C H A P T E R  3

Notes For Servers With Part Number 501-6843

This chapter describes the important information that applies to Sun Fire T2000 Servers with a part number of 501-6843. To determine the part number of your server, see To Determine the Part Number and Which Notes Apply to Your Server.

Refer to the following sections for details:

Note - For hardware RAID support, you must install Patch 121130-01 or greater for the Solaris 10 1/06 OS. Hardware RAID support is enabled by default with the Solaris 10 6/06 (or later) OS. See Hardware RAID Support.

Supported Firmware and Software Versions

Latest Versions

The following firmware and software versions are preinstalled on the server:

Minimum Versions

If you decide to reinstall software or firmware on your server, be aware of the following minimum supported versions for the Sun Fire T2000 server with part number 501-6843:

Required Patches

This section describes the required patches for the Sun Fire T2000 server (with part number 501-6843). These patches must be installed on the server before you deploy the server. You must install these patches on servers that use the factory preinstalled Solaris OS, and on servers where the Solaris OS is installed at the site.

Patches are available from http://www.sun.com/sunsolve.

Use TABLE 3-1 to determine which patches are required on your server.

TABLE 3-1 Mandatory Patches for Servers With Part Number 501-6843

Solaris 10 3/05 HW2 OS

Solaris 10 1/06 OS

Solaris 10 6/06 OS

Solaris 10 11/06 OS


  • 118822-23 or greater
  • 119578-22 or greater
  • 121236-01 or greater
  • 121265-01 or greater
  • 119981-05 or greater
  • 120824-03 or greater
  • 120849-02 or greater
  • 118918-09 or greater
  • 119578-22 or greater
  • 118833-24 or greater


  • 118833-24 or greater


Hardware RAID support[1]



If you have option cards added to your server, refer to the documentation and README files for each card to determine if additional patches need to be installed.

Whether you use the preinstalled version of the Solaris OS, or you reinstall the Solaris OS on this server, you must modify the /etc/system file to ensure optimum functionality. See Mandatory /etc/system File Entries.

Note - Before contacting Sun for support, ensure that the mandatory patches are installed on your server. In addition to installing these patches, Sun recommends that you check the SunSolve web site on a regular basis for the availability of new patches.

procedure icon  To Apply Patches to the Boot Disk

1. Determine whether the patches have been installed on your system.

For example, using the showrev command, type the following:

# showrev -p | grep "Patch: 118822"

For example, if patch 118822-23 or later is installed, your system has the required version of this patch.

For example, if no version of the 118822 patch, or a version with an extension of
-22 or earlier is installed, you must download and install the new patch.

2. Go to http://www.sun.com/sunsolve to download the patches.

Using the SunSolve PatchFinder tool, specify the base Patch ID number (the first six digits) to access the current release of a patch.

Follow the installation instructions provided in a specific patch's README file.

Known Issues

This section describes issues that are known to exist for this release of the Sun Fire T2000 server.

General Functionality Issues

TABLE 3-2 lists features that are not available at the time of this release of the Sun Fire T2000 server.

TABLE 3-2 Functionality Issues for the Sun Fire T2000 Server with Part Number 501-6843



Hardware RAID

Hardware RAID is only supported on servers that have the following patches installed:

  • 121130-01 or greater for the Solaris 10 1/06 OS only, not required for the Solaris 10 6/06 (or later) OS.
  • 119850-14 or greater
  • 122165-01 or greater

See Hardware RAID Support.

