C H A P T E R  2

Configuring Properties

This chapter explains the properties you need to create and set to transition from the Content Delivery Server, version 5.0 to the Content Delivery Server, version 5.1. Steps specific to migrating from version 5.0 PU1 to version 5.1 are explicitly called out.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Setting the Configuration Properties

1. Configure the new version of Content Delivery Server as you normally would, including setting the .cfg configuration file.

Check that the Vending Manger server account name property in the old version and in the new version are the same in the .cfg configuration file. If they are not, after properties migration has completed, manually set the Vending Manger server account name specified for the new version in the configuration (conf) directory.

2. Run the deployment command:

cdsi deploy

3. Open and perform the following edits to the properties migration file, $CDS_HOME/cfg/migration/props_migration_5.0_5.1.xml (if migrating from version 5.0 PU1, edit the file $CDS_HOME/cfg/migration/props_migration_5.0PU1_5.1.xml:

a. Set new-cds-home and template-home by replacing [[CDS New Home]] to the directory where the new version (5.1) of the Content Delivery Server is installed and [[CDS Template Home]] to the directory where the old version (5.0 or 5.0PU1 as applicable) is installed.

The installation of the old version contains the configuration and localization file templates of the old version of Content Delivery Server. If your installation does not contain the templates, apply the latest patch that you can obtain from support. You must provide an absolute path.

The template must merge all the files and the properties provided by the patch that correspond to the files pointed to by template-home. The templates must contain all the properties required for property migration before the migration is run.

b. Set old-cds-home by replacing [[CDS Old Home]] to the directory where the old version (5.0 or 5.0PU1 as applicable) of Content Delivery Server is installed.

You must provide an absolute path.

c. Set all occurrences of new-name by replacing [[CDS New Deployment Name]] to the deployment name of the new version of Content Delivery Server.

d. Set all occurrences of old-name by replacing [[CDS Old Deployment Name]] to the deployment name of the old version of Content Delivery Server.

e. Set all occurrences of template-name by replacing [[CDS Old Distribution Name]] to cds.

This is the distribution that contains the configuration and localization file templates for the old version of Content Delivery Server.

4. Run the cdspm migrateprops -f props_filename command on the $CDS_HOME/cfg/migration/props_migration_5.0_5.1.xml (or the $CDS_HOME/cfg/migration/props_migration_5.0PU1_5.1.xml file as applicable).

The sample properties configuration file in the following section provides an example of how to set these properties.

Editing the Workflow

After you set the configuration properties, you need to modify the SubmissionVerifiedWorkflow.xml file for your deployment of Content Delivery Server. See the Sun Java System Content Delivery Server Installation Guide for information on how to edit the file to meet your deployment needs. If you choose to create your own SubmissionVerifiedWorkflow.xml file, see the Sun Java System Content Delivery Server Integration Guide.

Sample Configuration File

You can use the following sample properties configuration file to configure your Content Delivery Server properties.

CODE EXAMPLE 2-1 Sample Configuration XML File

Note - For this example, “old_version” refers to either version 5.0 or version 5.0 PU1 as applicable to your situation.