedure icon  To Install the Previously Installed Version of SMS on the Spare SC

1. Log in to the spare SC as superuser.

2. Change directory to the location of the smsinstall script.

sc1:# cd /download_directory/sms_1_6_sparc/System_Management_Services_1.6/Tools

The smsinstall script automates many of the steps in the installation process.

3. Begin the installation process by running the smsinstall(1M) command.

sc1:# ./smsinstall directory_name

where directory_name represents the directory (/download_directory/sms_1_6_sparc/System_Management_Services_1.6/Product) into which the SMS packages were downloaded (see To Download SMS 1.6 Software From the Web).

The Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 package is installed. A message similar to this one is displayed.

The following package is currently installed:
  SUNWjass        Solaris Security Toolkit
                  (Solaris) 4.2

The script installs the SMS packages.

Installing SMS packages. Please wait...
pkgadd -n -d "../Product" -a /tmp/smsinstall.admin.24308 SUNWscdvr.u
Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Installation of <SUNWscdvr> was successful.
Verifying that all SMS packages are installed.OK
Setting up /etc/init.d/sms run control script for SMS 1.6
Setting up /etc/init.d/zoedsms run control script for SMS 1.6
Attempting to restart daemon picld
/etc/init.d/picld stop
/etc/init.d/picld start

Note - The smsinstall(1M) script automatically installs the SMS man pages in the directory /opt/SUNWSMS/man/sman1m. To avoid conflicts, do not change this location.

4. Conclude the installation process.

After installing the SMS packages, the script begins the hardening process.

Running Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 hardening on System Controller.
[NOTE] The following prompt can be disabled by setting JASS_NOVICE_USER to 0.
[WARN] Depending on how the Solaris Security Toolkit is configured, it is both possible and likely that by default all remote shell and file transfer access to this system will be disabled upon reboot effectively locking out any user without console access to the system.
Are you sure that you want to continue? (YES/NO) [YES]
[NOTE] Executing driver, server-secure.driver
Solaris Security Toolkit hardening step executed successfully on the System Controller but it will not take effect until the next reboot.
Before rebooting, please make sure SSH or the serial line is setup for use after the reboot.
smsinstall complete. Log file is /var/sadm/system/logs/smsinstall.

Note - Although the smsinstall script displays a YES/NO prompt asking you to continue, you do not need to respond to the prompt. The script automatically continues the hardening process.

5. Before you reboot, if you want someone to be able to log in to an SC remotely, you must make a change in your /etc/hosts.allow file in the Solaris Security Toolkit.

Note - Once you reboot and the hardening takes effect, you cannot log in to an SC remotely.

sshd: LOCAL

sshd: ALL

sshd: spare-sc1

The line in the file for the spare SC should read:

sshd: main-sc0

For more information about the /etc/hosts.allow file, refer to the Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 Reference Manual.

procedure icon  To Restore the SMS Configuration on the Spare SC

single-step bulletRun smsrestore on the smsbackup file.

sc1:# /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/smsrestore filename

where filename is the absolute path to the backup file that was created by smsbackup(1M). The filename must contain the full path name for the file. This file can reside anywhere on the system, connected network, or tape device. If no filename is specified, you receive an error.

procedure icon  To Install Any SMS Patches on the Spare SC

SMS patches are available at http://sunsolve.sun.com.

Before you install patches for your SMS software, follow these guidelines and notify the affected administrators if necessary.

Complete any domain, board, or configuration changes before you begin patch installation.

Read all patch instructions (included with the patch) carefully before attempting to install a patch. Instructions in the patch procedure could preempt these instructions.

1. Log in to the spare SC with platform administrator privileges.

2. Install any patches on the spare SC.

procedure icon  To Configure the Management Network

1. In the procedure, you use the smsconfig script to create the network configuration for your spare SC.

2. Read and fill out the information in the site planning guide for your Sun Fire high-end system.

Note - You can exclude a domain from the I1 network configuration by using the word NONE as the net_id. This applies only to the I1 network.

3. Log in to the spare SC as superuser.

4. Type the following to display, review, or change the MAN settings.

sc1:# /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/smsconfig -m

5. Answer the questions based on the information gathered for your site in the site planning guide for your system.

The following example shows IPv4 and accepts the default settings included with your version of the Solaris OS.

caution icon

Caution - The IP addresses shown in the following example are examples only. Refer to your site planning guide for valid IP addresses for your network. Using invalid network IP addresses could render your system unbootable under certain conditions.

Note - The IP addresses on the external network for failover, eri0 and eri3, must be unique on each SC. The floating IP address is the same on both SCs.

