Solstice PPP 3.0.1 Administration Guide

Configuring Synchronous Devices

  1. Enter the Unix device name of the serial port for this link.

    The two on-board serial ports are named zsh0 (port A) and zsh1 (port B). High speed interface ports have names of the form hihn.

    	Unix device for serial interface (zsh0, hih0, ...): zsh0
  2. Specify the type of clocking for the port.

    Choose Internal, if the system baud rate provides clocking, or External if the clock is provided by some other device. You can also specify your own clocking parameters for the transmit (txc) and receive (rxc) clocks.

    	Type of clocking for this port
    	 [1] - Internal (loopback=no txc=baud rxc=rxc)
    	 [2] - External (loopback=no txc=txc  rxc=rxc)
    	 [3] - Specify own clocking parameters
    		Your choice [1]: 
  3. Specify the line speed, if required.

    If you chose internal clocking in the previous step, you must also specify the line speed for the device. The default value 19200 is the optimum line speed for the on-board serial interfaces (zshn). .

    Line speed [19200]:
  4. Confirm the configuration of your synchronous device.

    The script displays the choices you selected. Type y to add this device to the configuration file.

    	sync_device	syncdev0
    	unix_device	zsh0
    	line_speed	19200
    	tx_clock	baud
    	rx_clock	rxc
    Ok to add this entry? [y]: y