Java Enterprise System
(Java ES) software--Network Security Services (NSS) and RSA keys

The NSS shared component in the Java ES 2005Q1 software release might be adversely affected by the single-threaded floating point unit in the UltraSPARC® T1 processor on Sun Fire T2000 servers. This can result in less than optimal performance during the initial negotiation of RSA keys. If your application relies heavily on RSA negotiation, consider installing Java ES 2005Q4 and the latest recommended patches. This software is available for download at the following web site:


Solaristrademark Predictive Self-Healing (PSH) feature

The Solaris PSH implementation is not fully implemented in this release of the product. If a PSH message with a message ID of FMD-8000-OW occurs, refer to the instructions at: http://www.sun.com/msg/FMD-8000-0W

Sun Explorer utility

This server is supported by the Suntrademark Explorer 5.2 data collection utility, but is not supported by earlier releases of the utility. Installing Suntrademark Cluster or Sun Net Connect software from the pre-installed Java ES package will automatically install an earlier version of the utility on your system. After installing any of the Java ES software, determine whether an earlier version of the Sun Explorer product has been installed on your system by typing the following:

# pkginfo -l SUNWexplo

If an earlier version exists, uninstall it and install version 5.2, or later. To download Sun Explorer 5.2, go to:


SunSM Net Connect

The version of Sun Net Connect software included with the Java ES 2005Q1 release does not fully support Sun Fire T2000 servers. Do not install this version of the Sun Net Connect software on your Sun Fire T2000 server. If this version is inadvertently installed on this system, uninstall it. The Sun Fire T2000 server requires Sun Net Connect version 3.2.2 or later. You can download this version from the following web site:


See CR 6338365 for an identified known issue for Sun Net Connect 3.2.2 software.


Specific Issues and Workarounds

TABLE 3-3 lists known issues for which a change request ID (CR ID, formerly known as a bug ID) has been assigned. The table also lists possible workarounds for these issues.

For more information about these CRs, visit the SunSolve web site.

TABLE 3-3 Specific Issues for the Sun Fire T2000 Server with Part Number 501-6843





The SunVTStrademark netlbtest does not show up in the SunVTS user interface.

In the SunVTS config file (/opt/SUNWvts/lib/conf/netlbtest.conf),

add the following line:

ipge ipge 1gbaseT


Large page sizes can create stale entries in the translation storage buffer (TSB).

In the /etc/system file, add the following line:

set segkmem_lpsize=0x400000

This reduces the page size used for the large page kernel heap from 256MB to 4MB. See Mandatory /etc/system File Entries.

Note: This issue is fixed in the Solaris 10 1/06 OS release.


The SunVTS cputest might fail when you run both SunVTS functional memory tests (pmemtest and vmemtest) at the same time.

Do not run the SunVTS cputest and the SunVTS functional memory tests (pmemtest and vmemtest) at the same time.
Note: This bug is fixed in the SunVTS 6.1 release.


The ALOM CMT showplatform command cannot distinguish the system state between the OpenBoottrademark PROM (OBP) state and the OS running state.

Do not use the showplatform command to determine the state of the system.


If POST detects a failed I/O device, the failure information is not passed to the system controller for further processing.

If you suspect that a faulty I/O device was detected by POST, contact your service representative for support.


The SunVTS USB keyboard test (usbtest) reports that a keyboard is present when there is no keyboard attached to the server.

Do not run the usbtest.


When accessing the host through the ALOM CMT console command, you might experience slow console response.

For optimum responsiveness, access the host through the host network interfaces as soon as the host has completed booting the OS.


Executing the ALOM CMT break and go commands might cause the system to hang.

If the console hangs, reset the system.


After using the bootmode reset_nvram command, the system console displays the following alert:
NVRAM contents invalid

Check the OBP variables and set them to your desired settings.


Recycling AC power results in the following erroneous message:
Preceding SC reset due to watchdog

Disregard this message.


ALOM CMT does not detect FRU replacements performed while the server is in standby mode.

After replacing a FRU (for example, DIMMs) when the server is in standby mode, issue the resetsc command. This resets the system controller and results in the detection of the replaced FRU.


The SunVTS dtlbtest currently tests unsupported page sizes and returns the following error message:
Subtest skipped due to failure to allocate memory

Disregard this message.
Note: This bug is fixed in the SunVTS 6.1 release.


Typing unrecognized commands or words at the ok prompt causes the system to return the following erroneous error:

ERROR: Last Trap

and might hang the server.

Disregard this erroneous error message. If the server hangs, reset the server from the system console.