For more information on the smsconfig -m command, refer to the "MAN Configuration" section of the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Administrator Guide and the smsconfig man page.

sc1:# ./smsconfig -m
The platform name identifies the entire host machine to the SMS
 software. The platform name occupies a different name space than
 domain names (hostnames of bootable systems). 
What is the name of the platform this SMS will service [sun15]? sun15
Configuring the External Network for Community C1
Do you want to define this Community? [y,n] y
Two network interfaces controllers (NICs) are required for IPMP network failover.
Enter NICs associated with community C1 [eri0 eri3]: [Return]
Enter hostname for eri0 [sun15-sc1-eri0]:[Return]
Enter IP address for eri0:
Enter hostname for eri3 [sun15-sc1-eri3]:[Return]
Enter IP address for sun15-sc1-eri3:
The Logical/Floating IP hostname and address will "float" over to
whichever system controller (SC0 or SC1) is acting as the main SC.
Enter Logical/Floating IP hostname for community C1 [sun15-sc-C1]:[Return]
Enter IP address for sun15-sc-C1:
Enter Netmask for community C1:
Enter hostname for community C1 failover address [sun15-sc1-C1-failover]:[Return]
Enter IP address for sun15-sc1-C1-failover:
Hostname                IP Address (platform=sun15)
--------                ----------
Do you want to accept these network settings? [y,n] y
Configuring the External Network for Community C2
Do you want to define this Community? [y,n] n
Configuring I1 Management Network - `I1' is the Domain to SC MAN.
MAN I1 Network Identification
Enter the IP network number (base address) for the I1 network:
Enter the netmask for the I1 MAN network []:[Return]
Hostname        IP Address (platform=sun15)
--------        ----------
Do you want to accept these network settings? [y,n] y
Configuring I2 Management Network - 'I2' is for SC to SC MAN.
MAN I2 Network Identification
Enter the IP network number (base address) for the I2 network:
Enter the netmask for the I2 MAN network []:[Return] 
Hostname           IP Address   (platform=sun15)
--------           ----------   
Do you want to accept these settings? [y,n] y
Creating /.rhosts to facilitate file propagation...done 
MAN Network configuration modified!
Changes will take effect on next reboot.
The following changes are about to be applied to the "/etc/hosts" hosts file.
ADD:   sun15-a #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:   sun15-b #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:   sun15-c #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:   sun15-d #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:   sun15-e #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:   sun15-f #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:   sun15-g #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:   sun15-h #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:  sun15-i #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:  sun15-j #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:  sun15-k #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:  sun15-l #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:  sun15-m #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:  sun15-n #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:  sun15-o #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:  sun15-p #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:  sun15-q #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:  sun15-r #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:   sun15-sc-i1 #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:  sun15-sc-C1 #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:  sun15-sc1-C1-failover #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:  sun15-sc1-eri0 #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:  sun15-sc1-eri3 #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:   sun15-sc0-i2 #smsconfig-entry#
ADD:   sun15-sc1-i2 #smsconfig-entry#
Update the hosts file, "/etc/hosts", with these changes? [y,n] y
Hosts file "/etc/hosts" has been updated.
The following information is about to be applied to the "/etc/netmasks" file.
ADD network:, mask:
ADD network:, mask:
ADD network:, mask:
Update the netmasks file, "/etc/netmasks", with these changes? [y,n] y
Netmasks files "etc/netmasks" has been updated.
smsconfig complete. Log file is /var/sadm/system/logs/smsconfig

Note - Any changes made to the network configuration on one SC using smsconfig -m must be made to the other SC as well. Network configuration is not automatically propagated.

6. Edit the /etc/nsswitch.conf file.

The first entry for password, group, hosts, netmasks, and ethers should be files. To the right of files, list other naming services in use, such as nis or DNS, as in the following example.

sc1: # vi /etc/nsswitch.conf
passwd:      files nis
group:       files nis
hosts:       files nis
netmasks:    files nis
ethers:      files nis

Note - smsconfig automatically updates the /etc/netmasks and the /etc/inet/hosts file with all the private host names and logical addresses for the SC.

7. Update your Solaris OS naming software, such as NIS, NIS+, or DNS, as appropriate.

procedure icon  To Set Up Users and Groups

The SMS user group IDs are created during initial installation. For a complete list of the user group IDs, see TABLE 4-1.

1. Log in to the spare SC as superuser.

2. Type the following command for each user you want to add.

sc1:# /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/smsconfig -a -u username -G groupname domain_id|platform


For example, to add a user to the dmnaadmn group with access to domain A directories, type the following.

sc1: # /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/smsconfig -a -u fdjones -G admn a 
fdjones has been added to the dmnaadmn group
All privileges to domain a have been applied.

Note - Do not manually add users from SMS groups in the /etc/group file. This can limit or deny access to users.

3. To list SMS groups and administrative privileges, use the following command.

sc1: # /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/smsconfig -l domain_id|platform

For example, to display all users with platform privileges, type the following.

sc1: # /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/smsconfig -l platform

procedure icon  To Enable the Alternate Break Sequence

To facilitate failover in SMS, the default sequence to stop the system [Stop-A] has been changed to the following alternate: [Return] [~] [Control-B]. Use this procedure to enable the alternate break sequence.

1. Log in to the spare SC as superuser.

2. In the /etc/default/kbd file, uncomment the following line:


This takes effect when you reboot the spare SC. For more information about the Alternate Break Sequence, see Using the Alternate Break Sequence.

procedure icon  To Reboot the Spare SC

Rebooting the SC enables the automatic hardening that you set up when you installed the SMS software.

1. Log in to the spare SC as superuser and change to the OpenBoot PROM prompt.

sc1:# su -
password: superuser_passwd
sc1:# shutdown -y -g0 -i0
...[system message]

2. Reboot the spare SC.

ok boot -rv 

Upgrading SMS Software to Version 1.6

TABLE 3-3 shows the sequence of procedures to upgrade a previous version of SMS software to version 1.6. You use the smsupgrade command to upgrade the SMS software in these instances:

The smsupgrade script automatically backs up and restores the SMS environment during the upgrade process.

