Sun Enterprise 3500 System Reference Manual

Reading Boot Messages

  1. Use the boot software messages to verify the presence of options in the system. After POST completes the system self-test, a message similar to the following will appear on your screen. The message lists hardware detected in the system.

    Note -

    The following screen display is only an example. The actual message displayed on the screen will vary with the software running on the system.

    5-slot Sun Enterprise 3500, Keyboard Present
    OpenBoot -.- FCS, --- MB memory installed, Serial #---.
    Ethernet address -:-:--:-:--:--, Host ID: ------.

If there is no terminal on this system, you must check the system status by inspecting LEDs on the front panel. See Figure 11-4.

Figure 11-4 Front Panel Status LEDs


Table 11-1 summarizes the front panel LED status conditions during and after POST.

Table 11-1 LED Status Indicators



Left LED (green) 

On -- DC power supply is receiving AC current. 

Off -- There is no DC power. 

Middle LED (yellow) 

On flashing -- (first 60 seconds) Self tests are running. 

Off -- (after self tests end) No hardware failures. 

On -- (after self tests end) Hardware failure was detected. 

Right LED (green) 

Off -- (first 60 seconds) Self tests are running. 

On flashing-- (after self tests end) System is running. 

Off -- (after self tests end) System cannot run; repair is needed.