Whenever the system resets, including after a POST reset, you might see the following message: Host system has shut down

Disregard this message. The system will be reset and display the OBP ok prompt as expected.


If you attempt to disable the ttya port using the disablecomponent command, the port will not be disabled.

Do not disable the ttya port.


PCI-X slots cannot be disabled individually.

If you need to disable PCIX0 or PCIX1 you must disable both slots.


The PCIEa or PCIEb components cannot be enabled or disabled using the enablecomponent and disablecomponent commands.

At this time, no workaround is available for this issue.


POST does not run if diag_trigger is set to all-resets.

To ensure that POST runs, use the setkeyswitch command to control how POST runs. Do not set diag_trigger to all-resets.


The console history boot and run logs are the same.

At this time, no workaround is available for this issue.


If networking is disabled by setting if_network to false, subsequent system console resets return VxDiag errors.

At this time, no workaround is available for this issue.


The ASR disablecomponent command does not disable the pcix0 slot.

Do not attempt to disable the PCIX 0 slot. Also see CR 6318235*.

Note: the SAS disk controller is installed in the
PCIX 0 slot.


The OBP and Solaris OS banners display a product name of Sun Fire T200.

The correct product name should read Sun Fire T2000. This issue has no impact on the system.


During an ALOM CMT password recovery procedure, there is a lot of writing activity on the system controller card. The activity might cause a timeout that results in the following erroneous system controller messages:
SC Alert: SCC has been removed.
SC Alert: SCC has been inserted.

Disregard these erroneous error messages.


If ALOM CMT resetsc is executed too soon after clearasrdb or enablecomponent, the system might return the following error:
No valid MEMORY configuration

Wait several seconds after the clearasrdb or enablecomponent command completes before executing resetsc.


After a failed DIMM was cleared from the asr database, ALOM CMT might not properly reboot and returns the following error message:
No valid MEMORY configuration

Wait 10 seconds after executing the clearasrdb command before executing the resetsc command. Refer to the Sun Fire T2000 Server Service Manual for information about clearing DIMM-related faults.


The SunVTS cryptotest might hang when SunVTS testing is stopped.

Terminate the SunVTS cryptotest process manually before running SunVTS tests again.
Note: This bug is fixed in the SunVTS 6.1 release.


Sun Net Connect 3.2.2 software does not monitor environmental alarms on the Sun Fire T2000 server.

To receive notification that an environmental error has occurred, use the ALOM CMT mgt_mailalert feature to have ALOM CMT send an email when an event occurs.

To check whether or not the environmental status of the server is ok, log on to ALOM CMT and run the showfaults command.

To view a history of any events the server encountered, log on to ALOM CMT and run the showlogs command.


The system might hang after a panic when the sync command is used.

If the server hangs, reset the server from the system console.


If a CPU or memory fault occurs while the server is running a trap handler, the system might panic with a bad trap instead of providing a CPU or memory fault message. In such cases, memory scrubbing is not performed.

Reset the server, and check the server for possible faults using the showfaults command.


When a Solaris PSH error is detected and reported, the following erroneous message (in addition to the correct message) might be reported:

msg = warning: bad proto frame implies corrupt/lost msg(s)

Disregard the erroneous message.


The server does not answer incoming calls on the ALOM CMT serial management port.

Do not connect a modem to the ALOM CMT serial port.



Disabling the CPU or memory components with the ASR disablecomponent command causes POST to fail.

Do not run the ASR disablecomponent command.


The system might generate erroneous fault messages with the following message ID:




Make sure that the following line is in the /etc/system file:

set pcie:pcie_aer_ce_mask=0x1

See Mandatory /etc/system File Entries.


For a small percentage of correctable memory errors, POST might not isolate the correct DIMM.

If you replace a reported faulty DIMM and memory errors persist, replace the other DIMM from the following DIMM pairs:

J1101 - J1201

J1301 - J1401

J2101 - J2201

J2301 - J2401


SunVTS memory tests, in rare cases, might log a warning message similar to the following when the ECC Error Monitor (errmon) option is enabled:

WARNING: software error encountered while processing /ar/fm/fmd/errlog Additional-Information: end-offile reached

Do not enable the errmon option. The errmon option is disabled by default.