If you already have SMS 1.6 software installed and you want to upgrade the Solaris OS on the SCs to a minor release (for example, you want to upgrade from Solaris 9 4/04 OS to Solaris 9 9/04 OS), you do not need to upgrade your SMS software. You can back up the SMS environment, upgrade the Solaris OS, and then restore the SMS environment. See Manually Backing Up and Restoring the SMS 1.6 Environment for instructions.

procedure icon  To Do Before Starting the Upgrade

Before you begin the upgrade procedure, do these tasks.

1. Gather the superuser passwords for both SCs.

2. Be sure you have platadmn privileges to both SCs.

3. On both SCs, determine the directory into which you will download the SMS software from the web.

4. Ensure that the SC data is synchronized between the two SCs by typing this command on the main SC.

sc0:# /opt/SUNWsms/bin/setdatasync backup

5. Ensure that both SC clocks are phase-locked. You can do this by looking at the most recent messages in the platform logs, which say whether the SC clocks are locked or not.

Note - During installation, or whenever the other SC is at the OpenBoot PROM prompt or not running SMS, you might see "SC clocks NOT phase locked" messages in the platform log. You can ignore them.

6. Before installing the SMS 1.6 packages, make sure that you have serial or console access to the SC or have Secure Shell (ssh) available on the SC.

After you install SMS 1.6 and reboot the SC, the hardening performed by the smsinstall script disables remote access.

Note - If you are using ssh on the SC, you must change the ssh escape character to avoid conflict with the SMS console. See Changing the ssh Escape Character for more information.

7. Gather the following publications before you start the installation or upgrade:

8. Check the Solaris (SPARC Platform Edition) Release Notes and the Solaris Release Notes Supplement for Sun Hardware for your version of the Solaris OS, the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Release Notes, and http://sunsolve.sun.com for the latest information on issues, late-breaking news, and patch availability.

9. Refer to the site planning guide for your Sun Fire system when reconfiguring your MAN.

You need the following information from your worksheets:

10. Install the release-appropriate Solaris patch cluster available at http://sunsolve.sun.com, to ensure that SMS runs properly. Apply any patches to the Solaris OS before reinstalling or upgrading the SMS software.

procedure icon  To Start the Upgrade

TABLE 3-3 shows the upgrade process for both the main SC (SC0) and the spare SC (SC1). Perform the procedures in the sequence shown in the table. The sections following the figure are in the order that the procedures should be performed. Each procedure contains the page number where that specific procedure can be found in this document.

TABLE 3-3 Upgrading SMS Software to Version 1.6

Main SC

Spare SC

1. To Unharden the Main SC


2. To Disable Failover on the Main SC


3. To Back Up the SMS Environment on the Main SC



4. To Unharden the Spare SC


5. To Back Up the SMS Environment on the Spare SC


6. To Upgrade the Solaris OS on the Spare SC (Optional)


7. To Download SMS 1.6 Software From the Web for the Spare SC


8. To Remove the Solaris Security Toolkit from the Spare SC If You Have a Previous Package


9. To Upgrade SMS Software on the Spare SC


10. To Install Any SMS Patches on the Spare SC


11. To Manually Harden the Spare SC


12. To Switch Control to the Spare SC


13. To Upgrade the Spare SC Flash PROMs


14. To Reboot the Spare System Controller

15. To Upgrade the Solaris OS on the Main SC (Optional)


16. To Download SMS 1.6 Software From the Web for the Main SC


17. To Remove the Solaris Security Toolkit from the Main SC If You Have a Previous Package


18. To Upgrade SMS Software on the Main SC


19. To Install Any SMS Patches on the Main SC


20. To Manually Harden the Main SC


21. To Reboot the Main System Controller


22. To Upgrade the Main SC Flash PROMs


23. To Switch Control Back to the Main SC


24. To Enable Failover


25. To Upgrade the System Board Flash PROMs


procedure icon  To Unharden the Main SC

To undo the hardening manually, perform the following procedure.

1. Log in to the main SC as superuser.

2. Type the following command at the sc prompt to undo the hardening.

(Both the smsinstall and the smsupgrade scripts install the Solaris Security Toolkit in /opt/SUNWjass/.)

sc1:# /opt/SUNWjass/bin/jass-execute -u

The system prompts you to select a hardening operation (called a Solaris Security Toolkit run) to undo.

[xc8p13-sc0/] /opt/SUNWjass/bin/jass-execute -u
[NOTE] Executing driver, undo.driver
Please select a Solaris Security Toolkit run to restore through:
1.  December 20, 2005 at 11:01:30 (/var/opt/SUNWjass/run/20041220110130)
Choice ('q' to exit)?  1
[NOTE] Restoring to previous run from /var/opt/SUNWjass/run/20041220110130

3. Type the number of the run you want to undo at the CHOICE (`q' to exit)? prompt.

For more information about using the Solaris Security Toolkit, refer to the Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 Administration Guide or the Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 Reference Manual.

procedure icon  To Disable Failover on the Main SC

Before you disable failover on the main SC, be sure SMS is running and your configuration remains stable. No commands should be active and no hardware should be changed during the reinstallation process.

