Sun Enterprise 3500 System Reference Manual

Defective Power Supplies

The auxiliary peripheral power supply and power/cooling modules (PCMs) are hot-pluggable.

Caution - Caution -

Boards in slots adjacent to a PCM may overheat if the supply is removed and not replaced. The PCM provides cooling air to two board slots.

Caution - Caution -

Do not hot-plug boards or modules if the peripheral power supply/AC is defective. The hot-plug feature requires a working PPS/AC for precharge current.

Table 10-6 Power Supply Problems




For Peripheral power supply: System error message Peripheral device fails

Verify module is ready: --Green LED off. --Yellow LED may be on. 


See Chapter 7, Power Supplies.


Before replacing any other hot-pluggable devices, replace faulty peripheral power supply to ensure availability of precharge current.  



For PCM: System error message Board fails

Verify PCM is ready: --Green LED off. --Yellow LED may be on.  

See "Power/Cooling Module (PCM)".