The server might not power on when power supply 0 (PS0) is not installed in the chassis. The following error is displayed on the console:
No CPU Signon

Do not remove PS0. If PS0 fails, leave it installed until you are ready to replace it. If you replace PS0, shut the operating system down and power off the server. This problem is not relevant for PS1. Therefore, PS1 can be hot swapped.


The raidctl command, which provides a status of the hardware RAID volumes, might report an incorrect disk target ID for a disk that is removed from the chassis and the system is rebooted.

The raidctl command will report the correct target ID when the disk is reinstalled.


When SunVTS testing is stopped while the dtlbtest is running, the test might fail with the following error:

No CPUs to test

Upgrade to SunVTS 6.1 PS1. This release of SunVTS is available from:


The ALOM showlogs -p p command displays a lot of data and could slow down the ALOM CLI.

To display the persistent log, use the following command instead:

showlogs -e x

where x specifies the number of lines (most recent log entries) to be displayed.


At the ok prompt, you can only enter text up to 114 characters.

Do not attempt to enter more than 114 characters at the ok prompt.


System fault messages and ALOM CMT alerts continue to be generated at boot time after the fault has been repaired.

This issue is fixed when the mandatory patch, 119578-22 or greater, is installed. See Required Patches.

If this patch is not installed, you can clear fault messages by performing the procedure described in the Sun Fire T2000 Server Service Manual.


When a grounding wire is connected to the grounding pin on the rear of the chassis, it is not possible to change rear blower without removing the ground connection.

If you need to replace the rear blower unit, and there is a grounding wire connected, remove the grounding wire to access the blower unit.


The system cannot boot if a Sun type-7 keyboard is plugged into one of the front USB ports.

Do not plug a type-7 keyboard into any of the front USB ports. Instead, use a different kind of keyboard, or use the rear USB ports.


USB support is only provided when you install the Entire Distribution +OEM Solaris cluster.

If you plan to use the onboard USB interfaces, make sure you choose the Entire Distribution +OEM (SUNWCXall) cluster when you install the Solaris OS.


The probe-scsi command does not probe devices connected to the onboard disk controller.

Instead, use the probe-scsi-all command.


The DVD drive does not perform write operations using a speed of x24.

When using the cdrw command to write to the DVD drive, do not use the following command:

cdrw -p24

Instead, use one of the following speeds:

  • cdrw -p16
  • cdrw -p10


Intermittently, upon a system host power-on or reset, the system powers down with the following message:

HV Abort: JBI Error (22) - PowerDown

Disregard this message. If the server hangs, reset the server from the system console.



The server fails to boot from a Linux tftp boot server on the network.



The ALOM disablecomponent command does not disable the Ethernet ports.

Do not use the disablecomponent command to disable the Ethernet ports.


X-option and replacement hard drives might not have an electronic disk label.

If you plan to replace or add a hard drive to your server, the drive might not have an electronic disk label and you must run the Format utility to label the drive. Instructions for labeling the drive are provided in a document titled Labeling Unlabeled Hard Drives (part number 819-3805), which is posted with the Sun Fire T2000 server documentation at: http://www.sun.com/documentation

Hardware RAID Support

RAID technology allows for the construction of a logical volume, made up of several physical disks, to provide data redundancy, increased performance, or both. The Sun Fire T2000 server onboard disk controller supports the following RAID configurations:

You must have the following patches installed on the server before you create RAID volumes:

For information on how to implement hardware RAID on the server, refer to the Sun Fire T2000 Server Administration Guide (part number 819-2549). This document is available alongside the other Sun Fire T2000 manuals at http://www.sun.com/documentation.

1 (TableFootnote) Patches listed in this row are only needed if you plan to use hardware RAID with this server.
2 (TableFootnote) This issue does not apply to systems running with the latest OS, System Firmware, and SunVTS versions. See Latest Versions.