1. Log in to the main SC as a user with platadmn privileges.

2. Disable failover by typing the following command.

sc0:sms-user:> /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/setfailover off 

procedure icon  To Back Up the SMS Environment on the Main SC

Note - The smsupgrade script automatically backs up and restores the SMS environment during the upgrade process. However, your system is more secure if you perform your own manual backup here also.

If you have a recent SMS backup file, you do not have to perform this procedure. Note, however, that the sms_backup.X.X.cpio file of one SC cannot be used by the other SC. They are SC-specific files and are not interchangeable.

1. Log in to the main SC (sc0) as superuser.

2. Stop SMS.

sc0:# /etc/init.d/sms stop 

3. Back up the SMS environment.

Run smsbackup or have the latest copy of the smsbackup file (sms_backup.X.X.cpio) accessible to the disk.

Note - The sms_backup.X.X.cpio file of one SC cannot be used by the other SC. They are SC-specific files and are not interchangeable.

sc0:# /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/smsbackup directory_name 

where directory_name is the name of the directory in which the backup file is created. This file can reside in any directory on the system, connected network, or tape device to which you have read/write privileges. If you do not specify a directory_name, the backup file is created in /var/tmp.

The directory_name you specify must be mounted as a UNIX file system (UFS). Specifying a temporary file system (TMPFS), such as /tmp, causes smsbackup to fail.

If you are not certain that your directory_name is mounted as a UFS, type the following command.

sc0:# /usr/bin/df -F ufs directory_name

A UFS returns directory information. Any other type of file system returns a warning.

caution icon

Caution - Before you upgrade the Solaris OS on the SC or run smsupgrade, be sure that SMS is stopped.

4. Start SMS on the main SC.

procedure icon  To Unharden the Spare SC

To undo the hardening manually, perform the following procedure.

1. Log in to the spare SC as superuser.

2. Type the following command at the sc prompt to undo the hardening.

(Both the smsinstall and the smsupgrade scripts install the Solaris Security Toolkit in /opt/SUNWjass/.)

sc1:# /opt/SUNWjass/bin/jass-execute -u

The system prompts you to select a hardening operation (called a Solaris Security Toolkit run) to undo.

[xc8p13-sc0/] /opt/SUNWjass/bin/jass-execute -u
[NOTE] Executing driver, undo.driver
Please select a Solaris Security Toolkit run to restore through:
1.  December 20, 2005 at 11:01:30 (/var/opt/SUNWjass/run/20041220110130)
Choice ('q' to exit)?  1
[NOTE] Restoring to previous run from /var/opt/SUNWjass/run/20041220110130

3. Type the number of the run you want to undo at the CHOICE (`q' to exit)? prompt.

For more information about using the Solaris Security Toolkit, refer to the Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 Administration Guide or the Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 Reference Manual.

procedure icon  To Back Up the SMS Environment on the Spare SC

Note - smsupgrade automatically backs up and restores the SMS environment during the upgrade process. However, your system is more secure if you perform your own manual backup here also.v

If you have a recent SMS backup file, you do not have to perform this procedure. Note, however, that the sms_backup.X.X.cpio file of one SC cannot be used by the other SC. They are SC-specific files and are not interchangeable.

1. Log in to the spare SC (sc1) as superuser.

2. Stop SMS.

sc1:# /etc/init.d/sms stop 

3. Back up the SMS environment.

Run smsbackup or have the latest copy of the smsbackup file (sms_backup.X.X.cpio) accessible to the disk.

Note - The sms_backup.X.X.cpio file of one SC cannot be used by the other SC. They are SC-specific files and are not interchangeable.

sc1:# /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/smsbackup directory_name 

where directory_name is the name of the directory in which the backup file is created. This file can reside in any directory on the system, connected network, or tape device to which you have read/write privileges. If you do not specify a directory_name, the backup file is created in /var/tmp.

The directory_name you specify must be mounted as a UNIX file system (UFS). Specifying a temporary file system (TMPFS), such as /tmp, causes smsbackup to fail.

If you are not certain that your directory_name is mounted as a UFS, type the following command.

sc1:# /usr/bin/df -F ufs directory_name

A UFS returns directory information. Any other type of file system returns a warning.

procedure icon  To Upgrade the Solaris OS on the Spare SC (Optional)

This procedure is optional. If you do not want to upgrade the Solaris OS and you just want to upgrade the SMS software, skip this procedure. Proceed directly to To Download SMS 1.6 Software From the Web for the Spare SC.

caution icon

Caution - Before you upgrade the Solaris OS on the SC or run smsupgrade, be sure that SMS is stopped.

1. Upgrade the Solaris OS.

Refer to the appropriate Solaris installation guide for instructions. Make sure that you:

a. Install the proper release of the Solaris OS, including patches (see SC Software Requirements).

Without the proper version and patches, the availability daemons on the SC do not start, causing SMS daemon startup failures and an unusable SC.

b. Select the Entire Distribution group of the OS.

c. Select the English, C, locale.

On the SC, SMS 1.6 does not support any Solaris locale other than English.

