C H A P T E R  2

Known Issues in SMS 1.6 Software

This chapter provides information about known SMS 1.6 CRs, as well as CRs for related products that affect SMS. The chapter includes the following sections:

SMS 1.6 Software CRs

There are no outstanding CRs associated with the SMS 1.6 software. For more information on the patches available for SMS 1.6, see SMS 1.6 Software Patches.

Issues in Related Products

This section discusses CRs and RFEs for other products that affect SMS 1.6.

Solaris OS Related Issues

Error Processing FRU Tree: IO Error (CR ID 6325788)

This CR affects systems running SMS 1.6 with the Solaris 10 1/06 OS on the SCs. It does not appear on systems running the Solaris 9 OS.

When you use the prtfru command to access the field replaceable units (FRUs) on your system, prtfru might return the error message Error processing FRU tree: IO error. When this condition occurs, dynamic FRUID, COD and Availability might not work properly.

Workaround: Install Solaris 10 1/06 OS patches 121286-02 and 121946-01. All patches can be found at http://sunsolve.sun.com.

panic:recursive mutex_enter, Then panic:panic sync timeout After cfgadm unconfigure N0.SB0::mem (CR ID 6379866)

In some systems with UltraSPARC IV+ cpu/memory boards, using the following command can lead to system panics.

# cfgadm -c unconfigure N0.SB0::memory

Workaround: A patch will be released for this CR. All patches are available at http://sunsolve.sun.com.

prtdiag Still Shows the System Board After the Board Was DR'ed Out of the Domain (CR ID 6298989)

After a board with an UltraSPARC IV+ processor has been unconfigured out of the domain using DR, prtdiag still shows the board as being present in the domain. Issuing the psrinfo command correctly shows that the board is no longer present in that domain.

Workaround: This has been fixed in the Solaris 10 1/06 release. If you are running the Solaris 10 3/05 release, Solaris 9, or Solaris 8 on the domain, you must install a patch for your version of the Solaris OS.

These patches are available at http://sunsolve.sun.com.

Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 Software Related Issues

Sample ipf.conf* Files Block All UDP Traffic (CR 6307744)

SST 4.2 contains three ipf.conf files:

These sample files contain errors that block all UDP traffic when used with the rules in other (preceding) filter files.

Workaround: A patch is available for this CR at http://sunsolve.sun.com. Search for the patch using the CR number, 6307744.

enable-ipfilter Installs Config File in the Wrong Path (CR 6364993)

The enable-ipfilter.fin script installs the ipf.conf file in the wrong location. This can result in the rules in ipf.conf not being used with SST.

Workaround: A patch is available for this CR at http://sunsolve.sun.com. Search for the patch using the CR number, 6364993.

ipfilter Fails to Start Due to ipf.conf syntax error at "" (CR 6394832)

When server.secure-driver is executed, ipfilter fails to load the ipf.conf file. This causes the following error to be displayed:


[May 7 01:20:06 Executing start method ("/lib/svc/method/ipfilter start")]
syntax error error at "", line 21
/lib/svc/method/ipfilter: load of /etc/ipf/conf into alternate set failed
Not switching config due to load error.

Workaround: A patch is available for this CR at http://sunsolve.sun.com. Search for the patch using the CR number, 6394832.

For more information about SST 4.2, refer to the Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 documentation set, available at http://www.sun.com/documentation.

Sun Fire Hardware-Related Issues

Starcat Othello+ cp2140 SMC Corruption During Combined SPARC/SMC Update With 1.1.16 (CR 6422438)

When updating the firmware on the SPARCengine CP2000 Model 140 (cp2140) board in a Sun Fire system to version 1.1.16, the flashupdate utility might exit prematurely and cause the system to hang during the update process.

Workaround: This issue is fixed in firmware version 1.1.19.