Sun Enterprise 3500 System Reference Manual

Internal Options

Table 1-1 Internal Options for the Sun Enterprise 3500 System




CPU/Memory+ boards, SBus+ I/O boards, Graphics+ I/O boards, PCI+ I/O boards 

5 total per system

Each slot can accept four types of boards: CPU/Memory+ board, SBus+ I/O board, Graphics+ I/O board, and PCI+ I/O board. Combinations can vary. Since slot 1 connects to the onboard SCSI devices, however, this slot should be reserved for the first I/O+ board. One system board becomes the system master automatically. Jumper changes are not needed.  

UltraSPARC II modules 

8 per system 


0-2 modules on each CPU/Memory+ board. 

Memory modules 

0, 8, or 16 SIMMs per CPU/Memory+ board 

SIMM sizes are 8, 32, or 128 Mbyte DRAM. Do not mix sizes within the same bank. Add 8 SIMMs at a time. Install SIMMs in all bank 0 sockets first on each CPU/Memory+ board, from the lowest slot to the highest. Once bank 0 is full, install remaining SIMMs in bank 1 sockets in the same order. 

SBus cards 

12 per system 


0-3 cards per SBus+ I/O board, 0-2 cards per Graphics+ I/O board. 

Graphics (UPA) cards 

4 per system 


1 card per Graphics+ I/O board. 

PCI cards 

Dependent upon card type, consult your customer representative 

0-2 cards per PCI+ I/O board. 

Media tray 

CD-ROM drive and optional tape drive 

Media tray takes removable-media drives only. One SunCD 32 is standard equipment per system. One optional tape drive is supported in the media tray. 

Interface board 

1 per system 


4 GBIC slots on the interface board (2 GBICs per I/O+ board). 

Disk drives 

8 internal disk bays 

Top bank can hold 4 disk drives; bottom bank can hold 4 disk drives. Install disks in bottom bank first, from left to right, starting with bay 0 (the farthest bay to the left as you face the front of the system is bay 0. Note: Reserve bay 0 for boot disk). Also install disks in top bank from left to right.