2. Verify that Java 1.2.2 software has been installed in the default directory. Type the following command.

sc1:# java -version

The default directory is /usr/java1.2/bin/java. If you are using the Sun Fire Interconnect and Java 1.2.2 software is not installed in the default directory, SMS does not start.

Note - After installing Java 1.2.2 software, be sure to stop and restart SMS.

3. Install any recommended or required Solaris OS patches.

procedure icon  To Download SMS 1.6 Software From the Web for the Spare SC

Note - You can choose between SMS 1.6 software for Solaris 9 OS and SMS 1.6 software for Solaris 10 OS. You can install only the SMS 1.6 software for Solaris 9 OS on a system controller running the Solaris 9 OS; you can install only the SMS 1.6 software for Solaris 10 OS on a system controller running the Solaris 10 OS. Otherwise, the installation fails.

1. Using your web browser, go to:


2. Select the SMS 1.6 software to download depending on the Solaris OS you are running:

3. Log in to the spare SC (sc1) as superuser.

4. Change directory to the location where you downloaded the software.

sc1:# cd /download_directory

5. Extract the downloaded file.

sc1:# unzip SMS-1_6-S9-sparc.zip
sc1:# unzip SMS-1_6-S10-sparc.zip

After the file is extracted, the SMS 1.6 packages are located in /download_directory/sms_1_6_sparc/System_Management_Services_1.6/Product.

Note - The smsinstall script and smsupgrade script are located in the directory /download_directory/sms_1_6_sparc/System_Management_Services_1.6/Tools. Use the scripts located in this directory, not the scripts that might already be installed in /opt/SUNWSMS/bin, to run the upgrade and installation processes.

6. Download any recommended or required patches for SMS from:


procedure icon  To Remove the Solaris Security Toolkit from the Spare SC If You Have a Previous Package

1. Use the pkgrm command to remove the Solaris Security Toolkit package.

sc1% pkgrm SUNWjass

A message similar to this one is displayed for each package.

The following package is currently installed:
  SUNWjass        Solaris Security Toolkit
                  (Solaris) 4.1.1
Do you want to remove this package? 

2. To remove each package, enter y for Yes.

Here is an example. The message varies by package.

Do you want to remove this package? y
## Removing installed package instance <SUNWjass>
## Verifying package dependencies.
## Processing package information.

procedure icon To Upgrade SMS Software on the Spare SC

caution icon

Caution - Before you upgrade the Solaris OS on the SC or run smsupgrade, be sure that SMS is stopped.

1. Log in to the spare SC (sc1) as superuser.

2. Change directory to the location of the smsupgrade script.

sc1:# cd /download_directory/sms_1_6_sparc/System_Management_Services_1.6/Tools

Note - The smsupgrade(1M) script automatically installs the SMS man pages in the directory /opt/SUNWSMS/man/sman1m. To avoid conflicts, do not change this location.

3. Begin the upgrade process by running the smsupgrade(1M) script.

sc1:# ./smsupgrade directory_name

where directory_name represents the directory (/download_directory/sms_1_6_sparc/System_Management_Services_1.6/Product) into which the SMS packages were downloaded (see To Download SMS 1.6 Software From the Web for the Spare SC).

The smsupgrade script first backs up any existing SMS environment as in this example.

Attempting to stop daemon picld
/etc/init.d/picld stop
Verifying that all SMS packages are installed
Backing up SMS to /var/tmp/sms_backup.1.6.cpio before upgrade.  Please wait...
smsbackup /var/tmp
smsbackup: Backup configuration file created: /var/tmp/sms_backup.1.6.cpio
SMS backup complete.

Note - The name of the SMS backup file depends upon the version from which you are upgrading. In this example, the version is SMS 1.6.

After backing up the SMS environment, the smsupgrade script detects the version of the Solaris Security Toolkit previously installed on the SC. As with the smsinstall script, the result of the smsupgrade script depends on whether:

Each case is described below.

If the toolkit passes the integrity check, the upgrade process finishes automatically as described in Step 4. If the toolkit files have been damaged or modified, the script displays an error with instructions to remove the toolkit.

ERROR: /opt/SUNWjass/Drivers/user.init.SAMPLE
    file size <2467> expected <2474> actual
    file cksum <4574> expected <5119> actual
Failed integrity check for package SUNWjass. Please remove the package before continuing.

Note - If you are running Solaris 9 OS on your SC, and you already have Solaris Security Toolkit 4.1.1 on the SC, you can keep using that version.

If you receive an error message, take the following steps.

a. Remove the damaged or modified package.

i. Use the pkgrm command to remove the Solaris Security Toolkit package.

sc% pkgrm SUNWjass

A message similar to this one is displayed for each package.

The following package is currently installed:
  SUNWjass        Solaris Security Toolkit
                  (Solaris) 4.1.1
Do you want to remove this package? 

ii. To remove each package, enter y for Yes.

Here is an example. The message varies by package.

Do you want to remove this package? y
## Removing installed package instance <SUNWjass>
## Verifying package dependencies.
## Processing package information.

b. After removing the package, start smsupgrade again.

4. Conclude the upgrade process.

After verifying the integrity of the toolkit, the script installs the SMS packages.

