Solstice PPP 3.0.1 Administration Guide

Configuring IP Interfaces for Synchronous Devices

  1. Enter the local IP address.

    Enter a hostname that appears in the file /etc/hosts on your machine, or enter an IP address using dot notation. Press Return to accept the default hostname.

    Local IP address [papyrus]:
  2. Enter the remote IP address.

    Enter a hostname that appears in the file /etc/hosts on your machine, or enter an IP address using dot notation.

    Remote IP address: epic
  3. Enter the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU).

    By default, the MTU is set to 1500, which is the optimum value for Ethernet connections, and is sufficient in most cases. Enter a new value for the MTU (between 60 and 8232), or press Return to accept the default.

    IP Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) [1500]: 
  4. Enter the names of the synchronous devices that the interface will use.

    The script displays a list of all the synchronous devices that you defined earlier. If you associate several devices with a single synchronous interface, you enable load-sharing for this link.

    Select synchronous interfaces for ipdptp0
    Choose between:
    	  zsh0              zsh1
    Enter a comma separated list :
  5. Confirm the configuration of your IP interface.

    The script displays the choices you selected. Type y to add this device to the configuration file.

    ifconfig ipdptp0 plumb
    ifconfig ipdptp0 papyrus epic mtu 1500 netmask up
    Ok to add this configuration [y]? y