Installing SMS packages. Please wait...
pkgadd -n -d "../Product" -a /tmp/smsinstall.admin.24308 SUNWscdvr.u
Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Installation of <SUNWscdvr> was successful.
Installation of <SUNWSMSr> was successful.

Note - The smsupgrade(1M) script automatically installs the SMS man pages in the directory /opt/SUNWSMS/man/sman1m. To avoid conflicts, do not change this location.

After installing the SMS 1.6 packages, the smsupgrade script restores the previous SMS environment and starts picld. The screen output includes instructions about manually hardening the SC.

Attempting to start daemon picld
/etc/init.d/picld start
Attempting to start zoed...
zoed started.
It is recommended to harden the System Controller after an SMS
upgrade. Execute the following to do this:
  1) /opt/SUNWjass/bin/jass-execute -q server-secure.driver
  2) Reboot the System Controller
Before rebooting, please make sure SSH or the serial or console line is setup for use after the reboot
smsupgrade complete. Log file is /var/sadm/system/logs/smsupgrade.

procedure icon  To Install Any SMS Patches on the Spare SC

SMS patches are available at http://sunsolve.sun.com.

Before you install patches for your SMS software, follow these guidelines and notify the affected administrators if necessary.

Complete any domain, board, or configuration changes before you begin patch installation.

Read all patch instructions (included with the patch) carefully before attempting to install a patch. Instructions in the patch procedure could preempt these instructions.

1. Log in to the spare SC (sc1) with platform administrator privileges.

2. Install any patches on the spare SC.

procedure icon  To Manually Harden the Spare SC

The smsupgrade command does not automatically harden the SC. To manually harden the SCs after upgrading SMS software, follow the instructions shown on the screen or in this section.

1. Log in to the spare SC as superuser.

sc1:# su -
password: superuser_passwd

2. Type the following command to harden.

sc1:# /opt/SUNWjass/bin/jass-execute -q -d server-secure.driver

Note - The -q (quiet) option suppresses verbose output from the system when you execute this command.

The system responds with the prompt Are you sure?

3. Type yes to proceed.

4. Before you reboot, if you want someone to be able to log in to an SC remotely, you must make a change in your /etc/hosts.allow file in the Solaris Security Toolkit.

Note - Once you reboot and the hardening takes effect, you cannot log into an SC remotely.

sshd: LOCAL

sshd: ALL

sshd: main-sc0

For more information about the /etc/hosts.allow file, refer to the Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 Reference Manual.

procedure icon  To Switch Control to the Spare SC

1. Log in to the main system controller (sc0) as superuser .

2. Stop SMS.

sc0:# /etc/init.d/sms stop 

3. Log in to the spare SC (sc1) and change to the OpenBoot PROM prompt.

sc1:# shutdown -y -g0 -i0
...[system message]

Note - Before rebooting, make sure you have serial or console access to the SC, or have ssh available on the SC. Starting with SMS 1.6 software, Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 software disables all remote access services except ssh on Solaris 9 OS.

If you are using ssh, you must change the ssh escape character to avoid conflict with the SMS console. See Changing the ssh Escape Character for more information.

4. Reboot the spare SC.

ok boot -rv

After you reboot the spare SC, SMS starts with the spare SC (sc1) acting as the main SC. However, this document continues to refer to SC0 as the main SC and SC1 as the spare SC.

This procedure assumes that smsconfig -m has already been run. If smsconfig -m has not been run, you receive the following error and SMS exits.

sms: smsconfig(1M) has not been run. Unable to start sms services.

procedure icon  To Upgrade the Spare SC Flash PROMs

You must have platform (platadm) privileges to run the flashupdate(1M) command.

1. Log in to the spare SC as a user with platadmn privileges.

2. Use flashupdate to upgrade the fp0 flash PROM.

sc1:sms-user:> flashupdate -f /opt/SUNWSMS/firmware/SCOBPimg.di sc1/fp0

3. Use flashupdate again to upgrade the fp1 flash PROM, using the appropriate image for the type of board.

For more information on the flashupdate(1M) command, refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual or the flashupdate man page.

procedure icon  To Reboot the Spare System Controller

1. Log in to the spare SC as superuser and change to the OpenBoot PROM prompt.

sc1:# su -
password: superuser_passwd
sc1:# shutdown -y -g0 -i0
...[system message]

2. Reboot the spare SC.

ok boot -rv 

procedure icon  To Upgrade the Solaris OS on the Main SC (Optional)

This procedure is optional. If you do not want to upgrade the Solaris OS and you just want to upgrade the SMS software, skip this procedure. Proceed directly to To Download SMS 1.6 Software From the Web for the Main SC.

caution icon

Caution - Before you upgrade the Solaris OS on the SC or run smsupgrade, be sure that SMS is stopped.

1. Upgrade the Solaris OS.

Refer to the appropriate Solaris installation guide for instructions. Make sure that you:

a. Install the proper release of the Solaris OS, including patches (see SC Software Requirements).

Without the proper version and patches, the availability daemons on the SC do not start, causing SMS daemon startup failures and an unusable SC.

b. Select the Entire Distribution group of the OS.

c. Select the English, C, locale.

On the SC, SMS 1.6 does not support any Solaris locale other than English.

2. Verify that Java 1.2.2 software has been installed in the default directory. Type the following command.

sc0:# java -version

The default directory is /usr/java1.2/bin/java. If you are using the Sun Fire Interconnect and Java 1.2.2 software is not installed in the default directory, SMS does not start.

Note - After installing Java 1.2.2 software, be sure to stop and restart SMS.

3. Install any required Solaris OS patches.

procedure icon  To Download SMS 1.6 Software From the Web for the Main SC

Note - You can choose between SMS 1.6 software for Solaris 9 OS and SMS 1.6 software for Solaris 10 OS. You can install only the SMS 1.6 software for Solaris 9 OS on a system controller running the Solaris 9 OS; you can install only the SMS 1.6 software for Solaris 10 OS on a system controller running the Solaris 10 OS. Otherwise, the installation fails.

1. Using your web browser, go to:


2. Select the SMS 1.6 software to download depending on the Solaris OS you are running:

3. Log in to the main SC (sc0) as superuser.

4. Change directory to the location where you downloaded the software.

sc0:# cd /download_directory

5. Extract the downloaded file.

sc0:# unzip SMS-1_6-S9-sparc.zip
sc0:# unzip SMS-1_6-S10-sparc.zip

After the file is extracted, the SMS 1.6 packages are located in /download_directory/sms_1_6_sparc/System_Management_Services_1.6/Product.

Note - The smsinstall script and smsupgrade script are located in the directory /download_directory/sms_1_6_sparc/System_Management_Services_1.6/Tools. Use the scripts located in this directory, not the scripts that might already be installed in /opt/SUNWSMS/bin, to run the upgrade and installation processes.

6. Download any recommended or required patches for SMS from:


procedure icon  To Remove the Solaris Security Toolkit from the Main SC If You Have a Previous Package

1. Use the pkgrm command to remove the Solaris Security Toolkit package.

sc0% pkgrm SUNWjass

A message similar to this one is displayed for each package.

The following package is currently installed:
  SUNWjass        Solaris Security Toolkit
                  (Solaris) 4.1.1
Do you want to remove this package? 

2. To remove each package, enter y for Yes.

Here is an example. The message varies by package.

Do you want to remove this package? y
## Removing installed package instance <SUNWjass>
## Verifying package dependencies.
## Processing package information.

procedure icon To Upgrade SMS Software on the Main SC

caution icon

Caution - Before you upgrade the Solaris OS on the SC or run smsupgrade, be sure that SMS is stopped.

1. Log in to the main SC (sc0) as superuser.

2. Change directory to the location of the smsupgrade script.

sc0:# cd /download_directory/sms_1_6_sparc/System_Management_Services_1.6/Tools

Note - The smsupgrade(1M) script automatically installs the SMS man pages in the directory /opt/SUNWSMS/man/sman1m. To avoid conflicts, do not change this location.

3. Begin the upgrade process by running the smsupgrade(1M) script.

sc0:# ./smsupgrade directory_name

where directory_name represents the directory (/download_directory/sms_1_6_sparc/System_Management_Services_1.6/Product) into which the SMS packages were downloaded (see To Download SMS 1.6 Software From the Web for the Main SC).

The smsupgrade script first backs up any existing SMS environment, as in this example.

Attempting to stop daemon picld
/etc/init.d/picld stop
Verifying that all SMS packages are installed
Backing up SMS to /var/tmp/sms_backup.1.6.cpio before upgrade.  Please wait...
smsbackup /var/tmp
smsbackup: Backup configuration file created: /var/tmp/sms_backup.1.6.cpio
SMS backup complete.

Note - The name of the SMS backup file depends upon the version from which you are upgrading. In this example, the version is SMS 1.6.

After backing up the SMS environment, the smsupgrade script detects the version of the Solaris Security Toolkit previously installed on the SC. As with the smsinstall script, the result of the smsupgrade script depends on whether:

Each case is described below.

If the toolkit passes the integrity check, the upgrade process finishes automatically as described in Step 4. If the toolkit files have been damaged or modified, the script displays an error with instructions to remove the toolkit.

ERROR: /opt/SUNWjass/Drivers/user.init.SAMPLE
    file size <2467> expected <2474> actual
    file cksum <4574> expected <5119> actual
Failed integrity check for package SUNWjass. Please remove the package before continuing.

Note - If you are running Solaris 9 OS on your SC, and you already have Solaris Security Toolkit 4.1.1 on the SC, you can keep using that version.

If you receive an error message, take the following steps.

a. Remove the damaged or modified package.

i. Use the pkgrm command to remove the Solaris Security Toolkit package.

sc0% pkgrm SUNWjass

A message similar to this one is displayed for each package.

The following package is currently installed:
  SUNWjass        Solaris Security Toolkit
                  (Solaris) 4.1.1
Do you want to remove this package? 

ii. To remove each package, enter y for Yes.

Here is an example. The message varies by package.

Do you want to remove this package? y
## Removing installed package instance <SUNWjass>
## Verifying package dependencies.
## Processing package information.

b. After removing the package, start smsupgrade again.

4. Conclude the upgrade process.

After verifying the integrity of the toolkit, the script installs the SMS packages.

Installing SMS packages. Please wait...
pkgadd -n -d "../Product" -a /tmp/smsinstall.admin.24308 SUNWscdvr.u
Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Installation of <SUNWscdvr> was successful.
Installation of <SUNWSMSr> was successful.

Note - The smsupgrade(1M) script automatically installs the SMS man pages in the directory /opt/SUNWSMS/man/sman1m. To avoid conflicts, do not change this location.

After installing the SMS 1.6 packages, the smsupgrade script restores the previous SMS environment and starts picld. The screen output includes instructions about manually hardening the SC.

Attempting to start daemon picld
/etc/init.d/picld start
Attempting to start zoed...
zoed started.
It is recommended to harden the System Controller after an SMS
upgrade. Execute the following to do this:
  1) /opt/SUNWjass/bin/jass-execute -q server-secure.driver
  2) Reboot the System Controller
Before rebooting, please make sure SSH or the serial or console line is setup for use after the reboot
smsupgrade complete. Log file is /var/sadm/system/logs/smsupgrade.

procedure icon  To Install Any SMS Patches on the Main SC

SMS patches are available at http://sunsolve.sun.com.

Before you install patches for your SMS software, follow these guidelines and notify the affected administrators if necessary.

Complete any domain, board, or configuration changes before you begin patch installation.

Read all patch instructions (included with the patch) carefully before attempting to install a patch. Instructions in the patch procedure could preempt these instructions.

1. Log in to the main SC (sc0) with platform administrator privileges.

2. Install any SMS patches on the main SC.

procedure icon  To Manually Harden the Main SC

The smsupgrade script does not automatically harden the SC. To manually harden the SC after upgrading SMS software, follow the instructions shown on the screen or in this section.

1. Log in to the main SC as superuser.

2. Type the following command to harden.

sc0:# /opt/SUNWjass/bin/jass-execute -q -d server-secure.driver

Note - The -q (quiet) option suppresses verbose output from the system when you execute this command.

The system responds with the prompt Are you sure?

3. Type yes to proceed.

The system hardens the main SC.

4. Before you reboot, if you want someone to be able to log in to an SC remotely, you must make a change in your /etc/hosts.allow file in the Solaris Security Toolkit.

Note - Once you reboot and the hardening takes effect, you cannot log into an SC remotely.

sshd: LOCAL

sshd: ALL

sshd: spare-sc1

For more information about the /etc/hosts.allow file, refer to the Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 Reference Manual.

procedure icon  To Reboot the Main System Controller

1. Log in to the main SC as superuser and change to the OpenBoot PROM prompt.

sc0:# su -
password: superuser_passwd
sc0:# shutdown -y -g0 -i0
...[system message]

2. Reboot the main SC.

ok boot -rv 

procedure icon  To Upgrade the Main SC Flash PROMs

You must have platform (platadm) privileges to run the flashupdate(1M) command.

1. Log in to the main SC as a user with platadmn privileges.

2. Use flashupdate to upgrade the fp0 flash PROM.

sc0:sms-user:> flashupdate -f /opt/SUNWSMS/firmware/SCOBPimg.di sc0/fp0

3. Use flashupdate again to upgrade the fp1 flash PROM, using the appropriate image for the type of board.

For more information on the flashupdate(1M) command, refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.6 Reference Manual or the flashupdate man page.

procedure icon  To Switch Control Back to the Main SC

1. Log in to the spare SC (sc1) as superuser.

2. Stop SMS.

sc1:# /etc/init.d/sms stop 

3. Log in to the main SC (sc0) and change to the OpenBoot PROM prompt.

sc0:# shutdown -y -g0 -i0
...[system message]

4. Reboot the main SC.

ok boot -rv

Wait for all processes to start on the main SC before proceeding to the next step. Use the showenvironment command to verify that all SMS processes have started on the main SC.

5. Use the /etc/init.d/sms script to restart SMS on the spare SC.

sc1:# /etc/init.d/sms start

procedure icon  To Enable Failover

1. Log in to the main SC as a user with platadmn privileges.

2. Turn on failover.

sc0:sms-user:> /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/setfailover on

3. Verify that failover is working.

sc0:sms-user:> /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/showfailover -v
SC Failover Status: ACTIVATING
sc0:sms-user:> /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/showfailover -v
SC Failover status: ACTIVE

After you issue the setfailover command, the SCs begin to synchronize. While the main SC synchronizes with the spare SC, the failover status reads ACTIVATING. Once the synchronization is complete, the status reads ACTIVE.

procedure icon  To Upgrade the System Board Flash PROMs

You must have platform privileges to run the flashupdate(1M) command.

1. Log in to the main SC as a user with platadmn privileges.

2. Use flashupdate to upgrade the CPU flash PROMs in a domain.

The location argument can be either of the following:



Specify the FPROM_id only when you want to update a particular FPROM (FP0 or FP1) on a system board. These are the possible values for board_loc, provided an I/O slot is occupied by an MCPU board:

Sun Fire 15K/E25K

Sun Fire 12K/E20K





The following FPROM_id forms are accepted for all platforms:

FP0, FP1

For example, the location SB4/FP0 indicates the FPROM 0 on the CPU board in slot 4.

3. Perform a system power-on self-test (POST) control application, hpost, per board with a dynamic reconfiguration operation to make the new firmware active on system boards.

caution icon

Caution - Doing a reboot will not activate the new firmware. Use the setkeyswitch(1M) command to activate the firmware.